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As far as Palpatine "fixing" the ST problem by making it the same villain, and thereby making the OT heroes less idiotic for allowing evil to spread again, I don't get that line of thinking at all.

How would a new villain like Snoke, and/or Vader's grandson, make the heroes of the OT look worse than if it was Palpatine? If the same evil dude who once ended galactic peace by working in the shadows and manipulating others is the one doing the same damned thing again, how does that make the OT heroes less idiotic for not identifying it?

Luke had encountered Palpatine face to face, was familiar with his evil aura/spirit, and would be able to commune with his father and two other Jedi masters as Force ghosts. As for Leia, she had the resources of the entire New Republic to be able to follow the trail of where the FO was centralized and built from. And yet the mastermind being the *same exact villain* makes all these characters *less* idiotic for doing nothing to stop him? I just don't see how. :dunno

I can excuse Anakin's ghost not being able to decipher the machinations of some new powerful dude (Snoke) - not associated with the Sith! - coming from the Unknown Regions and sneaking into the picture. But all these powerful Force ghosts who can track Luke (and anyone else) anytime and anywhere . . . for them not to sense that it was Palpatine's presence pulling the strings? That makes them far more inept and incapable, IMO.
I would have been fine with the new Terminator movie if they hadn't made Arnold the good guy again and follow T2 story beats. I liked the fact that they had a new technology system and liked the new Terminator design. Had some cool elements and the beginning was a bit of a shocker. Was actually a refreshing change of pace to have the Terminator take out its target. I would have liked to see more horror elements like the original movie. Valid point about the fans though.

Definitely, which is a big reason I couldn't help but respect seeing them open the movie that way. And the new future tech was indeed awesome so it's too bad that those elements weren't a part of a greater story.
I'll also add that nothing could possibly be done more in a manner you described above than the way TROS ended. There should have been a random frog playing a harp and porgs dancing as they kissed. "Rey Skywalker" lol.

No Disney cartoon has ever ended remotely close to that. A kiss between two former enemies in the context of a double death? That's straight out of Romeo and Juliet so the ST even succeeded in being more "Shakespearan" than George could ever accomplish on his own (which he was openly striving for with the PT.) So again just another way that TROS respected themes that George himself previously pursued.

But heroes celebrating and dancing around wacky little side characters is literally how The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast ended, lol.

Now if you want to compare space battles or iconic secondary and third level characters then yes ROTJ wins hands down. But in many other ways the ST equals and even surpasses ROTJ, especially major portions of TROS.

Also if you wrote off the entire ST just on RJ's tweets or even TLJ alone I get that, I think it's too bad for you of course but I knew that with the way he made it personal against the naysayers that a huge portion of the audience would be gone forever and that *is* his fault (as well as LFL for not doing a better job of invalidating his tweets or reigning him in.)
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Didn't all of those other villains initially die (some prior to the events of the main cinematic story) specifically and intentionally so that their return could serve the story *of the main heroes* and the end of their journey? That purposefulness is a far cry from how and why Palpatine was brought back, right?

Wasn't Sauron's return what gave purpose to Frodo's journey with the ring? Wasn't his ultimate death meant to elevate the central character's purpose in the whole trilogy?

And wasn't Voldemort similarly "returned" in order for the main character *of all eight films* to be able to fulfill his journey and destiny?

As for Thanos, wasn't his "return" (within the same film) similarly meant to provide the longstanding MCU heroes (Iron Man being the first) with a triumphant conclusion to their prolonged journey against him?

Palpatine's return, on the other hand, did nothing to elevate the central character of the Skywalker Saga. Whether you believe that to be Luke or Anakin, it sure as **** wasn't supposed to be Rey. So, Palpatine's return actually undermines the collective effort of Luke and Anakin in ROTJ by having no permanence attached to it. Even if they didn't secure everlasting galactic peace (a naive and silly expectation anyway), they accomplished the end of the Sith - or at least Palpatine. But not anymore.

Palpatine was brought back to serve which characters? What Skywalker Saga arcs did it serve?

The answer to that question, when compared to the return of other movie villains, is the reason why people like me object to his return in SW.

In horror movie sequels, the villains are the main characters; and their return is the focus, while the protagonists are interchangeable. With Indy, the movies never suggested that he defeated the Nazis. :lol And Skynet (and its terminators) were there each time to serve and extend the story of John and/or Sarah Connor.

