I think you guys just don?t have a defense tbh. It?s just. PT bad. ST brought everything together
They have a defense, their defense is that we are blinded by love and little kids, and any ST criticism is just brushed under the rugged as "I won't debate you because PT" even though the post is about the ST
Your right but it?s still fun to debate and drag on the ST and watch khev and jye defend it with no facts to back up there arguments.
Each post is bashing the PT even tho this is no better and even worse as a matter of fact. I think even PT fabs admit they aren?t good movies but you just love em cause of different aspects. I liked rots cause I was young when it cake out and it was a different tone from the rest of the movies. Also I love fall from Grace type stories.
Now ST fans seem to think the story was wrapped up nice and brought together well. They seem to look over the bad writing and horrible character development. I understand liking it as a guilty pleasure but to say it tied up loose ends and was a respectable way to continue the series is hilarious.
I don?t mind the PT but there is a crap ton of stuff I would of changed , same with ROTS. ST was a dumpster fire that pretty much divided the fanbase harder than any other movie
Just the simple mere fact that Ford, Hamill, Fisher and Billy D are in the ST automatically made them better than the PT before shooting even started.
The second it was announced that they were returning it instantly put the ST above the PT.
This is what some people don?t understand and will never understand but thanks for trying to break my resolve it was a valiant effort lol
You PT guys wanting me to choose Jar Jar, Dex and little Boba over Han, Luke and Leia....
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And 0 scenes together! 0. They took a **** on their legacy and you eat it right up. It's clear the ones who are blinded by love, taking anything they can get, to the point of Luke milking a damn alien cow and slurping it up like a slob.
I could have wrote the movies and included them and you would have liked it
I don't know why you use Jar Jar, Dex, and Boba when comparing failed drunk bad father Han, failed nephew killing Hermit Luke, and failed mother leader senator rebel leader Leia. Pick the main characters at least.
Kenobi, Anakin, Padme far better characters, far better development, far better legacy than anything from the Failed ST Gang.
Defense of what??
Khev has been defending and proclaiming why he loves the ST all thread long.
He ignores all my ST posts and claims he won't debate me because "PT bad." Last few replies I've gotten joke replies.
I did defend against some of his comments. But Ducky was also throwing things out there where I just had to laugh...Ok the scar didn't match up on Kylo's face.. If didn't have a side by side comparison I would have never noticed.. He complained of bad acting and bad dialogue (this from a PT apologist) ... What can I say.. I don't agree... Its the one thing that all three films had going for it was good performances from its main characters. Complaints about "All my friends" line from 3PO... Line does not bother me.
My valid criticisms aren't valid because I'm a "PT apologist"?
Add that to the defense list ironwez. We like the PT more than the ST, so therefore our criticisms of the ST are invalidated.
He does not like the film and it gets under his skin so things like that bother him. That's fine. Most of his complaints were aimed at TLJ.. I cant argue with him there.
Doesn't bother me, I got 6 great movies and hundreds of novels and comics
Because I dislike both the PT and the ST, I'd actually say that the fact the OT heroes are in the ST makes them worse for me. I could just sort of ignore the PT (which was easy enough to do because those movies really and truly don't feel to me like they take place in the same universe as the OT) but that's impossible with the ST because it's got Mark freakin' Hamill playing Luke Skywalker.
That was Jake Skywalker.
Well that is unfortunate then but for me I loved Hamill, Ford and Fisher in this even if not together onscreen.
You know what would?ve been worse for Hamill, Ford and Fisher?
Had Lucas made the ST with them in 99 instead of the PT we would?ve had AOTC quality SW but with the the OT actors!
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You would have liked it no matter what. You already said you liked the ST because they appear. Now in your hypothetical PT when they appear you are going to hate it?
And yet they were killed off, didn?t share a moment together on screen and the main character was reduced to drinking **** milk to prop up the crappy under developed REy. Yea it was soooooooo worth the wait.
Let?s bring these characters back only to crap on them but OT purist won?t care they?ll give us money anyway