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But Chancellor JAWS double standards are their speciality.



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You should get rid of your pic from the Mandalorian if you are going to complain about Force healing powers. You are supporting the show that introduced it.

Healing was always in the EU.

It’s the fact you can now heal someone and bring them back to life, when it was in a ****ing book all along, making every death ever pointless and the Jedi complete morons that people have a problem with.

Why didn’t Yoda force heal Padme? Surely having a mother to raise her children would be for the best.

Why didn’t Anakin just say he can force heal Padme, she won’t die in child birth.

Why didn’t Kenobi teach Luke how to force heal?

Why didn’t Kenobi just force heal Qui-Gon?

Why didn’t Palpatine find and force heal Maul?

I can go on and on.

Everything they added to Star Wars in the ST is complete utter **** and people chow down on it. The dyad was a joke and some 50 Shades of Grey/Twilight level Tumblr loving freaky **** just to prop up Mary Rey Sue into another level.

The dyad thing would have made sense for Luke/Leia. Not for some thrown away sand baby clone left to rot and a dude who gets off on torture and mind raping.
Healing was always in the EU.

It?s the fact you can now heal someone and bring them back to life, when it was in a ****ing book all along, making every death ever pointless and the Jedi complete morons that people have a problem with.

Why didn?t Yoda force heal Padme? Surely having a mother to raise her children would be for the best.

Why didn?t Anakin just say he can force heal Padme, she won?t die in child birth.

Why didn?t Kenobi teach Luke how to force heal?

Why didn?t Kenobi just force heal Qui-Gon?

Why didn?t Palpatine find and force heal Maul?

I can go on and on.

Everything they added to Star Wars in the ST is complete utter **** and people chow down on it. The dyad was a joke and some 50 Shades of Grey/Twilight level Tumblr loving freaky **** just to prop up Mary Rey Sue into another level.

The dyad thing would have made sense for Luke/Leia. Not for some thrown away sand baby clone left to rot and a dude who gets off on torture and mind raping.

Okay if you are seriously amd legitimately asking all those questions with a straight face then I don't for one second believe that you were "joking" when you said that KOTCS was your favorite Indy flick. a-dev is henceforth vindicated, lol.
Healing was always in the EU.

Then the EU introduced the one thing that I really don't like about TROS... Stupid EU ;)

It?s the fact you can now heal someone and bring them back to life, when it was in a ****ing book all along, making every death ever pointless and the Jedi complete morons that people have a problem with.

Actually we have no idea if it was in the book... That was my best guess as Yoda seems to suggest that maybe nobody really read them because they were dull.

Why didn?t Yoda force heal Padme? Surely having a mother to raise her children would be for the best.

Can you heal a broken heart or as I like to say, can you save someone from the dumbest plot point ever? ;) ;)

Why didn?t Anakin just say he can force heal Padme, she won?t die in child birth.

Why didn?t Kenobi teach Luke how to force heal?

Why didn?t Kenobi just force heal Qui-Gon?

Why didn?t Palpatine find and force heal Maul?

I can go on and on.

Khev gave his reasoning behind this.. I actually think it fits.. But I don't like it and it seems more like something that would fit in with the PT and not the OT.. You have to go read what Khev said about the certain Jedi masters keeping the knowledge for themselves.. Since the Jedi Council obviously was broken and dogmatic it seems like something that is possible.

Also you have Anakin's comment about "There are things they are not telling me about the force" which could fit also.

All the complaints you posted could be said about just being able to Force heal.. Once its introduced you have to explain away why it wasn't used all the time in the PT.. Why didn't Ben heal Qui Gon? So on and so forth...

Either way I am not a fan of force healing or life saving. Unless its explained to be something that only the dyads can do.

At least then you have the granddaughter of the most powerful jedi user ever and then you have Kylo who may even be more powerful then her as we saw when he was about to defeat her on Endor until his mom stepped in.

I can then maybe accept it.. I don't like the idea of any Jedi being able to force heal or save lives.

