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DiFabio why was Daisy seen leaving your beach front home! :panic:



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So you are admitting you didn?t watch the 3rd act of TLJ ok I understand now.

:lol :lol

But yeah it really all comes down to being okay with seeing heroes get beaten down (physically OR emotionally) as long as they rise again which Han, Luke, and Leia absolutely did. All three were instrumental not only in saving Ben's soul but also in permanently destroying Palpatine so I have no complaints.

Good gosh damn. No wonder she filled out her TROS outfit so well. :drool

What is that footage from? A movie?? An ad???
:lol :lol

But yeah it really all comes down to being okay with seeing heroes get beaten down (physically OR emotionally) as long as they rise again which Han, Luke, and Leia absolutely did. All three were instrumental not only in saving Ben's soul but also in permanently destroying Palpatine so I have no complaints.

Good gosh damn. No wonder she filled out her TROS outfit so well. :drool

What is that footage from? A movie?? An ad???

Yup why is that so hard to comprehend with ST Luke.

If anything my main problem with the ST was never Luke because within the contained context of TLJ his saber throw over his shoulder was properly resolved, for me anyways, but I know you still held on to some reservations about it which is fine.

My main problem was always HAN!

Thank the maker that TROS fixed that for me or else the ST would?ve joined the PT bin lol

Not only did they fix Han but they did it while simultaneously attaching it Leia!

Han resolution was attached to Leia which was attached to Kylo which was attached to Rey which was attached to Luke giving the final push!

Khev that is called a

WIN (Han), WIN (Leia), WIN (Kylo), WIN (Rey), WIN (Like)!

Kylo also became a bad ass after that lol

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Yup why is that so hard to comprehend with ST Luke.

If anything my main problem with the ST was never Luke because within the contained context of TLJ his saber throw over his shoulder was properly resolved, for me anyways, but I know you still held on to some reservations about it which is fine.

My main problem was always HAN!

Thank the maker that TROS fixed that for me or else the ST would?ve joined the PT bin lol

Not only did they fix Han but they did it while simultaneously attaching it Leia!

Han resolution was attached to Leia which was attached to Kylo which was attached to Rey which was attached to Luke giving the final push!

Dude so freaking true and then get this:

SW Han: "There's no mystical energy field that controls MY destiny."

Final Han scene in the Saga: Appears as either a ghost of the mystical energy field or a projection from Leia who was manipulating the mystical energy field. :panic:

And what's a better final line for Han Solo, "I know" or "I won't get in the way." :duh ****ing ROTJ, lol.

Khev that is called a

WIN (Han), WIN (Leia), WIN (Kylo), WIN (Rey), WIN (Like)!

Kylo also became a bad ass after that lol

Yep you said it and like we mentioned before you can even add Lando and Palpatine to that list. :rock

That footage is from the dark fantasy region of my cortex lol


By the way I'm still laughing at "We'll take ajp together JAW--" "--I'm taking him now!" "JAWS no!" :lol
Wouldn't taco be showing then JYE?

Every day should be taco day lol

Dude so freaking true and then get this:

SW Han: "There's no mystical energy field that controls MY destiny."

Final Han scene in the Saga: Appears as either a ghost of the mystical energy field or a projection from Leia who was manipulating the mystical energy field. :panic:

And what's a better final line for Han Solo, "I know" or "I won't get in the way." :duh ****ing ROTJ, lol.

Yep you said it and like we mentioned before you can even add Lando and Palpatine to that list. :rock


By the way I'm still laughing at "We'll take ajp together JAW--" "--I'm taking him now!" "JAWS no!" :lol

Difabio reading your post....


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I gotta give TaliBane credit for getting me to reconsider Luke's ROTJ intentions, even for just a single second. :lol

I'm not going to fault anyone for thinking that the execution of that final confrontation between Luke and Vader could've been better, but I think it was damn near perfect. To me, the key to understanding how and why Luke changed so much in that moment of rage is understanding how the trigger point of Vader's mention of turning Leia to the dark side altered Luke's intentions.

