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:lol great gif!
I do like coming here to see the back and forth between all of us freaks. It's all in good fun and we all like stuff the is cheesy and lame. I have quite a few things I like and I know they are bad but to me still enjoyable. I mean how serious can any of us be on a doll forum? JYE at least has been in a movie so he gets ribbed for it but it is still more than most of us have or will ever be able to do. All in all a great bunch of freaks.
JYE at least has been in a movie so he gets ribbed for it but it is still more than most of us have or will ever be able to do. All in all a great bunch of freaks.

Wait....what? JYE are you Harrison Ford, or the guy who plays Booger on Revenge of the Nerds?
I do like coming here to see the back and forth between all of us freaks. It's all in good fun and we all like stuff the is cheesy and lame. I have quite a few things I like and I know they are bad but to me still enjoyable. I mean how serious can any of us be on a doll forum? JYE at least has been in a movie so he gets ribbed for it but it is still more than most of us have or will ever be able to do. All in all a great bunch of freaks.

Can't argue with any of that :)
I do like coming here to see the back and forth between all of us freaks. It's all in good fun and we all like stuff the is cheesy and lame. I have quite a few things I like and I know they are bad but to me still enjoyable. I mean how serious can any of us be on a doll forum? JYE at least has been in a movie so he gets ribbed for it but it is still more than most of us have or will ever be able to do. All in all a great bunch of freaks.

Well said.
I do like coming here to see the back and forth between all of us freaks. It's all in good fun and we all like stuff the is cheesy and lame. I have quite a few things I like and I know they are bad but to me still enjoyable. I mean how serious can any of us be on a doll forum? JYE at least has been in a movie so he gets ribbed for it but it is still more than most of us have or will ever be able to do. All in all a great bunch of freaks.

lulz :hi5:

Wait....what? JYE are you Harrison Ford, or the guy who plays Booger on Revenge of the Nerds?

Take care kid lol

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I watched episode 9 again yesterday and I was wondering about something. I thought shooting lightning from your hands was a Sith thing, not a Palpatine thing. Doesn’t that have to be taught? If I’m wrong then shouldn’t of Anakin have the same ability in Revenge of the Sith?
Lol he did in the video game. But it?s explained he hated doing it or something in the comics
Funny how we haven't heard a thing from JJ besides his pre-premiere interviews where he already had a resigned tone. It's almost admirable in contrast to Rian who exacerbated it for his movie.

It's just his lackey Chris Terrio doing the talking about how Star Wars has always been a house Skywalker vs house Palpatine affair which is a ridiculous thought to even entertain let alone include in a script.
That makes no sense to me though.

Why would JJ continue talking about this movie since it?s already out on home release his job is finished.

Is he supposed to continue talking about TROS while now working for WB new production deal.

Look at Snyder the reason he keeps going on about JL 3 years after the movie was released is because he didn?t get his cut, he didn?t get his way.

JJ got his cut.

Rose Tico also got her cut as in literally cut out lol

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I thought JJ’s cut wasn’t released, his was an hour longer. What we saw was the Iger House of Mouse cut that they thought would appeal to the most people.
Makes you wonder maybe Rey is always sweating because she has the force lightning built up inside her :lol

I wonder if she could stretch out her force lightning over a planet like Palapatine did :horror
I thought JJ?s cut wasn?t released, his was an hour longer. What we saw was the Iger House of Mouse cut that they thought would appeal to the most people.

Greg Gunberg (best friends with JJ) says there is no JJ cut. The main stunt coordinator lady also said that over 90% of the action they filmed ended up in the movie.

Also keep in mind that every single shot in every trailer going all the way back to April 2019 ended up in the movie which again contradicts the notion that they had to go back and reshoot everything (compared to RO where 90% of the initial trailer didn't end up in the movie, lol.)