Everything they added to Star Wars in the ST is complete utter **** and people chow down on it. The dyad was a joke and some 50 Shades of Grey/Twilight level Tumblr loving freaky **** just to prop up Mary Rey Sue into another level.

Gotta let this go my friend.. You get way to negative.. And here Khev and I are saying nice things about the PT.. Which had its own **** we had to choke down but we both choked it down with a smile on our last viewing :lol

As for the love story being between two people who should not have love for each other or being corny..

Luke in the OT was trying to rekindle a father / son relationship with a mass murderer. Someone he never knew was his dad until it was announced and not even sure if it was true until he was told by Yoda.

Padme feel for a much younger teenage man you looked at her creepily and was the emotional equivalent of a 10 year old child.. Who both spouted Twilight levels of bad dialogue.

I bet there is EU crap that I wouldn't be able to stomach also.

The dyad thing would have made sense for Luke/Leia. Not for some thrown away sand baby clone left to rot and a dude who gets off on torture and mind raping.

Story wise it makes more sense for it to be a thrown away sand baby clone left to rot and a villain. Kinda like a throw away sand slave child working in a parts factory being the "chosen one".

I use to understand the hate thrown towards these films... Now it seems a bit over the top.

Okay if you are seriously amd legitimately asking all those questions with a straight face then I don't for one second believe that you were "joking" when you said that KOTCS was your favorite Indy flick. a-dev is henceforth vindicated, lol.

Okay if you are seriously amd legitimately asking all those questions with a straight face then I don't for one second believe that you were "joking" when you said that KOTCS was your favorite Indy flick. a-dev is henceforth vindicated, lol.

I think Ducky was serious and I think his hate of the ST has gone a bit overboard.

He hates that they can bring people back to life (understandable) but is fine with force healing (Not understandable) even though both create the same plot holes in all other movies.. Hmmmmm.. Seems a bit like ST derangement syndrome.

That's what some / Not all seem to have going on here. Especially if you are willing to ignore the issues of other films and then hold the new ones to some higher standard.

I get the hate directed at TLJ.. Even if I don't agree with all of it. But TROS was at least a fun Star Wars type adventure. I have even heard critics that don't like the movie say that it the most Star Warsy movie since the OT...


Even though I find the issues with other SW movies I can find things to like about them because I love the SW universe.

Then again I liked the direction TLJ took Luke.. So if you hate that then I guess I can see why someone might give up on the whole ST.

Seems like the hate and the "failure to understand how anyone can like these films" has just become overblown.
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Seems like the hate and the "failure to understand how anyone can like these films" has just become overblown.

Yes I get not liking the direction the new films went but how hard is it to just be a normal person capable of saying "ah but you did appreciate TROS being a fun Star Warsy adventure largely mined from two Lucas era ideas (Twins vs. Palps trilogy and Dark Empire) with satisfying send offs for Han, Luke, and Leia. Gotcha, I would have preferred that they give us a brand new bad guy and had the main three OT heroes together but I at least get why you guys liked it."

But no go full ST Derangement Syndrome at every opportunity instead, lol. ;)

Even though I find the issues with other SW movies I can find things to like about them because I love the SW universe.

I thought I needed a break from SW after binging OT/ST but no after purchasing the entire PT and OT SE in 4K I decided to binge all over again but this time the entire Skywalker Saga, no stand-alones. And as I recently said going back to the PT after a satisfying ST I no longer feel much animosity for all the stupid stuff Lucas did with those movies. I think my main gripe at this point is just how different the cartoony video game aesthetic is compared to the OT and ST.

Because watching the PT, then the OT SE, now halfway through the ST even after watching 8 films in about three days the lame parts of the PT seem so distant now after going through all the other movies that I even find myself appreciating the occasional reference to them (like when TLJ Luke mentions Darth Sidious) that I kind of like having such a deep backstory, warts and all.
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Sorry to weigh in with the "Force Healing" question...

but didn't Palpatine explain to Anakin in Ep III that the tale of Darth Plagues that his apprentice (Palps) upon being taught how to heal and bring back the dead that once he learned this skill that he killed his master. So "Force Healing" and living through this "un-natural" power is a Sith trait not a Jedi trail. Rey (Palpatine lineage) heals the injured serpent and lives, heals the dying Ren and lives. When Ren (a Skywalker Jedi lineage) saves Rey--he dies from the effort.

