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Well, it could have been worse. At least Kylo wasn't an 8 year old and she was an adult when they first met. That would have made their kiss at the end truly cringeworthy. Imagine centering an entire trilogy on such a relationship. One shudders at the very idea...

I think at the time of filming, Natalie was 16-17 years while Jake was 9-10? If so, 7 years isn't that bad of a gap. :D If he were 18, Padme would have been 25 give or take.
Well, it could have been worse. At least Kylo wasn't an 8 year old and she was an adult when they first met. That would have made their kiss at the end truly cringeworthy. Imagine centering an entire trilogy on such a relationship. One shudders at the very idea...

Yea that was creepy no doubt lol. I always thought that was weird. Still tho
So I was watching some of TROS on 4k blu ray last night...

Sounds terrible.

The Kylo vs Rey saber fight is officially my 3rd fav Saber fight after TPM and Empire.

I love the look and setting of the scene and how it shows how powerful Kylo has become and of course the aftermath. It is officially one of my fav scenes in the entire saga.


For the record... YOU keep bringing up the PT anymore. We have all moved well past that junk pile :)

Hey JAWS, you made that comment at 7:46 AM. YOU brought up the PT first and I simply responded to your and JYE comments about lightsaber battles.

Ain't it funny how you've moved past that junk pile... yet just look at all the posts bashing the PT for the sake of bashing it...

Well she lost the last one.. Kylo stopped short of killing her.

I think its been a long while since you have watched the PT.. There are some god awful saber fights in those..

Man the sheer number of bad lightsaber duels in ROTS alone boggles the mind, lol.

:lol :lol

Exclusive footage of Hayden Christensen practicing the choreography of the epic ROTS Mustafar duel, lol:


Yeah man and that Main one should have been #1 on the list.. It should have been a fantastic physical and phycological battle.

But like most of the PT... Lucas just went over the top. :(

For the record if I included the Kylo / Rey Saber fight with the guards in TLJ I would have put that in lower tier also.. I hate the chorography in that scene.

It sure is funny, ain't it. Having to convince yourself that the PT is awful to prop up the worst movie trilogy of all time.
No we don?t. Jye literally bright it up. We responded to him. And that?s good for you but ST fights are horrible mindless swinging. Snoke throne room was terrible , the snow Forrest was bland and the trie right was uninspired and stale .

Tpm had a Jedi die and had a sith fight two Jedi at once with a double saber. Cool af

Rots had yoda go all out and amazing music and visuals during the mustafar battle. Cgi or not .

They can't even remember what they post. Agreed with everything. It must eat away at them to know that the best saber duel of all time is in TPM.

How anyone can hate Yoda/Palpatine is beyond me. They have their force battle and a lightsaber battle, best of both worlds.

Obviously you missed the part were he is about to kill her but Leia steps in.

Orrrrrr Your just so dug in to hate TROS because of the other two films that you fail to see what was good about it.. You just missed what was a solid old fashion OT type Star Wars film (obviously because you fail to see how the saber fights are more OT then PT). People who hated TROS obviously had their minds made up before they saw it because they hated the other two.

See how I can play the same game ;) ;)

It's almost like TROS can't even fix 25% of what was wrong with the ST. Why would I like a movie that is a continuation of a story I hate and won't fix anything?

After watching clips of it, I still hate even more. It's a joke.

If Kylo didn?t would people be about the future of SW after TROS moving forward

Was it best he died because if you look at the sequel trilogy as a whole, he really wasn?t the villain

Be honest

Well, it would have been cool to see Ben alive and help rebuild the order. Far more story to tell and it continues the Skywalker bloodlines. Best possible ending to that garbage ST and they don't even take it.
If they took Palapatine’s return out of TROS

How do you think they should’ve done the plot
Knights of ren since they built them up. They could of showed how they were connected to Kylo but nooooooooooooo lets scrapped the bottome of the barrel and get the emporer back
I came to my senses last night I had a ton of fun on my first rewatch since December.

Han, Luke, Leia, Lando, 3PO nuff said

Kylo, Rey held their own.

Emperor which of course is also the reason I can still sit thru ROTS lol

The stuff that initially bugged me was greatly diminished by the stuff that worked which connected with me at a very deeply personal level.