Palpatine was in GL's saga to be defeated by Anakin and Luke. That was his purpose. He served that purpose. Bringing him back *for a new hero to defeat* undermines that purpose for some of us. If he was brought back to serve some unresolved character story for Luke and/or Anakin, it wouldn't be as objectionable.

Do you at least understand what I'm saying here? Sometimes it seems like you give no credence to any objection of Palpatine's return. It kinda blows my mind.

Ford, Hamill and Fisher are in the ST I got all I need.

Fisher EVEN died while making the ST and you want me to hate her final SW performance are you insane man lol!

Oh and regarding your narrative complaint against Palp returning I do wonder what our collective reactions would have been had after Rey defeated Palpatine with the lightning OUT BURSTS FROM INSIDE Palpatine Darth Plaqueis the ugly!

The the hooded sith audience start chanting his name.

THEN ALL THE previous JEDI would have no choice but to force ghost surround him and the only way to defeat him is for the force to sacrifice itself and in the ensuing battle both the dark side and light side cancel each other out of existence forever with the last bit of the dyad being used by Kylo to revive Rey and Kylo dies and then becomes truly THE LAST JEDI


Im surprised there are not more complaints about Baby Yoda being a Mary Sue.. No training there and he lifting things, force choking, and is the first to pull off Force healing.

Is it because he looks like Yoda that we forgive all that?

Damn baby yoda dissed hard lol

No Disney cartoon has ever ended remotely close to that. A kiss between two former enemies in the context of a double death? That's straight out of Romeo and Juliet so the ST even succeeded in being more "Shakespearan" than George could ever accomplish on his own (which he was openly striving for with the PT.) So again just another way that TROS respected themes that George himself previously pursued.

But heroes celebrating and dancing around wacky little side characters is literally how The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast ended, lol.

Now if you want to compare space battles or iconic secondary and third level characters then yes ROTJ wins hands down. But in many other ways the ST equals and even surpasses ROTJ, especially major portions of TROS.

Also if you wrote off the entire ST just on RJ's tweets or even TLJ alone I get that, I think it's too bad for you of course but I knew that with the way he made it personal against the naysayers that a huge portion of the audience would be gone forever and that *is* his fault (as well as LFL for not doing a better job of invalidating his tweets or reigning him in.)

So freaking epic.

That Shakespearan part I was like


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Ford, Hamill and Fisher are in the ST I got all I need.

Fisher EVEN died while making the ST and you want me to hate her final SW performance are you insane man lol!

Oh and regarding your narrative complaint against Palp returning I do wonder what our collective reactions would have been had after Rey defeated Palpatine with the lightning OUT BURSTS FROM INSIDE Palpatine Darth Plaqueis the ugly!

The the hooded sith audience start chanting his name.

THEN ALL THE previous JEDI would have no choice but to force ghost surround him and the only way to defeat him is for the force to sacrifice itself and in the ensuing battle both the dark side and light side cancel each other out of existence forever with the last bit of the dyad being used by Kylo to revive Rey and Kylo dies and then becomes truly THE LAST JEDI


Damn baby yoda dissed hard lol

So freaking epic.

That Shakespearan part :thud:

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Yes, their relationship was so deep, artistic, and Shakespearean. Stop sharing Khev's brain.

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I also liked the opening to Rise Of Skywalker even though I didn't want Palpatine to be blamed for everything happening. I thought the Exegol scenes were well done. Palpatine did look creepy and the horror elements in his lair were cool. Very Frankenstein and loved the Ralph McQuarrie throne for him as well. Nice to see McDirmand back and not hamming it up like in Revenge of the Sith. I just wish the story had been allowed to breath better and that it wasn't a Scooby Doo movie.

What is going on in here!? It's still happening. I see a lot of instances in this thread where it's apparent that posters think they're coming off as witty and funny, but it just comes off as cringe worthy. Maybe it's an age thing. I've never seen grown men use "lol" as often as I have in this movies section. It's quite frightening. I used to think I was surrounded by like minded dudes, but now it feels like the majority of people that post here are little fan girls in the bodies of old men. I picture some of you posting from your pink phones and computers, adorned with Rey vs. Kylo stickers.

It pains me to read some of these posts, I can't even bear the long novels. I miss reading quality material. Now it's just like the same circle jerk of 4-6 users that have clearly lost their minds in the span of 5 years. Disney Star Wars causes alzheimer's disease, who woulda thought.

