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Well she lost the last one.. Kylo stopped short of killing her.

I think its been a long while since you have watched the PT.. There are some god awful saber fights in those..

Nah she won. She stabbed him and healed him.
Exclusive footage of Hayden Christensen practicing the choreography of the epic ROTS Mustafar duel, lol:


Damn that is brutal. No high ground in his training.
Funny... I feel that those that don't like it just cant accept that its good and they just don't understand Star Wars ;) ;) ;)

At least when it come to TROS

Orrrrr maybe people aren?t being fooled by a brand name and know bad writing when they see it. Seems like the only people who like these films are people who hated the Pt. That?s cause PT actually went a different route then they wanted and didn?t try to cater to ot purist with the same resistance vs empire plot that?s so tired

But hey if you guys like see a bunch of dudes swing lightsabers around like lunatics it?s cool. Good thing you guys are in the minority. And you keep bringing up the PT like it punched your mom. It can?t hurt you anymore guys. You have ur own set of crappy movies to love. Only these are way worse and put the brand on ice for a few years
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Nah she won. She stabbed him and healed him.

Obviously you missed the part were he is about to kill her but Leia steps in.

Orrrrr maybe people aren?t being fooled by a brand name and know bad writing when they see it. Seems like the only people who like these films are people who hated the Pt. That?s cause PT actually went a different route then they wanted and didn?t try to cater to ot purist with the same resistance vs empire plot that?s so tired

But hey if you guys like see a bunch of dudes swing lightsabers around like lunatics it?s cool. Good thing you guys are in the minority. And you keep bringing up the PT like it punched your mom. It can?t hurt you anymore guys. You have ur own set of crappy movies to love. Only these are way worse and put the brand on ice for a few years

Orrrrrr Your just so dug in to hate TROS because of the other two films that you fail to see what was good about it.. You just missed what was a solid old fashion OT type Star Wars film (obviously because you fail to see how the saber fights are more OT then PT). People who hated TROS obviously had their minds made up before they saw it because they hated the other two.

See how I can play the same game ;) ;)
Nah she won. She stabbed him and healed him.

Just goes to show how scared and intimidated Rey was of Kylo: she healed him, let him keep his lightsaber, and just casually walked away. :rotfl

She might as well have just said, "No sense in letting you die; it's not like you'll ever harm me." :lol
Nah she won. She stabbed him and healed him.

Just goes to show how scared and intimidated Rey was of Kylo: she healed him, let him keep his lightsaber, and just casually walked away. :rotfl

She might as well have just said, "No sense in letting you die; it's not like you'll ever harm me." :lol

How about Rey feeling Leia's presence also and had an understanding that Kylo stopped short of killing her.

Add that to the fact that Rey when she stabbed Kylo was flirting with the dark side herself.. Leia brought Rey back also when Rey could feel the life leave Leia at the same moment she struck Kylo.
Here is a good video about Both sides of the debate.. The presenter is not a fan of either and picks the ST but the poll he put out had the PT come oout the winner.

I thought it was a good job of pointing out the faults of both.

How about Rey feeling Leia's presence also and had an understanding that Kylo stopped short of killing her.

Add that to the fact that Rey when she stabbed Kylo was flirting with the dark side herself.. Leia brought Rey back also when Rey could feel the life leave Leia at the same moment she struck Kylo.

You'll have to forgive me if I'm remembering it wrong, but wasn't Rey aware of Leia reaching out before she stabbed Kylo?
Obviously you missed the part were he is about to kill her but Leia steps in.

Orrrrrr Your just so dug in to hate TROS because of the other two films that you fail to see what was good about it.. You just missed what was a solid old fashion OT type Star Wars film (obviously because you fail to see how the saber fights are more OT then PT). People who hated TROS obviously had their minds made up before they saw it because they hated the other two.

See how I can play the same game ;) ;)

If I?m fighting with you and someone distracts me and you knock me out I lost. So again he lost . And no my mind wasn?t made up I can just bluntly see the horrible writing and rushed story telling. It?s not difficult to understand this was a product more than a movie and it feels soulless and tired but I guess I had my mind made up. Sorry but no. I can just tell when something is not good. If it?s something I like and it?s done poorly I?ll call it out. I?m not going to automatically give it a pass cause it?s one of my fav brands lol
If I?m fighting with you and someone distracts me and you knock me out I lost. So again he lost . And no my mind wasn?t made up I can just bluntly see the horrible writing and rushed story telling. It?s not difficult to understand this was a product more than a movie and it feels soulless and tired but I guess I had my mind made up. Sorry but no. I can just tell when something is not good. If it?s something I like and it?s done poorly I?ll call it out. I?m not going to automatically give it a pass cause it?s one of my fav brands lol

You are missing the point to my post... You are assuming a lot of things to why people might like the ST... I did the same right back at you.

