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It sure is funny, ain't it. Having to convince yourself that the PT is awful to prop up the worst movie trilogy of all time.

I don't have to convince myself of anything.. I don't know how many times I have said that I actually like TPM and rank it higher then TFA and TLJ...

Plus at the time when TLJ came out I thought the PT was better also... Because RJ had just screwed the pooch soooo hard... But TROS saved it all for me..

If ROTS stuck the landing for me I might think that was the better trilogy... But the PT went the opposite direction then the ST did for me.

PT = TPM was best, AOTC was Awful, and ROTS was a bore.
ST = TFA was a bore, TLJ was Awful, and TROS was the best.

Its all about the ending and for me ROTS just did not come through. I would have loved it too... But I just don't care for so much of it.
Obviously you don't read what I post either :)

Its awful... Just plain awful.

I will say once they enter the senate room its a bit better with the emperor throwing senate seats at Yoda.

You also missed the point of that post.. :)

I remember laughter whenever Yoda fought with his saber in the theater. We called him "Super Lolo" (which translates to super grandfather) which is a very powerful (and illegal) firecracker. It was pretty much a joke. :rotfl
I love how because JJ got desperate and made Rey the spawn of a confirmed dead man suddenly fans who should know better consider her character valid and not a Mary Sue. Her character was terrible beginning about the time the Maz's retrieved lightsaber talked to her and continued for the rest of the entire trilogy. Rey is an abomination period.


Funny how nobody refers to Rey as a MarySue anymore and she even had force lightning :rotfl

For me it worked because there had to be a reason... Don't make her Palps daughter and I got issues with the whole trilogy..

Make her the offspring of the most powerful force user ever and well I can give it a pass..

I wonder why nobody has issues with Baby Yoda's force powers?

I find it acceptable also... But really I shouldn't :lol
Hmmm... So do you think JJ took that stuff intentionally from TLJ and made it that way into TROS or does it work out that way and is mostly Khev fan fiction :lol :)

I am looking forward to watching the entire saga here very soon and what the two first ST films will be like now that I like how it all ends.

I feel that I have to give them credit for running with all of TLJ's threads and giving them proper closure whether they realized what they were doing or not, lol. All that matters is the end result which is freaking awesome. :D
So has anyone physically gone to any store to pick up the Skywalker Saga set

What it’s like $250 :horror
Well this guy went from this:

To this in just 19 years or so?

In real life Ewan was 33.. Alec was 60.. So its a 27 years difference..

I think in SW time Obi wan is supposed to be 41 or 42..

So I guess that is believable. I think Ewan could pass as 41 in that photo.
I feel that I have to give them credit for running with all of TLJ's threads and giving them proper closure whether they realized what they were doing or not, lol. All that matters is the end result which is freaking awesome. :D

I just wonder if JJ was doing the things you came up with.. Like the Rey in the cave part.. If so then that's pretty clever.. If not he should have had you there with him :lol
In real life Ewan was 33.. Alec was 60.. So its a 27 years difference..

I think in SW time Obi wan is supposed to be 41 or 42..

So I guess that is believable. I think Ewan could pass as 41 in that photo.

Poor Ewan... 33 but looks 41. :rotfl Alec looks old for 60 though....
So has anyone physically gone to any store to pick up the Skywalker Saga set

What it’s like $250 :horror

I was going to..... I preordered from Best Buy but it was not going to get to me until next week and they had it available for pick up at the store so I cancelled it and tried to order it again for instore pick up.. They wouldn't let me.. System said I had already ordered my max... I cant just walk into the store because of the shot downs in NY... So I got them all individually at Wal-mart. Which is fine because I don't know where I was going to put that box. :lol
Yes he does... Moves old for 60 also... Different times back then.. Life was much harder.. Even for actors.. But he had to live through some wars and a depression.

Yeah I didn't think about that. We have it easy (despite the pandemic).
Okay so continuing my binge of theatrical OT then TFA then RO I just got done watching TLJ.

And let me say it was a bit of a struggle during the movie's first act since there was just so much random and goofy stuff and I really wanted it to be over with so I could finally check out TROS on disc.

But then holy crap I was blown away with the realization of how much TROS changed how TLJ is framed. Dude it's freaking insane and it's freaking awesome.

RJ clearly said all right I'm gonna make a movie that subverts expectations and throws curveballs left and right and good luck to whoever comes next. But JJ and Terrio hit every curveball out of the park!