I think Ducky was serious and I think his hate of the ST has gone a bit overboard.

He hates that they can bring people back to life (understandable) but is fine with force healing (Not understandable) even though both create the same plot holes in all other movies.. Hmmmmm.. Seems a bit like ST derangement syndrome.

That's what some / Not all seem to have going on here. Especially if you are willing to ignore the issues of other films and then hold the new ones to some higher standard.

I get the hate directed at TLJ.. Even if I don't agree with all of it. But TROS was at least a fun Star Wars type adventure. I have even heard critics that don't like the movie say that it the most Star Warsy movie since the OT...


Even though I find the issues with other SW movies I can find things to like about them because I love the SW universe.

Then again I liked the direction TLJ took Luke.. So if you hate that then I guess I can see why someone might give up on the whole ST.

Seems like the hate and the "failure to understand how anyone can like these films" has just become overblown.

The ST has actually made me calm down about the PT. Yikes.

Yes I get not liking the direction the new films went but how hard is it to just be a normal person capable of saying "ah but you did appreciate TROS being a fun Star Warsy adventure largely mined from two Lucas era ideas (Twins vs. Palps trilogy and Dark Empire.) Gotcha, I would have preferred that they give us a brand new bad guy and had the main three OT heroes together but I at least get why you guys liked it."

But no go full ST Derangement Syndrome at every opportunity instead, lol. ;)

I thought I needed a break from SW after binging OT/ST but no after purchasing the entire PT and OT SE in 4K I decided to binge all over again but this time the entire Skywalker Saga, no stand-alones. And as I recently said going back to the PT after a satisfying ST I no longer feel much animosity for all the stupid stuff Lucas did with those movies. I think my main gripe at this point is just how different the cartoony video game aesthetic is compared to the OT and ST.

Because watching the PT, then the OT SE, now halfway through the ST even after watching 8 films in about three days the lame parts of the PT seem so distant now after going through all the other movies that I even find myself appreciating the occasional reference to them (like when TLJ Luke mentions Darth Sidious) that I kind of like having such a deep backstory, warts and all.

The ST has actually made me calm down about the PT. Yikes.

It was worth repeating lol

Sorry to weigh in with the "Force Healing" question...

but didn't Palpatine explain to Anakin in Ep III that the tale of Darth Plagues that his apprentice (Palps) upon being taught how to heal and bring back the dead that once he learned this skill that he killed his master. So "Force Healing" and living through this "un-natural" power is a Sith trait not a Jedi trail. Rey (Palpatine lineage) heals the injured serpent and lives, heals the dying Ren and lives. When Ren (a Skywalker Jedi lineage) saves Rey--he dies from the effort.

Emperor told both of them that he was shocked to be in the presence of a dyad.

They were different than even Plaqueis, Anakin and the Emperor.

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The ST has actually made me calm down about the PT. Yikes.

The ST has actually made me calm down about the PT. Yikes.

It was worth repeating lol

:lol :lol

Sorry to weigh in with the "Force Healing" question...

but didn't Palpatine explain to Anakin in Ep III that the tale of Darth Plagues that his apprentice (Palps) upon being taught how to heal and bring back the dead that once he learned this skill that he killed his master. So "Force Healing" and living through this "un-natural" power is a Sith trait not a Jedi trail. Rey (Palpatine lineage) heals the injured serpent and lives, heals the dying Ren and lives. When Ren (a Skywalker Jedi lineage) saves Rey--he dies from the effort.

Emperor told both of them that he was shocked to be in the presence of a dyad.

They were different than even Plaqueis, Anakin and the Emperor.

