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Yep that one single music video has done more to help me accept the PT than anything else, lol. The cutting back and forth between Obi-Wan and Anakin grappling around the lava with Rey and Kylo grappling in the snow. Holy freaking crap that is awesome.

Yep so true also Yoda's simple statement to Luke "A Jedi's power flows from the Force" which is exactly what happened when Rey destroyed Palpatine.

Ooh I like thinking about the dyad with that, nice! :duff

Yeah forget the Palpatine part that entire statement fits perfectly with the dyad.

The audio getting choppy during the RO Vader sequence... :thud:

Yeah totally amazing editing there.

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It can still be sarcastic though, just like when TLJ Luke sarcastically asked "What do you want me to do, walk out with a lasersword in front of the entire FO," which he then *did.*

I just cant read it that way.. To me its a comment that there are somethings that even a Jedi master cant do. Since there was no such thing as Force healing that is obviously how it was meant and to me plays better that way.

I love the Force healing and don't think it "breaks" anything.

Yeah that was goofy. But I don't think that Force Healing is something the Jedi would use "all the time." For starters after 25,000 years of peace and justice they might have started to feel invincible, gotten cocky and eventually stopped teaching it over the years. Or just kept it as something that a few high level Masters knew but that wasn't really used or taught to everyone. It can also be one of those things that Anakin complained to Palpatine about when he said "I know there are things about the Force they aren't telling me."

I guess it Its just makes a Jedi too powerful. That's one thing that the PT did that I did not like and that was the start of the Jedi were basically superhero's who could basically do just about anything.

Some of it plays well and is acceptable (Rey's back flip over the wave) but Jedi being able to free fall without fear of dying , (AOTC) fly in space (TLJ), super speed (TPM), and now healing powers (TM TROS) its just not what I originally thought about when I thought about the force in the OT. Only the Emperor seem to have powers that went beyond what could be done in Camera.

None of this obviously is a deal breaker for me.. But I am not going to screw with the OT to justify it :lol

I did like your comment about Anakin saying "I know there are things about the force they are not telling me"

In some ways the PT and ST fit together the best :)

Now I'm picturing Obi-Wan and Ki Adi Mundi whispering about Force healing:

"right and then after you've transferred some of your Force energy--"

*Anakin enters the room*

*loudly* "--um I mean that Gundark burger was delicious wasn't it?"

Anakin (frowning): "Hmph."


I know this was said jokingly but yeah that pretty much how it would have to be explained away.. Meh..

Because there really wasn't any time that I can think where Force Healing would have been used in the PT anyway. I saw one YouTuber say "well why didn't Obi-Wan heal Qui Gon's wound????" And to that I easily would say that Obi-Wan simply didn't know how at that time. And since Padme apparently didn't die from any physical injury it assumedly couldn't have been used on her anyway. It's fun to think that Kenobi eventually learned it though and that that's what he was doing to revive Luke on Tatooine when he touched his temples after the Sandpeople attack.

I'm fine with any of these explanations.. BUT its just not a power I like and could have should have been used more if its something Jedi could do. Obviously it was a power that was created in the last film of the ST but IMO it opens up the questions.. It can be explained away by snobby Jedi not sharing the power but I would say that during all those years of peace they should have opened a Jedi Hospital. :)

Its just something I am not the biggest fan of.

IMO it came across as more of a plot convenience so we could be shocked by Kylo getting stabbed and Rey dying.

If it was somehow explained as a power only between the Dyad I would have been cool with it.

Oh well Like I said it didn't ruin the film for me its just not something I am going sneak into the OT. :)

Because she would have only seen his wound after Kylo told her "You don't just have power, you have *his* power. You...are a Palpatine." Which threw her into turmoil and caused her to question every aspect of who she was and why she could do what she did. She had also just disintegrated an entire transport while trying to "help" Chewie so that's another reason that at that point in the movie she'd be holding back on using her powers on anyone else.

I'm OK with that explanation.. Still seems a bit of a stretch but OK.

I would rather think that maybe its a power only people who are filed with some dark side might have.

After all its the Sith that are obsessed with living forever physically.
I continue to be amazed at the lengths taken by folks in this thread to convince themselves the $**t sandwich they were served with the ST actually tasted good.

Let's get this straight force healing works in the SW universe and the "Goonies" scene wasn't ridiculous, etc. OK got it :lol
My face when Khev tries to retcon the OT lines to fit the ST:

It is a real circle jerk in here.

Jim Jones style . I imagine khev, jye and jaws lining up to drink Mickey kool aid.

? hooooo boy. Don?t question it just drink it. Hot dog!
I re-watched Rise this morning and I think time is helping. I'm coming around a little. I'd say it's probably the second best Transformers movie.
I continue to be amazed at the lengths taken by folks in this thread to convince themselves the $**t sandwich they were served with the ST actually tasted good.

Let's get this straight force healing works in the SW universe and the "Goonies" scene wasn't ridiculous, etc. OK got it :lol

You should get rid of your pic from the Mandalorian if you are going to complain about Force healing powers. You are supporting the show that introduced it.
Hm. Maybe second best TF movie. I liked Bumblebee.

86 is so much a part of my dna I don't even know if it's good or bad.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rey had a matrix under them flapjacks.
Force healing doesn't bother me but I still found it funny that there's not even a discussion about healing Poe when he gets shot.
Force healing doesn't bother me but I still found it funny that there's not even a discussion about healing Poe when he gets shot.

I think Finn took good care of Poe's arm. I imagine Finn was the pivot girl with Rey and Poe. I liked Bumblebee too. It was good seeing the actual transformers in the beginning on Cybertron. 86 movie is awesome but I am sure it is due to nostalgia.