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So, re-imagining scenes doesn't fly when I do it, but when you re-imagine lines to fit the ST it's fine?

I think it's fine either way as long as you acknowledge that you're doing it. I mean we all do it when we watch ANH and "pretend" that Darth Vader is actually Luke's dad in that movie, a retcon from George himself that didn't occur until ESB. We also re-imagine Yoda's line in ESB that "there is another" to be in reference to Princess Leia. Or me entertaining the idea that the dignitaries consulting with Palpatine in ROTJ are giving him updates on his "contingency" plans on Exegol. Of course none of those elements were actually present in those preceding films but if I like a sequel (like ESB, or ROTJ, or TROS) then yes it's fun to go back and recontextualize the previous films with them in mind.

We all do it. But claiming that the reimaginings that you like are what was *really* in the movie all along while scoffing if someone else makes a connection between a film you do like with one you don't is intellectually dishonest.

Aren't you using parts of the novelization to defend the ST further?


I think it's pretty clear we all here have our own head canon for most everything in the saga :lol

See that's what I'm talking about. Hell yeah we do! :duff




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I assumed people knew this. Sorry I went purchaser all except Solo. I had to even though I love the 4K77 and 4K83. Something about having the same packaging to complete the Saga

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There are two books that take place during the Clone Wars that deals with Force Healing and Bacta and the likes. Pretty cool cross between science fiction and medical practices. But even in those books, you couldn't bring someone back. EU didn't go that far.

Again I don't like either.. Its not a deal breaker but It just causes too many issues for all the films that came before it.

Now you can create your own head canon for this. That's part of the fun of SW... Its just a power I don't like the jedi having.

Did Rey pull it from her ass or did she mind rape someone for that info?

I assume she read the books.. It shows her doing so.

I think a better explanation could have ben that she felt lead by the force. But she should have said as much.

It's not dumb. I've explained this multiple times already. Google "Broken Heart Syndrome." It is a real thing. You ever hear news stories about old couples dying within hours to days of one another? You ever felt extreme distress? It is a physical reaction. A very real one at that.

Khev covered about all the other issues you have when in that state of emotional distress.

I don't like it. Never have never will

Pure conjecture out of thin air. Based on a narrative from Disney who tries to discredit the Jedi Order in their weak attempt at destroying PT lore.

Actually no... The Jedi order is shown to be problematic throughout the entire PT. Qui Gon has issues with them. Bad decision making and dogmatic practice helped lead to the fall of Anakin and the Jedi. This is shown in TCW also.

I bet Anakin does not fall to the dark side if Qui Gon was training him the whole time... Qui Gon new the Jedi order had issues and was always pushing back (According to Obi wan)

Just stop with the retconning. We all know those lines had no reference to the ST.

SW is one big Retcon :lol It all started with ESB :)

I don't have a problem with force healing... to a certain extent. That extent being saving someone from clear death or bringing them back.

Like I said... I have issues with both... It cause problems with the films either way... I don't care if it came from TROS or the EU.. It creates unanswerable questions...

At least with Rey and Ben I can try and explain it away with them being a Dyad.. If just any ol Jedi can do it then that creates all the same problems that you say bringing people back to life does.

That Dyad thing is the dumbest thing to exist in Star Wars lore for me. It makes no sense why those two are connected.

Makes no sense why Anakin was born a virgin birth either.. But I role with it.

You guys still bash the PT 20 years later yet you tell me to let go of a movie that released a few months ago? Are you serious?

:lol good point :lol

Please show me where Vader tried to kill Luke after he knew Luke was his son.

Please show me where Vader straight up tortured Luke, mind raped Luke, tried to run Luke over, and tried to kill him on multiple occasions.

How about killing Ben (as luke saw it), torturing his friends, carbon freezing his best friend ad handing him over to Jabba the hutt, destroying a planet, killing his best friend (Biggs) cutting off his hand, and worst of all trying to get him to betray everything he is by turning him to the dark side.

Rey and Kylo relationship is beyond demented. It's f'd up.

Meh.. One Kiss... I agree it was dumb.. Maybe it was just a big thank you for bringing her back from the dead :)

Please show me where Anakin tried to Kill Padme. Please show me where Anakin striaght up tortured Padme, mind raped her, tried to run her over, and tried to kill her on multiple occassions.
Did Kylo ever try to really kill her until maybe the final duel... I think it was apparent that he was just always trying to get her too come to the dark side. Even the "Run her over" bit.. I think he knew she could take care of herself. He wanted her to see her power.. He says as much.