Yo a-dev, wezzy, etc. if I'm here posting like this in my 40s and 50s, you better shoot me. Shoot me in the head.

That's just two characters kissing, hardly something uniquely Disney unless you all of a sudden want to claim that Temple of Doom, Die hard, and The Matrix all have Disney endings too, lol.

But celebrating and dancing midgets? That's pretty much only been done by Disney, Wizard of Oz, and ROTJ. :lol

I'm obviously not saying that you have no right to prefer such a finale. To each his own. I just find it ironic that some people hate the more Shakespearean bittersweet finale that Disney Corporation provided while saying that it was better when George Lucas ended the Saga like an *actual* Disney movie, lol.

I also liked the opening to Rise Of Skywalker even though I didn't want Palpatine to be blamed for everything happening. I thought the Exegol scenes were well done. Palpatine did look creepy and the horror elements in his lair were cool. Very Frankenstein and loved the Ralph McQuarrie throne for him as well. Nice to see McDirmand back and not hamming it up like in Revenge of the Sith.

Totally agree!

I just wish the story had been allowed to breath better and that it wasn't a Scooby Doo movie.

Babu Frik >>> Scrappy Doo.


What is going on in here!? It's still happening. I see a lot of instances in this thread where it's apparent that posters think they're coming off as witty and funny, but it just comes off as cringe worthy. Maybe it's an age thing. I've never seen grown men use "lol" as often as I have in this movies section. It's quite frightening. I used to think I was surrounded by like minded dudes, but now it feels like the majority of people that post here are little fan girls in the bodies of old men. I picture some of you posting from your pink phones and computers, adorned with Rey vs. Kylo stickers.

It pains me to read some of these posts, I can't even bear the long novels. I miss reading quality material. Now it's just like the same circle jerk of 4-6 users that have clearly lost their minds in the span of 5 years. Disney Star Wars causes alzheimer's disease, who woulda thought.

Yo a-dev, wezzy, etc. if I'm here posting like this in my 40s and 50s, you better shoot me. Shoot me in the head.

Ford, Hamill and Fisher are in the ST I got all I need.

Fisher EVEN died while making the ST and you want me to hate her final SW performance are you insane man lol!

Oh and regarding your narrative complaint against Palp returning I do wonder what our collective reactions would have been had after Rey defeated Palpatine with the lightning OUT BURSTS FROM INSIDE Palpatine Darth Plaqueis the ugly!

The the hooded sith audience start chanting his name.

THEN ALL THE previous JEDI would have no choice but to force ghost surround him and the only way to defeat him is for the force to sacrifice itself and in the ensuing battle both the dark side and light side cancel each other out of existence forever with the last bit of the dyad being used by Kylo to revive Rey and Kylo dies and then becomes truly THE LAST JEDI


I still can't believe we finally got to see the full Sith "cult" in all its glory. :panic: :thud:

So freaking epic.

That Shakespearan part I was like



What is going on in here!? It's still happening. I see a lot of instances in this thread where it's apparent that posters think they're coming off as witty and funny, but it just comes off as cringe worthy. Maybe it's an age thing. I've never seen grown men use "lol" as often as I have in this movies section. It's quite frightening. I used to think I was surrounded by like minded dudes, but now it feels like the majority of people that post here are little fan girls in the bodies of old men. I picture some of you posting from your pink phones and computers, adorned with Rey vs. Kylo stickers.

It pains me to read some of these posts, I can't even bear the long novels. I miss reading quality material. Now it's just like the same circle jerk of 4-6 users that have clearly lost their minds in the span of 5 years. Disney Star Wars causes alzheimer's disease, who woulda thought.

Yo a-dev, wezzy, etc. if I'm here posting like this in my 40s and 50s, you better shoot me. Shoot me in the head.

No worries my friend the end is soon upon us all.

No more SW for us lol

This bio attack was done as the catalyst for WW3.

Either one of the big 3 religious powers out there are rushing towards the war to bring forth judgment or the arrival of the real messiah or maybe a non religious group wants to end all religions or a government wants to rebalance power and globalization.

Who knows

Either way:

Trade War - - - > Bio Attack - - - > WW3

In the mean time....

