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I don't care if people spend the rest of their lives bashing these movies because the flaws present in every movie after ESB just aren't enough to bring the Saga down. It's epic, it's awesome, and I'm blown away that I'll have these seven flicks to revisit forevermore. :)

It's become annoying how people are kinda lumping ROTJ in with the rest of the mess. It wasn't as good a film as the first two of course, almost nobody denies this. Some lazy acting, Boba Fett, whatever your feelings about Ewoks, etc. But it also brought some of the very coolest SW stuff to the screen. Jabba's palace, Jabba's sail barge, Speeder bikes and Scout Troopers in Endor forest, Luke in all black, Emperor's Throne Room, etc just to name a few. To say it's on par with any of what came later is just ridiculous.
It's become annoying how people are kinda lumping ROTJ in with the rest of the mess. It wasn't as good a film as the first two of course, almost nobody denies this. Some lazy acting, Boba Fett, whatever your feelings about Ewoks, etc. But it also brought some of the very coolest SW stuff to the screen. Jabba's palace, Jabba's sail barge, Speeder bikes and Scout Troopers in Endor forest, Luke in all black, Emperor's Throne Room, etc just to name a few. To say it's on par with any of what came later is just ridiculous.


TFH has spoken.

I don't regard the TFA/TLJ/TROS Spoof Trilogy as an actual part of the the Star Wars story. At best it's a "What if...?' story, to which the answer is, "I'm glad it wasn't!"

I begrudgingly accept the PT over the pointless diversion of the ST, since even Jar Jar or the Rogers weren't as ridiculous or as pathetic as that Ben/Kylo character. Though the acting and dialogue was as bad in both trilogies.

Ideally, Star Wars is the core that contains Solo, Rogue One, The Original Trilogy and The Mandalorian. The remainder can be ignored, or filled in by a selection of the better expanded universe novels - those 'legends' which were far better crafted and far more in-universe than the cobbled together films.
Khev, it's not the ST blowing you away. It's called cabin fever. Seriously give it time and eventually you'll realise how silly you were for ever thinking that TROS was a good movie.

He?s slowly but surely losing his mind. Last year he argued with AJP about how the ST was a mess now they switched sides
He?s slowly but surely losing his mind. Last year he argued with AJP about how the ST was a mess now they switched sides

Yep when Khev claimed that the ST contains "snappy dialogue" I knew he was a lost cause. Go save the things you love dummy...

I begrudgingly accept the PT over the pointless diversion of the ST, since even Jar Jar or the Rogers weren't as ridiculous or as pathetic as that Ben/Kylo character. Though the acting and dialogue was as bad in both trilogies.

Kylo Ren the lamest villain in all Star Wars. Seriously what so intimidating about him that others would follow him?
Kylo Ren the lamest villain in all Star Wars. Seriously what so intimidating about him that others would follow him?

It's a mystery.

I hated him from the beginning, and just can't shake the image of him as Harry Enfield's 'Kevin the Teenager'.

:lol :lol

What's awesome is that the cave can be taken another way too. Rather than the two shadows merging into Rey as foreshadowing Palpatine's desire to possess her body you can also say that it's her and Ben Solo the Force Dyad with his lifeforce merging into hers leaving just Rey standing in the reflection.

Hmm I would disagree on that one. I believe the camera focusing on her reaction was to show that she had come to the decision that she must do as Palpatine says. She looks truly heartbroken when she then turns to him and nods in agreement. Then as the ritual is beginning and Ben is running toward the throne room she still seems devastated but then when she's about to raise her blade to strike and he is surrounded by the KoR we get a close-up of both their faces and that's when they seem to finally sense each other because he nods and her demeanor completely changes into one of excitement and hope.

If you see it differently then so be it. :)

Yep! :rock

:lol :lol

What's awesome is that the cave can be taken another way too. Rather than the two shadows merging into Rey as foreshadowing Palpatine's desire to possess her body you can also say that it's her and Ben Solo the Force Dyad with his lifeforce merging into hers leaving just Rey standing in the reflection.

Hmm I would disagree on that one. I believe the camera focusing on her reaction was to show that she had come to the decision that she must do as Palpatine says. She looks truly heartbroken when she then turns to him and nods in agreement. Then as the ritual is beginning and Ben is running toward the throne room she still seems devastated but then when she's about to raise her blade to strike and he is surrounded by the KoR we get a close-up of both their faces and that's when they seem to finally sense each other because he nods and her demeanor completely changes into one of excitement and hope.

If you see it differently then so be it. :)

Yep! :rock

Ok after a rewatch of the entire scene I think you are right because a few minutes later after her yes nod to the emperor when Kylo confronts the KOR is when I think she finally notices he is on Exegol.

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That was me on the right when Khev abandoned ST Han, Luke and Leia last year.

That was me on the left when Khev welcomed back ST Han, Luke and Leia with TROS.


