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Unfortunately the straight destination of the PT was straight into the ground.

The ST road while yes being paved along the way at least lead into a satisfying conclusion for the primary players.

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For you. Sadly it pretty much destroyed the franchise and made it almost irrelevant. If it wasn't for Mando no one would care about Star wars anymore. The Pt didn't drive anything into the ground, cause at the end of the day Star Wars was still relevant and thriving after it was done. TFA had hype. After TLJ nobody cared about the conclusion of the ST, Joker destroyed it in terms of relevancy.

Think about that. A movie thats rated R was more relevant than the biggest scifi franchise of all time and you say the PT was driven into the ground. You guys seriously are confused and it boggles my mind how you think this is satisfying.

I love ROTS but i'm not afriad to admit it was rushed in some places and the acting was really bad at times.
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Is there any documentation as to why so little merchandise was produced for this movie? I thought the main reason why Disney purchased SW franchise was for the merchandise alone. GL was a magician of milking his franchise. Why hasn’t Disney been able to do this? I mean in the 3 ?” world, remember what the action figure section looked like with each PT release!!!
Oh.. Seriously I could really care less about that... TROS didn't hurt SW for me. It made it fun and relevant again. The PT and first two ST really killed my love and excitement for SW. TROS brought it back.. And now the saga is done... It could have made 10.00 and be hated by everyone.. But I enjoyed it so I am good :)

This My Trilogy is better then your trilogy is kind of fun to debate.. But I could care less about the opinion of the Masses.

As for all this Nostalgia talk... IDK the PT seemed to be filled with it also... I mean did we need 3PO, R2, Jabba, Greedo, Boba Fett, Tatooine, and all the "rhyming" I didn't care then and I don't care now.

I find this to be a strange argument for me because I really didn't like the first two ST films. I loved the 3rd one and it helped the other two a bit and fixed some of the issues I had with them.

I cant say the same thing for the PT.. They are all a poorly made mess. It might have had a more direct story in place but the story teller was drunk when he was telling it.

It didn't help anything tho imo. It was poorly made mess. How can you say the PT is but not the ST. No growth, no stakes, no loss, no epic battles, no journey the hero must overcome. Its so flawed and poorly put together. Tros just makes it worse. It's evident that the director of the TLJ messed up so bad they did damage control on TRos and it shows heavily.

O we need a new big bad. Lets shoe horn in the Emporer and explain it in the comics why he's here.

O shes a palpatine thats why she is strong. What a load of crap.

O we have a fleet of death stars cause why not.... we need a big batttle at the end.

The PT is poorly written though? I honestly think if it wasn't for the OT nods you guys wouldn't give this the time of day. If it wasn't for this being a direct sequal to the OT you guys wouldn't care.

Yes the PT is poorly written but nowhere near the level of this mess. Even the actors know it's a mess. Flying princess Leia in space was redeemed for you because of TROS?

And it's a prequel. Of course they'll be other characters that will show up, it's based around Vader himself. This was supposed to be a new story.
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Is there any documentation as to why so little merchandise was produced for this movie? I thought the main reason why Disney purchased SW franchise was for the merchandise alone. GL was a magician of milking his franchise. Why hasn’t Disney been able to do this? I mean in the 3 ?” world, remember what the action figure section looked like with each PT release!!!

Exactly! If the ST was so good collectors and kids would buy the toys. Star wars was made to sell toys. PT toys still sell to this day. Star wars history is heavily ingrained with toys and collectibles.
Unfortunately the straight destination of the PT was straight into the ground.

The ST road while yes being paved along the way at least lead into a satisfying conclusion for the primary players.

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Satisfying conclusion for the primary players? I still don?t know what Finn was going to say to Rey!
So true. I totally get people rejecting the ST for not showcasing the OT's main characters the way they wanted but they are still well constructed films on pretty much every level which is why they're so great for some of us who *do* like the direction they went. If these were all brand new characters then no one would be outraged that some hermit spilled milk on his beard or that some vice admiral sacrificed herself instead of a red fish guy. Obviously these movies do contain established, beloved, and iconic characters so audiences don't just judge them on their merits as films (and I include myself with this) but rather on how *they* think the story was supposed to go. Which is fine.

