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Why not have Kylo turn into a badass Supreme Leader and show that for most of the movie? Show what he's capable of when being conflicted isn't slowing him down. He could've beaten Rey at the same point in the movie, but just have her rescued by her friends. That would allow the best actor in the entire cast to have more than one word of dialogue in the entire second half.

Well everything in bold actually did happen so I guess I'm not seeing the issue. Supreme Leader Kylo owned every scene he was in (even stood his ground against Palpatine!), the entire FO High Command feared him (even secretly-answering-only-to-Palpatine General Pryde dared not oppose him) and he was in command of every encounter with Rey until Leia saved her.

On a side note one thing that was cool about him charging her with his TIE Fighter on Pasaana is that when she's running and they cut to the interior of his cockpit you actually hear that super high pitched beeping noise from Vader's ANH cockpit that would go off whenever he locked on an X-Wing. So Kylo even went so far as locking on to her physical person and could have blasted her with all four quad cannons if he were so inclined. :rock

As for his dialogue on Exegol what do you mean he nailed that "ow" lol.

I would've preferred that. You guys wouldn't, but I wish you could explain to me why. No biggie, though, gentleman; just different preferences I suppose.

Yes most definitely and obviously with you wanting such heavy callbacks to Hayden Christensen and the prophecies of the PT there was just never gonna be a scenario where we were both happy I guess, lol. :duff
As for his dialogue on Exegol what do you mean he nailed that "ow" lol.

:lol :lol :lol

Indeed he did.

Yes most definitely and obviously with you wanting such heavy callbacks to Hayden Christensen and the prophecies of the PT there was just never gonna be a scenario where we were both happy I guess, lol. :duff

Only "wanting" in the sense of it being a necessity. It's a 9-part saga. Ignoring the 3 parts that we think were awful is too disrespectful to George Lucas. Without him, we never have SW. And undoing the intent that he had for Vader killing Palpatine is just another example of disrespect, IMO.

Plus, I was intrigued to see how Hayden would portray the role with better dialogue and with a director who is far more of an actor-focused one. He could only be better than he was in the PT, right? :lol
Only "wanting" in the sense of it being a necessity. It's a 9-part saga. Ignoring the 3 parts that we think were awful is too disrespectful to George Lucas. Without him, we never have SW. And undoing the intent that he had for Vader killing Palpatine is just another example of disrespect, IMO.

I do hear where you're coming from. It's just that for me *George* disrespected *himself* when he revised the entire Saga to no longer be about Luke and made it Anakin's story instead. Sure Vader was always supposed to have a redemptive death in ROTJ but not because he was the Saga's main character. So to me respecting George is a little bit like Rey's dilemma in TROS. You either take Kylo's hand or Ben's hand. And you're taking the hand of Kylo George while I'm choosing Ben George. ;)

Plus, I was intrigued to see how Hayden would portray the role with better dialogue and with a director who is far more of an actor-focused one. He could only be better than he was in the PT, right? :lol

Actually I'm 100% with you on that but for me I'd rather just see that in the Obi-Wan series so that I can easily keep it separate from the films. I'm sure in the hands of Deborah Chow we could see some awesome flashbacks of Hayden's Anakin more worthy of the filmmaking quality of the OT and ST.
I dunno about Ben "holding his ground" to Palpatine - wasn't he immediately thrown down a pit and limped back only after Rey had finished the job?
I dunno about Ben "holding his ground" to Palpatine - wasn't he immediately thrown down a pit and limped back only after Rey had finished the job?

With his full strength and confidence at the start of the movie he stood nose to nose with Palpatine BUT we all know FOOLISHLY it?s the freaking emperor afterall.

But only after having his dyad drained by the emperor did he get thrown like a rag doll lol

So technically yes he stood up to him BUT just like Luke in ROTJ he was never going to hold his ground.

Young fool lol

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I dunno about Ben "holding his ground" to Palpatine - wasn't he immediately thrown down a pit and limped back only after Rey had finished the job?

Like jye said I was referring to holding his ground at the beginning of the movie.

However even at the end I freaking love Ben's defiance in rising to his feet even without a weapon and interrupting Palpatine basking in the glory of all his worshippers. The happy then immediately pissed face that McDiarmid makes is absolutely priceless, lol.

