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What's with Palpatine anyway? His offer to Rey was that she'd sit on the throne and rule the galaxy but his spirit would possess her? You'd think he'd keep that last bit to himself. Is that supposed to appeal to her? So what would happen to her own spirit? Cast out? Or still there in the background for cameos? Either way, doesn't sound good for Rey.

He tells Luke in ROTJ and Rey in TROS exactly what to do to go down the road they don't want to go down and he doesn't even try to sell the dark side as something they should want.

With Anakin he at least did the whole ''I can help you save Padme'' thing. After that success it seems like he completely forgot the concept of 'incentive'.
Palps not as crafty as this one here...

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What's with Palpatine anyway? His offer to Rey was that she'd sit on the throne and rule the galaxy but his spirit would possess her? You'd think he'd keep that last bit to himself. Is that supposed to appeal to her? So what would happen to her own spirit? Cast out? Or still there in the background for cameos? Either way, doesn't sound good for Rey.

With Luke in ROTJ his pitch is basically kill your father and you can become my lackey as he was.

At least he gave Anakin the whole ''I can help you save Padme'' spiel. After that success it seems like he completely forgot the concept of 'incentive'.

a-dev talking to Khev about his Rey Palpatine dilema...


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It's not about saving money, it's about not giving Disney money for the ST. Why do you think TROS performed so poorly at the box office? Partially because it sucked, partially because TLJ sucked, and partially because lifelong fans like me waited or skipped it altogether.

Well that is you.

My dna is about not abandoning my childhood heroes of Han, Luke and Leia not for KK, not for RJ and certainly not for politics my skin is way too thick to be so offended that I just pack up and go running at the first sign of trouble not when it comes to Han, Luke, Leia. Disney can abandon them, Lucas certainly did right after ESB was released but i?m not

But hey you do you if you are content with just ANH/ESB then you already love the best 2 SW movies pat yourself on the back.

My stamina survived the PT without Han, Luke and Leia and I bought the PT 4K the second they were available for purchase as i?m not the kind of SW fan that will wait weeks to watch Han, Luke and Leia because KK and RJ hurt my feelings.

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No, Jye is the kind of fan who will lap up any old **** that is served to him. And yet his self professed "stamina" didn't give him the patience to enjoy The Clone Wars series.

My d.n.a is so much better than yours lol...
No, Jye is the kind of fan who will lap up any old **** that is served to him. And yet his self professed "stamina" didn't give him the patience to enjoy The Clone Wars series.

My d.n.a is so much better than yours lol...

Cartoons lol

When you find the strength to finish Raiders come back and talk I have a KK hurt my little feelings with her force is female t-shirt pillow for you to find comfort in.

Then again you are not wrong I did just buy AOTC...again.

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I don't know that that works considering Rey was never with the Dark Side in the first place and no one ever seriously believed she would become a villain - and sure enough she didn't.

Sorry, make that...

Palpatine corrupts Skywalker (PT), Skywalker redeems Skywalker (OT), Palpatine redeems Skywalker (ST)
Well that is you.

My dna is about not abandoning my childhood heroes of Han, Luke and Leia not for KK, not for RJ and certainly not for politics my skin is way too thick to be so offended that I just pack up and go running at the first sign of trouble not when it comes to Han, Luke, Leia. Disney can abandon them, Lucas certainly did right after ESB was released but i?m not

But hey you do you if you are content with just ANH/ESB then you already love the best 2 SW movies pat yourself on the back.

My stamina survived the PT without Han, Luke and Leia and I bought the PT 4K the second they were available for purchase as i?m not the kind of SW fan that will wait weeks to watch Han, Luke and Leia because KK and RJ hurt my feelings.

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There wasn't any Luke, Han, and Leia left after TLJ. Their characters were assaulted in TLJ, mutated into a debased version of their former selves from a dystopian future.

Luke: a former hero filled to the brim with optimism and talent, now a homeless unkempt loser living as a recluse who nearly murders Leia's son on a whim. When his friends need him doesn't show up for the fight and commits suicide instead. Slops tiddy milk all over his face. Is replaced in the Saga with a Mary Sue who also steals his name.

Han: Transformed smuggler turned rebellion hero divorces Leia, reverts to being a bankrupt louse, and is murdered by his son. Fires Chewie's bowcaster for the first time.