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So maybe Palapatine’s weakness to the force bolts is a lightsaber

Mace did it

Rey did it

Anyone think Luke made a mistake throwing his saber away on ROTJ

I think at the time of filming, Natalie was 16-17 years while Jake was 9-10? If so, 7 years isn't that bad of a gap. :D If he were 18, Padme would have been 25 give or take.

Yes, Natalie was 18 and Jake was 10 (although he looked about 7 lol). Of course in AOTC she didn't look anything close to 8 years older than Hayden Christensen, because they were the same age. I guess the Jedi are prone to accelerated aging. Who knew? lol
Ahsoka vs Vader from Rebels. Better than anything in the ST.

All of these are far better than anything we got in the ST.
I had to turn that Ahsoka v Vader crap off might as well been Superman vs WW lol

Regarding KOTR sure lots of fun but real actors on a set with a stunt team and cgi assist will ALWAYS > any video game or cartoon lightsaber battle.

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What are you on about? there is no flying or super jumps like in the ST. It's sword on sword action with high stakes. Something all three movies previous lacked. You remind of that meme of the Dog sitting int the fire saying this is fine as the place burns around you.

So I was watching some of TROS on 4k blu ray last night...

The Kylo vs Rey saber fight is officially my 3rd fav Saber fight after TPM and Empire.

I love the look and setting of the scene and how it shows how powerful Kylo has become and of course the aftermath. It is officially one of my fav scenes in the entire saga.

Hey JAWS, you made that comment at 7:46 AM. YOU brought up the PT first and I simply responded to your and JYE comments about lightsaber battles.

Ain't it funny how you've moved past that junk pile... yet just look at all the posts bashing the PT for the sake of bashing it...

It sure is funny, ain't it. Having to convince yourself that the PT is awful to prop up the worst movie trilogy of all time.

Well so I did... But not in a bashing way... I did it in a positive light. I did not bash the PT at all in that post.

I didn't see Jye's comment.. So I will give you that..

But in no way did I bring it up in a comparison sort of way... Not at that time.

Now I did go on to talk about all the lightsaber battles after that.. But that is when everyone was talking about their favs.
I came to my senses last night I had a ton of fun on my first rewatch since December.

Han, Luke, Leia, Lando, 3PO nuff said

Kylo, Rey held their own.

Emperor which of course is also the reason I can still sit thru ROTS lol

The stuff that initially bugged me was greatly diminished by the stuff that worked which connected with me at a very deeply personal level.

Okay so continuing my binge of theatrical OT then TFA then RO I just got done watching TLJ.

And let me say it was a bit of a struggle during the movie's first act since there was just so much random and goofy stuff and I really wanted it to be over with so I could finally check out TROS on disc.

But then holy crap I was blown away with the realization of how much TROS changed how TLJ is framed. Dude it's freaking insane and it's freaking awesome.

RJ clearly said all right I'm gonna make a movie that subverts expectations and throws curveballs left and right and good luck to whoever comes next. But JJ and Terrio hit every curveball out of the park!

First off Rey's vision after swimming into the Dark Side cave.

She first sees all the clones of herself (hello Palpatine clones!) but this is the part that blew me away. She then clenches her fist as she sees two shadows approaching and becoming one, thinking it's her parents, later revealed to just be her own mirror image. No, NOT HER MIRROR IMAGE! The two shadows were her and Emperor Palpatine becoming one in her body as he said!!! :panic: That's why only "she" remained but she wasn't looking at herself! It was Emperor Palpatine in her body! :horror:

And then Kylo's infamous quote when speaking to her about why he killed Han Solo: "Let the past die, kill it if you have to." *Which was advice she had to follow in the next movie when facing her grandfather!* Later he tells her "It's time for old things to die." You could actually take that as Ben Solo deep down, the good Ben, realizing that somehow everything is being manipulated for the worse by an old "thing" that needed to die. My mind is being utterly blown left and right, lol. And he was so conflicted between good and evil that something old and bad from the past had to die and it was tearing him apart but he didn't truly know what and who to focus his attacks on.


