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I was 15 and horny saw it opening weekend.

CTB the movie represents every male domination fantasy under the sun but not by force but by earning your self worth, your woman?s love and respect, understanding your purpose, confronting your enemies head on and then fully rising to the occasion against all odds and ultimately conquering your destiny.
If it doesn?t represent that for you then viagra is always an alternative lol

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I suppose if I'd been 15 at the time and walking around with a perpetual pup tent in my pants I might feel the same way but alas, that wasn't the case. But hey, if you have some viagra to spare send it my way - I'll probably need some eventually. If I've learned nothing else during this pandemic it's the importance of planning ahead. :lol

I assume you don't mean you saw it in the theaters when you were 21.

To be fair I didn't become a HUGE Conan movie fan until after I was 13 and it was on HBO :)

At 10 I became very interested in the world of Conan and turned to the comics...

I am pretty good at calling out a Nostalgia fav of mine compared to a true classic.

I still like The Black Hole and Tron but I know they are average films at best...

IMO Conan still holds up.

I don't know when the last time was you watched it but don't discount Arnolds cold vengeful expressions that he makes throughout the film... That's some good acting :lol

You assume wrong - I was 21 when this came out (possibly 22 depending on the release date). I think that also may be the last time I watched it in its entirety. :lol

I've yet to see the full thing start to finish in one sitting. Definitely wasn't paying to watch something I'll hate.

Why are you two putting words into my mouth? I never said I hate them, I just never seen them.

I've seen all Indiana Jones movies.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was my favorite.

Arnold might as well been Daniel Day Lewis in CTB that is how perfect he sold it that he WASN?T a muscle head from Venice beach.

Just like with Good Back Ugly and ANH it helps that they filmed in real dirt.

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Back on-topic, for those of us still grappling with Rey Palpatine, here's the novelization author's two cents:

The entire Skywalker saga is about Palpatine turning or trying to turn Skywalkers to the dark side. He especially hopes that Rey will prove a worthy vessel for his own power and ambition and become the Skywalkers’ final downfall. But in spite of all his efforts over the course of three generations, he fails. Rey rejects everything about him and takes on the Skywalker mantle and legacy. In the end, it’s a Palpatine who turns to the light, thus handing the Skywalkers their ultimate victory.

It's like poetry/ring theory: Palpatine turns Skywalker to darkness (PT), Skywalker redeems Skywalker (OT), Skywalker(s) turn Palpatine to the light (ST).
I don't know that that works considering Rey was never with the Dark Side in the first place and no one ever seriously believed she would become a villain - and sure enough she didn't.
From my casual reading of SW news, they said Rey was always meant to take the Skywalker name even before TFA, so they were definitely working to that. I just don't think it was implemented well in TROS either.
I don't know that that works considering Rey was never with the Dark Side in the first place and no one ever seriously believed she would become a villain - and sure enough she didn't.

It works with regard to "forsaking the family legacy." So I'm glad we have that 24 year old SJW author to spell out something most of us noticed opening night, lol.

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Film is makes the so many top ten list and yet its basically just a remake of the first film which is, IMO, vastly superior :)

Its just a film that I will always think is just good but not great. My first viewing experience was that of disappointment. First issue was I loved the first movie so much.. 2nd issue was that I was not blown away by the f/x in the film like so many were.. I blame the Gun's and Roses video that showed almost all the really cool f/x shots.. So I ended up not being surprised by anything. Then there was that problem I had with John and Sarah... Creepy kid and overacting female lead..

You can just imagine how much I hated her in the last film.

I do appreciate the film more now the I did... You can thank the last two Terminator films for that. :)

You assume wrong - I was 21 when this came out (possibly 22 depending on the release date). I think that also may be the last time I watched it in its entirety. :lol

WOW!!! You are OAF!!! ;) ;) :lol

I always figure being 49 made me the old man of the sea around here :)

Gotta make sure I show you respect from here on out :)
Since we're back to SW though I do like these little fan made Saga trailers and this is one of the better ones IMO:

That was a good one..

this is not a knock on the PT.. Like I have posted before I got some enjoyment out of it with my last viewing...