:slap Come on.

Here is your conversation you wanted talking about the merits of the film.

Daisy Ridley looks like an autistic child throughout all three movies with her terrible facial expressions. Hayden Christensen could teach her how to act through facial movements. Examples below:


Just awful acting. Awful. Same with Phasma, just generic and boring and a waste of a great actress.

Let's not forget the Marvel styled humor that doesn't fit. Yo momma jokes taken from Earth 2008. Completely takes away from being in "a galaxy far far away." Not even the PT does that!

Or let me guess, is it that the ST contradicts everything we've ever known about the force from dyads to force downloading to bringing people back to life?

Well constructed you say? HOW IS PALPATINE ALIVE? WHERE IS THAT EXPLAINED? WHERE IS THE FINAL ORDER EXPLAINED? EVEN ELIJAH WOOD CALLS THEM OUT! ****ING FRODO KNOWS. One of the lines in the films "somehow, Palpatine returned" and arguably the best scene in the entire ST was in a ****ing video game called Fortnite! How is that good film making by putting a major plot point, PALPATINES RETURN, in a damn timed video game event!

How was Reylo well contructed? You got John Boyega RIPPING the entire franchise on twitter weekly. Finn himself knows how much a joke Reylo was. Daisy Ridley called it a toxic abusive relationship and doesn't understand it. Biggest scene of the movie was a kiss shared between those two, the guy who tortured her, forced himself into her mind, tried to kill her, tried to killer friends, wiped out trillions, tried to run her over and they fall in love?

Oh yeah, then this gem:


But wait... THERE IS MORE. How about how TROS just retcons TLJ?


She trained Rey in TROS, so why can't she do that?

How about the Holdo maneuver? Complete joke and TROS had to mop it up with some BS explanation of 1 in a Million.

Why didn't Vader force pull the Falcon at Hoth? ST established you can easily force pull such things.

What about this:


How about this, Leia gets to murder here abuser in 1983 (Jabba) and in 2019 Rey has to kiss hers!

How about this:

"Lucas is a much better director than Abrams, look at this. When Mace blocks Palpatine's attack, he looks away from the bright light and struggles to stand still because lightning pushes him back. Compare this to Rey who looks straight into the light and effortlessly reflects the attack"


Look how great that looks in 2005 compared to the crap that is 2019.

What about C-3PO with his "all my friends" BS line.


You like George Lucas Star Wars, right? "Ian McDiarmid Says George Lucas Wouldn?t Have Brought Palpatine Back from the Dead"

Crappy dialogue: "We are the spark that will light the fire that wil burn the First Order down."

Canto Bight. Pointless. "how do you make this much money." "War" CRAP DIALOGUE.

Why didn't Leia hug Chewbacca? Why didn't we see Luke grieving Han?

Leia Poppins.

Chewbacca is Rey's taxi driver. He did more in the PT than in the ST.

At one point Finn and Rose get arrested for a parking violation. This is an actual plot point in a Star Wars movie. In addition to this, it plagiarizes a similar plot point in Spaceballs. SPACEBALLS!

Evil BB-8.

Holdo refusing to give information, really just Holdo in general.


How about ripping off Escape from LA? Pure blatant rip off.

Porgs were inserted to sell toys way worse than Jar Jar or Ewoks.

The Battle of Crait wasn't even a battle. They fired like one shot.

How about this, another retcon:


Kylo wrong placement of scar:


The throne room fight was choreographed terribly and can see many mistakes.

Timothy Zahn agrees that bringing Palpatine back destroys the OT.

How does Rey know how to swim if she lived on Jakku? She download that too?

How about the same Falcon chase in all three movies? Literally the same, flying in some tight space.


R2's memory is claimed to be "unreliable" in TROS despite the fact that it was never wiped.

