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Yeah but being the villain is good as long as people google you, lol.

Maybe that should be added to the RT scores.

"Hmm everyone says they wanted two hours of their life back after watching it honey but look at that google score, let's give it a shot," lol.

You aren?t getting it. Interest... any interest... is indicative of a reaction, positive or negative. There is some passion to want to like it or hate it. The ST doesn?t have that. People saw the movie so they could talk to there buddies at work for a week and then it?s done. There is no interest, no rewatch value, nothing from the ST.

The ST killed the 3.75? line.

The ST Hot Toys completely bombed.

Where are the post TROS novels? They need to go back thousands of years just to sell books now!

NAh they aren't gonna stop making Star wars movies. it's just people aren't as excited for it anymore

You?ll still get people seeing it just for something to do and talk about. See the Fast and Furious franchise. Yet, you?ll have ST defenders swear by the box office numbers, even though when real measure interest, google trends, show it as a failure.

Yeah they're definitely gonna try with at least three more, probably tied to that Project Luminous nonsense and starring Brie Larson as the lead Jedi. :yuck

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But the Saga is done as far as I'm concerned so I don't really care what they do from here on out.

Holy crap that would be bad.

Time has been a little nicer to the PT because the kids who loved it are older now.

I imagine the same thing will happen with the ST.

What kids like the ST? Toy lines failed. No trick or treaters as any of them that I?ve seen. Assuming the average kid is a white little boy, who is there to cheer for? Seriously? You gonna have little boys wanting to grow up to be Rey? Kylo? Maybe Poe or Finn, but you have to wonder how race and gender plays into children's mindsets when picking someone to idolize.

You can just look at memes to see how kids view the ST.... because there hardly aren?t any of the ST, where the PT has dedicated following.

As for killing SW... If you want to say its been killed.. Not sure I agree. That honor goes to TLJ and TLJ alone. People LOVED TFA (Not me). TLJ really divided the fans and TROS had to try and fix all the issues that that film created. TROS to me feels like it should be two movies instead of one. I would have been happy with a 3 hour epic.

Yup. TLJ killed it. We agree on this too! :)

Let me start off by saying that even though I have most of the ST ranked low I can still find some enjoyment out of it.

The opening scene of TFA was good. BB-8 Thumbs Up. The Han scenes, but I hate what they did to him. Literally nothing from TLJ. TROS I need to fast forward to see if there is a scene I may like. Everything I?ve seen so far tells me no though.

I said this way back when TFA came out.. The ST needed more Lucas (for his imagination) and the PT needed more Kasdan or just about anyone else to help Lucas lol.

I agree.

However your argument for why people don't like the PT could be used against you with regards to the ST. If I don't like how the PT handled the Anakin / Vader character why is tat any different then you not liking how the ST handled Luke?

I think most have issues with the bad acting, corny dialogue, and dull direction.

I think there is a difference because we knew who Luke was in the OT. He wasn?t anything like that in the ST. He regressed. Everything that we thought he would be based on his growth never happened.

We never knew who Anakin was in the OT, we knew Vader, but not Anakin. We never knew what he was like or where he came from or how he was forced to wear the suit. You had guesses, but never shown like we had with Luke. Basically the PT created a new character in Anakin and the ST deconstructed a character in Luke.
Lol the two stooges still putting down the PT to uplift the ST I see. Also hilarious how they are the only ones in this thread doing so.

You guys can hate the PT all you want but the ST will forever go down in history as the franchise that destroyed Star Wars . Not the PT. Infact the PT just grew in popularity thanks to those awful films.

Have you noticed how jye constantly brown noses Khev and agrees with everything he says. You can't take them seriously.
It's true the ST bombed. No one will remember it 20 years time. But the PT it's still going strong.
The opening scene of TFA was good. BB-8 Thumbs Up. The Han scenes, but I hate what they did to him. Literally nothing from TLJ. TROS I need to fast forward to see if there is a scene I may like. Everything I?ve seen so far tells me no though.

Oops.... For the record I was referring to the PT not the ST when I said that ?even though I have the films ranked low I can find some enjoyment out of them.

I?ll comment on the rest tomorrow. :)
And seeing as everyone else is doing rankings I may as well add my own:




Have you noticed how jye constantly brown noses Khev and agrees with everything he says. You can't take them seriously.
It's true the ST bombed. No one will remember it 20 years time. But the PT it's still going strong.

