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A New Hope:

Vader walks down a hallway, doesn’t fights.

Force chokes a dude.

Fails to get the location of the rebel base.

Fails to track down the droids.

Doesn’t give the order to blow up Alderaan.

Can’t even beat old Kenobi.

Let’s Leia, Luke, Han escape.

Doesn’t do much in the Battle of Yavin and gets shot down by Han.


Does nothing in the Battle of Hoth and let’s rebels escape.

It was Lando who helped capture the gang.

Fails to turn Luke, fails to kill him, and let’s Luke and the others escape yet again.

Even gives back C-3PO :lol


Gets beat by Luke

Edit: Hell, in my head canon he even let’s his son escape and doesn’t really try at all to kill him until he knows who he is. Doesn’t scream villain to me.

Vader being a badass wasn’t established on screen in the OT. Again, he was a failure until he was redeemed. As ironwez20 said...

“But OT fans say this was established in the OT when he was still a mystery in those films. Thanks to extended lore and movies and games we know how scary Vader is.”
Caught this on streaming last night. It was so bad, bad.

At about an hour in I didn't think I was gonna make it but I toughed it out and it got worse from there.

I felt like someone had bashed me in the head with a psychological hammer when it was over. It's like the film gave me a hangover and somehow lowered my IQ temporarily from second hand stupidity.
Caught this on streaming last night. It was so bad, bad.

At about an hour in I didn't think I was gonna make it but I toughed it out and it got worse from there.

I felt like someone had bashed me in the head with a psychological hammer when it was over. It's like the film gave me a hangover and somehow lowered my IQ temporarily from second hand stupidity.

Oh well that is unfortunate but at least Disney was gracious enough to put ROTS up on D+ for fans to stream.

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I think the one thing you are missing Ducky is that Vader is in a position of Authority. Because he is in charge he didn't have to do things on his own. We as an audience understand that.

A New Hope:

Vader walks down a hallway, doesn?t fights.

He doesn't have to. He's the man in charge

Force chokes a dude.

Did you intentionally leave out the he physically chocked and broke the neck of Captain Antilles
Captures Leia and Tortures her.

Also even though it was not Vader who killed Luke's aunt and uncle it was still contributed to him because he is on the side of the Bad guys. The Empire are the Nazi's. Hitler did not have to do every single evil act to know that the blood was also in his hands.

Fails to get the location of the rebel base.

Actually he does... But that is later in the film

Fails to track down the droids.


Doesn?t give the order to blow up Alderaan.

True.. But he is a part of it all and fine with the whole decision.

Can?t even beat old Kenobi.

I agree that Ben gives up and allows himself to become one with the force (Vader does not even hit the killing blow) but I tend to think that Vader would have won that battle. Maybe not.. He didn't win the first time :lol

Having said that.. Back when a lot of the folks viewed SW for the very first time... Everyone still contributed Bens death to Vader. Hence adding to his "greatest villain of all time memories" Hell before PT and novels.. I thought Ben gave himself up because he knew he couldn't win.

Let?s Leia, Luke, Han escape.
I think you mean Allows Leia, Han, and Luke to escape so the empire can find the rebel base.

Tarkin says they are talking an awful risk and Leia knows the escape was too easy, so they must be being tracked.

Doesn?t do much in the Battle of Yavin and gets shot down by Han.

Prevents one group from blowing up the Death Star, would have stopped the others but a sneak attack is just that. Plus the Hero's have to win :)


Does nothing in the Battle of Hoth and let?s rebels escape.

Except that battle does not happen if he does not even find the base. He recognizes it right away.

Obviously he is also surrounded by idiots :lol and he kills a couple of his Admirals for their failures.

It was Lando who helped capture the gang.

Through Vader's plan. Also Tortures Han, Chewie, and Leia. Freezes Han. Pretty much kicks the crap out of Luke and cuts off his hand.

Fails to turn Luke, fails to kill him, and let?s Luke and the others escape yet again.

Killing Luke was ever part of his agenda. He wanted to capture him and turn him for his own agenda. If he wanted to kill Luke or his friends it obviously would have been very easy for him to do. This goes back to a statement I made about Vader not being a black and White Villain but one with Layers.. He does not want to kill Luke. Nor does her want to kill Leia and Han as he wants to use them to get to Luke.

And there is James Earl Jones' performance as Vader's voice. Man oh man. There is such underlined rage and anger with ever line he delivers. In all honesty he does not have to achieve much to know that he is a legit villain.

But there is an understanding also in the OT that our hero's lives suck because of the Empire and Vader is a big part of that.

Even gives back C-3PO :lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol


Gets beat by Luke

Edit: Hell, in my head canon he even let?s his son escape and doesn?t really try at all to kill him until he knows who he is. Doesn?t scream villain to me.

Vader being a badass wasn?t established on screen in the OT. Again, he was a failure until he was redeemed. As ironwez20 said...

