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Maybe? We saw it in Oak Lawn at @95th and Cicero that first time. I know we saw it a few times over at Orland Square in Orland Park, which would have been a bit closer to you. The following two summers I did work near Hazel Crest at a little tile warehouse on 167th near the I-57 and I-80 exchanges, but as I recall that had a Tinley Park address.

I was too young to know which theater and I've tried to find out from my parents since but neither remember the exact one. But if you remember a woman reading the opening crawl to an unblinking three year old then that was probably me, lol.
Sorry, make that...

Palpatine corrupts Skywalker (PT), Skywalker redeems Skywalker (OT), Palpatine redeems Skywalker (ST)

Baby yoda inherits the earth
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:lol :lol Jurassic Park :lol :lol

Just the simple mere fact that you are still stuck on Mary Sue says it all doesn?t it.

Do Khev and JAWS need to use crayons to explain it any better than they already have lol

Like seriously how is that still a problem after TROS is beyond me.

Whatever lol

Iger/JJ even accomplished saving Leia after that absurd space Leia in TLJ! They SAVED Leia AFTER SPACE LEIA!

You are so ungrateful I swear lol

If you hate Han, Luke and Leia after TROS then you never really cared for them from the start...ouch.

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Jye have more coffee then usual this morning ? I like it :lol :lol

I was 17, and it was amazing. I know it had been out a week or so because one of my friends had already seen it but was anxious to see it again ASAP. The rest of us thought he was nuts - we had NO IDEA what we were about to experience. I remember arriving at the theater with my friends for @ a 7:00pm show and the queue was out the door, around the building and halfway down the block. We barely had enough money between the 4 of us for tickets and my friend's car was running on fumes, so heading to the next closest theater wasn't an option. This was a big old theater on the south side of Chicago, and I don't think SW was even playing on more than one screen yet (actually, it may have only HAD one screen). We got in line and ended up barely making it in to see the next screening at @10pm. I lost count of how many more times we saw it that summer - at least 6 or 7. I know it seriously cut into our beer consumption, as our limited funds had to be reprioritized. Given how often we stupidly drank & drove back in those days :slap, SW may have very well saved my life. :lol

What a great story! Thanks for sharing.. I was six when I saw it in the theater and remember almost nothing :lol
What's with Palpatine anyway? His offer to Rey was that she'd sit on the throne and rule the galaxy but his spirit would possess her? You'd think he'd keep that last bit to himself. Is that supposed to appeal to her? So what would happen to her own spirit? Cast out? Or still there in the background for cameos? Either way, doesn't sound good for Rey.

With Luke in ROTJ his pitch is basically kill your father and you can become my lackey as he was.

At least he gave Anakin the whole ''I can help you save Padme'' spiel. After that success it seems like he completely forgot the concept of 'incentive'.

I could be wrong here... But hadn't he painted her in a corner.. Like basically telling her the plan was a non issue because she would have to go along with it to save the resistance? I can't remember... But it seems like there was a reason she finally was willing.. I think Palps knew she wouldn't want to be he didn't care. He didn't need to sell her a bag of goods because she had no other choice... I might be misremembering the film though.
There are episodes of The Clone Wars that rival almost anything in the PT and ST.

Just saying you are missing some good stuff Jye.

Of course you are missing some awful crap too :lol

I don?t doubt it but if i?m being honest I could not absorb 7 years worth of fast moving cartoon jedis cutting battle droids in half.

That is just way too much Roger Roger for my liking lol

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I was too young to know which theater and I've tried to find out from my parents since but neither remember the exact one. But if you remember a woman reading the opening crawl to an unblinking three year old then that was probably me, lol.

Knowing what a pain in the @ss traffic was in my part of town back then, I can pretty much guarantee your folks didn't venture all the way to the theaters I frequented unless they were taken there by gunpoint. :lol

That was close to being quite the coincidence, but I've got an even wilder one for you. PM sent.
Well that is you.

My dna is about not abandoning my childhood heroes of Han, Luke and Leia not for KK, not for RJ and certainly not for politics my skin is way too thick to be so offended that I just pack up and go running at the first sign of trouble not when it comes to Han, Luke, Leia. Disney can abandon them, Lucas certainly did right after ESB was released but i?m not

But hey you do you if you are content with just ANH/ESB then you already love the best 2 SW movies pat yourself on the back.

My stamina survived the PT without Han, Luke and Leia and I bought the PT 4K the second they were available for purchase as i?m not the kind of SW fan that will wait weeks to watch Han, Luke and Leia because KK and RJ hurt my feelings.