Up until that moment, Luke was doing whatever he could to avoid a fatal outcome with his father. His mindset was, "if I can't turn you back to the light, you'll have to kill me." That's the selflessness of Luke; and selflessness is the one consistent character trait that he always had (no, he wasn't always optimistic; and no, he wasn't always in control of his emotions).

When Vader threatened to turn Leia to the dark, it was no longer just about "I'll turn you good again, or die trying;" now it was about "no ****ing way am I going to let you corrupt my sister; I'll kill you if I have to in order to *save her* from that."

That angry burst of aggression was taking Luke closer to the dark side, no matter how selfless his original motive was. But he didn't cross the line. Instead of killing a twisted member of his family who was lying there at his mercy, even knowing that might save those he loves, Luke turned away from that impulse and was willing to just let himself die instead. (Sound familiar? :monkey3)
Sorry, I thought it was clear. Luke gave in to fear and anger which are both from the Dark Side. His hate made him in the words of Palpatine himself, "powerful". See around the 2:00 part of the fight:

Also, IIRC, the 1983 novelization implies this, how his saber hits were fueled by hate. At the end of the fight, he realizes he was much becoming like Vader, so he stops. The novel also explicitly states that Luke wanted to destroy Vader as he lay down on the ground.

Luke had every opportunity to kill Vader when he was laying on the railing and he just kept hitting his lightsaber.

This entire argument is stupid anyways.

Vader - evil genocidal space nazi - justified

Ben - sleeping nephew who did nothing wrong - not justified

I seriously don't understand the defense of that. It's not even a question of subjectivity. One is right, one is wrong. One fits with the character, one doesn't.

This is technically incorrect. Luke did not go in there with his lightsaber in hand. He went in there with his lightsaber hanging on his belt, like almost every Jedi (remember how Jedi aren't supposed to simply leave their lightsabers around? :D )

There's the scene in question above. He goes in, inquisitive. He is trying to read his student. What he sees terrifies him to the point where he ignites his saber. Look at his face, that's fear in his eyes, not murderous intent. He never even tries to swing his saber. The only move he makes with his saber is to block Ben's attack.

That's the issue indeed on why TLJ was originally divisive. There's the camp that puts Luke as a paragon of the light and there are others (like me) who never saw Luke as the perfect hero.

You link a video that literally says "Luke Tries To Kill Ben Solo" and then try to claim that video is wrong? :lol:lol:lol

Oh yeah man, when I get fearful of my nephew I definitely pull a lightsaber out on him and stand over him like a creep plotting murder. Totally.

Let's say you are right, the fact that Luke is ****ing scared of a dream from a kid after all the **** he has been through is a joke. HE wasn't afraid when confronting his father knowing he could die or be turned to the dark side. But is of a little kid? Come on.

That scene was complete ******** and not in line with the character whatsoever no matter your interpretation of it.

I agree Luke should just be 100% the exact same character with zero changes for 40 years that totally aligns with what is required to create compelling character studies and drama lol

What?s next James Bond should never have trust issues with his own government or old alliances being fractured due to ideological shifts and emotional impacts.

Nope lets just keep everything the exact same way ZzzzZzzz

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Funny, the PT changed things and you hated it. ST changes OT and you love it?

You do realize there is a point where a character reaches a certain growth where they aren't just going to turn back on everything they became... right? You do realize there was still room for Luke to grow after ROTJ that doesn't involve ruining him, right?

You do realize we could have actually seen those regressions and changes ON SCREEN instead of having to read a comic book, art book, novel, play a video game, right?

:lol :lol

But yeah it really all comes down to being okay with seeing heroes get beaten down (physically OR emotionally) as long as they rise again which Han, Luke, and Leia absolutely did. All three were instrumental not only in saving Ben's soul but also in permanently destroying Palpatine so I have no complaints.

No they weren't. Han did nothing. Luke did nothing. Leia maybe did something.

Yup why is that so hard to comprehend with ST Luke.

If anything my main problem with the ST was never Luke because within the contained context of TLJ his saber throw over his shoulder was properly resolved, for me anyways, but I know you still held on to some reservations about it which is fine.