I took it that "cheating death" through soul transference/possession was a Dark Side power (and the one that Palps was referencing during the opera scene in ROTS) and Force Healing (sacrificing your own health for another) was a Light Side power. That's why Ben got to do it after he turned with him assumedly learning the power due to being in the Dyad. So Rey learned the mind trick from Kylo when he tried to use it on her in TFA and Ben learned Force Healing from Rey when she used it on him in TROS.
Oh man I need some popcorn with all the back and forth going on. Glad you are vindicated A-Dev. I don't get the complete hate for the sequel trilogy that so many people heap on it. They are not my favorites in the saga but still have some enjoyable parts. I think Rise of Skywalker is so jarring since so much happens in it with the Goonies after the Battlestar Galactica chase of Last Jedi. One movie moves so slow and the other needs to take some ritalin to slow down a touch. People need to get a grip and not put everything on a movie or a song and actually live their lives and stop being babies.
But I don't think that Force Healing is something the Jedi would use "all the time." For starters after 25,000 years of peace and justice they might have started to feel invincible, gotten cocky and eventually stopped teaching it over the years. Or just kept it as something that a few high level Masters knew but that wasn't really used or taught to everyone. It can also be one of those things that Anakin complained to Palpatine about when he said "I know there are things about the Force they aren't telling me."

This is all conjecture and isn't consistent with the Jedi way whatsoever. If they had the ability to heal people throughout the galaxy, they would be doing it.

Disney really have people be drinking the kool-aid about Jedi being bad.

Because there really wasn't any time that I can think where Force Healing would have been used in the PT anyway. I saw one YouTuber say "well why didn't Obi-Wan heal Qui Gon's wound????" And to that I easily would say that Obi-Wan simply didn't know how at that time. And since Padme apparently didn't die from any physical injury it assumedly couldn't have been used on her anyway. It's fun to think that Kenobi eventually learned it though and that that's what he was doing to revive Luke on Tatooine when he touched his temples after the Sandpeople attack.

Yoda was alive for 900 years and never bothered to learn it? Never bothered to teach it? He and others had far more time than damn Mary Rey Sue to learn it.

Obi-Wan could have healed Qui-Gon. He had more training than Rey.

Anakin could have healed his Mother. He had more training than Rey and is more powerful than Rey.

Padme did die from a physical injury. Broken heart syndrome is a real issue that damages the heart brought on by extreme distress. Anakin could have simply healed her and it knowing about it completely prevents him from turning to the Dark Side.

It's awful story telling to simply say, "welllllll, every single Jedi in existence was ignorant to this information, BUT NOT MARY REY SUE! ha-ha!"

Then the EU introduced the one thing that I really don't like about TROS... Stupid EU ;)

There are two books that take place during the Clone Wars that deals with Force Healing and Bacta and the likes. Pretty cool cross between science fiction and medical practices. But even in those books, you couldn't bring someone back. EU didn't go that far.

Actually we have no idea if it was in the book... That was my best guess as Yoda seems to suggest that maybe nobody really read them because they were dull.

Did Rey pull it from her ass or did she mind rape someone for that info?

Can you heal a broken heart or as I like to say, can you save someone from the dumbest plot point ever? ;) ;)

It's not dumb. I've explained this multiple times already. Google "Broken Heart Syndrome." It is a real thing. You ever hear news stories about old couples dying within hours to days of one another? You ever felt extreme distress? It is a physical reaction. A very real one at that.

Khev gave his reasoning behind this.. I actually think it fits.. But I don't like it and it seems more like something that would fit in with the PT and not the OT.. You have to go read what Khev said about the certain Jedi masters keeping the knowledge for themselves.. Since the Jedi Council obviously was broken and dogmatic it seems like something that is possible.

Pure conjecture out of thin air. Based on a narrative from Disney who tries to discredit the Jedi Order in their weak attempt at destroying PT lore.

Also you have Anakin's comment about "There are things they are not telling me about the force" which could fit also.

Just stop with the retconning. We all know those lines had no reference to the ST.

This is you guys trying to make the PT/OT lines fit with the ST.



