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Omg when will this constant bickering ****ing end between which is better the pt or st. Its like comparing **** to **** and choosing which smells better (or which smells worse, it doesn't mean its better its just a matter of opinion and or taste not based on facts). People are passionate about their opinions, there is no objectivity. if you like the pt better, great stop banging your head against the wall trying to convince people its better than ST and visa versa. All these debates are dumb and go nowhere, nobody convinces anyone no matter how well written their point is on either side. Its futile and a complete waste of time

But the ST is better then the PT.


I actually agree with your statement... But where is the fun in that :lol
Oh snap has anyone listened to the Knives Out commentary by RJ.

He said that his biggest regret was not being able to test screen TLJ due to the tight security even with NDA being used Disney will never allow it with SW.

He said the audience reactions and feedback could?ve helped him.


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Oh snap has anyone listened to the Knives Out commentary by RJ.

He said that his biggest regret was not being able to test screen TLJ due to the tight security even with NDA being used Disney will never allow it with SW.

He said the audience reactions and feedback could?ve helped him.


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"I... I saw a movie in the toilet."

"Mmm... fans you put there..."

"They were in pain."

"It is the future you see."

"Will they hate it?"

"Difficult to see without test screenings. Always in motion is the Disney stock price."
I think I’m gearing toward getting the digital release over the blu ray for now

Still contemplating...don’t judge me :dunno

Here is the scene.. If you have no issues with it that's fine.. No problem.. I see all sorts of issues.. The awful Saber duel, Sam Jackson's "He's the Traitor" and his grown of struggle, Palps awful faces, Anakin's entrance in the room (What a strange take)..

The goofy back and forth between Mace and Palps

Palps "Kill him Anakin he's a traitor"
Mace "He's the Traitor"

Mace "He's too dangerous to keep alive"
Palps "I'm too weak"

Palps "You're dumb"
Mace "No you're Dumb" ;)

How about "No. No. No. No..." Delivery.

Sam Jacksons scream when he gets his arm cut off. I imagine that is hard for an actor who has played a bad ass his entire career to scream in pain. So I understand :lol

Anakin is perfectly consistently boring.

Other then moments in TLJ there is noting in the ST that is consistently cringe worthy that goes on for as long as that scene.. And that is supposed to be a huge moment of the film... I did not even add the original Palps duel with the 4 jedi.. Yikes..

All that stuff just really took me out of the film... Just like Canto Bight and Haldo did in TLJ.

But I can still watch it and find some enjoyment out of it.. It feels more like SW then TFA and TLJ.. Its not as well made as either film but it does feel like SW.. Other then the final Saber duel, I hate the look and feel of TFA. TLJ looks better but as a whole.. Meh.

The no no no delivery was great, dude went full sith lord crazy badass then UNLIMTED POWAHHHHHHHHH :lol Way more emotion and realistic than that terrible Bespin Luke no scream.

The “goofy” back and forth was a ploy from Palpatine to make Anakin buy into the Jedi being traitors. I don’t see anything wrong with the delivery and Mace was right, Palpatine was too dangerous to be kept alive. Palpatine’s “I’m too weak... can’t hold it... too weak” lines were to get Anakin to step in.

Like I said, only line I have an issue with is the “not yet” delivery.

The age defense is your blinded love for the PT.. And that is fine.. I still love The Black Hole, Orca, and Tron

Obviously you have not read what we all have been saying... We got a wrap up.. We all were very happy with how the film ended and the path our heroes ended up on.. Those that don't like TROS are the ones that are struggling.

So, it’s blinded love for me, but not for you or anyone else who liked the ST?

I’m not struggling. I got the entire EU, hundreds of books and comics, a far better story than what Disney gave.
I think Khev don't what to put in the effort as nothing he is going to say will change anyone's minds. Ducky already has stated that he has no issues with the acting.. other then little Anakin and AOTC Anakin..

If you want a complete take down of the PT I say just put the PT films in and hit play.. :lol

I never said the PT ruined my Childhood... It did however ruin the main villain of SW and SW as a whole for me. TROS actually helped with my enjoyment of the two ST films and the PT films...

The age defense is your blinded love for the PT.. And that is fine.. I still love The Black Hole, Orca, and Tron :)

Obviously you have not read what we all have been saying... We got a wrap up.. We all were very happy with how the film ended and the path our heroes ended up on.. Those that don't like TROS are the ones that are struggling.

Your right on age defense for a lot of people. I love the Black Hole, Tron, and Saturn 3 and Flash Gordon. All guilty pleasures.
Wait what is this about ROTJ outtakes being used in TROS!

That was ROTJ footage!

I thought that was new footage made to look like the OT era.

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The no no no delivery was great, dude went full sith lord crazy badass then UNLIMTED POWAHHHHHHHHH
Way more emotion and realistic than that terrible Bespin Luke no scream.

See there you go... What you see as great, I see as awful. You don't get how I can like the TROS.I cant understand how you can see no issues with that scene.. Let alone rank Palps performance higher then Luke's..

Maybe my nostalgia for Luke's "no" prevents me from seeing issues with it just like yours does for the Emperors? IDK.


The “goofy” back and forth was a ploy from Palpatine to make Anakin buy into the Jedi being traitors. I don’t see anything wrong with the delivery and Mace was right, Palpatine was too dangerous to be kept alive. Palpatine’s “I’m too weak... can’t hold it... too weak” lines were to get Anakin to step in.

Like I said, only line I have an issue with is the “not yet” delivery.


Oh I know why it was done.. But I think its delivered poorly and cut poorly... It comes across as goofy not dramatic.

But you like it..

Nothing wrong with that.

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I?m guessing that is what the Digitalbits review is referring to which is just baffling to me because that wasn?t ROTJ outtakes......right....or was it!

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They inserted this shot of Fisher over Billie Lourd's face:


Then they used an ESB shot of Mark Hamill's face on Dagobah for younger Luke in that same scene.

View attachment 481372

They should have hired Jye to do the photoshop - it would have been more convincing.:lol

That scene had such a fake look to me. I also couldn't understand why they were both wearing a-wing helmets.
I think Khev don't what to put in the effort as nothing he is going to say will change anyone's minds. Ducky already has stated that he has no issues with the acting.. other then little Anakin and AOTC Anakin..

If you want a complete take down of the PT I say just put the PT films in and hit play.. :lol

I never said the PT ruined my Childhood... It did however ruin the main villain of SW and SW as a whole for me. TROS actually helped with my enjoyment of the two ST films and the PT films...

The age defense is your blinded love for the PT.. And that is fine.. I still love The Black Hole, Orca, and Tron :)

Obviously you have not read what we all have been saying... We got a wrap up.. We all were very happy with how the film ended and the path our heroes ended up on.. Those that don't like TROS are the ones that are struggling.

I think you guys just don?t have a defense tbh. It?s just. PT bad. ST brought everything together