My comment about Padme is that she was a very mature woman.. Hell she was the leader of Naboo at 16.. Anakin was a weird teenager period... So for them to fall in love the way they did always felt uncomfortable and creepy. It was a failure of Lucas's part for sure.

But I am not a fan of the Kylo / Rey attempted relationship.. It was forced in for sure.. Unless its a kiss of thanks :lol

No, when Padme found out about Anakin, her heart literally couldn't take it and she died from shock and distress.

Nah.. She died form poor writing ;)

Leia gets to kill her abuser. Rey gets to marry hers. Disgusting beyond belief.

Hey Rey dished it out as much as she took it. She mind raped right back, left him beaten and scared in their first duel, caused him to wreck a tie in a crash tht could have killed him... Rey didn't allow herself to be a victim.

She wanted Kylo to turn. She thought she could turn him. She saw goodness in him. She saw darkness in herself and probably could identify with him and she understood why her turned to the dark side in the first place..

Now does all of the this justify a romantic kiss... Nope.. I didn't like it when I saw it in the theaters.. more because it felt forced and came out of nowhere. But I thought the ST did a pretty good job of showing there was a connection between the two.

How does it make sense.

You were saying a Dyad should be Luke and Leia.. I was saying story wise it was more interesting to have it be two people on opposite sides of the force. You stated that it should not have been someone like Rey who was trash throw away desert baby,... I was making the comparison of story wise Anakin was a throw away slave child.. It the whole "Place you least likely expect" plot point.

It's funny, when Khev made a comment about the abuse Jake Llyod and Ahmed Best suffered at the hands of PT haters, he had the audacity to blame the actors. Where were you when that went overboard? Laughing with Jye?

I don't remember that.. I don't follow everything.. I guess we all owe an apology to Kelly Marie Tran also..

You been bashing on Daisy Ridley's looks...

I don't know what to say about Ahmed Best.. I don't know what his issues were

Jake Lloyd. His troubles were being bullied at school with kids making lightsaber noises at him and metal health issues after his sister died.

I never called you guys deranged for liking the ST, but you call me deranged for hating it?

Everything they added to Star Wars in the ST is complete utter **** and people chow down on it. The dyad was a joke and some 50 Shades of Grey/Twilight level Tumblr loving freaky **** just to prop up Mary Rey Sue into another level.

Comments like this come across as a true case of STDS :lol

Is that why those same critics gave it the worse review per RT in Star Wars history?

I have no idea... I tend to watch YouTube critics whose opinions I value.. Some of them were not crazy about it but said it was still very Star Warsy

As for being worst reviewed.. Meh.. I don't care. The Thing was HATED by critics when that came out..

I only really care about one critic.. Me :)

The Star Wars universe that I loved and put thousands of dollars and thousands of hours into was destroyed.

Nah.. Simply ignore the ST. As for the EU being uncanonized... Well You should have known it was all fan fiction to begin with ;)

Give it 20 years time and get back to me.


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ST is more cartoony. Second panel looks like it belongs in a PS2 video game.

One shot is what you go after :) Do you really want us to start posting cartoon shots from the PT.. We will be here all week :lol

Having said that.. The PT was cutting edge at the time... Some of it looked bad back then but some of it still looks amazing today.
The broken heart death was bad writing on how they presented it. I always felt Padme gave up after Anakin turned and even tried to choke her out with out her ever saying the safe word. "Sand" She made sure she survived long enough to give birth to the twins and gave up after. All the movies have some weak dialog and scenes. Mind Raping :rotfl I imagine Ragnarok Thor saying I mind raped her it was a mutual mind raping.
The broken heart death was bad writing on how they presented it. I always felt Padme gave up after Anakin turned and even tried to choke her out with out her ever saying the safe word. "Sand"

:lol :lol

She made sure she survived long enough to give birth to the twins and gave up after. All the movies have some weak dialog and scenes. Mind Raping :rotfl I imagine Ragnarok Thor saying I mind raped her it was a mutual mind raping.

:lol :lol
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More STDS I guess

So unhinged that he's apparently just blindly typing away the same junk no matter what's been proven as false many times over.

