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That was a joke, honestly. I knew that would get a rise :lol

That movie was awful. And had Shia in it :lol

I rank the movies as Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Last Crusade, Temple of Doom, Crystal Skull.

With that post you've climbed out of the hole and shoved me in on your way out.

:lol :lol :lol

TheDucky: "KOTCS is my favorite!"

a-dev: "Oh thank God I can finally admit that TLC is my favorite without shame."

TheDucky: "I was joking."

Man the last few pages of this thread have me in stitches especially a-dev's Wilhelm scream after the Ducky's fake out!

Jaws your list of perfect movies is basically identical mine save that I would include Jurassic Park and Blade Runner.
Bad actor or not he still oozed charisma and had a ton of natural screen presence, had good chemistry with the other actors, looked the part, etc., and then you've still got that awesome score, cinematography, costumes, battles, simple but compelling story and everything else which I absolutely would say is as good or better than many of the other films on that list.

If I were to be really pushed to say which movies are *actually* perfect then I'd probably trim that list down to just JAWS, Raiders, ESB and FOTR but I still consider Conan and the others mentioned to be "close enough" to still label them 10/10. But to each his own.

Buff just shoved a dagger thru my heart lol

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Wow, it seems I struck a nerve with you two, which lends further credence to the theory that you're joined at the hip. :lol

How old were you guys when you saw Conan for the first time?
I'm sorry, but one of these simply doesn't belong. I recall seeing Conan on opening night with my best friends, and it was SO BAD we couldn't stop laughing (and we weren't even high). Back then Arnold clearly wasn't ready for a speaking part in a major film. The fact that 2 years later he didn't have to speak in The Terminator was universally acknowledged as a brilliant use of his talent.

Oh wow, I actually didn't think he ranked it high enough, lol. A perfect 10/10 for me and one that is absolutely timeless due to everything being filmed in camera (save for the fleeing witch and the spirits surrounding them during the funeral ritual obviously) and on location.

Arnold's accent/acting never bothered me at all, especially when you consider that his character barely spoke a single word during the 10 or so years he was pushing that mill and assumedly wouldn't be the most articulate as a result.

There was a time in my life that Conan was my all time fav movie period. When I got it for Christmas on RCA Video Disc :) I watched it each day on Christmas break.

As far as Work Building, Musical Score, Set design, directing, and Cinematography goes this film is still top notch. To me Arnold's acting is fine in this film except for maybe his screaming in the Pit fighting.

The action is a bit dated and does not have the most realistic chorography but it feels like a piece of History in screen.

IMO its the best fantasy world building put on screen.. Because there is no CGI and all of in is filmed on camera I think its world building is even better then LOTR ?. But just by Gandalf's nose.
I'm sorry, but one of these simply doesn't belong. I recall seeing Conan on opening night with my best friends, and it was SO BAD we couldn't stop laughing (and we weren't even high). Back then Arnold clearly wasn't ready for a speaking part in a major film. The fact that 2 years later he didn't have to speak in The Terminator was universally acknowledged as a brilliant use of his talent.

Oh wow, I actually didn't think he ranked it high enough, lol. A perfect 10/10 for me and one that is absolutely timeless due to everything being filmed in camera (save for the fleeing witch and the spirits surrounding them during the funeral ritual obviously) and on location.

Arnold's accent/acting never bothered me at all, especially when you consider that his character barely spoke a single word during the 10 or so years he was pushing that mill and assumedly wouldn't be the most articulate as a result.

Wow, it seems I struck a nerve with you two, which lends further credence to the theory that you're joined at the hip. :lol

How old were you guys when you saw Conan for the first time?

I was 10. I cant believe my Dad took me :lol

That film got me into the Marvel Conan the Barbarian Comic and the Classic comic Magazine Savage Sword of Conan. I was obsessed for years with it.

When it finally came on HBO I nearly lost my mind because I was a full blown fan by then... Then I bought the Soundtrack and that took me to another level of love for the film. The Musical score is probably the most listed to album in my collection.

My Parents go me the RCA video Disc for Christmas and it was a great surprise..

