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What is the point of that attack... Those speeders have no weapons... What were they trying to do??

It was specifically laid out by Finn.

After 3PO gives them the (incorrect) bad news that the front door was the only way in or out Finn says that they have to believe that they have allies who still believe in Leia so they should at least attack the cannon to delay time until the calvary arrives.

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Another thing I noticed in TROS is that once 3PO finally translates the inscription on the dagger he concludes with the DSII coordinates and says "From the southern shore...only this blade tells." But then when the group goes to the Endor moon Rey only repeats the last part "only this blade tells" which made it seem like it was a one in a million thing that she happened to be standing there.

But when you actually add in the "from the southern shore" (which totally went over my head initially) then it actually isn't that silly of a scene! Because as most people know when you have something massive that's super far away your perspective of it doesn't really change regardless of where you're standing. For instance picture two people holding up a dagger in front of a mountain in the distance while standing on a football field. Regardless of where each person stands on the field they're going to both have pretty much the exact same view as the other.

So Rey probably could have been standing in a pretty huge radius and still had the dagger line up properly as long as she was on that shore facing the wreckage as 3PO advised. So one less wacky scene and now we're just left with the snake and space horses, lol.
Another thing I noticed in TROS is that once 3PO finally translates the inscription on the dagger he concludes with the DSII coordinates and says "From the southern shore...only this blade tells." But then when the group goes to the Endor moon Rey only repeats the last part "only this blade tells" which made it seem like it was a one in a million thing that she happened to be standing there.

But when you actually add in the "from the southern shore" (which totally went over my head initially) then it actually isn't that silly of a scene! Because as most people know when you have something massive that's super far away your perspective of it doesn't really change regardless of where you're standing. For instance picture two people holding up a dagger in front of a mountain in the distance while standing on a football field. Regardless of where each person stands on the field they're going to both have pretty much the exact same view as the other.

So Rey probably could have been standing in a pretty huge radius and still had the dagger line up properly as long as she was on that shore facing the wreckage as 3PO advised. So one less wacky scene and now we're just left with the snake and space horses, lol.

Yup that scene never bugged me for that specific reason alone, it was the size of a mountain.

Who hasn?t lined up their thumbs and covered up the top of their nearest highest mountain.

Did all of those horses die!

Say something Rose go ahead I dare you lol

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Another thing I noticed in TROS is that once 3PO finally translates the inscription on the dagger he concludes with the DSII coordinates and says "From the southern shore...only this blade tells." But then when the group goes to the Endor moon Rey only repeats the last part "only this blade tells" which made it seem like it was a one in a million thing that she happened to be standing there.

But when you actually add in the "from the southern shore" (which totally went over my head initially) then it actually isn't that silly of a scene! Because as most people know when you have something massive that's super far away your perspective of it doesn't really change regardless of where you're standing. For instance picture two people holding up a dagger in front of a mountain in the distance while standing on a football field. Regardless of where each person stands on the field they're going to both have pretty much the exact same view as the other.

So Rey probably could have been standing in a pretty huge radius and still had the dagger line up properly as long as she was on that shore facing the wreckage as 3PO advised. So one less wacky scene and now we're just left with the snake and space horses, lol.

Nope it is still stupid to me that there is a dagger map for the sith wayfinder. I mean why not have a map with an x on it and a sign saying you are here.
He?s slowly but surely losing his mind. Last year he argued with AJP about how the ST was a mess now they switched sides

I always saw the ST as a 3-part story. Just like with a stand-alone movie: if the third act is awful for you, the first two acts aren't gonna be worth a damn anymore. That's the ST for me. An enjoyable first two acts, and a horrible third. I'll still watch and enjoy the first 2 (mostly TLJ), but they just won't "count" because of how the story ends.

For someone like JAWS, it was the exact opposite. He hated the first two, and loved the third. And I think that's awesome! I'm happy for him (and for Khev, jye, and everyone else who is happy with the ST).

I found Poe to be much more likable in TLJ this time around with Holdo being a borderline villain for most of the movie, lol. Despite her being a ***** he was pretty much right the whole movie though I can also see why Leia would have been upset that he pressed the attack against the Dreadnaught. If you think back to the OT the Rebels only ever engaged the Empire on their own terms, never as the result of the Empire just showing up guns blazing (except when the first DS showed up at Yavin but of course the Rebels were still planning for that very event in advance.)

So for her it probably felt like if after being ordered to retreat on Hoth Luke said "no way we can take out Veers!" and then led the entire snowspeeder squadron at his AT-AT getting every pilot killed while the rest of the Rebels were fleeing. So I can empathize with both Poe and Leia. And then for her insolence Holdo had to die while Poe was personally given her role of leadership (a much higher honor than being awarded the title by Big Nose Lady, lol.)