Leia: Loses her son and is seen on screen dying in space but channels her inner Mary Poppins and flies her own corpse to safety through an open window. Immediately after Han's death walks straight past Chewie and hugs a Mary Sue she hardly knows.

Your dna and stamina can enjoy those disgraceful versions of the heroes from the OT but I never will.
There wasn't any Luke, Han, and Leia left after TLJ. Their characters were assaulted in TLJ, mutated into a debased version of their former selves from a dystopian future.

Luke: a former hero filled to the brim with optimism and talent, now a homeless unkempt loser living as a recluse who nearly murders Leia's son on a whim. When his friends need him doesn't show up for the fight and commits suicide instead. Slops tiddy milk all over his face. Is replaced in the Saga with a Mary Sue who also steals his name.

Han: Transformed smuggler turned rebellion hero divorces Leia, reverts to being a bankrupt louse, and is murdered by his son. Fires Chewie's bowcaster for the first time.

Leia: Loses her son and is seen on screen dying in space but channels her inner Mary Poppins and flies her own corpse to safety through an open window. Immediately after Han's death walks straight past Chewie and hugs a Mary Sue she hardly knows.

Your dna and stamina can enjoy those disgraceful versions of the heroes from the OT but I never will.

Just the simple mere fact that you are still stuck on Mary Sue says it all doesn?t it.

Do Khev and JAWS need to use crayons to explain it any better than they already have lol

Like seriously how is that still a problem after TROS is beyond me.

Whatever lol

Iger/JJ even accomplished saving Leia after that absurd space Leia in TLJ! They SAVED Leia AFTER SPACE LEIA!

You are so ungrateful I swear lol

If you hate Han, Luke and Leia after TROS then you never really cared for them from the start...ouch.

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Alright but that only parallels with Luke forsaking Vader in the OT

Well that's the only parallel I need but I was just humoring those who recognize some "other" SW movies. :)


His words are that she, a Palpatine, 'turns to the light'. No she didn't. You don't ''turn'' to the direction you were already pretty obviously facing :lol Furthermore her decision to reject Palpatine and the Dark Side was never in doubt, I never got the sense that it was an internal struggle for her* like Anakin's decision was and like Vader's decision was.

So I soundly reject SJW author's attempts to find the symmetry. The Skywalker's did not ''turn'' a Palpatine. She was already a 'goodie' and there's no reason to think she wouldn't have remained so even if she'd never met Luke and Leia.

*and heck why would it be a struggle. See my later post.

Well she did appear to be completely consumed by the Dark Side when she stabbed Kylo and it was only Leia who snapped her out of it which caused her to retreat and give up until Luke encouraged her to continue the fight. So without Leia she would have succumbed to hatred and without Luke she would have succumbed to fear. Yes she was "good" but the moment she learned who she really was her downward spiral began and there's no reason to believe that that *wouldn't* have occurred no matter the circumstances so the threat of Palpatine corrupting her was very real.

What's with Palpatine anyway? His offer to Rey was that she'd sit on the throne and rule the galaxy but his spirit would possess her?

Yep, lol.

You'd think he'd keep that last bit to himself.

You'd think but that's Palps for you, lol.

Is that supposed to appeal to her? So what would happen to her own spirit? Cast out? Or still there in the background for cameos? Either way, doesn't sound good for Rey.

With Luke in ROTJ his pitch is basically kill your father and you can become my lackey as he was.

At least he gave Anakin the whole ''I can help you save Padme'' spiel. After that success it seems like he completely forgot the concept of 'incentive'.

I'm glad you brought up ROTJ because Palps had literally won and was about to watch Luke kill his father until he screwed it up by interrupting with laughter and an ill-timed speech which made Luke pause and realize what he was about to do. Palpatine is an evil genius but his gloating and theatrics are always his own undoing. Personally I just think that that's all part of the fun. :)

a-dev talking to Khev about his Rey Palpatine dilema...



It's kind of fun to debate a-dev for once. I don't think we've really been at odds opinion-wise since the T1/T2 canon wars of 2011-12, lol.
You assume wrong - I was 21 when this came out (possibly 22 depending on the release date). I think that also may be the last time I watched it in its entirety. :lol

So you were 16 when SW came out? What was your first theatrical experience like for that then? I'm very curious since most of us here caught it when we were single digit ages.
Well that's the only parallel I need but I was just humoring those who recognize some "other" SW movies. :)

Well she did appear to be completely consumed by the Dark Side when she stabbed Kylo and it was only Leia who snapped her out of it which caused her to retreat and give up until Luke encouraged her to continue the fight. So without Leia she would have succumbed to hatred and without Luke she would have succumbed to fear. Yes she was "good" but the moment she learned who she really was her downward spiral began and there's no reason to believe that that *wouldn't* have occurred no matter the circumstances so the threat of Palpatine corrupting her was very real.

