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Luke literally stopped her from ENDING THE JEDI ORDER while HOPING that Kylo turned good because she didn?t witness his full turn with Han!

I?m surprised she didn?t go get broom boy to throw into the burning tie fighter lol

:lol :lol

Luke probably would have allowed her to do it and still only appeared when she was about to destroy his lightsaber, lol.

"A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect." (*screams of burning agony can be heard from Broom Boy*)

"What are you doing?" (*screams continue*)

I will always find this to be the single most bizarre complaint of the ST haters since it ironically demands that the entire Saga should have ended like a Walt Disney cartoon such as Beauty and the Beast with people singing, ballroom dancing, and simply living happily ever after forevermore post-ROTJ. Nevermind that they originally intended the conflict to continue past Episode VI, or that George had his own plans for Luke passing the torch to a new generation of heroes, or hundreds of EU novels and comics where the OT heroes continued to battle remnants of the Empire, or even that it was George's idea that Luke end up exile. Honoring any versions of those stories is "insulting."

It did not have to end like a cartoon and still be done in a manner that was faithful to the original characters and the franchise, so I call BS there. And I'm not saying George's ideas would have brought something great either. I'm saying that with all the resources at their disposal and the right person in charge they could made a great new trilogy that also respected what came before. But they didn't, and what they did do was a dumpster fire.

We have seen some pretty good new Star Wars content with the right people in place. The Mandalorian and most of RO was pretty enjoyable. So it's possible.
You know HOW INSULTING it would have been had they NOT brought the emperor back!

What am I missing with these so called OT fans lol

Kylo as the main villain in the galaxy...


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How did they get to that point JYE? :slap
:lol :lol

Luke probably would have allowed her to do it and still only appeared when she was about to destroy his lightsaber, lol.

"A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect." (*screams of burning agony can be heard from Broom Boy*)

"What are you doing?" (*screams continue*)


:lol :lol :lol :lol

A24 presents TROS

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See even your own examples of proper pre- and post-ROTJ SW still have the Empire as the main villain.

What part of dead on screen don't you understand?

But that is only one of numerous problems. By the time TLJ ended the ST was not fixable. :dunno
What part of dead on screen don't you understand?

What part of "that's hardly a dealbreaker in a fantasy story" do *you* not understand? Okay technically that's the first time I wrote that sentence but still, lol. So Palpatine is literally the only one who's never allowed to come back? Just "because"? Sauron's return? Fine. Voldemort? Fine. Battling Thanos after he was beheaded? Fine.

But Palpatine, the one guy who openly talked about cheating death?


So let me guess, when Old Ben cheated death and continued to help Luke win the war it was an "insult" to Vader's victory during their lightsaber duel. ;)

But that is only one of numerous problems. By the time TLJ ended the ST was not fixable.

Now this I think actually does speak volumes to the bashing of TROS and I'm glad you said it. Because it does show that for many their reviews were already decided on and typed out long before even the first trailer for TROS ever dropped. I came to be with you on criticizing TLJ with the direction that it appeared to have taken the Saga. But I let TROS have the final word on the story and on that it delivered spectacularly (IMO obviously).
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What part of "that's hardly a dealbreaker in a fantasy story" do *you* not understand? Okay technically that's the first time I wrote that sentence but still, lol. So Palpatine is literally the only one who's never allowed to come back? Just "because"? Sauron's return? Fine. Voldemort? Fine. Battling Thanos after he was beheaded? Fine.

But Palpatine, the one guy who openly talked about cheating death?


So let me guess, when Old Ben cheated death and continued to help Luke win the war it was an "insult" to Vader's victory during their lightsaber duel. ;)

Now this I think actually does speak volumes to the bashing of TROS and I'm glad you said it. Because it does show that for many their reviews were already decided on and typed out long before even the first trailer for TROS ever dropped. I came to be with you on criticizing TLJ with the direction that it appeared to have taken the Saga. But I let TROS have the final word on the story and on that it delivered spectacularly (IMO obviously).

What a freaking epic post lol

Hey NO MORE T-REX allowed!

Hey no more Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Kreuger and Leatherface!

Skynet should have returned as Netsky that would have confused them!

I bet Indy is fighting more Nazis in 5 lol

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Skynet should have returned as Netsky that would have confused them!

That's actually a great example proving that the ST was damned if they do and damned if they don't.

Because Terminator Dark Fate gave audiences exactly what the ST haters say they wanted which was a brand new villain yet those same individuals openly bashed DF because it *had* a new villain. "Oh so regardless of them defeating Skynet in T2 a new AI called Legion appeared and turned on humanity anyway. Everything they accomplished was invalidated."

