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Sounds better than what we got.

I wonder if I'm correct in saying that the decision to depict Darth Vader at the age of 9 years old is pretty much universally considered a very very bad one. It's one thing that people always change in their version of the PT and I absolutely agree - the earliest we should have seen Anakin was the age he is in AOTC, 19 I think. So the same age we meet Luke in ANH basically. Would have helped with the symmetry between the trilogies, spared us the Yipees, instantly made the Anakin/Padme relationship more plausible and crucially it probably would have shown us the supposed friendship between Anakin and Obi-wan. For the latter though you also have to omit Qui-Gon Jinn - much as I like him and Neeson's performance. I've always felt the character got in the way of what we really needed to see.

The strange irony for me is that TPM is my favourite prequel - even though in my idealized PT it would have to be changed very significantly.

Yep... TPM is my fav also but you need to throw it out to improve the PT.

There is just too much of a disconnect from 9 to 19. You never get become attached to Anakin because he's just a kid and then a young adult played by different actors.. Everything ends up suffering because Anakin is so young. I think George was trying to show how Vader was a normal kid also.. So that perhaps it feels more like a tragedy.
Yeah that's what he said at the time. It just doesn't work and as you said the actor change which had to happen made it difficult to connect with the character.
Just out of curiosity, what changes would everyone make to the PT story wise while still loosely keeping a similar story (and cast) that Lucas set out to tell?

I would cast Hayden in ?99, so both Padme and Anakin would have been the same age. Anakin would have been older, knew that he was special beyond just driving a pod racer (so maybe minor force powers like lifting/pulling tools), was friends with a more competent less goofy Jar Jar. I think this is beneficial because the romance between Anakin and Padme immediately becomes realistic. I?d build the romance here. Sheltered Queen with no time for boys meets rugged pilot (sound familiar?). It also makes the age difference between Kenobi and Anakin less awkward, was Kenobi like a father or like a brother? I always liked the idea of them being ?brothers? so having a early 20s Kenobi and 17 year old Anakin would sell that brother bond more. End result stays the same for the TPM.

Onto AOTC. I make it 3 years after TPM. Padme and Anakin are now living together in secret on Coruscant. Anakin is assigned to her security detail. Due to the established romance in TPM we cut out all that awkward cheesy lines from the first few minutes of the movie. I have Anakin and Padme get married mid movie, cut more romance out of AOTC. Anakin still slaughters the Tuskens mother still dies, everything plays out the same except we introduce Grievous this movie as the leader of the droid army and for the end changes. Grievous is in the arena killing Jedi left and right, Jedi get surrounded, gunships swoop in, Grievous runs. Later, Padme falls out and Anakin jumps out as well. We see Kenobi vs Dooku duel. Yoda shows up in time to save Kenobi. Dooku escapes, but Anakin/Padme got a gunship they crash him down. Anakin vs Dooku. Anakin kills Dooku to save Padme, says he will do whatever it takes to protect her. Movie ends with Anakin leaving Padme to go off to fight in the Clone Wars, we see Padme?s visible baby bump.

ROTS. Takes place 3 years after AOTC. We see toddler Luke and Leia opening the movie... looking up to see the Battle of Coruscant. Grievous battles Anakin/Kenobi in the opening instead of Dooku. Grievous escapes. Same plot begins to unfold. Anakin informs the council of Palpatine, when the Jedi show up we see Padme is talking to Palpatine. She witnesses the battle. Mid battle we see Palpatine wound Padme, Anakin senses something is wrong, rushes to the scene. Anakin finds Padme injured and goes ape****. Palpatine twists it into Windu having caused it, Anakin believes him, we can get a ?what have you done? instead of ?what I have done,? Anakin spouting off how the Jedi never trusted him, how if he was here it never would have happened, Anakin kills Mace. Anakin swears allegiance to save Padme?s life. Order 66. Padme is shipped off to Mustafar to receive treatment. We see Anakin go into the temple and battle dozens of Jedi leading his troops. While that is ongoing, we get the Yoda vs Palpatine duel. Yoda fails again, gets injured, but he and Bail go to rescue the children. C-3PO tells Yoda and Bail that he is supposed to go to Mustafar and bring the children to see Padme. Yoda fakes his ship blowing up to convince Palpatine that the children and he die, while Bail secretly leaves with them. Kenobi arrives too late, but is told to go to Mustafar to fight Anakin. Kenobi confronts Anakin in Padme?s room. Anakin has become more delusional. Is convinced the Jedi are trying to take over. Believes Obi-Wan was sent there to kill both he and Padme. Says he won?t let Padme die. During the fight something happens to Padme?s life support or whatever you want to call it, hit by a lightsaber, fight pours out into the hall, same fight happens. Same ending. Kenobi brings Padme back to Polis Massa, but it is too late. We see Vader get the suit, asks about his wife and kids. Palpatine says the Jedi killed his children and tells Anakin that his rage killed Padme. We see Alderaan with Bail and Leia. Final scene we get a toddler Luke playing on the famed rock on Tatooine to close out the PT.