All the complaints you posted could be said about just being able to Force heal.. Once its introduced you have to explain away why it wasn't used all the time in the PT.. Why didn't Ben heal Qui Gon? So on and so forth...

I don't have a problem with force healing... to a certain extent. That extent being saving someone from clear death or bringing them back.

Either way I am not a fan of force healing or life saving. Unless its explained to be something that only the dyads can do.

That Dyad thing is the dumbest thing to exist in Star Wars lore for me. It makes no sense why those two are connected.

Gotta let this go my friend.. You get way to negative.. And here Khev and I are saying nice things about the PT.. Which had its own **** we had to choke down but we both choked it down with a smile on our last viewing :lol

You guys still bash the PT 20 years later yet you tell me to let go of a movie that released a few months ago? Are you serious?

As for the love story being between two people who should not have love for each other or being corny..

Luke in the OT was trying to rekindle a father / son relationship with a mass murderer. Someone he never knew was his dad until it was announced and not even sure if it was true until he was told by Yoda.

Please show me where Vader tried to kill Luke after he knew Luke was his son.

Please show me where Vader straight up tortured Luke, mind raped Luke, tried to run Luke over, and tried to kill him on multiple occasions.

Rey and Kylo relationship is beyond demented. It's f'd up.

Padme feel for a much younger teenage man you looked at her creepily and was the emotional equivalent of a 10 year old child.. Who both spouted Twilight levels of bad dialogue.

Please show me where Anakin tried to Kill Padme. Please show me where Anakin striaght up tortured Padme, mind raped her, tried to run her over, and tried to kill her on multiple occassions.

No, when Padme found out about Anakin, her heart literally couldn't take it and she died from shock and distress.

Leia gets to kill her abuser. Rey gets to marry hers. Disgusting beyond belief.

I bet there is EU crap that I wouldn't be able to stomach also.

Most of the stories are good. Just skip some of the YA novels.

Story wise it makes more sense for it to be a thrown away sand baby clone left to rot and a villain. Kinda like a throw away sand slave child working in a parts factory being the "chosen one".

How does it make sense.

I think Ducky was serious and I think his hate of the ST has gone a bit overboard.

He hates that they can bring people back to life (understandable) but is fine with force healing (Not understandable) even though both create the same plot holes in all other movies.. Hmmmmm.. Seems a bit like ST derangement syndrome.

It's funny, when Khev made a comment about the abuse Jake Llyod and Ahmed Best suffered at the hands of PT haters, he had the audacity to blame the actors. Where were you when that went overboard? Laughing with Jye?

I never called you guys deranged for liking the ST, but you call me deranged for hating it?

I get the hate directed at TLJ.. Even if I don't agree with all of it. But TROS was at least a fun Star Wars type adventure. I have even heard critics that don't like the movie say that it the most Star Warsy movie since the OT...

Is that why those same critics gave it the worse review per RT in Star Wars history?

Even though I find the issues with other SW movies I can find things to like about them because I love the SW universe.

The Star Wars universe that I loved and put thousands of dollars and thousands of hours into was destroyed.

Seems like the hate and the "failure to understand how anyone can like these films" has just become overblown.

Give it 20 years time and get back to me.

Yes I get not liking the direction the new films went but how hard is it to just be a normal person capable of saying "ah but you did appreciate TROS being a fun Star Warsy adventure largely mined from two Lucas era ideas (Twins vs. Palps trilogy and Dark Empire) with satisfying send offs for Han, Luke, and Leia. Gotcha, I would have preferred that they give us a brand new bad guy and had the main three OT heroes together but I at least get why you guys liked it."

But no go full ST Derangement Syndrome at every opportunity instead, lol. ;)

Why do you think your opinion is fact?

TROS wasn't a fun film. It was awful.

It wasn't mined from the PT, that's you retconning lines. It was a cheap unoriginal stolen plot points from the EU awful rehash.

There was no satisfying sendoffs for any of the OT gain.