As for him retreating at the end I counted each speeder that were destroyed on Crait and it was a whopping 8 of the original 13. So Poe would have realized that beside himself there was just Finn, Rose, the alien driver, and one other pilot left before he finally gave the order to pull back.

Exactly! Poe's mission was to buy time for the Resistance to evacuate. Once all transports had abandoned the base, the evacuation mission was accomplished. A bombing run on FO vessels would've been needed *only if* Poe's distraction didn't hold off an FO attack long enough.

But then Poe broke mission parameters and made a horrible tactical decision. That's the point. He took what would've been a regrettable last-resort contingency and executed it despite the mission having already been a success.

The goal for the Resistance following the destruction of Starkiller was *survival.* It wasn't to go on the offensive. They needed to survive long enough for news of the Hosnian massacre to motivate others around the galaxy to join the Resistance. At the end of TLJ, Poe learned about the importance of what Leia already understood from hiding so often with the Rebellion.

Sometimes I think people misunderstand what the Resistance was trying to accomplish in TLJ. This was their version of what the Alliance would've done right after destroying the Death Star in ANH: hide, recruit, and then *plan* the next combat mission.
Yup that scene never bugged for that specific reason alone, it was the size of a mountain.

Who hasn?t lined up their thumbs and covered up the top of their nearest highest mountain.

Did all of those horses die!

Say something Rose go ahead I dare you lol

:lol :lol

And speaking of holding up your fingers and squishing things in the distance it kind of looked like Daisy Ridley was trying to do just that with her massively enormous hand that she reaches out toward the fleeing transport on Pasaana, lol.

Nope it is still stupid to me



I mean why not have a map with an x on it and a sign saying you are here.

Yes that would have been a brilliant way to prevent all non-Sith from finding it. ;)
I always saw the ST as a 3-part story. Just like with a stand-alone movie: if the third act is awful for you, the first two acts aren't gonna be worth a damn anymore. That's the ST for me. An enjoyable first two acts, and a horrible third. I'll still watch and enjoy the first 2 (mostly TLJ), but they just won't "count" because of how the story ends.

For someone like JAWS, it was the exact opposite. He hated the first two, and loved the third. And I think that's awesome! I'm happy for him (and for Khev, jye, and everyone else who is happy with the ST).

Exactly! Poe's mission was to buy time for the Resistance to evacuate. Once all transports had abandoned the base, the evacuation mission was accomplished. A bombing run on FO vessels would've been needed *only if* Poe's distraction didn't hold off an FO attack long enough.

But then Poe broke mission parameters and made a horrible tactical decision. That's the point. He took what would've been a regrettable last-resort contingency and executed it despite the mission having already been a success.

The goal for the Resistance following the destruction of Starkiller was *survival.* It wasn't to go on the offensive. They needed to survive long enough for news of the Hosnian massacre to motivate others around the galaxy to join the Resistance. At the end of TLJ, Poe learned about the importance of what Leia already understood from hiding so often with the Rebellion.

Sometimes I think people misunderstand what the Resistance was trying to accomplish in TLJ. This was their version of what the Alliance would've done right after destroying the Death Star in ANH: hide, recruit, and then *plan* the next combat mission.

It's so crazy that you retreated to your island and closed yourself off from the awesomeness of TROS which is a beautiful follow-up to everything that RJ introduced and that in your anger you killed the ST, lol.
It's so crazy that you retreated to your island and closed yourself off from the awesomeness of TROS which is a beautiful follow-up to everything that RJ introduced and that in your anger you killed the ST, lol.

:lol :lol :lol

I can only assume that there isn't any part of you that actually believes TROS was a follow-up to what RJ set up.

Rey the nobody: nope.

Kylo out from the shadow of a puppeteer villain: nope.

Kylo fulfilling Vader's ambitions: nope.

Poe being the inspiring new leader: nope.

Luke being able to interact with Kylo/Ben now: nope.

Ah yes, so satisfying for someone like me. :lol

But again, I'm legit glad that you're back to the light side, my friend. :duff
:lol :lol :lol

I can only assume that there isn't any part of you that actually believes TROS was a follow-up to what RJ set up.

Rey the nobody: nope. (She was a nobody or do you consider her bloodline to be something to publicize and be proudly attached with. Luke even told her being a nobody with an honorable purpose in life was thicker than blood.

