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LOL badassery? Kylo Ren? He got beaten by an untrained Rey in TFA and then again in TLJ when she was only partially trained. And let's not forget Snoke handed him his arse when he smashed him with Force Lightning.

So her being a Palpatine went over your head is what you are saying lol

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Just got done watchig TPM on 4k disc.

Amazing how much I can still enjoy this film.. Nastalgia plays a huge factor as everything about it takes me back to that time when I stood in line at Toys R Us at midnight to pick up the figures :lol

I dont hate Jar Jar and I actually find Jake Loyd much more likable as Anakin then Hayden. Yeah the kid is not a very good actor but at least he has an excuse due to being a kid.

I freaking Love the Pod race.. The sound design during that scene is some of the SW universe's best.

Maul Duel is always good.. Love the sound of the Sabers in this one also.

I know I am in the minority but I actually like the space battle. There is not much but what there is looks pretty cool.

I hate all the political talk in the film.. Snooze fest for sure. Some of the side characters acting is just awful. The Gungan battle is basically a waste. Fart Jokes and "That's gotta hurt" stick out like a sore thumb.

What's so weird about the film and PT in general is the lack of humor that comes from the main characters.. If Jar Jar was not in the film there is not a joke to be had other then some of the side characters.. I do laugh every time the sandpeople are taking aim at the pod race.

But overall I fully enjoy this film. Far from perfect but still a good Star Wars film for me.
Did you get the entire PT on 4K disc JAWS? If so I'll be very curious to read your updated reviews on AOTC and ROTS. But yes TPM definitely has the most appealing vibe and aesthetic of the three.
Did you get the entire PT on 4K disc JAWS? If so I'll be very curious to read your updated reviews on AOTC and ROTS. But yes TPM definitely has the most appealing vibe and aesthetic of the three.

Yep.. Got them all... The 4k77 and 4k83 are great to have so I have the originals.. But man I love the pic of the OT in real UHD 4k. So much detail.

TPM is kinda an ugly transfer. Its never looked good.. But without question this is the best it has looked and the sound was amazing.

Yeah I'll update with my AOTC and ROTS reviews as well as the rest as I watch them..
She was still untrained. Did that go over yours?

She came from the same dark force energy that Anakin was created from who knows maybe even Anakin was a clone from Palpatine the giant sperm opera mega fan.

Are you ok with Anakin as a child who was much younger than was Rey in TFA being the only human who can participate in the very fast and dangerous Pod Race.

Are you ok with child Anakin flying a fighter destroying a massive gunship on his own.

Point is BOTH Anakin and Rey were NOT regular people.

Could it be at all possible that just MAYBE because of their inherent connections to the sith force that their training requirements would accelerate differently than those with no force connections.

Like seriously Mary Sue complaining is so 2015 let it go already lol

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She came from the same dark force energy that Anakin was created from who knows maybe even Anakin was a clone from Palpatine the giant sperm opera mega fan.

Are you ok with Anakin as a child who was much younger than was Rey in TFA being the only human who can participate in the very fast and dangerous Pod Race.

Are you ok with child Anakin flying a fighter destroying a massive gunship on his own.

Point is BOTH Anakin and Rey were NOT regular people.

Could it be at all possible that just MAYBE because of their inherent connections to the sith force that their training requirements would accelerate differently than those with no force connections.

Like seriously Mary Sue complaining is so 2015 let it go already lol

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Ok so using that argument Jake Loyd's Anakin should have been able to take out Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Just because you know same dark side energy.
Just got done watchig TPM on 4k disc.

Amazing how much I can still enjoy this film.. Nastalgia plays a huge factor as everything about it takes me back to that time when I stood in line at Toys R Us at midnight to pick up the figures :lol

I dont hate Jar Jar and I actually find Jake Loyd much more likable as Anakin then Hayden. Yeah the kid is not a very good actor but at least he has an excuse due to being a kid.

I freaking Love the Pod race.. The sound design during that scene is some of the SW universe's best.

Maul Duel is always good.. Love the sound of the Sabers in this one also.

I know I am in the minority but I actually like the space battle. There is not much but what there is looks pretty cool.

I hate all the political talk in the film.. Snooze fest for sure. Some of the side characters acting is just awful. The Gungan battle is basically a waste. Fart Jokes and "That's gotta hurt" stick out like a sore thumb.

What's so weird about the film and PT in general is the lack of humor that comes from the main characters.. If Jar Jar was not in the film there is not a joke to be had other then some of the side characters.. I do laugh every time the sandpeople are taking aim at the pod race.

But overall I fully enjoy this film. Far from perfect but still a good Star Wars film for me.

The Turbo Tax program that comes with TPM in this new box set is my favorite special features.

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Ok so using that argument Jake Loyd's Anakin should have been able to take out Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Just because you know same dark side energy.

Hunh Jake Lloyd didn?t play Anakin in ROTS lol

But I get your point.

Anakin losing to ObiWan because of some high ground makes no sense so there goes that argument lol

You do realize that since Rey wittingly chose to un-connect from her inherent sith heritage by making a choice to eliminate the sith that she then needed to re-connect with the jedi force to defeat Palpatine or else she was toast.

Her dyad connection even with Kylo right next to her wasn?t enough to defeat the emperor.

Hell initially her dyad was actually a detriment to her and Kylo and only served to help the emperor!

If anything at least Vader beat the emperor in ROTJ with no assistance and a *gimp arm!

* If NECA made a Vader it would have a gimp leg instead

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And I didn't call Rey a Mary Sue, I said Kylo Ren was the lamest villain in all of Star Wars ;)

As soon as you brought up her lack of training as a narrative problem you are absolutely complaining about her being a mary sue.

Silly rabbit tricks are for hookers.

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As soon as you brought up her lack of training as a narrative problem you are absolutely complaining about her being a mary sue.

Silly rabbit tricks are for hookers.

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I like hookers. Don't tell me you've never tried one...
I honestly can?t deal with those big cardboard boxes way too much delicate touch required to pull the discs out plus I hate my discs slid into slots like that not even slots more like slits!

I almost wrote sluts lol

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