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This actually comes off as straight up saying you are the superior fan. :cuckoo: :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

Funny thing is, those childhood heroes actually did abandon you, you are just too attached to see it. Your like the kid who thinks his dad is still coming back five years later after going out for cigarettes. Guess what kid! The father you knew is never coming back! Just like the Luke you knew is never coming back!

I want to play this game since you brought it up. Who is the superior Star Wars fan.

Did you read the EU? All the books and comics? I have. I didn't abandon them. If you didn't, your DNA is about abandoning your childhood heroes, only have the stamina to consume two hours every three years.
I don?t doubt it but if i?m being honest I could not absorb 7 years worth of fast moving cartoon jedis cutting battle droids in half.

That is just way too much Roger Roger for my liking lol

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Man on season 5 I just watched three episodes last night that had 8 beheadings, an arm cut off, and the impaling of a major character... Its more then just death to battle Droids :)

Having said that.. These were director cuts on Blu ray.. So Disney + might not be as graphic..
This actually comes off as straight up saying you are the superior fan. :cuckoo: :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

I didn't read that as being Superior. Just that he was not going to let a goofy producer and some bad choices keep him from going to see a SW film on opening weekend.

Funny thing is, those childhood heroes actually did abandon you, you are just too attached to see it. Your like the kid who thinks his dad is still coming back five years later after going out for cigarettes. Guess what kid! The father you knew is never coming back! Just like the Luke you knew is never coming back!

That is the difference between the people that don't like the direction of the ST and the main characters and those of us that do.

Luke, Han, and Leia are still hero's too us. With Luke and Han they may be flawed hero's but that just makes them more human and relatable.

But I understand if someone had the idea that Luke will be this infallible perfect Jedi who would never make a mistake.. I think that could be a cool take also.. But I like the direction they took. For me that was more interesting and just as heroic.

Did you read the EU? All the books and comics? I have. I didn't abandon them. If you didn't, your DNA is about abandoning your childhood heroes, only have the stamina to consume two hours every three years

That's gotta suck spending all that time with non Canon stories ;)

I read some of the EU books. The first two Timothy Zahn books.. Never finished them. Tried to read Shadows of the Empire also.. I just was never a fan. They always felt a little like fan fiction.
I did love the character of Thrawn though.
I guess I just had a hard time separating what was meant to be a visual medium with books created in the minds of many authors.

I hated the comics most of the time as the art was usually poor and the stories were corny.. (This was back in the 80's :) )
This actually comes off as straight up saying you are the superior fan. :cuckoo: :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

Funny thing is, those childhood heroes actually did abandon you, you are just too attached to see it. Your like the kid who thinks his dad is still coming back five years later after going out for cigarettes. Guess what kid! The father you knew is never coming back! Just like the Luke you knew is never coming back!

I want to play this game since you brought it up. Who is the superior Star Wars fan.

Did you read the EU? All the books and comics? I have. I didn't abandon them. If you didn't, your DNA is about abandoning your childhood heroes, only have the stamina to consume two hours every three years.

SW for me has to be a movie and now Mando nothing else.

Even then i?m only interested in stories set between TPM and TROS nothing else.

I?ve read every SW novel before 99 and own the radio plays but I don?t care about those books anymore.

Man on season 5 I just watched three episodes last night that had 8 beheadings, an arm cut off, and the impaling of a major character... Its more then just death to battle Droids :)

Having said that.. These were director cuts on Blu ray.. So Disney + might not be as graphic..

My son is knee deep into TCW lol

I didn't read that as being Superior. Just that he was not going to let a goofy producer and some bad choices keep him from going to see a SW film on opening weekend.

That is the difference between the people that don't like the direction of the ST and the main characters and those of us that do.

Luke, Han, and Leia are still hero's too us. With Luke and Han they may be flawed hero's but that just makes them more human and relatable.

But I understand if someone had the idea that Luke will be this infallible perfect Jedi who would never make a mistake.. I think that could be a cool take also.. But I like the direction they took. For me that was more interesting and just as heroic.

That's gotta suck spending all that time with non Canon stories ;)

I read some of the EU books. The first two Timothy Zahn books.. Never finished them. Tried to read Shadows of the Empire also.. I just was never a fan. They always felt a little like fan fiction.
I did love the character of Thrawn though.
I guess I just had a hard time separating what was meant to be a visual medium with books created in the minds of many authors.

I hated the comics most of the time as the art was usually poor and the stories were corny.. (This was back in the 80's :) )


Do you think Thrawn is worthy of being brought into Mando or a movie.