First off Rey's vision after swimming into the Dark Side cave.

She first sees all the clones of herself (hello Palpatine clones!) but this is the part that blew me away. She then clenches her fist as she sees two shadows approaching and becoming one, thinking it's her parents, later revealed to just be her own mirror image. No, NOT HER MIRROR IMAGE! The two shadows were her and Emperor Palpatine becoming one in her body as he said!!! :panic: That's why only "she" remained but she wasn't looking at herself! It was Emperor Palpatine in her body! :horror:

And then Kylo's infamous quote when speaking to her about why he killed Han Solo: "Let the past die, kill it if you have to." *Which was advice she had to follow in the next movie when facing her grandfather!* Later he tells her "It's time for old things to die." You could actually take that as Ben Solo deep down, the good Ben, realizing that somehow everything is being manipulated for the worse by an old "thing" that needed to die. My mind is being utterly blown left and right, lol. And he was so conflicted between good and evil that something old and bad from the past had to die and it was tearing him apart but he didn't truly know what and who to focus his attacks on.


Kylo and Rey see each other's "futures" which Snoke claims were just his own manipulations but what Snoke *did not know* is that the visions he was allowing them to have were TRUE!!!! :panic:

Rey said that she saw Kylo turning and Kylo said "no when it's the right time *you'll* be the one to turn and you will stand with me." Dude in TROS Rey *did* agree to submit to Palpatine and strike him down so that he could become the ultimate Sith when she lost all hope and saw no other way to save her friends. And she *did* stand with Kylo shortly after that *but* with both of them as a Dyad of the Light. Both of their visions about the other person turning and them standing together were literally 100% TRUE. There are so many layers to this my mind is beyond reeling, lol.

TLJ Snoke really seems to be grooming Kylo to be his "new Vader" assumedly so that he could turn on Palps. So in trying to cultivate Kylo's loyalty while manipulating Rey into allowing herself to be captured did he give them visions that then BECAME self-fulfilling prophecies or did he unwittingly just open their minds to the actual future that was going to happen all along? Was the arrogant recreation of his former master also a part of Palpatine's own undoing!?

Also now that we know that Kylo was ultimately redeemable Luke comes across WAY less of a **** than before. When he tells Leia "I have to face him, and I can't save him" now it plays much more like "and *I* can't save him, but I'll face him so that he *can* be saved." And when Leia states that she's given up on her son Luke Skywalker himself restores *her* hope with the "no one's ever really gone" which plays out perfectly causing her to later reach out to Ben in TROS.

ALSO now that we know from Rey and Kylo's Star Destroyer/Kijimi duel that Kylo absolutely *can* damage things with his lightsaber while projecting (he helps destroy the Vader shrine) now we can definitely say that he in fact did kill Luke when he sliced and stabbed him on Crait. So Luke was a total badass, did something no one had previously done, restored hope to the galaxy (so that his legend would grow and people would answer Lando's call) and got to have his "Old Ben" sacrifice death moment.

JJ and Terrio (and Iger and whoever the hell else) so unbelievably connected all the dots that I don't know when I'm ever gonna not be in awe of what they did and I can't help but also appreciate what RJ did in just going for broke in daring to take the story in directions that even he probably couldn't imagine getting resolved but they did! So freaking satisfyingly and so much better than that ridiculous Trevorrow script, lol.

Seriously I'm just beyond blown away. :rock

Great stuff but the only wrench I want to throw in there is that Rey only agreed to strike the emperor down as a delay tactic because she sensed Ben arrival with him running in up on top.

Right before she turns and gives Palp a yes nod the camera focuses on her facial reaction as the way to show the audience that she is aware that Kylo arrived.

Regarding Luke and Leia on Crait I would just like to add that Luke using I was the way to inform the audience that it will have to eventually come down to Leia herself who will have to figure out a away to save her son!

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I was going to..... I preordered from Best Buy but it was not going to get to me until next week and they had it available for pick up at the store so I cancelled it and tried to order it again for instore pick up.. They wouldn't let me.. System said I had already ordered my max... I cant just walk into the store because of the shot downs in NY... So I got them all individually at Wal-mart. Which is fine because I don't know where I was going to put that box. :lol

I thought you park and they bring it out too you :lol
Damn the sky walker saga is 250? You can just get the separate movies for like 50 altogether and call it a day. 3 dollars for the ST movies
I just wonder if JJ was doing the things you came up with.. Like the Rey in the cave part.. If so then that's pretty clever.. If not he should have had you there with him :lol

:lol :lol

What's awesome is that the cave can be taken another way too. Rather than the two shadows merging into Rey as foreshadowing Palpatine's desire to possess her body you can also say that it's her and Ben Solo the Force Dyad with his lifeforce merging into hers leaving just Rey standing in the reflection.

