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I'll be curious to hear your take on how the Saga as a whole plays when all is said and done.

To me PT/OT SE is a closed loop and theatrical OT/ST is a separate closed loop.

With RO fitting in with either while Solo leans more toward PT/OT due to the inclusion of Maul and the dice being more of a Q'ira thing which doesn't really fit with TLJ Luke giving them to Leia IMO.

Also TROS kind of redoes the ROTJ SE montage of planets (with *no* PT planets) which not only keeps it separate from the PT but it makes the ROTJ SE redundant as well. Then you've got Rey paying homage to Luke's homestead alone and not visiting Shmi's hut on the same planet, Shmi's grave, or anyplace that Anakin lived or was associated with. The ST really does connect and circle back on only the theatrical OT and nothing more with its slight references to the PT (battle droid briefly seen in Babu Frik's shop, Palpatine repeating his ROTS dialogue, etc.) as being simple Easter Eggs and nothing more.


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It also means I probably will get the full PT and OT SE in 4K just to have an alternate "Lucas Revisionist Saga" that'll give me something different to watch (and even somewhat enjoy) apart from the correct and proper Saga, lol.

It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your wallet, are now mine.

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Khev, JAWS and I hanging out in this thread, oh oh here comes Ducky and ironwez...


Thats ok Khevs got this no worries...


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Oh stop being a baby. This whole thread would be one big circle jerk if conflicting opnions didn?t come in
jye what is wrong with me I just deliberately spent $180 of my own money on the Lucas approved Maclunkey Saga. :slap


I blame it on these uncertain times we live in, lol.
It was a joke.. I for one love the conflicting opinions. It's what keeps me coming back :)

Lol I know it was. I told you guys I like messing with ya . Everybody here has no ill will towards eachother
Khev, JAWS and I hanging out in this thread, oh oh here comes Ducky and ironwez...


Thats ok Khevs got this no worries...


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Very appropriate gif Jye. The car minding it?s own business turning is Episodes 1-6. Then comes the ST torpedoing and bang! Ruins everything.

Thankfully, the people aka The Mandalorian, managed to escape from the crash without harm.

jye what is wrong with me I just deliberately spent $180 of my own money on the Lucas approved Maclunkey Saga. :slap

View attachment 482588

I blame it on these uncertain times we live in, lol.

Did you go to the store to just buy those? :slap

Khev, risking his life for PT goodness. :lol
Very appropriate gif Jye. The car minding it?s own business turning is Episodes 1-6. Then comes the ST torpedoing and bang! Ruins everything.

Thankfully, the people aka The Mandalorian, managed to escape from the crash without harm.

Ducky, go check my thoughts on ROTS 4K... Film still has issues but overall I enjoyed more. TPM is still my fav PT film but I would say that I liked ROTS more then I ever have in the past.
Did you go to the store to just buy those? :slap

Khev, risking his life for PT goodness. :lol

Yep no mask or anything all for upscaled Ben Quadinaros and Dex Jettster, lol.


I did the same thing.. Whole time I was thinking... "I cant believe I am out here to buy movies" :lol

Yeah I had already decided that if someone caught me inspecting the slipcases of AOTC or ROTS I was gonna say "hmm no sanitizer over here either," lol.