How did Maz get the lightsaber? Who are the Knights of Ren? The Sith was destroyed yet we have 5 seconds of Sith Troopers? Is Kylo a Sith?

Do you know that Jar Jar had more of an impact and serves more of a point in Star Wars than Maz, Phasma, Snoke, Hux...

You say this movie was planned, but it clearly wasn't in one picture: Biggest theory was Plagueis, not to Rian.


And my final point is that TROS is the worst reviewed Star Wars movie ever on Rotten Tomatoes, lower than TPM and AOTC.

Fair observation but you hit the nail on the head there with your "seemed like" disclaimer. Because in actuality the ST had a fully scripted endgame in sight long before the PT did. If you remember Trevorrow had a complete script for Episode IX finished before the release of Rogue One. Just one year after TFA and a full year before TLJ hit theaters. You think George had anything written down for ROTS the year after TPM other than "kewl lightsaber duel that goes on forever"? No way. He wrote each script after each previous film was released which is why there are so many concepts completely abandoned (freeing slaves on Tatooine/Anakin wanting to see all the stars, Force ghosts never being explained despite George promising they would beforehand, etc.) while others just materialized out of the blue without any setup whatsoever (Syfo Dias, etc.)

But what gives the impression that the ST had no clear path was the one/two punch of Carrie Fisher dying and the backlash against TLJ which caused them to fully revise major portions of the final film in the trilogy. I hate that I have Fisher's passing to "thank" for getting a better Episode IX than what Trevorrow was planning but that's the way it is.

Wrong. They never used that script and it was completely different than what we got. THIS WAS NOT PLANNED

Of course Trevorrow's script was discarded they had to change everything when Carrie Fisher died, duh! :lol They still had a roadmap for the trilogy prior to her unexpected passing. And yes all three ST movies are well made films. Beautifully shot, well acted, snappy dialogue, good pacing, great visuals.

Really all it comes down to is whether people thought they were good *Star Wars* films based on what they wanted to see in the story going forward and therein lies the divide. But yes they were very well made in and of themselves which is why I can easily see them standing the test of time.

Sure RJ was an ass on twitter and KK never really seemed to have a clue but that's neither here nor there, only the end result on screen matters.
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It didn't help anything tho imo. It was poorly made mess. How can you say the PT is but not the ST. No growth, no stakes, no loss, no epic battles, no journey the hero must overcome. Its so flawed and poorly put together. Tros just makes it worse. It's evident that the director of the TLJ messed up so bad they did damage control on TRos and it shows heavily.

But TROS worked for me... Simple as that.. It was damage control for sure... But it was damage control in most of the right ways. :)

O we need a new big bad. Lets shoe horn in the Emporer and explain it in the comics why he's here.

Again I cant stress enough that I did not care about the explanation.. I like a little mystery to my SW films. I just happened to like the explanation in the book.. But its fine if nobody else did or if they have issues with it to begin with.

O shes a palpatine thats why she is strong. What a load of crap.

And I loved that.. Drove me up a wall how overpowered she was in the first two films.. It was making me dislike the character as charming of an actress as she is... This was a good move IMO.. One I didn't see coming and I liked it.

O we have a fleet of death stars cause why not.... we need a big batttle at the end.

Could have been a fleet of first order death stars also... Needed to have that big battle one way or the other :lol

The PT is poorly written though? I honestly think if it wasn't for the OT nods you guys wouldn't give this the time of day. If it wasn't for this being a direct sequal to the OT you guys wouldn't care.

I agree... Its the Star Wars Mythos that keeps me coming back... If the PT was not SW I would have been one and done with the first movie and maybe finished the films on home video... If the were not SW films they would not frustrate me so much as I would never give them a 2nd thought I did not care for TFA and hated much of TLJ... BUT some of those reasons were because I am a Star Wars fan and didn't like that they were giving Rey these unheard of powers and all the SJ crap..

In terms of Film making though... The ST is lightyears beyond the PT... Just on acting alone.