And that has nothing to do with whether John Connor died at the beginning or not. He could have survived and people still would have been mad that now he had to try and stop Legion.

And since DF came out when the ST was falling out of favor with me I even appreciated it introducing a new AI. But having seen both scenarios now (new vs. old villain) I definitely prefer the way they did it in TROS because I do agree with those who think that the conflict in the Terminator films does become pretty pointless if the rise of AI and Judgment day is inevitable no matter what anybody does or who does it.
I would have been fine with the new Terminator movie if they hadn't made Arnold the good guy again and follow T2 story beats. I liked the fact that they had a new technology system and liked the new Terminator design. Had some cool elements and the beginning was a bit of a shocker. Was actually a refreshing change of pace to have the Terminator take out its target. I would have liked to see more horror elements like the original movie. Valid point about the fans though.
Now this I think actually does speak volumes to the bashing of TROS and I'm glad you said it. Because it does show that for many their reviews were already decided on and typed out long before even the first trailer for TROS ever dropped. I came to be with you on criticizing TLJ with the direction that it appeared to have taken the Saga. But I let TROS have the final word on the story and on that it delivered spectacularly (IMO obviously).

I never denied this. I always felt TLJ f###ed up the trilogy beyond repair. I watched it once for $5 (a week or two after release) to see how it turned out and obviously I wasn't happy.
Why am I even reading a post from a SW fan that waited weeks to watch a new theatrical SW movie just to save $10.

Please can we keep this conversation with just the true diehard fans.

I?m ok if you hated the ST but you had better watched them the first show opening night or at the very least 2nd show opening night because you just couldn?t buy tickets for the first show.

Ok fine i?ll let pass opening weekend lol

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What about the fact that bringing back the screen confirmed dead guy undoes all the accomplishments of the heroes in the OT. What about the way they made the lives of the OT heroes turn out pathetic and the way they screwed with the force, hyper space, etc. There is much more to complain about but I'll stop there for now. All so Kathleen Kennedy's idealized version of her brunette self that never actually was can replace Luke as the hero of the "Skywalkers" :lol

I put that laughing emoji in there, but it's not actually funny. Or "awesome" as Khev puts it. It's just bad and insulting.

Basically everything said below :lol

I could write my own thoughts but I would be parroting a lot of what was said.

The only OT character I was not happy with was how they handled the Death of Han... But that was fixed in TROS and gave him the proper send off. Better then anything I could have hoped for.

If your main complaint is the KK agenda then you are complaining to 2 people (Khev and JAWS) who 100% agree with you about her agenda YET what they AND I saw in TROS was KK agenda completely removed.

Like holy crap Khev and JAWS just spent dozens upon dozens of pages explaining in DETAIL how KK agenda was removed by Iger and JJ in TROS hence why they LOVE the movie YET here you are carrying on and on and on about the KK agenda ruining TROS!

Did you watch a different movie lol

There is a DAMN GOOD reason why the MSM hates TROS lol

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I will always find this to be the single most bizarre complaint of the ST haters since it ironically demands that the entire Saga should have ended like a Walt Disney cartoon such as Beauty and the Beast with people singing, ballroom dancing, and simply living happily ever after forevermore post-ROTJ. Nevermind that they originally intended the conflict to continue past Episode VI, or that George had his own plans for Luke passing the torch to a new generation of heroes, or hundreds of EU novels and comics where the OT heroes continued to battle remnants of the Empire, or even that it was George's idea that Luke end up exile. Honoring any versions of those stories is "insulting."

Yep. :lol

*How* many times would Rey have been dead in TROS if not rescued by a man, saved from a man, encouraged by men, or even brought back to life by a man? You'd have to be a fool to watch TROS and come away with the message that you can succeed if you're female or superior if you're female. No Rey is a great hero in TROS because she simply faces her fears and the danger head on even if she alone isn't strong enough to overcome them.

Exactly! That's why *I* was starting to let go of the ST, because I realized that if all it would take is literally *any other villain* (Snoke, Kylo, etc.) to instantly bring the galaxy back down to its knees and throw the main OT characters into despair then IMO that *would* have greatly invalidated who they were as heroes. Wow, you guys learned nothing from the last conflict did you, lol. But by making it Palpatine it instantly explains how he could have specifically targeted their known weaknesses to bring them down only to make it more epic when they rose again to defeat him once and for all.

