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Yeah here's the crap you get on Disney+.


I could be wrong but I believe the official releases of the OT and PT have relied on player generated close captioning for subtitles and then whatever the hell is going on with the digital version ever since the days of laserdisc and VHS.

But that crap above with the captions above their heads and the black borders around the text was annoying AF, lol.
jye what is wrong with me I just deliberately spent $180 of my own money on the Lucas approved Maclunkey Saga. :slap

View attachment 482588

I blame it on these uncertain times we live in, lol.

I make this one same sound every time I spend on the PT...


Very appropriate gif Jye. The car minding it?s own business turning is Episodes 1-6. Then comes the ST torpedoing and bang! Ruins everything.

Thankfully, the people aka The Mandalorian, managed to escape from the crash without harm.

Did you go to the store to just buy those? :slap

Khev, risking his life for PT goodness. :lol

Ok good one ::rotfl


I did the same thing.. Whole time I was thinking... "I cant believe I am out here to buy movies" :lol


I was there today mask and all looking for NECA Aliens lol

Yep no mask or anything all for upscaled Ben Quadinaros and Dex Jettster, lol.

Yeah I had already decided that if someone caught me inspecting the slipcases of AOTC or ROTS I was gonna say "hmm no sanitizer over here either," lol.

:lol :lol :lol

Khev yells Corona aisle 10!

Everyone runs he grabs his PT :rotfl

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You didn't get RO or TFA ?

Of course but I got those last week with TROS!

I was leaning toward only getting the one true Saga but then I figured


and decided to pick up George's approved six-film Saga just to have if I ever am in the mood to watch those just for their own nostalgia or just for something different.

I was there today mask and all looking for NECA Aliens lol

:lol :lol

:lol :lol :lol

Khev yells Corona aisle 10!

Everyone runs he grabs his PT :rotfl

:lol :lol
Okay just finished TPM and as usual I did have fun watching it despite Jake Lloyd and Jar Jar. I think because I no longer even try to allow it to fit with the theatrical OT and see it more as just basically being a reboot that connects only to the OT SE's the parts that are lame don't really bother me. The 4K looked pretty good, even awesome in parts particularly with regard to the color contrast between Darth Maul's red and black tattoos.

Some interesting things I noticed this time around were for one I actually thought that a big error made by RO was it showing the characters sending and receiving transmissions from planet to planet (Jyn's mom calling Saw at the beginning) and between ships in hyperspace (Cassian communicating with Yavin from the U-Wing) but then watching TPM again duh they are constantly communicating between planets right from the beginning with Palpatine's hologram broadcasting to the Naboo throne room from Coruscant! And then of course Sio Bibble transmitting to Padme's ship, Nute Gunray constantly talking to Sidious as well, and so on. So I guess there was precedent before RO even if it was the PT.

I also thought that TFA was the first SW film to coin the term "Resistance" for any of its fighters but when they return to Naboo from Coruscant Captain Panaka says that some "police and security guards have formed an underground resistance" who they join with to attack the Federation Tanks in the Capitol. So there you go.
I make this one same sound every time I spend on the PT...


:lol :lol

I was there today mask and all looking for NECA Aliens lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Of course but I got those last week with TROS!

I was leaning toward only getting the one true Saga but then I figured


and decided to pick up George's approved six-film Saga just to have if I ever am in the mood to watch those just for their own nostalgia or just for something different.

Ok... That makes me feel much better :)

Okay just finished TPM and as usual I did have fun watching it despite Jake Lloyd and Jar Jar. I think because I no longer even try to allow it to fit with the theatrical OT and see it more as just basically being a reboot that connects only to the OT SE's the parts that are lame don't really bother me. The 4K looked pretty good, even awesome in parts particularly with regard to the color contrast between Darth Maul's red and black tattoos.

Some interesting things I noticed this time around were for one I actually thought that a big error made by RO was it showing the characters sending and receiving transmissions from planet to planet (Jyn's mom calling Saw at the beginning) and between ships in hyperspace (Cassian communicating with Yavin from the U-Wing) but then watching TPM again duh they are constantly communicating between planets right from the beginning with Palpatine's hologram broadcasting to the Naboo throne room from Coruscant! And then of course Sio Bibble transmitting to Padme's ship, Nute Gunray constantly talking to Sidious as well, and so on. So I guess there was precedent before RO even if it was the PT.

I also thought that TFA was the first SW film to coin the term "Resistance" for any of its fighters but when they return to Naboo from Coruscant Captain Panaka says that some "police and security guards have formed an underground resistance" who they join with to attack the Federation Tanks in the Capitol. So there you go.

Man you go take a much deeper dive into these films then I do :lol
:lol :lol

PC: Have we started a fire?

Jye: Yes, with my PT discs!


via Imgflip Meme Generator

:lol :lol :lol

PC let me tell you my reality.

I might trash on the PT really hard but you know what.

I still buy every release.


Star Wars

Look i?ll admit it when I get the itch i?ll watch them and at the very least the sound effects and music alone are worth the rewatch.

They are what they are and truth be told they are no worse than the freaking SE scenes from the OT.....sigh

I?m depressed now lol

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Man you go take a much deeper dive into these films then I do :lol

Always, lol.

:lol :lol :lol

PC let me tell you my reality.

I might trash on the PT really hard but you know what.

I still buy every release.


Star Wars

Look i?ll admit it when I get the itch i?ll watch them and at the very least the sound effects and music alone are worth the rewatch.

They are what they are and truth be told they are no worse than the freaking SE scenes from the OT.....sigh

I?m depressed now lol

Yep the sound on AOTC was utterly amazing and watching it again on a bigger screen than in the past and in 4K some of the panoramic sights like Coruscant, the asteroid belt and plains of Geonosis were much more impressive. Though Padme riding that dumb beast with the chariot in the arena might have to be the single most ridiculous looking thing in all of SW. :lol

Man I'm kind of on prequel overload right now, lol.

Khev about to watch ROTS...


:lol :lol

I've never watched the entire PT in one day. Arnim Zola is telling me to stop and I'm all "Ve haven't come zis fah for caution, doctare!"

Always, lol.

Though Padme riding that dumb beast with the chariot in the arena might have to be the single most ridiculous looking thing in all of SW. :lol

Man I'm kind of on prequel overload right now, lol.

:lol :lol

I've never watched the entire PT in one day. Arnim Zola is telling me to stop and I'm all "Ve haven't come zis fah for caution, doctare!"


Portman is so freaking hot even on a 720p cgi beast.

lol@ Zola

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It was a joke.. I for one love the conflicting opinions. It's what keeps me coming back :)

No actual hate for any of you guys here either, I do mostly hate the ST though. So I hope that is how it comes across. I'm sure you, Khev, and JYE are good dudes in real life....just with bad taste in some of the Star Wars content;)
No actual hate for any of you guys here either, I do mostly hate the ST though. So I hope that is how it comes across. I'm sure you, Khev, and JYE are good dudes in real life....just with bad taste in some of the Star Wars content;)

Prettty much this