Yep, lol.

You'd think but that's Palps for you, lol.

I'm glad you brought up ROTJ because Palps had literally won and was about to watch Luke kill his father until he screwed it up by interrupting with laughter and an ill-timed speech which made Luke pause and realize what he was about to do. Palpatine is an evil genius but his gloating and theatrics are always his own undoing. Personally I just think that that's all part of the fun. :)


It's kind of fun to debate a-dev for once. I don't think we've really been at odds opinion-wise since the T1/T2 canon wars of 2011-12, lol.

Well Luke did tell Palpatine that his overconfidence was his undoing. Luke called it right.
What's with Palpatine anyway? His offer to Rey was that she'd sit on the throne and rule the galaxy but his spirit would possess her? You'd think he'd keep that last bit to himself. Is that supposed to appeal to her? So what would happen to her own spirit? Cast out? Or still there in the background for cameos? Either way, doesn't sound good for Rey.

With Luke in ROTJ his pitch is basically kill your father and you can become my lackey as he was.

At least he gave Anakin the whole ''I can help you save Padme'' spiel. After that success it seems like he completely forgot the concept of 'incentive'.

:exactly: :clap

The ROTJ Palpatine drew an entire fleet to his DS2 by intentionally planting false evidence about its operational capacity for Rebel spies to pick up. He further capitalized on that in his attempt to turn Luke to the dark side by using the situation to make Luke feel desperate. By telling him that his friends would die, he kept manipulating Luke's emotions of fear and anger. And by using his father as Luke's adversary, he ratcheted up those emotions so that Luke would cross the line to the dark. But Palps underestimated Luke (and the Ewoks :lol).

In the PT, Palpatine overturned an entire Republic by creating a war that wouldn't have existed without his long-term planning and manipulation. He rose to power by playing each side like an ultimate master strategist. And he turned Anakin by identifying Anakin's strongest fear-based vulnerability. Palpatine exploited every weakness in the Republic, within the Jedi Order, and in his new apprentice with precision brilliance and multi-level strategy to gain victory over all of them.

The TROS Palpatine built a fleet of ships that couldn't navigate up! :lol He built them without being able to have their shields up while in atmosphere, and did so underground so that these shieldless ships would have to break through the ground to take flight. :lol He announced his presence to the galaxy before his fleet was even out of the ground. His entire plan for Rey was to introduce himself and tell her why he wanted her to kill him. :slap And then he died because he stupidly refused to simply stop firing his Force lightning, when he could've just used any number of other UNLIMITED POWERS!!

ROTJ and PT Palps: brilliant, but overconfident. TROS Palps: senile and just plain stupid.

It wasn't a matter of being portrayed as overconfident in TROS; it was a matter of being written as an idiot - which is something he never was prior.

Sorry, make that...

Palpatine corrupts Skywalker (PT), Skywalker redeems Skywalker (OT), Palpatine redeems Skywalker (ST)

In reality, it's more like this: Palpatine corrupts Skywalker (PT), Skywalker avenges and destroys Palpatine (OT), nope - just kidding (ST).
So you were 16 when SW came out? What was your first theatrical experience like for that then? I'm very curious since most of us here caught it when we were single digit ages.