I posted what I would change already without rewriting everything.

AOTC should have been the first movie (But a lot better :lol )
The first 30 min of ROTS should have been the 2nd film. Obi Wan and Anakin are friends with Anakin being tempted by the dark side in the field of battle.
and the 3rd film should have been about the slow descent to the dark side for Anakin.

Also get rid of General G and Count D. Just have Mual there the whole time as the secondary villain to Palps.
I posted what I would change already without rewriting everything.

AOTC should have been the first movie (But a lot better :lol )
The first 30 min of ROTS should have been the 2nd film. Obi Wan and Anakin are friends with Anakin being tempted by the dark side in the field of battle.
and the 3rd film should have been about the slow descent to the dark side for Anakin.

Also get rid of General G and Count D. Just have Mual there the whole time as the secondary villain to Palps.

Yup lots of wasted time on characters like Dooku or GG although at least Dooku was used to show Anakin making a bad decision.

Oops I should?ve not done that lol

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Yup lots of wasted time on characters like Dooku or GG although at least Dooku was used to show Anakin making a bad decision.

Oops I should?ve not done that lol

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Anakin: Oops, I lost my head there for a minute... <slow look to the camera> :)
Just out of curiosity, what changes would everyone make to the PT story wise while still loosely keeping a similar story (and cast) that Lucas set out to tell?

I would cast Hayden in ?99, so both Padme and Anakin would have been the same age. Anakin would have been older, knew that he was special beyond just driving a pod racer (so maybe minor force powers like lifting/pulling tools), was friends with a more competent less goofy Jar Jar. I think this is beneficial because the romance between Anakin and Padme immediately becomes realistic. I?d build the romance here. Sheltered Queen with no time for boys meets rugged pilot (sound familiar?). It also makes the age difference between Kenobi and Anakin less awkward, was Kenobi like a father or like a brother? I always liked the idea of them being ?brothers? so having a early 20s Kenobi and 17 year old Anakin would sell that brother bond more. End result stays the same for the TPM.

Onto AOTC. I make it 3 years after TPM. Padme and Anakin are now living together in secret on Coruscant. Anakin is assigned to her security detail. Due to the established romance in TPM we cut out all that awkward cheesy lines from the first few minutes of the movie. I have Anakin and Padme get married mid movie, cut more romance out of AOTC. Anakin still slaughters the Tuskens mother still dies, everything plays out the same except we introduce Grievous this movie as the leader of the droid army and for the end changes. Grievous is in the arena killing Jedi left and right, Jedi get surrounded, gunships swoop in, Grievous runs. Later, Padme falls out and Anakin jumps out as well. We see Kenobi vs Dooku duel. Yoda shows up in time to save Kenobi. Dooku escapes, but Anakin/Padme got a gunship they crash him down. Anakin vs Dooku. Anakin kills Dooku to save Padme, says he will do whatever it takes to protect her. Movie ends with Anakin leaving Padme to go off to fight in the Clone Wars, we see Padme?s visible baby bump.

