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Wait someone who buys a new Bruce statue every six weeks doesn't have room for a box of blu-rays? lol


Its because I buy a new Bruce statue every six weeks that I don't have room for a box of Blu rays... :lol Not in a way that I want to be properly displayed. I like seeing the spines all lined up together :)


I honestly can?t deal with those big cardboard boxes way too much delicate touch required to pull the discs out plus I hate my discs slid into slots like that not even slots more like slits!

I almost wrote sluts lol

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Yeah in the video I watched the guy was having to reef on the discs just to get them out.

It looks like a dodged a bullet.
So her being a Palpatine went over your head is what you are saying lol

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So? Luke is a skywalker and still had to go through training and skywalkers bloodline is more powerful then the emporer.
So? Luke is a skywalker and still had to go through training and skywalkers bloodline is more powerful then the emporer.

Her being a Palpatine isn't over anyone's head, her being a Palpatine is just ridiculous and beyond brain dead.

That's right. EVERY SINGLE Force user who ever existed needed training before being competent. Even Palpatine himself but Rey gets a pass from Jye just because...
Just finished AOTC on 4k disc.

Transfer is a step up from TPM for sure. Still not as good as some of the best out there but still nice. Great sound!! Its Dolby ATMOS though so you got turn it up a bit...

The film itself.. It is without question the most boring of all the SW films. I just have a hard time caring about anything that is going on.

The main problem with this film is the lack of a main villain.. Yeah Dooku show up at the very end but he is weak as far as SW villains go. I wish the Emperor had more of a part in it like he did TPM... Some sort of main villain presence thoughout the film would have helped.

I did like Anakin killing the sandpeople and his "I hate them" Speech to Padme.

I like the Machine factory adventure that Anakin and Padme are in.. I use to not really care for that part but there is a sense of fun to it and it has the old serial feel that the rest of the film is lacking. I still like the Gladiator fight with the monsters.

The rest of the film is just blah to me. I use to like the chase on Coruscant but that scene did nothing for me this time.

The Gladiator fight with all the Jedi vs the robots is just bad. The way all the Jedi are swinging their sabers just looks so much like actors who are having trouble with their imaginations filling in the blanks on the green screen stage.

The final battle of Clones vs Droids is awful because it just looks like a big cartoon. It does have some cool sound design and some good weapons but its not exciting at all. IMO its even worse then the Gungan's vs Droids battle. At least the Gungans were somewhat likable.. A bunch of Clones? Meh.

Saber battle at the end is the worst of the series also. That Anakin vs Dooku duel makes me LOL. Yoda's saber skills are done well and all but I don't like the idea behind Yoda using a saber..

Of all the SW films this feels the least like a SW movie. It's easily the worst IMO but still, Its SW so I don't hate it completely.
That's right. EVERY SINGLE Force user who ever existed needed training before being competent. Even Palpatine himself but Rey gets a pass from Jye just because...

I kinda thought the Force Dyad helped explain that also.. After touching Luke's Saber she awoke the FORCE in her. Her Dyad connection with Kylo allowed her to "catch up" with his skill level. The only reason she could beat him in TFA was 1. Kylo was injured and 2. She also is a Palpatine.

From Star Wars fandom
A dyad in the Force was the pairing of two Force-sensitive beings, making them one in the Force. The power of a dyad was as strong as life itself, and the individuals who formed a dyad shared a connection that spanned across space and time

Granted I don't think this was the plan from the beginning... And even if the Dyad had nothing to do with her powers I can still handle her being good in TROS because she finally did get training from Leia and the Jedi text. It does not really excuse the other stuff true.. I hated what they did with her character in the first two films... But because I liked the last film I am able to go along for the ride. Even if it had nothing to do with the Dyad.. At least they tried to explain it with her being the granddaughter of the most powerful force user ever. :) :) :)

Transfer is a step up from TPM for sure.