You think it has something to do with name brand.. If that was true I would love the PT and all of the ST..

Those that love all of the ST would love the PT also... Because.. Well.. According to you.... Name brand.

Orrrrrr…. Could it be you didn't like any of the films because they did not entertain you and some did enjoy one or more of them because it did entertain them?? :lol
You are missing the point to my post... You are assuming a lot of things to why people might like the ST... I did the same right back at you.

You think it has something to do with name brand.. If that was true I would love the PT and all of the ST..

Those that love all of the ST would love the PT also... Because.. Well.. According to you.... Name brand.

Orrrrrr?. Could it be you didn't like any of the films because they did not entertain you and some did enjoy one or more of them because it did entertain them?? :lol

O well I mean I honestly think you and the others like the ST cause it has OT stuff in it. And I feel like you personally don?t like it cause name brand but the others do. It?s just PT tried something new outside of the tired tropes we seen before as I said before .
If Kylo didn’t would people be about the future of SW after TROS moving forward

Was it best he died because if you look at the sequel trilogy as a whole, he really wasn’t the villain

Be honest
Nope... Not till after she stabs Leia and leia's hand falls and her last breath comes out.. Rey then says... "Leia"

Ah, okay. Thanks for correcting my memory (it's been more than 3 months :lol). :duff

So, the way you see it, do you think Rey healed Kylo because she knew he was done with the dark side?

If so, why'd she leave him stranded on the Death Star wreckage and take his ship? If Rey thought that he'd be back to Ben, she still could've quit and gone to Ahch-To on her own, but at least give Ben some way to take her place in the fight.

It just doesn't add up to me, so I don't see how or why she would've thought Ben would be turned. Healing still-evil Kylo (with all his Force powers) and leaving him stranded in the same area as her friends would also be a head-scratcher. Glad it all makes sense to you, but the plot logic is lost on me. Oh well.

If Kylo didn?t would people be about the future of SW after TROS moving forward

Was it best he died because if you look at the sequel trilogy as a whole, he really wasn?t the villain

Be honest

Yes, I definitely think it's best that he died.

He shouldn't have been redeemed, though (but we all knew that was coming). As far as how that happened, if Leia knew she could reach him from across the galaxy to stop him from slicing through someone, and help save his soul, that's pretty f'd up not to do that with Han in TFA, right?

Why would she wait until after Han died, after five planets were destroyed, and after Kylo was Supreme Leader as the FO occupied and terrorized more planets for two years?

Not a good solution to the redemption issue, IMO. The Han scene in TROS was great, but again, the logic in the setup is lost on me.
I love how because JJ got desperate and made Rey the spawn of a confirmed dead man suddenly fans who should know better consider her character valid and not a Mary Sue. Her character was terrible beginning about the time the Maz's retrieved lightsaber talked to her and continued for the rest of the entire trilogy. Rey is an abomination period.
I love how because JJ got desperate and made Rey the spawn of a confirmed dead man suddenly fans who should know better consider her character valid and not a Mary Sue. Her character was terrible beginning about the time the Maz's retrieved lightsaber talked to her and continued for the rest of the entire trilogy. Rey is an abomination period.

lol right? what a joke
I love how because JJ got desperate and made Rey the spawn of a confirmed dead man suddenly fans who should know better consider her character valid and not a Mary Sue. Her character was terrible beginning about the time the Maz's retrieved lightsaber talked to her and continued for the rest of the entire trilogy. Rey is an abomination period.


Funny how nobody refers to Rey as a MarySue anymore and she even had force lightning :rotfl
Rey is an abomination period.

lol right? what a joke

Well, it could have been worse. At least Kylo wasn't an 8 year old and she was an adult when they first met. That would have made their kiss at the end truly cringeworthy. Imagine centering an entire trilogy on such a relationship. One shudders at the very idea...
How many years was the timeline between TLJ and TROS ..anyone know? Doubt Leia could train Rey in a month :dunno