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No worries, lol.

That's another great list, I assume you put them in order of your favorites?

So you rank The Thing higher than ALIEN, ALIENS, and Terminator?

Yep I love me some Thing :)

I don?t know if it?s in an exact order but I love the Thing remake.

I didn?t add ALIENS and I should have.
Perfect films for me

Star Wars
Empire Strikes Back
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Die Hard
An American Werewolf in London
John Carpenter?s The Thing
Fellowship of the Ring
The Terminator
First Blood
Conan the Barbarian (original US theatrical cut)
And yes, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (damn it Khev, get on that)

There ALIENS is now there :)
Perfect films for me

Star Wars
Empire Strikes Back
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Die Hard
An American Werewolf in London
John Carpenter?s The Thing
Fellowship of the Ring
The Terminator
First Blood
Conan the Barbarian (original US theatrical cut)
And yes, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (damn it Khev, get on that)

I'm sorry, but one of these simply doesn't belong. I recall seeing Conan on opening night with my best friends, and it was SO BAD we couldn't stop laughing (and we weren't even high). Back then Arnold clearly wasn't ready for a speaking part in a major film. The fact that 2 years later he didn't have to speak in The Terminator was universally acknowledged as a brilliant use of his talent.
I'm sorry, but one of these simply doesn't belong.

Oh wow, I actually didn't think he ranked it high enough, lol. A perfect 10/10 for me and one that is absolutely timeless due to everything being filmed in camera (save for the fleeing witch and the spirits surrounding them during the funeral ritual obviously) and on location.

Arnold's accent/acting never bothered me at all, especially when you consider that his character barely spoke a single word during the 10 or so years he was pushing that mill and assumedly wouldn't be the most articulate as a result.
Oh wow, I actually didn't think he ranked it high enough, lol. A perfect 10/10 for me and one that is absolutely timeless due to everything being filmed in camera (save for the fleeing witch and the spirits surrounding them during the funeral ritual obviously) and on location.

Arnold's accent/acting never bothered me at all, especially when you consider that his character barely spoke a single word during the 10 or so years he was pushing that mill and assumedly wouldn't be the most articulate as a result.

It wasn't his accent, IMO (and I'm not in the minority) he simply was a terrible actor at the beginning of his career. I can appreciate the movie for what it is, but to call it "perfect" or to put it on par with some of those other films is laughable.
I just can?t believe that i?ve been entertaining opinions about SW from people who think Jaws, Aliens and Raiders are bad movies but AOTC is a masterpiece or wait weeks to watch a new SW movie theatrically just to save $15 lol

I even get some perverted sense of enjoyment out of AOTC but better than JAWS, Aliens and Raiders.....damn.

Sure bagging a heffer after a night out drinking can offer some distorted form of pleasure but better than tapping Jennifer Connelly (ANH), Jessica Biel (ESB) and Gal Gadot (ROTJ) at the same time......hell no lol

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I've yet to see the full thing start to finish in one sitting. Definitely wasn't paying to watch something I'll hate.

Yep it definitely puts things into perspective knowing that all the woke ST haters also hate (if they've even seen) all the movies on JAWS' list above...

"Let the past die, long live AOTC and Sonic," lol.

Why are you two putting words into my mouth? I never said I hate them, I just never seen them.

I don't know if Ducky said it was better... Just that he hadn't seen them..

Someone else did say they have never made it through an Indiana Jones movie.... :(

I guess that depends which one he has tried to watch. If it was Raiders then... Yeah I cant take him seriously ;) :lol

I've seen all Indiana Jones movies.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was my favorite.
It wasn't his accent, IMO (and I'm not in the minority) he simply was a terrible actor at the beginning of his career. I can appreciate the movie for what it is, but to call it "perfect" or to put it on par with some of those other films is laughable.

Bad actor or not he still oozed charisma and had a ton of natural screen presence, had good chemistry with the other actors, looked the part, etc., and then you've still got that awesome score, cinematography, costumes, battles, simple but compelling story and everything else which I absolutely would say is as good or better than many of the other films on that list.

If I were to be really pushed to say which movies are *actually* perfect then I'd probably trim that list down to just JAWS, Raiders, ESB and FOTR but I still consider Conan and the others mentioned to be "close enough" to still label them 10/10. But to each his own.
Bad actor or not he still oozed charisma and had a ton of natural screen presence, had good chemistry with the other actors, looked the part, etc., and then you've still got that awesome score, cinematography, costumes, battles, simple but compelling story and everything else which I absolutely would say is as good or better than many of the other films on that list.

Agreed on all counts :lecture:lecture:lecture
That was a joke, honestly. I knew that would get a rise :lol

That movie was awful. And had Shia in it :lol

I rank the movies as Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Last Crusade, Temple of Doom, Crystal Skull.