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Sio Bibble's grandson, lol.

Shoot they missed an opportunity for the biggest twist of all time.

"You don't just have the power to say why communications have been disrupted, you have *his* power. You...are a Bibble."

Sio Bibble's grandson, lol.

Shoot they missed an opportunity for the biggest twist of all time.

"You don't just have the power to say why communications have been disrupted, you have *his* power. You...are a Bibble."


Holy crap you are a BIBBLE :rotfl

Emperor: I am all the sith!

Sio Bibble jr: Yeah well I am all the BIBBLE!

Emperor: Arrrrgh

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:lol :lol

"The death toll is catastrophic, you must rise Rey."

"Say there hasn't been a full scale war since the formation of the Republic as I once did."

:lol :lol :lol

This is me knowing that a-dev and DiFabio are not here to enjoy Sio Bibble day:


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I don?t agree with your assessment about OT Vader because he was super effective in ANH/ESB and seeing him for the first time in 77 meant he was also new, unique and cool looking and became iconic way before his rampage in RO which just made him more of a bad ass and there is nothing wrong with that.

How was he super effective? He did nothing.

Failed to capture the droids. Let Leia escape. Couldn?t even beat old Kenobi. Gets owned by Han and fails to stop the destruction of the Death Star.

Fails to stop rebels escaping Hoth. Let?s Leia and the others escape again. Toys with his son, not even trying, then let?s him escape.
How was he super effective? He did nothing.

Failed to capture the droids. Let Leia escape. Couldn?t even beat old Kenobi. Gets owned by Han and fails to stop the destruction of the Death Star.

Fails to stop rebels escaping Hoth. Let?s Leia and the others escape again. Toys with his son, not even trying, then let?s him escape.

It?s that OT nostalgia buddy. It blinds most
It?s that OT nostalgia buddy. It blinds most

Blinds people to what?:dunno I'm totally confused about what you guys are suggesting about Vader.

Are you saying he's neither scary nor effective and did nothing, therefore is meh as a villain?

Vader is consistently either the #1 movie villain in history or in the top 3 - in list after list after list (AFI, Empire etc.) He's indisputably the most recognizable movie villain of all time.

If you're attempting to elevate the PT by saying that OT Vader was overrated as a villain and is in reality meh, you're gonna lose.:lol
Blinds people to what?:dunno I'm totally confused about what you guys are suggesting about Vader.

Are you saying he's neither scary nor effective and did nothing, therefore is meh as a villain?

Vader is consistently either the #1 movie villain in history or in the top 3 - in list after list after list (AFI, Empire etc.) He's indisputably the most recognizable movie villain of all time.

If you're attempting to elevate the PT by saying that OT Vader was overrated as a villain and is in reality meh, you're gonna lose.:lol

Ohhhhh noze :rotfl

If master Khev and JAWS knew what they were suggesting they would be very grumpy lol
By the time the end credits rolled on ESB who had won:



Nobody, war was still going on.

Blinds people to what?:dunno I'm totally confused about what you guys are suggesting about Vader.

Are you saying he's neither scary nor effective and did nothing, therefore is meh as a villain?

Vader is consistently either the #1 movie villain in history or in the top 3 - in list after list after list (AFI, Empire etc.) He's indisputably the most recognizable movie villain of all time.

If you're attempting to elevate the PT by saying that OT Vader was overrated as a villain and is in reality meh, you're gonna lose.:lol

Just because he is the most recognized doesn’t mean he isn’t overrated on screen. He really didn’t do much and failed at nearly everything at every turn. His importance/intimidation is propped up from his look, how others perceived him in the film itself, and hype, nothing from his actions in the films scream GOAT Villain, nothing.

Serious, only looking at the OT, how was he effective for the Empire? Biggest thing he did in the OT was when he was redeemed as Anakin.

And using Empire is a joke, they had Kylo Ren as 7th best villain of all time :lol Then another list had Vader at 33 :lol

Best villain of all time is Ledger’s Joker. He actually won in the end. Or Thanos. Dude did way more than Vader dreamed of.