I thought I needed a break from SW after binging OT/ST but no after purchasing the entire PT and OT SE in 4K I decided to binge all over again but this time the entire Skywalker Saga, no stand-alones. And as I recently said going back to the PT after a satisfying ST I no longer feel much animosity for all the stupid stuff Lucas did with those movies. I think my main gripe at this point is just how different the cartoony video game aesthetic is compared to the OT and ST.


ST is more cartoony. Second panel looks like it belongs in a PS2 video game.
Oh man I need some popcorn with all the back and forth going on. Glad you are vindicated A-Dev. I don't get the complete hate for the sequel trilogy that so many people heap on it. They are not my favorites in the saga but still have some enjoyable parts. I think Rise of Skywalker is so jarring since so much happens in it with the Goonies after the Battlestar Galactica chase of Last Jedi. One movie moves so slow and the other needs to take some ritalin to slow down a touch. People need to get a grip and not put everything on a movie or a song and actually live their lives and stop being babies.

Tell that to the PT haters.

There is a pandemic going on, not much else to do.
TheDucky said:
Padme did die from a physical injury.

Incorrect. The droid states point blank that she's medically healthy but that they're losing her anyway. People who "die of a broken heart" have actual physical symptoms and are anything but healthy while experiencing them.

Padme died because she wanted to and not by any physical means. The film literally says as much.
Incorrect. The droid states point blank that she's medically healthy but that they're losing her anyway. People who "die of a broken heart" have actual physical symptoms and are anything but healthy while experiencing them.

Padme died because she wanted to and not by any physical means. The film literally says as much.

"you're breaking my heart"

Politics bored people in the first movie, Lucas certainly wasn't going to put a long winded explanation in this one.

Consensus of that scene is broken heart, other theories range from Anakin actually did choke her and that's what eventually did her in despite showing no signs of damage or Palpatine drained the life force from her to save Anakin, which is probably something you'd like to tie it back to the ST.
"you're breaking my heart"

Politics bored people in the first movie, Lucas certainly wasn't going to put a long winded explanation in this one.

Consensus of that scene is broken heart, other theories range from Anakin actually did choke her and that's what eventually did her in despite showing no signs of damage or Palpatine drained the life force from her to save Anakin, which is probably something you'd like to tie it back to the ST.

So in other words you're right and the movie is wrong. Gotcha, lol.

"Long winded explanation?" How is having the droid say "Due to profound emotional trauma her heart is failing, we're losing her" (which is actually shorter than what he did say, lol) a "long explanation?"

Now if you want to say "eh, I know what the scene says but that's so stupid that I'm just gonna assume that the droid was malfunctioning" as part of your head canon then have at it, I can respect that. I fill in my own gaps that way even for parts of the OT. But spare me the groupthink "consensus" of how PT apologists think the best way to reimagine the scene is because that ain't gonna fly. If you want to defend it then defend it with what's on screen. :)
So in other words you're right and the movie is wrong. Gotcha, lol.

"Long winded explanation?" How is having the droid say "Due to profound emotional trauma her heart is failing, we're losing her" (which is actually shorter than what he did say, lol) a "long explanation?"

Should have put that, wouldn't stop people from bashing it though. Good idea nonetheless.

Now if you want to say "eh, I know what the scene says but that's so stupid that I'm just gonna assume that the droid was malfunctioning" as part of your head canon then have at it, I can respect that. I fill in my own gaps that way even for parts of the OT. But spare me the groupthink "consensus" of how PT apologists think is the best way to reimagine the scene because that ain't gonna fly.

People do exactly what you are saying though, it's not group think PT apologists considering JAWS thinks it too: "Can you heal a broken heart or as I like to say, can you save someone from the dumbest plot point ever?" I didn't even bring up the Broken Heart theory when he responded.

So, re-imagining scenes doesn't fly when I do it, but when you re-imagine lines to fit the ST it's fine?

If you want to defend it then defend it with what's on screen. ;)

Aren't you using parts of the novelization to defend the ST further?

I think it's pretty clear we all here have our own head canon for most everything in the saga :lol