I'm not saying that there are no deleted scenes because obviously there would be but those supposed "leaks" that JJ actually tried to turn in a 3 hour SW film don't seem to be holding up to scrutiny. All that has been actually confirmed is that Rose had a number of scenes cut along with Dominic Monaghan saying that he had extra scenes showing him cracking the Sith codes and running on the Destroyer with Billie Lourd and Kellie Marie Tran at the end. Then of course the big baby head spider guy on Mustafar which is the only thing that I'd actually like to see.
No actual hate for any of you guys here either, I do mostly hate the ST though. So I hope that is how it comes across. I'm sure you, Khev, and JYE are good dudes in real life....just with bad taste in some of the Star Wars content;)


As if but in all seriousness yep I could totally hang out with anyone here, no hard feelings on differences of opinion. :duff
Greg Gunberg (best friends with JJ) says there is no JJ cut. The main stunt coordinator lady also said that over 90% of the action they filmed ended up in the movie.

Also keep in mind that every single shot in every trailer going all the way back to April 2019 ended up in the movie which again contradicts the notion that they had to go back and reshoot everything (compared to RO where 90% of the initial trailer didn't end up in the movie, lol.)

I'm not saying that there are no deleted scenes because obviously there would be but those supposed "leaks" that JJ actually tried to turn in a 3 hour SW film don't seem to be holding up to scrutiny. All that has been actually confirmed is that Rose had a number of scenes cut along with Dominic Monaghan saying that he had extra scenes showing him cracking the Sith codes and running on the Destroyer with Billie Lourd and Kellie Marie Tran at the end. Then of course the big baby head spider guy on Mustafar which is the only thing that I'd actually like to see.

Well technically what Disney gave us is officially the JJ cut since he remained the director but we all know that Iger directed his first SW movie via Zoom lol

Snyder right now is trying to figure out how he can trick WB into setting up massive reshoots.

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As if but in all seriousness yep I could totally hang out with anyone here, no hard feelings on differences of opinion. :duff

Idk as soon as you start talking about rots that?s when I?ll start swinging. Lol jk
Idk as soon as you start talking about rots that?s when I?ll start swinging. Lol jk

:lol :lol

You know I *almost* binged the entire PT in one day on Sunday (made it all the way to about an hour into ROTS before deciding to turn in for the night.) But I finished it yesterday and one thing that struck me aside from the CGI looking *awesome* in many scenes due to the 4K HDR (especially Coruscant holy crap) was that I really do like the PT, despite it's flaws, if I can just let go of requiring it to fit with the OT.

Because as we've gone over in tons of discussions about other movies just having poor acting or badly written lines isn't necessarly a deal breaker in and of itself, nor is having "too much CGI," (if it were I'd have to foresake much of the MCU, lol) because there are a lot of movies that have those same shortcomings that I still enjoy.

It's just the recontextualizing of the OT that the PT requires that I *hate.*

For someone like yourself or Ducky that just takes the PT at face value as an operatic emotion driven trilogy with fantastic world building and imagination that is lacking in other areas (significantly lacking, lol) that does not need to fit with the OT or any other movies then I can't deny that as a trilogy I do still get sucked into being caught up in the journey of experiencing how it all plays out.

If it was just its own thing like Burton Batman vs. Schumacher Batman vs. Nolanverse vs. Snyderverse then I really wouldn't have any animosity against it just like Batman Forever in now way taints TDK despite them both being stories that feature Batman and Two-Face. I just enjoy them for what they are and not what they aren't. If Anakin was named something else and it was about this other whiny superpowerful Jedi who turns to the Dark Side, kills kids and all that well then as it's own thing I have to admit it's pretty compelling to watch, lol.

So in the end I am glad that I have the 4K PT and do even see myself revisiting them periodically, I'll just always have those two compartmentalized Sagas, one being the PT/OT SE and the other being theatrical OT/ST. Sure I'll always prefer the latter but like JAWS has said even the PT has its appeal due to it being GL's SW and it doesn't have to be a definitive either/or situation where only one set of films can ever be enjoyed.