Kylo and Rey see each other's "futures" which Snoke claims were just his own manipulations but what Snoke *did not know* is that the visions he was allowing them to have were TRUE!!!! :panic:

Rey said that she saw Kylo turning and Kylo said "no when it's the right time *you'll* be the one to turn and you will stand with me." Dude in TROS Rey *did* agree to submit to Palpatine and strike him down so that he could become the ultimate Sith when she lost all hope and saw no other way to save her friends. And she *did* stand with Kylo shortly after that *but* with both of them as a Dyad of the Light. Both of their visions about the other person turning and them standing together were literally 100% TRUE. There are so many layers to this my mind is beyond reeling, lol.

TLJ Snoke really seems to be grooming Kylo to be his "new Vader" assumedly so that he could turn on Palps. So in trying to cultivate Kylo's loyalty while manipulating Rey into allowing herself to be captured did he give them visions that then BECAME self-fulfilling prophecies or did he unwittingly just open their minds to the actual future that was going to happen all along? Was the arrogant recreation of his former master also a part of Palpatine's own undoing!?

Also now that we know that Kylo was ultimately redeemable Luke comes across WAY less of a **** than before. When he tells Leia "I have to face him, and I can't save him" now it plays much more like "and *I* can't save him, but I'll face him so that he *can* be saved." And when Leia states that she's given up on her son Luke Skywalker himself restores *her* hope with the "no one's ever really gone" which plays out perfectly causing her to later reach out to Ben in TROS.

ALSO now that we know from Rey and Kylo's Star Destroyer/Kijimi duel that Kylo absolutely *can* damage things with his lightsaber while projecting (he helps destroy the Vader shrine) now we can definitely say that he in fact did kill Luke when he sliced and stabbed him on Crait. So Luke was a total badass, did something no one had previously done, restored hope to the galaxy (so that his legend would grow and people would answer Lando's call) and got to have his "Old Ben" sacrifice death moment.

JJ and Terrio (and Iger and whoever the hell else) so unbelievably connected all the dots that I don't know when I'm ever gonna not be in awe of what they did and I can't help but also appreciate what RJ did in just going for broke in daring to take the story in directions that even he probably couldn't imagine getting resolved but they did! So freaking satisfyingly and so much better than that ridiculous Trevorrow script, lol.

Seriously I'm just beyond blown away. :rock
Ah, okay. Thanks for correcting my memory (it's been more than 3 months :lol). :duff

So, the way you see it, do you think Rey healed Kylo because she knew he was done with the dark side?

I don't know if she thought he was done with the dark side but I think she honestly felt the good in him from the previous to present film. I think she knew there was hope. I think she allowed him to live because of the events that just took place. There was defiantly a connection between the two.

She was not 100% but she went with her force sensitive gut

If so, why'd she leave him stranded on the Death Star wreckage and take his ship? If Rey thought that he'd be back to Ben, she still could've quit and gone to Ahch-To on her own, but at least give Ben some way to take her place in the fight.

I think she was just done with the battle... She knew there was good in Kylo but was afraid of the evil in herself.

She basically just killed a defenseless man when he took his guard down, allowed her to live and turned away.

I think she was in a bad place, knowing where the dark side just took her. Healed Kylo, hoped for the best and took off because by this time she was more afraid of herself then anything else

It just doesn't add up to me, so I don't see how or why she would've thought Ben would be turned. Healing still-evil Kylo (with all his Force powers) and leaving him stranded in the same area as her friends would also be a head-scratcher. Glad it all makes sense to you, but the plot logic is lost on me. Oh well

Good point about the friends... They probably hightailed it out of there when they saw her take off :lol :lol
Okay so continuing my binge of theatrical OT then TFA then RO I just got done watching TLJ.

And let me say it was a bit of a struggle during the movie's first act since there was just so much random and goofy stuff and I really wanted it to be over with so I could finally check out TROS on disc.

But then holy crap I was blown away with the realization of how much TROS changed how TLJ is framed. Dude it's freaking insane and it's freaking awesome.

RJ clearly said all right I'm gonna make a movie that subverts expectations and throws curveballs left and right and good luck to whoever comes next. But JJ and Terrio hit every curveball out of the park!

First off Rey's vision after swimming into the Dark Side cave.