Weird considering 1080p is AOTC's theoretical maximum resolution.

but still, Its SW so I don't hate it completely.

Just got done watchig TPM on 4k disc.

Amazing how much I can still enjoy this film.. Nastalgia plays a huge factor as everything about it takes me back to that time when I stood in line at Toys R Us at midnight to pick up the figures :lol

I still have some of my TPM figures proudly displayed on my 3.75" TPM shelf :lol

I dont hate Jar Jar and I actually find Jake Loyd much more likable as Anakin then Hayden. Yeah the kid is not a very good actor but at least he has an excuse due to being a kid.

I like how a lot of people are finally coming around to Jar Jar. Took 20 years, but hey. I always liked him. He was what a lovable clumsy good intentions alien is supposed to be. Always thought the voice acting was really good for him too.

Surprised to hear about Jake being better. I don't agree, but I still like the performance. He acts how a kid is supposed to act. Sure, some lines are cheesy, but that's not his fault.

I freaking Love the Pod race.. The sound design during that scene is some of the SW universe's best.

Maul Duel is always good.. Love the sound of the Sabers in this one also.

I know I am in the minority but I actually like the space battle. There is not much but what there is looks pretty cool.


As a NASCAR fan, I love the pod race. Seeing space NASCAR when I was a kid was absolutely awesome. Love all the pod racers too.

Duel of the Fates is arguably the best lightsaber duel of all time.

I like the space battle too. Has that OT feel to it.

I hate all the political talk in the film.. Snooze fest for sure. Some of the side characters acting is just awful. The Gungan battle is basically a waste. Fart Jokes and "That's gotta hurt" stick out like a sore thumb.

Political talk in ANH too. I don't mind it. If you happen to read what some dub the Darth Plagueis Saga, it really fleshes out Palpatine's rise and the political backdrop and leads into and throughout TPM.

What's so weird about the film and PT in general is the lack of humor that comes from the main characters.. If Jar Jar was not in the film there is not a joke to be had other then some of the side characters.. I do laugh every time the sandpeople are taking aim at the pod race.

That's a good thing to me. ST is filled with far too much attempts at Marvel styled humor. TPM leans more on dry humor I think.


Just finished AOTC on 4k disc.

The film itself.. It is without question the most boring of all the SW films. I just have a hard time caring about anything that is going on.

You must have forgotten about Solo :lol

The main problem with this film is the lack of a main villain.. Yeah Dooku show up at the very end but he is weak as far as SW villains go. I wish the Emperor had more of a part in it like he did TPM... Some sort of main villain presence thoughout the film would have helped

Palpatine was the main villain through Dooku and Dooku mostly acted through Jango who acted out through Zam Wesell... :lol

I think that is what is so great about Palpatine because he is manipulating things through so many levels.

I did like Anakin killing the sandpeople and his "I hate them" Speech to Padme.

I think that's some of the best acting in the entire saga during that speech. I wish he was more consistent throughout the saga. He was great without any of the love lines.

I like the Machine factory adventure that Anakin and Padme are in.. I use to not really care for that part but there is a sense of fun to it and it has the old serial feel that the rest of the film is lacking.

That's probably the weakest point of the movie for me. Some of the CGI doesn't hold up anymore.

The rest of the film is just blah to me. I use to like the chase on Coruscant but that scene did nothing for me this time.

What about all the stuff with Jango? Kamino was cool. I love Dex. Yoda teaching the younglings was cool to see.

The Gladiator fight with all the Jedi vs the robots is just bad. The way all the Jedi are swinging their sabers just looks so much like actors who are having trouble with their imaginations filling in the blanks on the green screen stage.

Never thought that. Most is just deflecting blaster bolts and anytime they showed Anakin or Obi-Wan it looked good.

Saber battle at the end is the worst of the series also. That Anakin vs Dooku duel makes me LOL. Yoda's saber skills are done well and all but I don't like the idea behind Yoda using a saber..