But man watching that trailer, almost any time it cut to a PT scene it just felt so jarring.. Like its not part of the same saga.

Its always been an issue of mine but when its being shown with the other six films they really feel like a different Universe all together. So much CGI and the Universe not looking used like it did in the other 6 films..

Not all of it felt that way... I liked the shots of young Anakin in that trailer. I just really wish George used more real locations.. Would have helped a ton I think.
That was a good one..

this is not a knock on the PT.. Like I have posted before I got some enjoyment out of it with my last viewing...

But man watching that trailer, almost any time it cut to a PT scene it just felt so jarring.. Like its not part of the same saga.

Its always been an issue of mine but when its being shown with the other six films they really feel like a different Universe all together. So much CGI and the Universe not looking used like it did in the other 6 films..

Not all of it felt that way... I liked the shots of young Anakin in that trailer. I just really wish George used more real locations.. Would have helped a ton I think.

Very true. The MCU might not have great cinematography but at least everything looks like it's from the same universe. Yeah I remember before TROS came out LFL released that one Saga trailer showing highlights of the previous movies and it was always jarring going from a scene of OT Stormtroopers to all those CGI Clones marching up the ramp.

Maybe someone will do a trailer of just OT and ST scenes, lol. :pray:
I just can?t believe that i?ve been entertaining opinions about SW from people who think Jaws, Aliens and Raiders are bad movies but AOTC is a masterpiece or wait weeks to watch a new SW movie theatrically just to save $15 lol

$15 is way too much to spend on crap like TROS.
Back on-topic, for those of us still grappling with Rey Palpatine, here's the novelization author's two cents:

The entire Skywalker saga is about Palpatine turning or trying to turn Skywalkers to the dark side. He especially hopes that Rey will prove a worthy vessel for his own power and ambition and become the Skywalkers? final downfall. But in spite of all his efforts over the course of three generations, he fails. Rey rejects everything about him and takes on the Skywalker mantle and legacy. In the end, it?s a Palpatine who turns to the light, thus handing the Skywalkers their ultimate victory.

It's like poetry/ring theory: Palpatine turns Skywalker to darkness (PT), Skywalker redeems Skywalker (OT), Skywalker(s) turn Palpatine to the light (ST).

It works with regard to "forsaking the family legacy."

Alright but that only parallels with Luke forsaking Vader in the OT

So I'm glad we have that 24 year old SJW author to spell out something most of us noticed opening night lol.


His words are that she, a Palpatine, 'turns to the light'. No she didn't. You don't ''turn'' to the direction you were already pretty obviously facing :lol Furthermore her decision to reject Palpatine and the Dark Side was never in doubt, I never got the sense that it was an internal struggle for her* like Anakin's decision was and like Vader's decision was.

So I soundly reject SJW author's attempts to find the symmetry. The Skywalker's did not ''turn'' a Palpatine. She was already a 'goodie' and there's no reason to think she wouldn't have remained so even if she'd never met Luke and Leia.

*and heck why would it be a struggle. See my later post.
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or wait weeks to watch a new SW movie theatrically just to save $15 lol

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It's not about saving money, it's about not giving Disney money for the ST. Why do you think TROS performed so poorly at the box office? Partially because it sucked, partially because TLJ sucked, and partially because lifelong fans like me waited or skipped it altogether.
What's with Palpatine anyway? His offer to Rey was that she'd sit on the throne and rule the galaxy but his spirit would possess her? You'd think he'd keep that last bit to himself. Is that supposed to appeal to her? So what would happen to her own spirit? Cast out? Or still there in the background for cameos? Either way, doesn't sound good for Rey.

With Luke in ROTJ his pitch is basically kill your father and you can become my lackey as he was.

At least he gave Anakin the whole ''I can help you save Padme'' spiel. After that success it seems like he completely forgot the concept of 'incentive'.
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