The only SW thing that is "still going strong" is the OT (and now The Mandalorian thanks to "Baby Yoda"); and will be the only thing that truly endures. The rest are just periodic hiccups that only the diehards will hang onto.

The most iconic villain in history, and one that outsells any era of SW collectibles, is Vader. 3PO, R2, Stormtroopers, Leia, Han, Chewie and Luke, to a lesser degree (poor old Lando hasn't got much of a chance as there isn't much available on him).

A telling sign; you'll still easily find yearly calendars of the OT, but you'd be struggling to find many PT calendars (ST, of course, because that's still somewhat current - but in a year or 2 they will be gone to - and the OT will continue).
I?ll be the first to admit that the PT isn?t really loved but it?s more accepted and praised more than before. Especially ROTS. ROTS for all its faults is considered a good Star Wars film while people love pieces of the rest of the PT. But see the thing khev and jye don?t seem to grasp is that the PT delivered memorable moments both good and bad. ROTS is just as quotable as the ot films. What does anyone remember from the ST? Nothing. Unless your a fan of the films or some OT purist Afriad to admit they suck. ? cough cough? then you forgot about them.

Also the whole kid argument is void. Cause I don?t see any kids liking the new characters. No toys were bought, no Halloween costumes. Kids embraced baby yoda and mando.
Have you noticed how jye constantly brown noses Khev and agrees with everything he says. You can't take them seriously.
It's true the ST bombed. No one will remember it 20 years time. But the PT it's still going strong.

Lol this time next year they?ll hate it. The two of them keep this thread alive by dissing the PT and it?s fun to see them picking up all the little crumbs Disney throws at them for them to make sense of the saga.

All the positive thread people are long gone but they still remain trying to piece together why a franchise they followed for yrs failed so hard. I don?t blame them. I am the same.
The only SW thing that is "still going strong" is the OT (and now The Mandalorian thanks to "Baby Yoda"); and will be the only thing that truly endures. The rest are just periodic hiccups that only the diehards will hang onto.

The most iconic villain in history, and one that outsells any era of SW collectibles, is Vader. 3PO, R2, Stormtroopers, Leia, Han, Chewie and Luke, to a lesser degree (poor old Lando hasn't got much of a chance as there isn't much available on him).

A telling sign; you'll still easily find yearly calendars of the OT, but you'd be struggling to find many PT calendars (ST, of course, because that's still somewhat current - but in a year or 2 they will be gone to - and the OT will continue).

Well it's looking like nobody wants ST merchandise now let alone in 2 years time.
As for PT I'd say anything related to Maul, Qui Gon, Mace, Dooku, Greivous and Anakin would still sell well even though it's 20 years on.
Hot toys anakin sold out within weeks. ST stuff is still out there . Bbts is practically begging people to buy phasma and finn so much so you?d get 150 store credit.
Khev I left this on your desk...



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Okay I've just been joking about your reasons that the PT is somehow better than the ST since honestly it's such a ridiculous notion that it's hard to even humor for the sake of discussion. ;) But I can see that for some of you who watched these as children they really are near and dear to your heart, which on one hand is cool but sad on the other (lol), so I'll address your points a little more seriously (for now, heh heh.)

You aren?t getting it. Interest... any interest... is indicative of a reaction, positive or negative. There is some passion to want to like it or hate it.

Honestly stating that the PT is better because people hate it more than they love the ST is really quite bizarre. Intense loathing is more desired than casual enjoyment? Honestly on what planet is that a good thing? :) I've got to assume that you've *really* adopted the "all news is good news" mindset where if people are talking about how much they hate something it's somehow better than not talking about it but I've literally never heard that used to defend any piece of art (ever) and reading you take that position I can see why. If that's all you've got then of course you're free to to run with it but man, I feel bad that you look to *that* for validation of your own opinion.

What's wrong with simply discussing the merits *of the films themselves.* That's the number one thing I seem to see when it comes to PT apologists. "Well uh people still remember they exist. Well um they sold a lot of toys. Um 500 HT Anakins sold out faster than 10,000 overproduced Finns" (since "sell outs" is a ridiculous measuring stick when we have no idea what the edition sizes were) and so on.

How about we talk about the *writing.* (PT apologists clear the room)
Or the acting? (Fleeing PT fans drop what they're carrying to get away even faster.)
Or the visual effects? (Now they're literally jumping on the hoods of passing cars to avoid the discussion.)

Writing, acting, visuals. All complete DUDS. Those are just *slightly* important elements of a Star Wars movie wouldn't you say?