?But OT fans say this was established in the OT when he was still a mystery in those films. Thanks to extended lore and movies and games we know how scary Vader is.?

I cant argue with ROTJ... I never liked him in ROTJ.
People can like Vader, I love him, one of my favorite characters of all time, but those hypothetical numbers or rankings don’t take away from what I’m saying...

“He really didn’t do much and failed at nearly everything at every turn.”

He isn’t effective in the slightest because he fails 9/10 ten times.

I ask again, how was he effective on screen for the Empire? What did he do in ANH/ESB/ROTJ that was so great and showed his power?

How did he win in the end, like a TDK Joker? Or a Thanos for a few years there? What ACTIONS make him such a true badass villain? Not words, not his suit, not this awe or hype or child based fear you might of had for him, but what does he do that makes him such a great villain on screen?

O no. I know vader is scary. But OT fans say this was established in the OT when he was still a mystery in those films. Thanks to extended lore and movies and games we know how scary Vader is. But noooooo thats bad, anything new is bad. Hell I remember people hated how vader acted in rogue one.

Well this is how I saw it as a kid and why he was scary and an effective villain to me.... Vader's introduced - surrounded by soldiers who look like skeletons, wearing a grotesque helmet he never removes accompanied by an mechanical/animalistic breathing sound - crushing this guy's throat (that we actually hear) while holding him aloft with one hand (no real person could do that,) legs dangling, then throws his dead body against the wall like a rag doll. He's this brutal thug, an enforcer for a Nazi-like totalitarian government.

His eerie voice is sometimes treacly-sweet and sarcastic, sometimes enraged and murderous. A guy later gives him a bit of lip and he nearly chokes him to death... from across the room just using his mind. He goes to question Leia and brings a torture droid that has needles and pliers. He can sense people's presence remotely (and creepily, know where to wait for Ben,) so has magical powers that you really don't know what the limits are. And there is no doubt he would have killed Ben in the duel if Ben didn't just end it the way he did.

It's Vader's idea to let the rebels go - which leads the Death Star right to the rebel base, and brings the Empire almost to total victory. He's also a badass pilot (and decides to get out there and do it himself hands-on, which was a surprise) and really would have prevailed, killing Luke and saving the Death Star, if it wasn't for Han's last minute change of heart.
Been watching the skywalker saga with the kids building all of these bad boys

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Well this is how I saw it as a kid and why he was scary and an effective villain to me.... Vader's introduced - surrounded by soldiers who look like skeletons, wearing a grotesque helmet he never removes accompanied by an mechanical/animalistic breathing sound - crushing this guy's throat (that we actually hear) while holding him aloft with one hand (no real person could do that,) legs dangling, then throws his dead body against the wall like a rag doll. He's this brutal thug, an enforcer for a Nazi-like totalitarian government.

His eerie voice is sometimes treacly-sweet and sarcastic, sometimes enraged and murderous. A guy later gives him a bit of lip and he nearly chokes him to death... from across the room just using his mind. He goes to question Leia and brings a torture droid that has needles and pliers. He can sense people's presence remotely (and creepily, know where to wait for Ben,) so has magical powers that you really don't know what the limits are. And there is no doubt he would have killed Ben in the duel if Ben didn't just end it the way he did.

It's Vader's idea to let the rebels go - which leads the Death Star right to the rebel base, and brings the Empire almost to total victory. He's also a badass pilot (and decides to get out there and do it himself hands-on, which was a surprise) and really would have prevailed, killing Luke and saving the Death Star, if it wasn't for Han's last minute change of heart.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!!!
Well this is how I saw it as a kid and why he was scary and an effective villain to me.... Vader's introduced - surrounded by soldiers who look like skeletons, wearing a grotesque helmet he never removes accompanied by an mechanical/animalistic breathing sound - crushing this guy's throat (that we actually hear) while holding him aloft with one hand (no real person could do that,) legs dangling, then throws his dead body against the wall like a rag doll. He's this brutal thug, an enforcer for a Nazi-like totalitarian government.

His eerie voice is sometimes treacly-sweet and sarcastic, sometimes enraged and murderous. A guy later gives him a bit of lip and he nearly chokes him to death... from across the room just using his mind. He goes to question Leia and brings a torture droid that has needles and pliers. He can sense people's presence remotely (and creepily, know where to wait for Ben,) so has magical powers that you really don't know what the limits are. And there is no doubt he would have killed Ben in the duel if Ben didn't just end it the way he did.

It's Vader's idea to let the rebels go - which leads the Death Star right to the rebel base, and brings the Empire almost to total victory. He's also a badass pilot (and decides to get out there and do it himself hands-on, which was a surprise) and really would have prevailed, killing Luke and saving the Death Star, if it wasn't for Han's last minute change of heart.

A trait that runs in the family. :D

Forget the Skywalkers it's those damn Solos that keep showing up at the last minute to ruin the plans of Vader and the Emperor.