Yeah, that Anakin vs Dooku duel is actually terrible. All those quick camera cuts to their face and like a strobe light... I don't know what George was thinking with that.

But, the Yoda vs Dooku duel was awesome. He fights by using the force. And they only fight because the battle wasn't going to be won be with a force duel, as Dooku mentions.

Yoda always relied on the force first before his lightsaber.

Of all the SW films this feels the least like a SW movie. It's easily the worst IMO but still, Its SW so I don't hate it completely.

TLJ is the worst to me simply from what it did to the franchise.
Granted I don't think this was the plan from the beginning... And even if the Dyad had nothing to do with her powers I can still handle her being good in TROS because she finally did get training from Leia and the Jedi text. It does not really excuse the other stuff true.. I hated what they did with her character in the first two films... But because I liked the last film I am able to go along for the ride. Even if it had nothing to do with the Dyad.. At least they tried to explain it with her being the granddaughter of the most powerful force user ever. :) :) :)

Oh yeah I agree. By the time TROS came she had training and textbooks so I have no problem with her abilities there, it's more in the first two films that bug me.
I still have some of my TPM figures proudly displayed on my 3.75" TPM shelf :lol

All mine are gone.

I like how a lot of people are finally coming around to Jar Jar. Took 20 years, but hey. I always liked him. He was what a lovable clumsy good intentions alien is supposed to be. Always thought the voice acting was really good for him too.

The Clone Wars Cartoon series warmed me up to Jar Jar. He's harmless for the most part in TPM. A bit shocking thought when you are a long time SW fan and you sit down to watch TPM for the first time in the theaters.
Surprised to hear about Jake being better. I don't agree, but I still like the performance. He acts how a kid is supposed to act. Sure, some lines are cheesy, but that's not his fault.
He is just more likable and a bit more (I cant believe I am saying this) more relatable.. Granted I am thinking of Hayden from AOTC when I think of his performance as Anakin.. He is just creepy and whiney in that film. Jake is a kid and is having fun with his role and other then Jar Jar is the only one that is not dead series

Duel of the Fates is arguably the best lightsaber duel of all time.

I like the space battle too. Has that OT feel to it.
100% of the time.

Duel is my 2nd fav after Empire.. Vader has all his best lines in that scene and its all just so epic looking.

Political talk in ANH too. I don't mind it. If you happen to read what some dub the Darth Plagueis Saga, it really fleshes out Palpatine's rise and the political backdrop and leads into and throughout TPM.

There is so little in ANH that I don't think I would count it.. TPM just has too much of it and with George's struggles with dialoged its just a snooze fest :)

That's a good thing to me. ST is filled with far too much attempts at Marvel styled humor. TPM leans more on dry humor I think.

I felt TLJ was the only one that really suffered from Marvel Humor. I am not looking for that in the PT.. I just want some more OT type humor with its characters. Would have helped to make the characters more relatable. Maybe George felt like he couldn't do it.


You must have forgotten about Solo :lol

I don't hate Solo. But I don't love it either.

Palpatine was the main villain through Dooku and Dooku mostly acted through Jango who acted out through Zam Wesell... :lol

I think that is what is so great about Palpatine because he is manipulating things through so many levels.

Yeah but even then... There is hardly a villain ever on the screen. And when they are they are not really being very Villain like..

I think that's some of the best acting in the entire saga during that speech. I wish he was more consistent throughout the saga. He was great without any of the love lines.

Its a good scene for sure.

That's probably the weakest point of the movie for me. Some of the CGI doesn't hold up anymore.

It use to be a weak point for me also.. Expectations may have been low so when it was going on I was pleasantly surprised.

What about all the stuff with Jango? Kamino was cool. I love Dex. Yoda teaching the younglings was cool to see.

Yikes.. Dex? Really? Probably my least fav character in the PT.

I don't care for Jango either or any of the stuff on Kamino. Jango is just not a very good villain. Not enough set up or character there for me to care. Its basically just a character made for fan service since we all like Boba so much from the OT.