Or the bizarre character choices where the Jedi Order practically *pushes* Anakin to the Dark Side, where he instantly joins the Sith at the drop of a hat, and then the whole thing is resolved with nonsensical lightsaber twirling, Jedi getting gunned down without putting up a fight, Yoda and Palpatine flying around like silly cartoons, Obi-Wan winning with a proven tactical non-issue, Padme self-terminating because even motherhood can't convince her to remain in these movies a single second longer and then Darth Vader letting out the most laughable scream in the history of cinema. Yes if burning idiocy into people's brains for decades on end was George's goal then he freaking nailed it across the board.

As for the toys sure they sold but what does that say about the films themselves? Very little actually. Toy sales don't always equate to quality in other media. The original Kenner toys all sold because people wanted to play out the movies at home of course but the disconnect between toys and media occurred very quickly after that. Or are you going to argue that He-Man cartoons are better than Raiders of the Lost Ark (since the former action figures crushed the latter with regard to retail sales.) Or that Bayformer films are somehow better than The Dark Knight trilogy? I think you're well aware that toys are toys and movies are movies and if you want to talk movies then talk movies. Don't run to other made up statistics that have little to no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Heck by your logic Rogue One must be the *worst* Disney SW film of all because guess who I see hanging on pegs in pretty much every store I go into? Jyn Erso. Do you know who has been sold out for months? The entire TROS wave. Believe me, I've looked.

So I can rip on the PT and you can rip on the ST. Such and such is better than such and such, bla bla bla, the circle of internet fanboyism that we've all partaken in for years, some of us decades. And we can go back and forth for as long as it's fun. But at least try and defend the movies you love based on them actually being *movies* and not simply as memorable disasters that live in infamy to this day or as marketing excuses to kickstart new toy lines. I mean if that really is your personal criteria for liking or defending a film or calling it a "success" then yes I'll straight up give you that. The PT *are* more memorable as the disasters they were and their toys did indeed apparently sell more action figures. I would say that the idiotic choice to create wave after wave of pegwarmers like Rose Tico variants, Finn, Hux, and so on are what killed the ST toyline (as the instant sellout of the main TROS figures attests) and not a lack of desire on the part of collectors but that's my take.

But be that as it may I love and will continue to love the ST (yep even TLJ thanks to TROS) each and every time I actually watch and think about the films themselves. I look forward to you possibly responding with what you truly love about the PT, assuming that you can of course, because at the end of the day I do think it's more fun to read and even feed off of the enthusiasm of others than just endlessly bashing things back and forth.
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Khev I left this on your desk...



:lol :lol

Man the "Skywalker Legacy" included with TROS was freaking awesome. Loved the 1:1 animatronic snake they made to interact with Daisy. I thin it's literally the same size as the one in Conan. :rock

And it was really interesting hearing Abrams and Terrio talking about how they came up with the story and they really did seem to have their fingers on the pulse of what a *lot* of people wanted to see in these movies and what was cause for criticism, Terrio especially. I even got a chuckle out of Ridley herself letting slip that "it was cool to have Mark acting like OT Luke in this one," lol.

And I totally agree with Abrams saying that the entire PT trilogy being based on Anakin being tempted to the Dark Side because he wanted to keep people from dying and that Palpatine announcing that he had been pursuing that himself was one of the biggest setups in the entire Saga to not deliver on in some form.
Do you realize that Lucas?s kid who played the young Jedi in ROTS put up more of a fight against the clone troopers than any secondary adult Jedi in the movie that?s how messed up that move is lol

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Do you realize that Lucas?s kid who played the young Jedi in ROTS put up more of a fight against the clone troopers than any adult Jedi in the movie that?s how messed up that move is lol

Ugh. :slap lol

In other news the Skywalker doc included with TROS revealed that the white female actress sitting at the table with the FO high command was the granddaughter of Sir Alec Guinness! :rock

And SSC or HT absolutely *needs* to make a 1:1 Babu Frik. :lecture
Ugh. :slap lol

In other news the Skywalker doc included with TROS revealed that the white female actress sitting at the table with the FO high command was the granddaughter Sir Alec Guinness! :rock

GTFO that is super cool.

Frik with his laugh lol

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GTFO that is super cool.

Frik with his laugh lol

I know right and lol.

The documentary is fantastic. And I really liked the film. It's just a shame I only like Poe of the new three.

Agreed about the doc and film and interesting on liking Poe since of all the characters he was pretty much the only one who got "Professor Hulked" (for the greater good of course.)