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That's gotta suck spending all that time with non Canon stories ;)

I read some of the EU books. The first two Timothy Zahn books.. Never finished them. Tried to read Shadows of the Empire also.. I just was never a fan. They always felt a little like fan fiction.
I did love the character of Thrawn though.
I guess I just had a hard time separating what was meant to be a visual medium with books created in the minds of many authors.

I hated the comics most of the time as the art was usually poor and the stories were corny.. (This was back in the 80's :) )

I made it maybe one or two chapters into Heir to the Empire and got to the part where Luke was drinking "hot cocoa" on a balcony on Coruscant and had to put it down, lol. It just didn't feel like SW to me and I agree that it was difficult to make that leap into non-visual media. I started up Han Solo at Star's End again shortly after Solo came out to give it another shot and I'm still not even halfway through it, lol.

"Page turners they are not." :)

The only EU material I've ever read in entirety were the two Dark Empire comic miniseries, loved them, and low and behold what does TROS partially mine from in the end. :yess:

I do have the three original hardcover "Storybooks" of the OT but otherwise every single other book I own on SW is either an art book, script, bio of George Lucas, etc., something that directly ties into the filmmaking process of the movies themselves.
I love the old Han Solo novels and the Splinter of the minds eye book. They are typical 70's science fiction with some cheesy bits for sure but I liked them. I did read the Thrawn trilogy in the 90's and the books best part was Thrawn himself. The Zahn prose style didn't fit Star wars to me either but maybe because it was almost 10 years after Jedi came out. The clone of Luke was fan fiction. Luuke I believe from Lukes severed hand. Dark Empire was awesome to me though. Dorman's cover really helped those books like the covers he did for Indy. My favorite Dark Empire cover was #3.


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I didn't read that as being Superior. Just that he was not going to let a goofy producer and some bad choices keep him from going to see a SW film on opening weekend.

That is the difference between the people that don't like the direction of the ST and the main characters and those of us that do.

Luke, Han, and Leia are still hero's too us. With Luke and Han they may be flawed hero's but that just makes them more human and relatable.

But I understand if someone had the idea that Luke will be this infallible perfect Jedi who would never make a mistake.. I think that could be a cool take also.. But I like the direction they took. For me that was more interesting and just as heroic.

That's gotta suck spending all that time with non Canon stories ;)

I read some of the EU books. The first two Timothy Zahn books.. Never finished them. Tried to read Shadows of the Empire also.. I just was never a fan. They always felt a little like fan fiction.
I did love the character of Thrawn though.
I guess I just had a hard time separating what was meant to be a visual medium with books created in the minds of many authors.

I hated the comics most of the time as the art was usually poor and the stories were corny.. (This was back in the 80's :) )

I can't stand the early Marvel comics, tried reading them and just couldn't do it. Really most comics from the 70s-80s. Just not my style. As you said, bad quick cheap art, some corny stories, not many gems in my eyes from DC to Marvel back in those days. I think comics have gotten better as time went on, or maybe it's just because I grew up with more 90s/00s stories. But the Disney Star Wars stuff has been ok at best, mostly Vader and the early "Star Wars" issues...

SW for me has to be a movie and now Mando nothing else.

Even then i?m only interested in stories set between TPM and TROS nothing else.

I?ve read every SW novel before 99 and own the radio plays but I don?t care about those books anymore.

What about future TV series like Kenobi or Cassian?

What about post TROS? Nothing is settled. Emperor can just come back again. I heard he is living on a super duper secret dark cave plotting his return.

Do you think Thrawn is worthy of being brought into Mando or a movie.

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He should have been one of the main villains in the ST.

I made it maybe one or two chapters into Heir to the Empire and got to the part where Luke was drinking "hot cocoa" on a balcony on Coruscant and had to put it down, lol. It just didn't feel like SW to me and I agree that it was difficult to make that leap into non-visual media. I started up Han Solo at Star's End again shortly after Solo came out to give it another shot and I'm still not even halfway through it, lol.

"Page turners they are not." :)

The only EU material I've ever read in entirety were the two Dark Empire comic miniseries, loved them, and low and behold what does TROS partially mine from in the end. :yess:

I do have the three original hardcover "Storybooks" of the OT but otherwise every single other book I own on SW is either an art book, script, bio of George Lucas, etc., something that directly ties into the filmmaking process of the movies themselves.

You like what is considered to be the worst thing in the EU by a clear majority and couldn't even read what was considered to be the best thing in the EU by a clear majority. Odd. :lol