This is my least fav John Williams score also.. I hate the sweeping Kamino theme.

Never thought that. Most is just deflecting blaster bolts and anytime they showed Anakin or Obi-Wan it looked good.

Ewen looks fine most of the time. Hayden looks awkward a few times. All the other jedi look awful.. Obviously Lucas was loving his "one take" approach to all of their shots :lol

Yeah, that Anakin vs Dooku duel is actually terrible. All those quick camera cuts to their face and like a strobe light... I don't know what George was thinking with that.

But, the Yoda vs Dooku duel was awesome. He fights by using the force. And they only fight because the battle wasn't going to be won be with a force duel, as Dooku mentions.

My issue is that I just don't like the idea of a saber fighting Yoda. Its a decision that Lucas made that kinda ruins the character for me. I think of him and the Emperor as being so strong in the force they don't even own Sabers.

Much of this comes from my OT imagination of what and who Yoda is. When Empire came out I just figured everyone came to Dagoba to get trained by him.

I was went along for the ride with him being on the jedi council and all that. First time watching AOTC I was fine with Yoda using the saber because they pulled it off FX wise. ROTS ruined it by focusing too much on Yoda and his Saber skills.. George knew it was the highlight of AOTC at the time of release and he overdid it in that film IMO.

TLJ is the worst to me simply from what it did to the franchise.[/QUOTE]
Her being a Palpatine isn't over anyone's head, her being a Palpatine is just ridiculous and beyond brain dead.

That's right. EVERY SINGLE Force user who ever existed needed training before being competent. Even Palpatine himself but Rey gets a pass from Jye just because...

One persons forgiveness is another persons slaughter.

By all means focus on Rey being a mary sue in TFA go at it devour it and then use it as the sole catalyst to instantly dismiss the entire ST trilogy and with the snap of your fingers you have once again regained control no more mary sue misery to disturb your inner SW safe space.

But for others like me who ALSO have many problems with the ST Rey so called mary sue being explained as being an offspring of the freaking emperor who grows in skill due to her force dyad awakening is good enough for me to not just dismiss 7 1/2 hours worth of SW especially since the core narrative was part of Lucas intentions with the OT cast.

If you want to dismiss 7 1/2 hours of SW may I suggest you start in 99 and end in 2005 lol

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I always put her Mary-Sue-ness down to her growing up as a scavenger and needing hand-to-hand combat skills to survive. That plus awakening Force powers = badass.

Also, now knowing about the dyad, in retrospect she probably “downloaded” some Force knowledge from Kylo whenever their minds connected.
I always put her Mary-Sue-ness down to her growing up as a scavenger and needing hand-to-hand combat skills to survive. That plus awakening Force powers = badass.

Also, now knowing about the dyad, in retrospect she probably “downloaded” some Force knowledge from Kylo whenever their minds connected.

I always put her Mary-Sue-ness down to KK's "the force is female" agenda.
Look at Maz Kanata the female version of Yoda. Not only is she force sensitive like him she's older and more physically capable too. Just like Rey has to be better than any male Jedi who came before her.
One persons forgiveness is another persons slaughter.

By all means focus on Rey being a mary sue in TFA go at it devour it and then use it as the sole catalyst to instantly dismiss the entire ST trilogy and with the snap of your fingers you have once again regained control no more mary sue misery to disturb your inner SW safe space.

But for others like me who ALSO have many problems with the ST Rey so called mary sue being explained as being an offspring of the freaking emperor who grows in skill due to her force dyad awakening is good enough for me to not just dismiss 7 1/2 hours worth of SW especially since the core narrative was part of Lucas intentions with the OT cast.

If you want to dismiss 7 1/2 hours of SW may I suggest you start in 99 and end in 2005 lol

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The core narrative of the ST was never part of Lucas’ plans. At all. Palpatine was confirmed to be 100% dead right from Ian’s mouth.