We would be honored if you would join us

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What is going on in here!? It's still happening. I see a lot of instances in this thread where it's apparent that posters think they're coming off as witty and funny, but it just comes off as cringe worthy. Maybe it's an age thing. I've never seen grown men use "lol" as often as I have in this movies section. It's quite frightening. I used to think I was surrounded by like minded dudes, but now it feels like the majority of people that post here are little fan girls in the bodies of old men. I picture some of you posting from your pink phones and computers, adorned with Rey vs. Kylo stickers.

It pains me to read some of these posts, I can't even bear the long novels. I miss reading quality material. Now it's just like the same circle jerk of 4-6 users that have clearly lost their minds in the span of 5 years. Disney Star Wars causes alzheimer's disease, who woulda thought.

Yo a-dev, wezzy, etc. if I'm here posting like this in my 40s and 50s, you better shoot me. Shoot me in the head.

This is how many post now that you came in here to complain about grown men talking about this film??

That one is almost as good as your meltdown when I called you out for one of the worst takes on ESB

I?m just going to say what everyone in here is thinking. JAWS, Khev, Jye and xipotec have bad taste in Star Wars. They are 40 something year old men that had the privledge of seeing the original Star Wars flicks as kids, but they?re easily duped into liking these soulless, corporate knock offs that don?t really offer much of anything. I honestly don?t see how anyone that is a fan of the original movies can sit there and say they like something like the Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker, which essentially poop on them. It really boggles my mind, especially after reading their criticisms on other things over the years.

Force Awakens, I get. OOOOH THE MILLENIUM FALCON IS BACK. HARRISON IS BACK, THERE?S CHEWIE! I get it. Looking back to 2015, the next two movies had potential. But these last two? The stories are the most nonsensical, convoluted things I?ve ever seen. Haven?t been this frustrated with a movie since Batman v Superman.

Wor-Gar is the only old timer in this joint I can still respect. Not only does he get how sick this hobby is, but he knows there?s something wrong with grown men liking baby movies (NOT from their childhood). I?m convinced that you could make ANYTHING and as long as it contained lightsabers clashing, John Williams? music, and force magic, there will always be a sect of people ready to eat it up.

Dude you gotta check yourself if you get this upset about people liking a film and posting about it... And then you keep coming back to it.

I know when there is a film I don't like and argue my point about it but the fans go on and on about it.. I eventually just stop posting and I do come back I don't insult the posters.. I mean WTF.

Gotta get a grip my friend..

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
No worries my friend the end is soon upon us all.

No more SW for us lol

This bio attack was done as the catalyst for WW3.

Either one of the big 3 religious powers out there are rushing towards the war to bring forth judgment or the arrival of the real messiah or maybe a non religious group wants to end all religions or a government wants to rebalance power and globalization.

Who knows

Either way:

Trade War - - - > Bio Attack - - - > WW3

In the mean time....

We would be honored if you would join us

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These are my two fav point..

I felt that way at the end of TFA and TLJ.. Because it was just some new villain that created some new "empire" I was taken out of the films..

How did our hero's let this happen?? How can they just stand by as a new "empire" is brought to light?

But when you make in the freaking Emperor it all makes sense.. The man who pulled the wool over the eyes of the entire Galaxy when he first came to power. The man who fooled the entire Jedi council. The most power force User in the Universe... Yep I can play ball with that.

It doesn't lesson what our hero's did.. They won the War.. And it took the soul of the Emperor inside the body of a clone to rip our hero's apart by setting up Luke and Turning Kylo.

If just any old villain could do that it would have been Cheap... That's how I felt after the first two films..

Not anymore :)

And the Emperor's own genes to help undo it. :rock

Anyone notice that Rey has got to be the most dirty and sweaty Jedi to ever be in a SW franchise film :lol
4k disc of ROTS about to start!

Will you follow up with every other film in chronological order?

Solo -> RO -> OT -> ST?

Anyone notice that Rey has got to be the most dirty and sweaty Jedi to ever be in a SW franchise film :lol

I think you're forgetting Dabobah Luke but we've definitely never seen a Jedi get dirty AND bloody like Rey.
Will you follow up with every other film in chronological order?

Solo -> RO -> OT -> ST?

I think you're forgetting Dabobah Luke but we've definitely never seen a Jedi get dirty AND bloody like Rey.

I still think she probably had the worst BO in TFA ...remember she went from Jakku to being captive on Starkiller base .. I doubt the first order let her shower at Starkiller :rotfl