My main problem was always HAN!

Thank the maker that TROS fixed that for me or else the ST would?ve joined the PT bin lol

Not only did they fix Han but they did it while simultaneously attaching it Leia!

Han resolution was attached to Leia which was attached to Kylo which was attached to Rey which was attached to Luke giving the final push!

Khev that is called a

WIN (Han), WIN (Leia), WIN (Kylo), WIN (Rey), WIN (Like)!

Kylo also became a bad ass after that lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dude so freaking true and then get this:

SW Han: "There's no mystical energy field that controls MY destiny."

Final Han scene in the Saga: Appears as either a ghost of the mystical energy field or a projection from Leia who was manipulating the mystical energy field. :panic:

And what's a better final line for Han Solo, "I know" or "I won't get in the way." :duh ****ing ROTJ, lol.

Yep you said it and like we mentioned before you can even add Lando and Palpatine to that list. :rock


By the way I'm still laughing at "We'll take ajp together JAW--" "--I'm taking him now!" "JAWS no!" :lol

How many times does this have to be said.

Non-force users can't turn into force ghosts.

A regular ghost in Star Wars is even dumber.

That was not Han at the end. That was Leia mind raping her son self projecting her idealized version of Han manipulating her own son and then she died doing it. That was not Han. That was Leia's projection of her idealized Han. There is even a line in the movie that says "the princess of Alderaan has interfered with our plans."

Leia died mind raping her son while trying to manipulate him.
Luke had every opportunity to kill Vader when he was laying on the railing and he just kept hitting his lightsaber.

This entire argument is stupid anyways.

Vader - evil genocidal space nazi - justified

Ben - sleeping nephew who did nothing wrong - not justified

I seriously don't understand the defense of that. It's not even a question of subjectivity. One is right, one is wrong. One fits with the character, one doesn't.

You link a video that literally says "Luke Tries To Kill Ben Solo" and then try to claim that video is wrong? :lol:lol:lol

Oh yeah man, when I get fearful of my nephew I definitely pull a lightsaber out on him and stand over him like a creep plotting murder. Totally.

Let's say you are right, the fact that Luke is ****ing scared of a dream from a kid after all the **** he has been through is a joke. HE wasn't afraid when confronting his father knowing he could die or be turned to the dark side. But is of a little kid? Come on.

That scene was complete ******** and not in line with the character whatsoever no matter your interpretation of it.

Seriously Ducky, what are you missing here? The comparison that e30ernest was making between TLJ Luke in Ben's hut and ROTJ Luke going after Vader boils down to how quickly Luke turned his intentions *both times* based on a simple suggestion and nothing more.

ROTJ: Luke screams and wails away on Vader - completely changing his earlier intentions not to harm his father - because Vader mentions *THE POSSIBILITY* of turning Leia to the dark side. That's what it took for Luke to go ape****.

TLJ: Luke sees what darkness lurks in his nephew, sees how corrupted he has already become, and has visions of what Ben will do in the future to tear everything apart. Luke ignites his saber, but only as a momentary impulse before regretting the thought. Nothing more!

So, what's so inconsistent for you between the two scenarios? And don't bring any weak sauce about "Vader was a genocidal space Nazi who needed killing" into this; that wasn't *in any way* part of Luke's motive for his violent outburst against Vader. Vader was the same "space Nazi" when Luke was spending the whole movie trying to redeem him. Gotta do better than that.
Luke had every opportunity to kill Vader when he was laying on the railing and he just kept hitting his lightsaber.

This entire argument is stupid anyways.

Vader - evil genocidal space nazi - justified

Ben - sleeping nephew who did nothing wrong - not justified

I seriously don't understand the defense of that. It's not even a question of subjectivity. One is right, one is wrong. One fits with the character, one doesn't.

He wasn't planning on killing Vader.. Only at a moment of weakness was he going to do it..

I cant do it Ben.. I cant kill my own father..