Edit: And I’m not saying that to elevate the PT.
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Ohhhhh noze :rotfl

If master Khev and JAWS knew what they were suggesting they would be very grumpy lol

I don't even know what to say anymore :lol

Ill agree that he is not your typical villain... He has a few more layers then that.

Does he win all the time? Nope.. But All I have to do is here him say "Calrissian" with that controlled anger in his voice and I know he can kill everyone in the room.

Greatest villain as far as evil mustache twirling deeds.. No.. Best villain as a character.. Yep. Well until they cut his nuts in ROTJ :lol... He is never scary in ROTJ.
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Nobody, war was still going on.

Just because he is the most recognized doesn?t mean he isn?t overrated on screen. He really didn?t do much and failed at nearly everything at every turn. His importance/intimidation is propped up from his look, how others perceived him in the film itself, and hype, nothing from his actions in the films scream GOAT Villain, nothing.

Serious, only looking at the OT, how was he effective for the Empire? Biggest thing he did in the OT was when he was redeemed as Anakin.

And using Empire is a joke, they had Kylo Ren as 7th best villain of all time :lol Then another list had Vader at 33 :lol

Best villain of all time is Ledger?s Joker. He actually won in the end. Or Thanos. Dude did way more than Vader dreamed of.

Edit: And I?m not saying that to elevate the PT.

Okay, so that's clear then - you think Vader's overrated, didn't do much, was a failure, and his importance is based on his look, and hype.

It's weird though how a villain could be so prominent in hundreds of millions (billions?) of people's minds - where they think of their favorite villain and Vader pops to mind.

And not sure what lists you are looking at - on all the more major lists, Vader is most commonly #1, and if not it's either #2 or #3. Here's a sampling:

Entertainment Weekly - #1
Hollywood Reporter - #1
Time Out - #1
AFI - #3 (this varies - Vader has been #1 in the past)
Ranker - #1
Okay, so that's clear then - you think Vader's overrated, didn't do much, was a failure, and his importance is based on his look, and hype.

It's weird though how a villain could be so prominent in hundreds of millions (billions?) of people's minds - where they think of their favorite villain and Vader pops to mind.

And not sure what lists you are looking at - on all the more major lists, Vader is most commonly #1, and if not it's either #2 or #3. Here's a sampling:

Entertainment Weekly - #1
Hollywood Reporter - #1
Time Out - #1
AFI - #3 (this varies - Vader has been #1 in the past)
Ranker - #1

People can like Vader, I love him, one of my favorite characters of all time, but those hypothetical numbers or rankings don’t take away from what I’m saying...

“He really didn’t do much and failed at nearly everything at every turn.”

He isn’t effective in the slightest because he fails 9/10 ten times.

I ask again, how was he effective on screen for the Empire? What did he do in ANH/ESB/ROTJ that was so great and showed his power?

How did he win in the end, like a TDK Joker? Or a Thanos for a few years there? What ACTIONS make him such a true badass villain? Not words, not his suit, not this awe or hype or child based fear you might of had for him, but what does he do that makes him such a great villain on screen?
Blinds people to what?:dunno I'm totally confused about what you guys are suggesting about Vader.

Are you saying he's neither scary nor effective and did nothing, therefore is meh as a villain?

Vader is consistently either the #1 movie villain in history or in the top 3 - in list after list after list (AFI, Empire etc.) He's indisputably the most recognizable movie villain of all time.

If you're attempting to elevate the PT by saying that OT Vader was overrated as a villain and is in reality meh, you're gonna lose.:lol

O no. I know vader is scary. But OT fans say this was established in the OT when he was still a mystery in those films. Thanks to extended lore and movies and games we know how scary Vader is. But noooooo thats bad, anything new is bad. Hell I remember people hated how vader acted in rogue one.
people talk about this movie? watched this recently, still feels like meh, the sad truth i have been building the lego from this movie, but still the only lego i want is not available heck my favorite parts of this movie involve palpatine and thats it, i love the way his voice resonates, gives me the freaking chills

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