Still using *only* the RT scores that support his narrative while ignoring the ones that don't? Really?

Oh well, we both extended the olive branch in trying to enjoy the PT and relate to someone who loves those films but I guess it's just "all STDS all the time" for some people, lol.

At least he's finally acknowledging that *all* the films after ANH require reimagining and help from each person's individual head canon.
Oh well, we both extended the olive branch in trying to enjoy the PT and relate to someone who loves those films but I guess it's just "all STDS all the time" for some people, lol.

At least he's finally acknowledging that *all* the films after ANH require reimagining and help from each person's individual head canon.

yeah I really watched the PT this last time remembering that it has its fans and what they like about it.. Tried to be cool about the PT and post my positive thoughts as well as my issues.. But I always try and make sure that my complaints are not foaming at the mouth PTDS type complaints :lol
yeah I really watched the PT this last time remembering that it has its fans and what they like about it.. Tried to be cool about the PT and post my positive thoughts as well as my issues.. But I always try and make sure that my complaints are not foaming at the mouth PTDS type complaints :lol


I think his derangement goes both ways though. Not only can he not fathom why anyone would like the ST he also apparently can't fathom why anyone *wouldn't like* the PT, lol.

Sure I love the ST and have serious issues with the PT but come on I'm not so far gone that I'm blind to the valid criticisms against the ST or the positive aspects of the PT.
So unhinged that he's apparently just blindly typing away the same junk no matter what's been proven as false many times over.

Still using *only* the RT scores that support his narrative while ignoring the ones that don't? Really?

Oh well, we both extended the olive branch in trying to enjoy the PT and relate to someone who loves those films but I guess it's just "all STDS all the time" for some people, lol.

At least he's finally acknowledging that *all* the films after ANH require reimagining and help from each person's individual head canon.

Heh STDS wrong film industry. :lol
I'm with JAWS on the Force healing power overall. Shouldn't be in SW because it creates too many inconsistencies and questions with what came before.

If The Child knows how to use it instinctively (before he's even barely able to walk), then Yoda would've had the same instinctive awareness if it's due to their species being super Force sensitive. And that awareness would've become knowledge after 800+ years. So, Yoda would've spent nearly a full millennium training Jedi while possessing this knowledge.

To explain then why the Jedi weren't using it by the time of the PT, you have to say that they (or at least Yoda) intentionally ignored it (or forbid it) as an option. Why would Jedi (the protectors of galactic peace) keep themselves from using a power of healing? Why wouldn't it be one of the foremost abilities taught to padawans?

And suggesting that Rey learned it from ancient texts is a weird angle too. Luke read those texts before he went into exile, and Yoda almost surely read them as well ("page-turners" line). Hard to believe everyone who read those texts decided to ignore Force healing and refused to teach it to their students.

Rey just apparently seems to be able to do everything without needing to be taught any of it. Who trained her to use Force lightning? No one. But she sure used it. I'm willing to bet that's the same foundation/logic for her being able to use Force healing. Not from the ancient texts that were the very foundation of the whole Jedi Order.
I'm with JAWS on the Force healing power overall. Shouldn't be in SW because it creates too many inconsistencies and questions with what came before.

If The Child knows how to use it instinctively (before he's even barely able to walk), then Yoda would've had the same instinctive awareness if it's due to their species being super Force sensitive. And that awareness would've become knowledge after 800+ years. So, Yoda would've spent nearly a full millennium training Jedi while possessing this knowledge.

To explain then why the Jedi weren't using it by the time of the PT, you have to say that they (or at least Yoda) intentionally ignored it (or forbid it) as an option. Why would Jedi (the protectors of galactic peace) keep themselves from using a power of healing? Why wouldn't it be one of the foremost abilities taught to padawans?

And suggesting that Rey learned it from ancient texts is a weird angle too. Luke read those texts before he went into exile, and Yoda almost surely read them as well ("page-turners" line). Hard to believe everyone who read those texts decided to ignore Force healing and refused to teach it to their students.

Rey just apparently seems to be able to do everything without needing to be taught any of it. Who trained her to use Force lightning? No one. But she sure used it. I'm willing to bet that's the same foundation/logic for her being able to use Force healing. Not from the ancient texts that were the very foundation of the whole Jedi Order.

That's why I am going to go with "The force lead her to use it" and that only the Dyad's are were capable..

Head Canon rules :lol