Man, All the hours spent running around in the woods with my Wooden sword screaming "Crom!" :lol

What a let down Conan the destroyer was :(
I was 10. I cant believe my Dad took me :lol

That film got me into the Marvel Conan the Barbarian Comic and the Classic comic Magazine Savage Sword of Conan. I was obsessed for years with it.

When it finally came on HBO I nearly lost my mind because I was a full blown fan by then... Then I bought the Soundtrack and that took me to another level of love for the film. The Musical score is probably the most listed to album in my collection.

My Parents go me the RCA video Disc for Christmas and it was a great surprise..

Man, All the hours spent running around in the woods with my Wooden sword screaming "Crom!" :lol

What a let down Conan the destroyer was :(

I was thinking that might be the case. I was 21 and my friends and I had just graduated from college, so we may have been viewing it through a slightly more critical lens. :lol

You're not wrong about Conan The Destroyer. That made the first one seem like Citizen Kane....and Wilt Chamberlain made Arnold seem like Sir Laurence Olivier.
I was 10. I cant believe my Dad took me :lol

That film got me into the Marvel Conan the Barbarian Comic and the Classic comic Magazine Savage Sword of Conan. I was obsessed for years with it.

When it finally came on HBO I nearly lost my mind because I was a full blown fan by then... Then I bought the Soundtrack and that took me to another level of love for the film. The Musical score is probably the most listed to album in my collection.

My Parents go me the RCA video Disc for Christmas and it was a great surprise..

Man, All the hours spent running around in the woods with my Wooden sword screaming "Crom!" :lol

I recorded it off TV on VHS when I was in high school and can't count the amount of times I just played the opening for the music that kicks in when the steel is poured into the mold, lol.

What a let down Conan the destroyer was :(

Oh man you said it and then there was the bold faced LIE of the Red Sonja poster implying that she was in the "Conan Cinematic Universe" and then I watch it and it too sucks and I'm all "Kalidor, who the **** is Kalidor???" :lol

That's why I'm fine with no "King Conan" movie ever having been made. King Conan appeared at the end of CTB and I'll forever be good with that, lol.
Wow, it seems I struck a nerve with you two, which lends further credence to the theory that you're joined at the hip. :lol

How old were you guys when you saw Conan for the first time?

I was 15 and horny saw it opening weekend.

CTB the movie represents every male domination fantasy under the sun but not by force but by earning your self worth, your woman?s love and respect, understanding your purpose, confronting your enemies head on and then fully rising to the occasion against all odds and ultimately conquering your destiny.

If it doesn?t represent that for you then viagra is always an alternative lol

There was a time in my life that Conan was my all time fav movie period. When I got it for Christmas on RCA Video Disc :) I watched it each day on Christmas break.

As far as Work Building, Musical Score, Set design, directing, and Cinematography goes this film is still top notch. To me Arnold's acting is fine in this film except for maybe his screaming in the Pit fighting.

The action is a bit dated and does not have the most realistic chorography but it feels like a piece of History in screen.

IMO its the best fantasy world building put on screen.. Because there is no CGI and all of in is filmed on camera I think its world building is even better then LOTR ?. But just by Gandalf's nose.

I get were you are coming from BUT.....LOTR due the lengths of world building that comes from the luxury of having 3 EE goes much much deeper and are more involved and complex.

That being said CTB does an amazing job with the run time afforded.

I was 10. I cant believe my Dad took me :lol

That film got me into the Marvel Conan the Barbarian Comic and the Classic comic Magazine Savage Sword of Conan. I was obsessed for years with it.

When it finally came on HBO I nearly lost my mind because I was a full blown fan by then... Then I bought the Soundtrack and that took me to another level of love for the film. The Musical score is probably the most listed to album in my collection.

My Parents go me the RCA video Disc for Christmas and it was a great surprise..

Man, All the hours spent running around in the woods with my Wooden sword screaming "Crom!" :lol

What a let down Conan the destroyer was :(

I wanted to walk out of CTD.

I regret not walking out of CTD lol

I recorded it off TV on VHS when I was in high school and can't count the amount of times I just played the opening for the music that kicks in when the steel is poured into the mold, lol.