:lol :lol

What part of "that's hardly a dealbreaker in a fantasy story" do *you* not understand? Okay technically that's the first time I wrote that sentence but still, lol. So Palpatine is literally the only one who's never allowed to come back? Just "because"? Sauron's return? Fine. Voldemort? Fine. Battling Thanos after he was beheaded? Fine.

But Palpatine, the one guy who openly talked about cheating death?


So let me guess, when Old Ben cheated death and continued to help Luke win the war it was an "insult" to Vader's victory during their lightsaber duel. ;)

Now this I think actually does speak volumes to the bashing of TROS and I'm glad you said it. Because it does show that for many their reviews were already decided on and typed out long before even the first trailer for TROS ever dropped. I came to be with you on criticizing TLJ with the direction that it appeared to have taken the Saga. But I let TROS have the final word on the story and on that it delivered spectacularly (IMO obviously).
Why am I even reading a post from a SW fan that waited weeks to watch a new theatrical SW movie just to save $10.

Please can we keep this conversation with just the true diehard fans.

I?m ok if you hated the ST but you had better watched them the first show opening night or at the very least 2nd show opening night because you just couldn?t buy tickets for the first show.

Ok fine i?ll let pass opening weekend lol

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:lol :lol :lol

There is a lot of truth to that statement. Turd is needs to turn in his SW fan club pin ;)
So Palpatine is literally the only one who's never allowed to come back? Just "because"? Sauron's return? Fine. Voldemort? Fine. Battling Thanos after he was beheaded? Fine.

But Palpatine, the one guy who openly talked about cheating death?

Didn't all of those other villains initially die (some prior to the events of the main cinematic story) specifically and intentionally so that their return could serve the story *of the main heroes* and the end of their journey? That purposefulness is a far cry from how and why Palpatine was brought back, right?

Wasn't Sauron's return what gave purpose to Frodo's journey with the ring? Wasn't his ultimate death meant to elevate the central character's purpose in the whole trilogy?

And wasn't Voldemort similarly "returned" in order for the main character *of all eight films* to be able to fulfill his journey and destiny?

As for Thanos, wasn't his "return" (within the same film) similarly meant to provide the longstanding MCU heroes (Iron Man being the first) with a triumphant conclusion to their prolonged journey against him?

Palpatine's return, on the other hand, did nothing to elevate the central character of the Skywalker Saga. Whether you believe that to be Luke or Anakin, it sure as **** wasn't supposed to be Rey. So, Palpatine's return actually undermines the collective effort of Luke and Anakin in ROTJ by having no permanence attached to it. Even if they didn't secure everlasting galactic peace (a naive and silly expectation anyway), they accomplished the end of the Sith - or at least Palpatine. But not anymore.

What a freaking epic post lol

Hey NO MORE T-REX allowed!

Hey no more Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Kreuger and Leatherface!

Skynet should have returned as Netsky that would have confused them!

I bet Indy is fighting more Nazis in 5 lol

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Palpatine was brought back to serve which characters? What Skywalker Saga arcs did it serve?

The answer to that question, when compared to the return of other movie villains, is the reason why people like me object to his return in SW.

In horror movie sequels, the villains are the main characters; and their return is the focus, while the protagonists are interchangeable. With Indy, the movies never suggested that he defeated the Nazis. :lol And Skynet (and its terminators) were there each time to serve and extend the story of John and/or Sarah Connor.

Palpatine was in GL's saga to be defeated by Anakin and Luke. That was his purpose. He served that purpose. Bringing him back *for a new hero to defeat* undermines that purpose for some of us. If he was brought back to serve some unresolved character story for Luke and/or Anakin, it wouldn't be as objectionable.

Do you at least understand what I'm saying here? Sometimes it seems like you give no credence to any objection of Palpatine's return. It kinda blows my mind.
I will always find this to be the single most bizarre complaint of the ST haters since it ironically demands that the entire Saga should have ended like a Walt Disney cartoon such as Beauty and the Beast with people singing, ballroom dancing, and simply living happily ever after forevermore post-ROTJ. Nevermind that they originally intended the conflict to continue past Episode VI, or that George had his own plans for Luke passing the torch to a new generation of heroes, or hundreds of EU novels and comics where the OT heroes continued to battle remnants of the Empire, or even that it was George's idea that Luke end up exile. Honoring any versions of those stories is "insulting."