Great stuff but the only wrench I want to throw in there is that Rey only agreed to strike the emperor down as a delay tactic because she sensed Ben arrival with him running in up on top.

Right before she turns and gives Palp a yes nod the camera focuses on her facial reaction as the way to show the audience that she is aware that Kylo arrived.

Hmm I would disagree on that one. I believe the camera focusing on her reaction was to show that she had come to the decision that she must do as Palpatine says. She looks truly heartbroken when she then turns to him and nods in agreement. Then as the ritual is beginning and Ben is running toward the throne room she still seems devastated but then when she's about to raise her blade to strike and he is surrounded by the KoR we get a close-up of both their faces and that's when they seem to finally sense each other because he nods and her demeanor completely changes into one of excitement and hope.

If you see it differently then so be it. :)

Regarding Luke and Leia on Crait I would just like to add that Luke using I was the way to inform the audience that it will have to eventually come down to Leia herself who will have to figure out a away to save her son!

Yep! :rock
I wonder why nobody has issues with Baby Yoda's force powers?

I find it acceptable also... But really I shouldn't :lol

I suppose it's that the species is assumed to be rare/mystical/powerful up to this point. But we don't really know. I'm sure there is more to come on this topic. The previous appearance of Yaddle really kinda sucks though.
I am looking forward to watching the entire saga here very soon and what the two first ST films will be like now that I like how it all ends.

Oh man just finished my binge of theatrical OT -> TFA -> RO -> TLJ -> TROS.

Freaking epic. :rock

But I'm definitely ready for a break now, lol.

Funny that TROS closes with scenes of a planet from each OT film (Bespin, then Ewok Village, then Tatooine) but nothing from any..."other" SW movies, lol. You really don't need anything but the OT and ST. :yess:

And Wicket and his son had non-blinking ewok costumes, suck it SE's. :lol

7 movies over four days (entire OT on Sunday, TFA on Monday, RO Tuesday and then TLJ/TROS back to back tonight) is freaking a lot but man it really plays well to watch Palpatine and the DSII wreckage show up so soon after watching ROTJ. It really makes the whole thing feel like a six (or seven because I think RO actually works as a valid "flashback" entry in the Saga setting up Mustafar and the Kyber crystals being in lightsabers) film Saga rather than two separate trilogies.

I don't care if people spend the rest of their lives bashing these movies because the flaws present in every movie after ESB just aren't enough to bring the Saga down. It's epic, it's awesome, and I'm blown away that I'll have these seven flicks to revisit forevermore. :)
People who hated TROS obviously had their minds made up before they saw it because they hated the other two.

See how I can play the same game ;) ;)

********! I went into TROS with an open mind hoping it would tie up the saga nicely. Suffice to say it didn't and I walked away thinking meh.
Oh man just finished my binge of theatrical OT -> TFA -> RO -> TLJ -> TROS.

Freaking epic. :rock

But I'm definitely ready for a break now, lol.

Funny that TROS closes with scenes of a planet from each OT film (Bespin, then Ewok Village, then Tatooine) but nothing from any..."other" SW movies, lol. You really don't need anything but the OT and ST. :yess:

And Wicket and his son had non-blinking ewok costumes, suck it SE's. :lol

7 movies over four days (entire OT on Sunday, TFA on Monday, RO Tuesday and then TLJ/TROS back to back tonight) is freaking a lot but man it really plays well to watch Palpatine and the DSII wreckage show up so soon after watching ROTJ. It really makes the whole thing feel like a six (or seven because I think RO actually works as a valid "flashback" entry in the Saga setting up Mustafar and the Kyber crystals being in lightsabers) film Saga rather than two separate trilogies.

I don't care if people spend the rest of their lives bashing these movies because the flaws present in every movie after ESB just aren't enough to bring the Saga down. It's epic, it's awesome, and I'm blown away that I'll have these seven flicks to revisit forevermore. :)

Khev, it's not the ST blowing you away. It's called cabin fever. Seriously give it time and eventually you'll realise how silly you were for ever thinking that TROS was a good movie.