Yes the PT is poorly written but nowhere near the level of this mess. Even the actors know it's a mess. Flying princess Leia in space was redeemed for you because of TROS?
Nope that's still bad... Do I have to hate everything about the ST because of parts I did not like in TLJ.. I did still like other parts of the film... If TROS did not entertain me the way it did.. I would be as upset as you I guess.
And it's a prequel. Of course they'll be other characters that will show up, it's based around Vader himself. This was supposed to be a new story

Everyone and there mom knew that this was a continuation of the OT.. If you didn't expect to see any OT characters then I am not sure what to say.. Tatooine though?? Really... Anakin and Luke on the same planet.. :lol
Of course Trevorrow's script was discarded they had to change everything when Carrie Fisher died, duh! :lol They still had a roadmap for the trilogy prior to her unexpected passing.

They didn’t need to change all that much to the point of bringing in Palpatine. The road map was blown up as they scrambled to fix Star Wars after TLJ.

And yes all three ST movies are well made films. Beautifully shot, well acted, snappy dialogue, good pacing, great visuals.

Not from the examples I posted above of terrible shots/visuals, poor acting, and CRAP dialogue.

Really all it comes down to is whether people thought they were good *Star Wars* films based on what they wanted to see in the story going forward and therein lies the divide. But yes they were very well made in and of themselves which is why I can easily see them standing the test of time.

In 20 years they will be thrown away and remade.

Sure RJ was an ass on twitter and KK never really seemed to have a clue but that's neither here nor there, only the end result on screen matters.

51% on RT, lower than TPM, was the end result.
But TROS worked for me... Simple as that.. It was damage control for sure... But it was damage control in most of the right ways. :)

Again I cant stress enough that I did not care about the explanation.. I like a little mystery to my SW films. I just happened to like the explanation in the book.. But its fine if nobody else did or if they have issues with it to begin with.

And I loved that.. Drove me up a wall how overpowered she was in the first two films.. It was making me dislike the character as charming of an actress as she is... This was a good move IMO.. One I didn't see coming and I liked it.

Could have been a fleet of first order death stars also... Needed to have that big battle one way or the other :lol

I agree... Its the Star Wars Mythos that keeps me coming back... If the PT was not SW I would have been one and done with the first movie and maybe finished the films on home video... If the were not SW films they would not frustrate me so much as I would never give them a 2nd thought I did not care for TFA and hated much of TLJ... BUT some of those reasons were because I am a Star Wars fan and didn't like that they were giving Rey these unheard of powers and all the SJ crap..

In terms of Film making though... The ST is lightyears beyond the PT... Just on acting alone.

Nope that's still bad... Do I have to hate everything about the ST because of parts I did not like in TLJ.. I did still like other parts of the film... If TROS did not entertain me the way it did.. I would be as upset as you I guess.

Everyone and there mom knew that this was a continuation of the OT.. If you didn't expect to see any OT characters then I am not sure what to say.. Tatooine though?? Really... Anakin and Luke on the same planet.. :lol

Well then I guess you just have questionable taste then. No offense. If Rey being a palpatine worked for you and the ass pulls and the horrible writing is ok and the glaring issues then I don?t know what to tell you. The PT may be bad in dialogue but in memory , execution, battles, and of course story it?s miles ahead of ST . Just facts .
They didn?t need to change all that much to the point of bringing in Palpatine. The road map was blown up as they scrambled to fix Star Wars after TLJ.

Not from the examples I posted above of terrible shots/visuals, poor acting, and CRAP dialogue.

In 20 years they will be thrown away and remade.

51% on RT, lower than TPM, was the end result.

I think when it comes to your valid points and evidence on how the ST fails they put there fingers in there ears and say ? I?m not listening . It had the falcon and Death Stars. It?s better!?

I think they are just to blind with nostalgia to move on and hate on the PT cause they don?t understand that it?s more universally accepted even though it wasn?t the best. They waited 60 plus years for a sequel series and they get this trash. They feel like they have to like it or else the world will explode.

I bet a million dollars this time next year they?ll come back to this thread and say I hate it and I was just trying to convince myself to like it.