Oh and here is JAWS rewatching TLJ with Khev pointing out his new TROS connections:


Oh and here is ajp doing whatever it takes to get off the ST train:


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ALSO now that we know from Rey and Kylo's Star Destroyer/Kijimi duel that Kylo absolutely *can* damage things with his lightsaber while projecting (he helps destroy the Vader shrine) now we can definitely say that he in fact did kill Luke when he sliced and stabbed him on Crait. So Luke was a total badass, did something no one had previously done, restored hope to the galaxy (so that his legend would grow and people would answer Lando's call) and got to have his "Old Ben" sacrifice death moment.

I liked most of the observations/interpretations that you listed but I don't quite follow this one, as on Crait Luke was doing the projecting, not Kylo. Now if Luke had wounded Kylo that would track, but not vice-versa. Luke's lack of footprints in the salt was evidence that his physical form was never truly there, plus I don't think their lightsabers ever actually made contact with each other. Not to mention he would have already "got him" when he had his entire army fire upon him earlier. :lol
I thought you park and they bring it out too you :lol

The do but you have to buy it online first.

Damn the sky walker saga is 250? You can just get the separate movies for like 50 altogether and call it a day. 3 dollars for the ST movies

Its for the 4k version of the film.. So if you bought them all separate it would cost about the same right now.

********! I went into TROS with an open mind hoping it would tie up the saga nicely. Suffice to say it didn't and I walked away thinking meh.

You missed the point of that post.. It was sarcasm... I was only stating that because another poster was giving "the only reason people like the films" theories.

and here is JAWS rewatching TLJ with you pointing out your new TROS connections:


Oh and here is ajp doing whatever it takes to get off the ST train:


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:lol :lol :lol

Those are two of the greatest gifs ever!!!!!
O well I mean I honestly think you and the others like the ST cause it has OT stuff in it. And I feel like you personally don?t like it cause name brand but the others do. It?s just PT tried something new outside of the tired tropes we seen before as I said before .

Well I cant speak for the others but as for me :duff
This is for ironwez:


Are you happy now lol

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I liked most of the observations/interpretations that you listed but I don't quite follow this one, as on Crait Luke was doing the projecting, not Kylo. Now if Luke had wounded Kylo that would track, but not vice-versa. Luke's lack of footprints in the salt was evidence that his physical form was never truly there, plus I don't think their lightsabers ever actually made contact with each other. Not to mention he would have already "got him" when he had his entire army fire upon him earlier. :lol

Hmm I think you're right especially since when Rey and Kylo were damaging each other's environments both in his quarters and on Kijimi they were each simultaneously appearing in the other person's location as opposed to Luke appearing on Crait with Kylo not projecting himself. Okay that's one back to "the effort alone would kill you," lol.
I found Poe to be much more likable in TLJ this time around with Holdo being a borderline villain for most of the movie, lol. Despite her being a ***** he was pretty much right the whole time though I can also see why Leia would have been upset that he pressed the attack against the Dreadnaught. If you think back to the OT the Rebels only ever engaged the Empire on their terms, never as the result of the Empire just showing up guns blazing (except when the first DS showed up at Yavin but of course the Rebels were still planning for that very event in advance.)

So for her it probably felt like if after being ordered to retreat on Hoth Luke said "no way we can take out Veers!" and then led the entire snowspeeder squadron at his AT-AT getting every pilot killed while the rest of the Rebels were fleeing. So I can empathize with both Poe and Leia. As for Holdo she had to die for her insolence while Poe was personally given her role of leadership (a much higher honor than being awarded the title by Big Nose Lady, lol.)
I found Poe to be much more likable in TLJ this time around with Holdo being a borderline villain for most of the movie, lol. Despite her being a ***** he was pretty much right the whole movie though I can also see why Leia would have been upset that he pressed the attack against the Dreadnaught. If you think back to the OT the Rebels only ever engaged the Empire on their own terms, never as the result of the Empire just showing up guns blazing (except when the first DS showed up at Yavin but of course the Rebels were still planning for that very event in advance.)

So for her it probably felt like if after being ordered to retreat on Hoth Luke said "no way we can take out Veers!" and then led the entire snowspeeder squadron at his AT-AT getting every pilot killed while the rest of the Rebels were fleeing. So I can empathize with both Poe and Leia. And then for her insolence Holdo had to die while Poe was personally given her role of leadership (a much higher honor than being awarded the title by Big Nose Lady, lol.)

As for him retreating at the end I counted each speeder that were destroyed on Crait and it was a whopping 8 of the original 13. So Poe would have realized that beside himself there was just Finn, Rose, the alien driver, and one other pilot left before he finally gave the order to pull back.
As for him retreating at the end I counted each speeder that were destroyed on Crait and it was a whopping 8 of the original 13. So Poe would have realized that beside himself there was just Finn, Rose, the alien driver, and one other pilot left before he finally gave the order to pull back.

What is the point of that attack... Those speeders have no weapons... What were they trying to do??
They had double barrel blaster cannons at the end of the right wing:


They just never got close enough to use them and Finn's guns had melted by the time that he did.