Idk as soon as you start talking about rots that?s when I?ll start swinging. Lol jk
You know I *almost* binged the entire PT in one day on Sunday (made it all the way to about an hour into ROTS before deciding to turn in for the night.) But I finished it yesterday and one thing that struck me aside from the CGI looking *awesome* in many scenes due to the 4K HDR (especially Coruscant holy crap) was that I really do like the PT, despite it's flaws, if I can just let go of requiring it to fit with the OT.
Because as we've gone over in tons of discussions about other movies just having poor acting or badly written lines isn't necessarly a deal breaker in and of itself, nor is having "too much CGI," (if it were I'd have to foresake much of the MCU, lol) because there are a lot of movies that have those same shortcomings that I still enjoy.
It's just the recontextualizing of the OT that the PT requires that I *hate.*
For someone like yourself or Ducky that just takes the PT at face value as an operatic emotion driven trilogy with fantastic world building and imagination that is lacking in other areas (significantly lacking, lol) that does not need to fit with the OT or any other movies then I can't deny that as a trilogy I do still get sucked into being caught up in the journey of experiencing how it all plays out.
If it was just its own thing like Burton Batman vs. Schumacher Batman vs. Nolanverse vs. Snyderverse then I really wouldn't have any animosity against it just like Batman Forever in now way taints TDK despite them both being stories that feature Batman and Two-Face. I just enjoy them for what they are and not what they aren't. If Anakin was named something else and it was about this other whiny superpowerful Jedi who turns to the Dark Side, kills kids and all that well then as it's own thing I have to admit it's pretty compelling to watch, lol.
So in the end I am glad that I have the 4K PT and do even see myself revisiting them periodically, I'll just always have those two compartmentalized Sagas, one being the PT/OT SE and the other being theatrical OT/ST. Sure I'll always prefer the latter but like JAWS has said even the PT has its appeal due to it being GL's SW and it doesn't have to be a definitive either/or situation where only one set of films can ever be enjoyed.