Funny how they say PT was poorly written but a big plot points in the ST were explained in comics cause they didn?t know what to do with them
:slap Come on.

Here is your conversation you wanted talking about the merits of the film.

Daisy Ridley looks like an autistic child throughout all three movies with her terrible facial expressions. Hayden Christensen could teach her how to act through facial movements. Examples below:

Just awful acting. Awful.

I cant take you seriously when you attack the acting in the ST and defend it in the PT :lol

Same with Phasma, just generic and boring and a waste of a great actress.

Meh.. Great actress?? Maybe.. I agree though... I hated the character... Poor attempt at a Boba Fett.. Probably why I was fine with her death.

Let's not forget the Marvel styled humor that doesn't fit. Yo momma jokes taken from Earth 2008. Completely takes away from being in "a galaxy far far away." Not even the PT does that!
Agreed.. You cant get me to defend the many awful parts of TLJ.

Well constructed you say? HOW IS PALPATINE ALIVE? WHERE IS THAT EXPLAINED? WHERE IS THE FINAL ORDER EXPLAINED? EVEN ELIJAH WOOD CALLS THEM OUT! ****ING FRODO KNOWS. One of the lines in the films "somehow, Palpatine returned" and arguably the best scene in the entire ST was in a ****ing video game called Fortnite! How is that good film making by putting a major plot point, PALPATINES RETURN, in a damn timed video game event!

I remember when I didn't need to know how one became powerful in the force... Or how Anakin became Vader... My imagination worked just fine.. Why was Vader in that suit.. It was never explained in the films... Hell going by the movies we just knew that Vader and Obi wan use to hang out when he was a learner not a master... Why was a great Jedi master on a swamp planet?? I didn't know.. It was cool not too.

I am not saying that the lack of explanation was a good thing.. But it is a Sci Fi movie.. And obviously the Emperor was big on cheating death.

How was Reylo well contructed? You got John Boyega RIPPING the entire franchise on twitter weekly. Finn himself knows how much a joke Reylo was. Daisy Ridley called it a toxic abusive relationship and doesn't understand it. Biggest scene of the movie was a kiss shared between those two, the guy who tortured her, forced himself into her mind, tried to kill her, tried to killer friends, wiped out trillions, tried to run her over and they fall in love?

And yet none of that was as bad as Padme dying of a broken heart...

But yeah.. Kiss was stupid.

Oh yeah, then this gem:

View attachment 481255

Not gonna go through again why I don't agree with this... Never had an issue with it.. Luke has always been far from perfect..

But wait... THERE IS MORE. How about how TROS just retcons TLJ?

View attachment 481256

She trained Rey in TROS, so why can't she do that?

Where does it say Leia was as Powerful as Rey??

Having said that.. We are talking about TLJ here :lol

How about the Holdo maneuver? Complete joke and TROS had to mop it up with some BS explanation of 1 in a Million.

Even when I was full on Hatred mode of the ST... I always hated this argument.. Sometimes overthinking a space fantasy can ruin the fun of something cool.

Why didn't Vader force pull the Falcon at Hoth? ST established you can easily force pull such things.

He was not a Palps

I have to assume she got that from the Jedi books.. But.. yeah kinda dumb..

"Lucas is a much better director than Abrams, look at this. When Mace blocks Palpatine's attack, he looks away from the bright light and struggles to stand still because lightning pushes him back. Compare this to Rey who looks straight into the light and effortlessly reflects the attack"

View attachment 481258

Look how great that looks in 2005 compared to the crap that is 2019.

Do you not listen to any of the dioluge and bad acting in the PT.. That scene you just showed is full of it.. Sam Jackson was at his worst in those films..

Rey was filled with all the Jedi by the way... Obviously the most powerful being ever at that very moment.. Hell even Mace was there. :lol

What about C-3PO with his "all my friends" BS line.

Crappy dialogue: "We are the spark that will light the fire that wil burn the First Order down."