Exactly! That's why *I* was starting to let go of the ST, because I realized that if all it would take is literally *any other villain* (Snoke, Kylo, etc.) to instantly bring the galaxy back down to its knees and throw the main OT characters into despair then IMO that *would* have greatly invalidated who they were as heroes. Wow, you guys learned nothing from the last conflict did you, lol. But by making it Palpatine it instantly explains how he could have specifically targeted their known weaknesses to bring them down only to make it more epic when they rose again to defeat him once and for all.

These are my two fav point..

I felt that way at the end of TFA and TLJ.. Because it was just some new villain that created some new "empire" I was taken out of the films..

How did our hero's let this happen?? How can they just stand by as a new "empire" is brought to light?

But when you make in the freaking Emperor it all makes sense.. The man who pulled the wool over the eyes of the entire Galaxy when he first came to power. The man who fooled the entire Jedi council. The most power force User in the Universe... Yep I can play ball with that.

It doesn't lesson what our hero's did.. They won the War.. And it took the soul of the Emperor inside the body of a clone to rip our hero's apart by setting up Luke and Turning Kylo.

If just any old villain could do that it would have been Cheap... That's how I felt after the first two films..

Not anymore :)

It did not have to end like a cartoon and still be done in a manner that was faithful to the original characters and the franchise, so I call BS there. And I'm not saying George's ideas would have brought something great either. I'm saying that with all the resources at their disposal and the right person in charge they could made a great new trilogy that also respected what came before. But they didn't, and what they did do was a dumpster fire.

We have seen some pretty good new Star Wars content with the right people in place. The Mandalorian and most of RO was pretty enjoyable. So it's possible.

Im surprised there are not more complaints about Baby Yoda being a Mary Sue.. No training there and he lifting things, force choking, and is the first to pull off Force healing.

Is it because he looks like Yoda that we forgive all that?
Didn't all of those other villains initially die (some prior to the events of the main cinematic story) specifically and intentionally so that their return could serve the story *of the main heroes* and the end of their journey? That purposefulness is a far cry from how and why Palpatine was brought back, right?

Wasn't Sauron's return what gave purpose to Frodo's journey with the ring? Wasn't his ultimate death meant to elevate the central character's purpose in the whole trilogy?

And wasn't Voldemort similarly "returned" in order for the main character *of all eight films* to be able to fulfill his journey and destiny?

As for Thanos, wasn't his "return" (within the same film) similarly meant to provide the longstanding MCU heroes (Iron Man being the first) with a triumphant conclusion to their prolonged journey against him?

Palpatine's return, on the other hand, did nothing to elevate the central character of the Skywalker Saga. Whether you believe that to be Luke or Anakin, it sure as **** wasn't supposed to be Rey. So, Palpatine's return actually undermines the collective effort of Luke and Anakin in ROTJ by having no permanence attached to it. Even if they didn't secure everlasting galactic peace (a naive and silly expectation anyway), they accomplished the end of the Sith - or at least Palpatine. But not anymore.

Palpatine was brought back to serve which characters? What Skywalker Saga arcs did it serve?

The answer to that question, when compared to the return of other movie villains, is the reason why people like me object to his return in SW.

In horror movie sequels, the villains are the main characters; and their return is the focus, while the protagonists are interchangeable. With Indy, the movies never suggested that he defeated the Nazis. :lol And Skynet (and its terminators) were there each time to serve and extend the story of John and/or Sarah Connor.

Palpatine was in GL's saga to be defeated by Anakin and Luke. That was his purpose. He served that purpose. Bringing him back *for a new hero to defeat* undermines that purpose for some of us. If he was brought back to serve some unresolved character story for Luke and/or Anakin, it wouldn't be as objectionable.

Do you at least understand what I'm saying here? Sometimes it seems like you give no credence to any objection of Palpatine's return. It kinda blows my mind.

Hey Luke and Anakin were there with Rey when she was all the Jedi :)
I will always find this to be the single most bizarre complaint of the ST haters since it ironically demands that the entire Saga should have ended like a Walt Disney cartoon such as Beauty and the Beast with people singing, ballroom dancing, and simply living happily ever after forevermore post-ROTJ.

I'll also add that nothing could possibly be done more in a manner you described above than the way TROS ended. There should have been a random frog playing a harp and porgs dancing as they kissed. "Rey Skywalker" lol.

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Hey Luke and Anakin were there with Rey when she was all the Jedi :)

And that's something I'm gonna try to interpret the same way when I finally watch TROS again on Disney+. My two theater viewings, it didn't come across that way to me. I just saw all the Jedi encouraging Rey to get up and fight.

But either way, Luke and Anakin would, at best, merely be *part* of Palpatine's true defeat. That's a step down from ROTJ.