ROTS. Takes place 3 years after AOTC. We see toddler Luke and Leia opening the movie... looking up to see the Battle of Coruscant. Grievous battles Anakin/Kenobi in the opening instead of Dooku. Grievous escapes. Same plot begins to unfold. Anakin informs the council of Palpatine, when the Jedi show up we see Padme is talking to Palpatine. She witnesses the battle. Mid battle we see Palpatine wound Padme, Anakin senses something is wrong, rushes to the scene. Anakin finds Padme injured and goes ape****. Palpatine twists it into Windu having caused it, Anakin believes him, we can get a ?what have you done? instead of ?what I have done,? Anakin spouting off how the Jedi never trusted him, how if he was here it never would have happened, Anakin kills Mace. Anakin swears allegiance to save Padme?s life. Order 66. Padme is shipped off to Mustafar to receive treatment. We see Anakin go into the temple and battle dozens of Jedi leading his troops. While that is ongoing, we get the Yoda vs Palpatine duel. Yoda fails again, gets injured, but he and Bail go to rescue the children. C-3PO tells Yoda and Bail that he is supposed to go to Mustafar and bring the children to see Padme. Yoda fakes his ship blowing up to convince Palpatine that the children and he die, while Bail secretly leaves with them. Kenobi arrives too late, but is told to go to Mustafar to fight Anakin. Kenobi confronts Anakin in Padme?s room. Anakin has become more delusional. Is convinced the Jedi are trying to take over. Believes Obi-Wan was sent there to kill both he and Padme. Says he won?t let Padme die. During the fight something happens to Padme?s life support or whatever you want to call it, hit by a lightsaber, fight pours out into the hall, same fight happens. Same ending. Kenobi brings Padme back to Polis Massa, but it is too late. We see Vader get the suit, asks about his wife and kids. Palpatine says the Jedi killed his children and tells Anakin that his rage killed Padme. We see Alderaan with Bail and Leia. Final scene we get a toddler Luke playing on the famed rock on Tatooine to close out the PT.

Now that's a pretty massive overhaul from someone who supposedly loves this trilogy as is. ;)




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I was actually coming in here to tell you guys about this. I placed an order earlier for the 8 films that I didn't already have in 4K. Plus, I got an additional 5% off for using my Red Card.
Now that's a pretty massive overhaul from someone who supposedly loves this trilogy as is. ;)

I have changes I would make to the OT as well :lol Just see my avatar for one :lol

I don't think there is a single perfect movie for me where I wouldn't change a thing... actually... I do have one, probably one or two others if I thought about it more. But it's always something. Then again, I don't think movies are a great medium for story telling, TV is vastly superior to me.

TV shows... I have about 6-7 perfect ones, maybe more.
Closest perfect Movies for Me Are Raiders of the lost Ark, Jaws, Robocop and Conan the Barbarian and Empire strikes back and Road Warrior.
Ah so the PT is for people who hate movies as a storytelling medium, it makes perfect sense now. ;)


I don’t hate it, I just think a lot of movies would be better as TV shows or mini-series. More time to explore the world, get more content. I’d love it if we got like 10 episodes from each Star Wars movie.

Cloest perfect Movies for Me Are Raiders of the lost Ark, Jaws, Robocop and Conan the Barbarian

Gonna be honest, I’ve only seen Raiders of the Lost Ark.

JAWS definitely doesn’t like me now :lol

I don’t hate it, I just think a lot of movies would be better as TV shows or mini-series. More time to explore the world, get more content. I’d love it if we got like 10 episodes from each Star Wars movie.

Gonna be honest, I’ve only seen Raiders of the Lost Ark.

JAWS definitely doesn’t like me now :lol

I'm sure he does. He likes the banter too. :duff
Gonna be honest, I?ve only seen Raiders of the Lost Ark.

JAWS definitely doesn?t like me now :lol



Gonna be honest, I’ve only seen Raiders of the Lost Ark.

JAWS definitely doesn’t like me now :lol

Well if you think that's bad, I've never watched a single Indiana Jones movie from start to finish. Just not enough interest to keep me watching.

As for the PT I wouldn't touch a thing. It tells its story just fine the way it is.
I?ve never watched 2001 from start to finish just not enough interest to keep me watching but I would not change a thing with Catwoman that is perfect as is.

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