Then I think Ben being thrown into the pit was a necessary act in his redemptive arc because like his father who got impaled by a lightsaber then cast into a pit Ben too had to get impaled by Rey and then later thrown into a pit. Something as terrible as the betrayal and murder of Han Solo can only be undone the same way IMO and Ben's turn hit every necessary beat with the emotional redemption of him calling Han "dad" and about to say he loved him in addition to suffering all the same physical traumas (up to and including death itself.)

I'm still blown away that they actually succeeded in pulling off his redemption, something that I previously thought would have ruined the entire trilogy for me.
He should've picked him up from behind and tossed him down the same pit. :lol

Ok I admit that is super funny lol

Like jye said I was referring to holding his ground at the beginning of the movie.

However even at the end I freaking love Ben's defiance in rising to his feet even without a weapon and interrupting Palpatine basking in the glory of all his worshippers. The happy then immediately pissed face that McDiarmid makes is absolutely priceless, lol.

Then I think Ben being thrown into the pit was a necessary act in his redemptive arc because like his father who got impaled by a lightsaber then cast into a pit Ben too had to get impaled by Rey and then later thrown into a pit. Something as terrible as the betrayal and murder of Han Solo can only be undone the same way IMO and Ben's turn hit every necessary beat with the emotional redemption of him calling Han "dad" and about to say he loved him in addition to suffering all the same physical traumas (up to and including death itself.)

I'm still blown away that they actually succeeded in pulling off his redemption, something that I previously thought would have ruined the entire trilogy for me.

Not just any saber but his own that he had used to kill Han.

Watching Rey scream in horror while witnessing Hans death will take on a whole new meaning now sheesh.

Good stuff.

Kylo redemption was a near impossible bullseye that they pulled off.

He tells Han in TFA:

I?m being torn apart!

From his dyad!


Chewie shot him in the same spot Rey stabbed him! :panic:


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I love it that the sith citadel is a haunted house in contrast to how the sith were living in luxury on coruscant.

I also love that the main destroyer crashes nose first into Exegol like in ROTJ.

My wife just finished watching it, crying like a baby lol

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Ok I admit that is super funny lol

Not just any saber but his own that he had used to kill Han.

Watching Rey scream in horror while witnessing Hans death will take on a whole new meaning now sheesh.

Good stuff.

Kylo redemption was a near impossible bullseye that they pulled off.

He tells Han in TFA:

I?m being torn apart!

From his dyad!


Chewie shot him in the same spot Rey stabbed him! :panic:


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Didn't Chewie shoot him on his left side? I'm pretty sure Rey stabbed him more on his right side.
Didn't Chewie shoot him on his left side? I'm pretty sure Rey stabbed him more on his right side.

They never really show his wound from Chewie but yes he punches his left side and his wound from Rey is more center mass.

Close enough lol

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They had double barrel blaster cannons at the end of the right wing:


They just never got close enough to use them and Finn's guns had melted by the time that he did.

Those things has Guns on them?? Never saw that..

They never fired them... I am still confused what the mission was... How were those little ships going to stop anything if they don't fire them?

TLJ has two of the worst battle plans ever.. The one listed above and the Bombers at the beginning. I mean why send those slow ass bombers if you even think there is a chance you might try to retreat? :lol those things are so slow they were borderline useless..

I guess they wanted to prove that Poe could make a battle plan (Crait) just as bad as a woman can (Bombers) :lol :lol
I love it that the sith citadel is a haunted house in contrast to how the sith were living in luxury on coruscant.

I also love that the main destroyer crashes nose first into Exegol like in ROTJ.

My wife just finished watching it, crying like a baby lol

Yep I absolutely love the vibe of Exegol and Vader's castle in RO. :rock

Those things has Guns on them?? Never saw that..

They never fired them... I am still confused what the mission was... How were those little ships going to stop anything if they don't fire them?

Um the mission was to get within range of the cannon and then shoot it, lol. :lol Were the ANH Y-Wings stupid because they didn't fire their torpedoes? ;)
And being defeated/humiliated in single combat three straight films no thanks, lol.

But beating Rey in every encounter before turning to the light was absolutely the way to go and gave him both the badassery and poignancy that his character needed.

LOL badassery? Kylo Ren? He got beaten by an untrained Rey in TFA and then again in TLJ when she was only partially trained. And let's not forget Snoke handed him his arse when he smashed him with Force Lightning.