Kylo out from the shadow of a puppeteer villain: nope. (Kylo did come out of the shadow with the help of his mother and father hos did you mids that lol)

Kylo fulfilling Vader's ambitions: nope. (What was Vader initial primary ambition. To save Padme! Kylo saved Rey can?t be more respectful of Vader ambition than that dude c?mon)

Poe being the inspiring new leader: nope. (He was practically begging Rey to join the fight he was frustrated by all of that Jedi crap lol)

Luke being able to interact with Kylo/Ben now: nope. (His most important interaction with Kylo took place on Crait....err ok fine i?ll give you this one he could?ve at least said good job to Kylo lol)

Ah yes, so satisfying for someone like me. :lol

But again, I'm legit glad that you're back to the light side, my friend. :duff

Rey the nobody: nope.

(She was a nobody or do you consider her bloodline to be something to publicize and be proudly attached with. Luke even told her being a nobody with an honorable purpose in life was thicker than blood.

Kylo out from the shadow of a puppeteer villain: nope.

(Kylo did come out of the shadow with the help of his mother and father how did you miss that lol)

Kylo fulfilling Vader's ambitions: nope.

(What was Vader initial primary ambition. To save Padme! Kylo saved Rey can?t be more respectful of Vader ambition than that dude c?mon)

Poe being the inspiring new leader: nope.

(He was practically begging Rey to join the fight he was frustrated by all of that Jedi crap lol)

Luke being able to interact with Kylo/Ben now: nope.

(His most important interaction with Kylo took place on Crait....err ok fine i?ll give you this one he could?ve at least said good job to Kylo lol)

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:lol :lol :lol

I can only assume that there isn't any part of you that actually believes TROS was a follow-up to what RJ set up.

I don't know that I could have imagined a better follow-up so yes.

Rey the nobody: nope.

That was a requirement for you? We already knew that Kylo was lying to her in that scene because he also said "you have no part in this story." :) But his follow-up in TROS about her parents choosing to be nobodies didn't negate what he told her in TLJ anyway.

Kylo out from the shadow of a puppeteer villain: nope.

He never did Palpatine's bidding out of obedience. His desire the entire film until he turned to the Light was to form the Dyad with Rey, destroy Palps and take the throne with her.

Kylo fulfilling Vader's ambitions: nope.

Wait you actually wanted the Saga to end with him destroying the Jedi and ruling the galaxy? What?? ;) The irony of your complaint is that he literally did accomplish Vader's greatest aspirations and that was bringing a girl back from the dead.

Poe being the inspiring new leader: nope.

Professor Poe served his purpose well and even followed in the footsteps of previous Rebel leaders who started out all about the numbers (RO Mothma, ANH Leia) and then ended more concerned with the tragedy of lives lost (ROTJ Mothma, TLJ Leia.)

Luke being able to interact with Kylo/Ben now: nope.

They're both Force ghosts now so yes they can.

Ah yes, so satisfying for someone like me. :lol

Let go of your hate and embrace your one true self that you've only forgotten. ;)

But again, I'm legit glad that you're back to the light side, my friend. :duff

*Solemnly atches ajp's ship fly away to Darth Maul on Dothonir* lol.

Where are all the new "fans" that Disney was farming with this atrocity of a new trilogy? It's only been over for 3 months, the blu ray is already out after box office disappointment, all new and future toys seem centered around "The Mandalorian", and oldsters Khev, JYE, and Jaws are the only people who seem to care that it ever happened.

Blame it's failure on covid-19, some revisionist idiot in the future probably will.
I don't know that I could have imagined a better follow-up so yes.

That was a requirement for you? We already knew that Kylo was lying to her in that scene because he also said "you have no part in this story." :) But his follow-up in TROS about her parents choosing to be nobodies didn't negate what he told her in TLJ anyway.

He never did Palpatine's bidding out of obedience. His desire the entire film until he turned to the Light was to form the Dyad with Rey, destroy Palps and take the throne with her.

Wait you actually wanted the Saga to end with him destroying the Jedi and ruling the galaxy? What?? ;) The irony of your complaint is that he literally did accomplish Vader's greatest aspirations and that was bringing a girl back from the dead.

Professor Poe served his purpose well and even followed in the footsteps of previous Rebel leaders who started out all about the numbers (RO Mothma, ANH Leia) and then ended more concerned with the tragedy of lives lost (ROTJ Mothma, TLJ Leia.)

They're both Force ghosts now so yes they can.

Let go of your hate and embrace your one true self that you've only forgotten. ;)

*Solemnly atches ajp's ship fly away to Darth Maul on Dothonir* lol.


Yeah I don?t get ajp problem with Kylo not dying as a villain in TROS.

Was he supposed to be the new emperor or what.

There is only one true main villain in I-IX and he was appropriately brought back for TROS.