She first sees all the clones of herself (hello Palpatine clones!) but this is the part that blew me away. She then clenches her fist as she sees two shadows approaching and becoming one, thinking it's her parents, later revealed to just be her own mirror image. No, NOT HER MIRROR IMAGE! The two shadows were her and Emperor Palpatine becoming one in her body as he said!!! :panic: That's why only "she" remained but she wasn't looking at herself! It was Emperor Palpatine in her body! :horror:

And then Kylo's infamous quote when speaking to her about why he killed Han Solo: "Let the past die, kill it if you have to." *Which was advice she had to follow in the next movie when facing her grandfather!* Later he tells her "It's time for old things to die." You could actually take that as Ben Solo deep down, the good Ben, realizing that somehow everything is being manipulated for the worse by an old "thing" that needed to die. My mind is being utterly blown left and right, lol. And he was so conflicted between good and evil that something old and bad from the past had to die and it was tearing him apart but he didn't truly know what and who to focus his attacks on.


Kylo and Rey see each other's "futures" which Snoke claims were just his own manipulations but what Snoke *did not know* is that the visions he was allowing them to have were TRUE!!!! :panic:

Rey said that she saw Kylo turning and Kylo said "no when it's the right time *you'll* be the one to turn and you will stand with me." Dude in TROS Rey *did* agree to submit to Palpatine and strike him down so that he could become the ultimate Sith when she lost all hope and saw no other way to save her friends. And she *did* stand with Kylo shortly after that *but* with both of them as a Dyad of the Light. Both of their visions about the other person turning and them standing together were literally 100% TRUE. There are so many layers to this my mind is beyond reeling, lol.

TLJ Snoke really seems to be grooming Kylo to be his "new Vader" assumedly so that he could turn on Palps. So in trying to cultivate Kylo's loyalty while manipulating Rey into allowing herself to be captured did he give them visions that then BECAME self-fulfilling prophecies or did he unwittingly just open their minds to the actual future that was going to happen all along? Was the arrogant recreation of his former master also a part of Palpatine's own undoing!?

Also now that we know that Kylo was ultimately redeemable Luke comes across WAY less of a **** than before. When he tells Leia "I have to face him, and I can't save him" now it plays much more like "and *I* can't save him, but I'll face him so that he *can* be saved." And when Leia states that she's given up on her son Luke Skywalker himself restores *her* hope with the "no one's ever really gone" which plays out perfectly causing her to later reach out to Ben in TROS.

ALSO now that we know from Rey and Kylo's Star Destroyer/Kijimi duel that Kylo absolutely *can* damage things with his lightsaber while projecting (he helps destroy the Vader shrine) now we can definitely say that he in fact did kill Luke when he sliced and stabbed him on Crait. So Luke was a total badass, did something no one had previously done, restored hope to the galaxy (so that his legend would grow and people would answer Lando's call) and got to have his "Old Ben" sacrifice death moment.

JJ and Terrio (and Iger and whoever the hell else) so unbelievably connected all the dots that I don't know when I'm ever gonna not be in awe of what they did and I can't help but also appreciate what RJ did in just going for broke in daring to take the story in directions that even he probably couldn't imagine getting resolved but they did! So freaking satisfyingly and so much better than that ridiculous Trevorrow script, lol.

Seriously I'm just beyond blown away. :rock

Hmmm... So do you think JJ took that stuff intentionally from TLJ and made it that way into TROS or does it work out that way and is mostly Khev fan fiction :lol :)

I am looking forward to watching the entire saga here very soon and what the two first ST films will be like now that I like how it all ends.
They can't even remember what they post. Agreed with everything. It must eat away at them to know that the best saber duel of all time is in TPM.

Obviously you don't read what I post either :)

How anyone can hate Yoda/Palpatine is beyond me. They have their force battle and a lightsaber battle, best of both worlds.

Its awful... Just plain awful.

I will say once they enter the senate room its a bit better with the emperor throwing senate seats at Yoda.

It's almost like TROS can't even fix 25% of what was wrong with the ST. Why would I like a movie that is a continuation of a story I hate and won't fix anything?

After watching clips of it, I still hate even more. It's a joke.

You also missed the point of that post.. :)
Knights of ren since they built them up. They could of showed how they were connected to Kylo but nooooooooooooo lets scrapped the bottome of the barrel and get the emporer back

They did... in a novel....

Which sucks TBH...

Yes, Natalie was 18 and Jake was 10 (although he looked about 7 lol). Of course in AOTC she didn?t look anything close to 8 years older than Hayden Christensen, because they were the same age. I guess the Jedi are prone to accelerated aging. Who knew? lol

Well this guy went from this:

To this in just 19 years or so?