I was 17, and it was amazing. I know it had been out a week or so because one of my friends had already seen it but was anxious to see it again ASAP. The rest of us thought he was nuts - we had NO IDEA what we were about to experience. I remember arriving at the theater with my friends for @ a 7:00pm show and the queue was out the door, around the building and halfway down the block. We barely had enough money between the 4 of us for tickets and my friend's car was running on fumes, so heading to the next closest theater wasn't an option. This was a big old theater on the south side of Chicago, and I don't think SW was even playing on more than one screen yet (actually, it may have only HAD one screen). We got in line and ended up barely making it in to see the next screening at @10pm. I lost count of how many more times we saw it that summer - at least 6 or 7. I know it seriously cut into our beer consumption, as our limited funds had to be reprioritized. Given how often we stupidly drank & drove back in those days :slap, SW may have very well saved my life. :lol
I was 17, and it was amazing. I know it had been out a week or so because one of my friends had already seen it but was anxious to see it again ASAP. The rest of us thought he was nuts - we had NO IDEA what we were about to experience. I remember arriving at the theater with my friends for @ a 7:00pm show and the queue was out the door, around the building and halfway down the block. We barely had enough money between the 4 of us for tickets and my friend's car was running on fumes, so heading to the next closest theater wasn't an option. This was a big old theater on the south side of Chicago, and I don't think SW was even playing on more than one screen yet (actually, it may have only HAD one screen). We got in line and ended up barely making it in to see the next screening at @10pm. I lost count of how many more times we saw it that summer - at least 6 or 7. I know it seriously cut into our beer consumption, as our limited funds had to be reprioritized. Given how often we stupidly drank & drove back in those days :slap, SW may have very well saved my life. :lol

Holy crap, my family was living on the South Side of Chicago (Hazel Crest) when Star Wars came out, how crazy if we saw it at the same theater!! :rock
Holy crap, my family was living on the South Side of Chicago (Hazel Crest) when Star Wars came out, how crazy if we saw it at the same theater!! :rock

Maybe? We saw it in Oak Lawn at @95th and Cicero that first time. I know we saw it a few times over at Orland Square in Orland Park, which would have been a bit closer to you. The following two summers I did work near Hazel Crest at a little tile warehouse on 167th near the I-57 and I-80 exchanges, but as I recall that had a Tinley Park address.
:exactly: :clap

The ROTJ Palpatine drew an entire fleet to his DS2 by intentionally planting false evidence about its operational capacity for Rebel spies to pick up. He further capitalized on that in his attempt to turn Luke to the dark side by using the situation to make Luke feel desperate. By telling him that his friends would die, he kept manipulating Luke's emotions of fear and anger. And by using his father as Luke's adversary, he ratcheted up those emotions so that Luke would cross the line to the dark. But Palps underestimated Luke (and the Ewoks :lol).

In the PT, Palpatine overturned an entire Republic by creating a war that wouldn't have existed without his long-term planning and manipulation. He rose to power by playing each side like an ultimate master strategist. And he turned Anakin by identifying Anakin's strongest fear-based vulnerability. Palpatine exploited every weakness in the Republic, within the Jedi Order, and in his new apprentice with precision brilliance and multi-level strategy to gain victory over all of them.

The TROS Palpatine built a fleet of ships that couldn't navigate up! :lol He built them without being able to have their shields up while in atmosphere, and did so underground so that these shieldless ships would have to break through the ground to take flight. :lol He announced his presence to the galaxy before his fleet was even out of the ground. His entire plan for Rey was to introduce himself and tell her why he wanted her to kill him. :slap And then he died because he stupidly refused to simply stop firing his Force lightning, when he could've just used any number of other UNLIMITED POWERS!!

ROTJ and PT Palps: brilliant, but overconfident. TROS Palps: senile and just plain stupid.

It wasn't a matter of being portrayed as overconfident in TROS; it was a matter of being written as an idiot - which is something he never was prior.

In reality, it's more like this: Palpatine corrupts Skywalker (PT), Skywalker avenges and destroys Palpatine (OT), nope - just kidding (ST).

And Palpatine saying that an entire legion of his BEST troops were on the forest moon of Endor yet they were taken out by cute little bears doesn?t also show that he is an idiot.

Man is ROTJ bad lol

I do like it that he told Luke that he would learn that he was mistaken about a great many things and that stuck with Luke and altered Luke all the way down into TLJ.

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And Palpatine saying that an entire legion of his BEST troops were on the forest moon of Endor yet they were taken out by cute little bears doesn?t also show that he is an idiot.

Man is ROTJ bad lol

It means one of two things (maybe both): 1.) even his best troops were shockingly incompetent, and/or 2.) Ewoks were a horrendously bad idea by GL. :lol

But no, I don't think having incompetent troops who can't defeat ewoks makes Palpatine look like an idiot. It makes him surrounded by . . .



I do like it that he told Luke that he would learn that he was mistaken about a great many things and that stuck with Luke and altered Luke all the way down into TLJ.

Maybe my favorite line delivery in the whole film. :rock