Dude... I am convinced that "Love has Blinded you" And made you Def ;)

Canto Bight. Pointless. "how do you make this much money." "War" CRAP DIALOGUE.

Yep awful and you know what most people say about Canto Bight... Its the scene that reminded everyone of the PT.

Why didn't Leia hug Chewbacca? Why didn't we see Luke grieving Han?

Leia Poppins.

Chewbacca is Rey's taxi driver. He did more in the PT than in the ST.

At one point Finn and Rose get arrested for a parking violation. This is an actual plot point in a Star Wars movie. In addition to this, it plagiarizes a similar plot point in Spaceballs. SPACEBALLS!

Evil BB-8.

Holdo refusing to give information, really just Holdo in general.


How about ripping off Escape from LA? Pure blatant rip off.

Porgs were inserted to sell toys way worse than Jar Jar or Ewoks.

The Battle of Crait wasn't even a battle. They fired like one shot.

Most of your complaints are directed at TLJ.. I am starting to think you might like the ST ;)

How about this, another retcon:

View attachment 481260

Hmmmm more books.

Kylo wrong placement of scar:

View attachment 481261

:lol :lol :lol
The throne room fight was choreographed terribly and can see many mistakes.

100% agree... More TLJ.

Timothy Zahn agrees that bringing Palpatine back destroys the OT.

:lol :lol :lol

My dad can beat up your dad though.

How does Rey know how to swim if she lived on Jakku? She download that too?

:lol :lol

R2's memory is claimed to be "unreliable" in TROS despite the fact that it was never wiped.

This might save the PT ass... There has to be some reason they didn't wipe it in ROTS... R2 didn't seem to remember Obi Wan or anything else from the PT.

How did Maz get the lightsaber? Who are the Knights of Ren? The Sith was destroyed yet we have 5 seconds of Sith Troopers? Is Kylo a Sith?

Maz and the saber... ****ing stupid.. 100% agree... Knights of Ren... Do you really need to know... Really.. come on.. Have some fun with your imagination.. Who was that Bad Ass Boba Fett that talked tuff to Vader.. Half of everyones love for him was because he was cool and mysterious.

Do you know that Jar Jar had more of an impact and serves more of a point in Star Wars than Maz, Phasma, Snoke, Hux...

:lol Defending Jar Jar?

I even like him (because of TCW) .. But dude.. :lol

You say this movie was planned, but it clearly wasn't in one picture: Biggest theory was Plagueis, not to Rian.

View attachment 481264

RJ Sucks

And my final point is that TROS is the worst reviewed Star Wars movie ever on Rotten Tomatoes, lower than TPM and AOTC.

Critics are always right..

Ducky I think I am going to go back and say it again... I assume you were a young kid when the PT came out.. And that's OK..... I am happy you love the films.. Nothing wrong with that at all.

The ST have its problems for sure.. And I will only speak for myself but TROS worked for me and helped me to accept things in the first tow films.. Hell it even helped me to appreciate the PT a bit more and accept as Canon as I was on my way to just ignoring the PT and ST as nothing but a bad dream and go back to my had Canon.

TROS was able to do that for me and I think for Khev..

But just like we cant convince you that the ST is good or at least TROS ( I wont argue with you about the other two) you cant convince me that the PT is not full of awful acting, wooden dialogue, Lazy directing, and goofy ideas.

But that's cool because even with all that bad... I can still find some enjoyment out of them because... Well STAR WARS
I wonder if I should wait for the Blu-ray or just get the digital for my devices

In light of the real dark side that is plaguing the real world at this moment

I’m not sure I feel comfortable going to the stores and getting it :lecture
I should probably just watch TROS again before asking this, but I'm not sure I have it in me (that's what Threepio said!) Plus I might not be any more enlightened anyway...

  1. Was Snoke just a vessel for Palps' consciousness, or did he have his own? If so, was it Plagueis or someone else?
  2. If he was Palps, why did he want Rey dead one movie and want her to kill him the next?
  3. Did Luke and Leia know who Rey was all along? If so, why didn't Palps? (see above)