Kylo remaining and dying as a villain would?ve been boring as all hell lol

His arc properly served the greater story.

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Kylo remaining and dying as a villain would?ve been boring as all hell lol

And being defeated/humiliated in single combat three straight films no thanks, lol.

But beating Rey in every encounter before turning to the light was absolutely the way to go and gave him both the badassery and poignancy that his character needed.
And being defeated/humiliated in single combat three straight films no thanks, lol.

But beating Rey in every encounter before turning to the light was absolutely the way to go and gave him both the badassery and poignancy that his character needed.

JJ literally gave us a version of the Fates script plus his own twist yet that was not good enough I guess.

Kylo killed Snoke the wise, beat empress Palpatine and then became the FIRST force powered villain to stand up to the emperor since Vader and saved someone from dying yet he was not evil enough, not strong enough and he supposedly soured Vader accomplishments lol

The dude literally stood up to the emperor pointed his saber in his face and said I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!

Yet NOPE still too weak and disrespected Vader!


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He is weak and he lost to Rey several times. How are u a trained apprentice by palpatine ball sack clone and still get beat by a little girl who could barely swing a lighsaber . What a crap villain. Worst villain in a long time but he had potential
JJ literally gave us a version of the Fates script plus his own twist yet that was not good enough I guess.

Kylo killed Snoke the wise, beat empress Palpatine and then became the FIRST force powered villain to stand up to the emperor since Vader and saved someone from dying yet he was not evil enough, not strong enough and he supposedly soured Vader accomplishments lol

The dude literally stood up to the emperor pointed his saber in his face and said I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!

Yet NOPE still too weak and disrespected Vader!


Yep and you could even see in the first scene when Palpatine was coercing Kylo into serving him that Kylo was simply agreeing out of mutual benefit without any bowing or swearing of loyalty. The cinematography and acting was what I wish we got with Anakin and Palps in the PT. Oh well, no skin off my back anymore.
Also how awesome was the freaking HDR on the TROS disc. When Poe heard Lando's transmission on Exegol and the entire screen went white I had to hold up both hands and let out a Wilhelm scream, lol.

I know that having such eye reactive aspects isn't necessarily theater accurate but I so love the extra level of immersion that it adds.
Also how awesome was the freaking HDR on the TROS disc. When Poe heard Lando's transmission on Exegol and the entire screen went white I had to hold up both hands and let out a Wilhelm scream, lol.

I know that having such eye reactive aspects isn't necessarily theater accurate but I so love the extra level of immersion that it adds.

The disc is beautiful no doubt. I just wish the sound matched the picture. I hate having to raise the volume on Disney discs.
Yeah I don?t get ajp problem with Kylo not dying as a villain in TROS.

Was he supposed to be the new emperor or what.

There is only one true main villain in I-IX and he was appropriately brought back for TROS.

Kylo remaining and dying as a villain would?ve been boring as all hell lol

His arc properly served the greater story.

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And being defeated/humiliated in single combat three straight films no thanks, lol.

But beating Rey in every encounter before turning to the light was absolutely the way to go and gave him both the badassery and poignancy that his character needed.

Why not have Kylo turn into a badass Supreme Leader and show that for most of the movie? Show what he's capable of when being conflicted isn't slowing him down. He could've beaten Rey at the same point in the movie, but just have her rescued by her friends. That would allow the best actor in the entire cast to have more than one word of dialogue in the entire second half.

How about not having the grandson of Vader be easily tossed into a pit like a bag of garbage so that he plays no role in the defeat of the villain who had ruined the entire Skywalker family? Instead, why not have Kylo (the actual *real* Skywalker) show just how dangerous and hard to stop this one can be as a darkside ruler of the galaxy? Take him to the extreme *until* he's confronted with the emptiness of destroying everything around you.

You guys would've been bored by that? By Adam Driver getting to go full villain for most of the movie?

There's lots of ways to resolve his arc. If redemption is what they wanted, bring Anakin in alongside Luke to let him know that there's nothing but heartache and loss at the end of that path. Let the grandfather play a role in saving the grandson so that *all three generations of Skywalkers* (and trilogies) have one tied-together narrative resolution.

Have the KOR be Luke's Jedi students, and make them actual baddases so that when they discover Kylo killed their master - and they plot their revenge - Kylo will see who his true family is. Have Rey help him in the fight again (like the PG fight), but make it much more epic and brutal. Do it so that where Kylo offered Rey a hand in TLJ to join the darkside, Rey now offers a hand to Kylo to join the light side. And he does.

I would've preferred that. You guys wouldn't, but I wish you could explain to me why. :lol No biggie, though, gentleman; just different preferences I suppose.