Oh man you said it and then there was the bold faced LIE of the Red Sonja poster implying that she was in the "Conan Cinematic Universe" and then I watch it and it too sucks and I'm all "Kalidor, who the **** is Kalidor???" :lol

That's why I'm fine with no "King Conan" movie ever having been made. King Conan appeared at the end of CTB and I'll forever be good with that, lol.

It would be so corrupted with forced agendas instead of allowing it to be organic with a natural and comprehensive flow of mutual gender share of knowledge and respect.

Introducing Ezra Miller as wizard Makita!

No thank you lol

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I was thinking that might be the case. I was 21 and my friends and I had just graduated from college, so we may have been viewing it through a slightly more critical lens. :lol

You're not wrong about Conan The Destroyer. That made the first one seem like Citizen Kane....and Wilt Chamberlain made Arnold seem like Sir Laurence Olivier.

I assume you don't mean you saw it in the theaters when you were 21.

To be fair I didn't become a HUGE Conan movie fan until after I was 13 and it was on HBO :)

At 10 I became very interested in the world of Conan and turned to the comics...

I am pretty good at calling out a Nostalgia fav of mine compared to a true classic.

I still like The Black Hole and Tron but I know they are average films at best...

IMO Conan still holds up.

I don't know when the last time was you watched it but don't discount Arnolds cold vengeful expressions that he makes throughout the film... That's some good acting :lol
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I was 15 and horny.

CTB the movie represents every male domination fantasy under the sun but not by force but by earning your self worth, your woman?s love and respect understanding your purpose, confronting your enemies head on and then fully rising to the occasion against all odds.

If it doesn?t represent that for you then viagra is always an alternative lol

:lol Yep pretty much.

I get were you are coming from BUT.....LOTR due the lengths of world building that comes from the luxury of having 3 EE goes much much deeper and are more involved and complex.

That being said CTB does an amazing job with the run time afforded.

I guess I just am more impressed with Conan because the H[FONT=Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif]yborian age depicted in that film feels so real. It really felt like a time that may have excisted. LOTR is great world building but even with the practicle sets it never felt as realistic...

But feeling real does not mean World building so yeah LOTR is the better of the two. [/FONT]
Yeah for some reason I thought you didn't have much love for Aliens.

T2 is a terrible film.

I do recall I have to pull some reverse psychology to get you to praise T2 :lol

Interesting.. I always loved ALIENS. I have issues with most of Cameron's work accept for ALIENS and The Terminator... Maybe peeps just assumed I didn't like anything accept The Terminator.

T2.. I remember you were surprised that I gave it a 7.5 out of 10 because I ***** about it so much :lol

I don't recall the reverse psychology but I wouldn't be surprised because I like T2.

But I do think its like the most overrated movie of all time so that tends to give me more negative feelings towards the film. But its a solid movie for sure. Arnold and T1000 are great. I could do without John and Sarah Connor though. :)
Interesting.. I always loved ALIENS. I have issues with most of Cameron's work accept for ALIENS and The Terminator... Maybe peeps just assumed I didn't like anything accept The Terminator.

T2.. I remember you were surprised that I gave it a 7.5 out of 10 because I ***** about it so much :lol

I don't recall the reverse psychology but I wouldn't be surprised because I like T2.

But I do think its like the most overrated movie of all time so that tends to give me more negative feelings towards the film. But its a solid movie for sure. Arnold and T1000 are great. I could do without John and Sarah Connor though. :)


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I guess I just am more impressed with Conan because the H[FONT=Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif]yborian age depicted in that film feels so real. It really felt like a time that may have excisted. LOTR is great world building but even with the practicle sets it never felt as realistic...

CTB's Hyboria is so convincing it really feels like it's a remote country stuck in time that still exists today and they just went there and filmed it.
I assume you don't mean you saw it in the theaters when you were 21.

To be fair I didn't become a HUGE Conan movie fan until after I was 13 and it was on HBO :)

Yep same, I think I was 8 when it came out but had to wait until my dad rented it on VHS in late '82. Didn't truly love it though until I was a teenager so no early childhood nostalgia goggles for me.