Apparently he cant kill his own nephew either :lol

You link a video that literally says "Luke Tries To Kill Ben Solo" and then try to claim that video is wrong?

don't even know what to say to you here... I mean... If you watch the movie its all explained... Never once did he try and kill his nephew... He contemplated it drew his saber out of instinct and in a moment it was gone and he felt shame...

All of this because he could sense the evil.. Saw the evil in Ben's dreams and when he reached out he could tell Ben had already been turned... Its all there in the movie...

Not to mention that the name of the video is not like some official Disney release... Its someone who posted a bootleg and named it.. Guess I could post the same thing and call it "Luke never ever thought of harming Ben Solo" and you would that as truth also

Oh yeah man, when I get fearful of my nephew I definitely pull a lightsaber out on him and stand over him like a creep plotting murder. Totally.

Maybe you would if you had super powers and could see into his future and mind and saw that he was going to destroy everything you loved... Hopefully you would be as strong as Luke and come to your senses.

Let's say you are right, the fact that Luke is ****ing scared of a dream from a kid after all the **** he has been through is a joke. HE wasn't afraid when confronting his father knowing he could die or be turned to the dark side. But is of a little kid? Come on.

That scene was complete ******** and not in line with the character whatsoever no matter your interpretation of it.

You are not the only one that this bothers...

As been stated... Some people put Luke on a high pedestal of perfection... Others seem him as a flawed hero.. I find that take much more interesting.

Funny, the PT changed things and you hated it. ST changes OT and you love it?

PT did it poorly ;) What don't you get about that ;)

You do realize there is a point where a character reaches a certain growth where they aren't just going to turn back on everything they became... right? You do realize there was still room for Luke to grow after ROTJ that doesn't involve ruining him, right?

Again.. You didn't like it... Some people did.

IMO it was perfect.. You had to have Luke do that to split the hero's up.. Best way for someone (Snoke / Emperor / whoever the original big bad should have been) to come back into power.

No they weren't. Han did nothing. Luke did nothing. Leia maybe did something.

got Rey back on the right path
did plenty and you know it
Lets say that
is nothing but a memory... Its the memory of a loving father that helped push Ben back to the light.. And as an audience it helps us come to terms with that terrible send off he got in TFA

That was not Han at the end. That was Leia mind raping her son self projecting her idealized version of Han manipulating her own son and then she died doing it. That was not Han. That was Leia's projection of her idealized Han. There is even a line in the movie that says "the princess of Alderaan has interfered with our plans."

Leia died mind raping her son while trying to manipulate him.

Is that even in the novel???

She was dead by then..

Lets say it was.. Why is an her Idealized Han?? Maybe its just her memory of Han.. Or her sons.. That assuming she placed the memory there even though she was already dead by this time.

Seriously Ducky, what are you missing here? The comparison that e30ernest was making between TLJ Luke in Ben's hut and ROTJ Luke going after Vader boils down to how quickly Luke turned his intentions *both times* based on a simple suggestion and nothing more.

ROTJ: Luke screams and wails away on Vader - completely changing his earlier intentions not to harm his father - because Vader mentions *THE POSSIBILITY* of turning Leia to the dark side. That's what it took for Luke to go ape****.

TLJ: Luke sees what darkness lurks in his nephew, sees how corrupted he has already become, and has visions of what Ben will do in the future to tear everything apart. Luke ignites his saber, but only as a momentary impulse before regretting the thought. Nothing more!

So, what's so inconsistent for you between the two scenarios? And don't bring any weak sauce about "Vader was a genocidal space Nazi who needed killing" into this; that wasn't *in any way* part of Luke's motive for his violent outburst against Vader. Vader was the same "space Nazi" when Luke was spending the whole movie trying to redeem him. Gotta do better than that.

Perfectly stated.
That would be the best scene and dialogue in the entire ST.

What happened to not needing to know everything? It's just fantasy. Who cares why. It doesn't need to make any sense whatsoever, we already established this.

I am beginning to think you are just busting balls.. You have to be able to see the difference between the need to not know everything and someone contradicting himself in the same sentence.