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Are you saying that Luke didn't read that section about the "wayfinder" (or the Sith dagger, or whatever he was hunting for) before going on a hunt for it with Lando?

Correct. We know that Rey learned about the Wayfinder from the texts but when Yoda put Luke on the spot to see if he'd read them he revealed that he clearly hadn't. We also don't know that Yoda did since his "page turners" line (one of the funniest in all of the ST) could be taken to mean that even he had tried to study them but didn't get very far either.

So with regard to what is definitively shown on screen we only know that Rey and Rey alone read the 25,000 year old texts.

Yep, me and my ST derangement.

Sadly it does seem that TROS has had that effect on you.
Are you saying that Luke didn't read that section about the "wayfinder" (or the Sith dagger, or whatever he was hunting for) before going on a hunt for it with Lando?

Yoda asks Luke if he read them all.. Luke give some sort of comedic response and Yoda states how they are not page tuners. Basically stating that he knows Luke did not read them.. But yeah you gotta assume someone did..

That's why force healing powers are for Dyad only and apparently Baby Yoda :lol
That's why I am going to go with "The force lead her to use it" and that only the Dyad's are were capable..

Head Canon rules :lol

I could go with it being a Dyad thing if I wanted to throw out Mando and BY but right now I'm liking those enough for them to stay canon.

What I *do* agree with is that *any* Jedi story post-TROS *must* account for Force Healing since Rey as the head of the new Jedi Order would most certainly be teaching it. And that's just another reason I don't want to see any post-TROS stories. Too many things have now been introduced (Force Healing, TIE Fighter lightspeed tracking, Holdo Maneuver) that have upped the fantasy elements to such a degree that things would start to feel less and less like SW if they were all continued to be implemented.

I'm fine with Force Healing being a technique tens of thousands of years old that few remaining Jedi (if any) knew until those texts finally resurfaced again.
Correct. We know that Rey learned about the Wayfinder from the texts but when Yoda put Luke on the spot to see if he'd read them he revealed that he clearly hadn't. We also don't know that Yoda did since his "page turners" line (one of the funniest in all of the ST) could be taken to mean that even he had tried to study them but didn't get very far either.

So with regard to what is definitively shown on screen we only know that Rey and Rey alone read the 25,000 year old texts.

Yoda asks Luke if he read them all.. Luke give some sort of comedic response and Yoda states how they are not page tuners. Basically stating that he knows Luke did not read them.. But yeah you gotta assume someone did..

I'm very familiar with what TLJ said (trust me :lol); but TROS said that Luke went looking for something with Lando. That something was familiar to Rey from seeing it in the ancient texts. So are we not to assume from TROS that it's also where Luke saw it?

Sadly it does seem that TROS has had that effect on you.

It's fine if you want to see it that way. I don't blame you. The truth is that I feel TROS wasn't well thought out, and the whole ST continuity suffered for it. I know you see it very differently, so you're just going to keep believing that I'm suffering from blind hatred. Like I said: that's fine. It isn't true, but if that's want you want to believe, so be it.
I'm very familiar with what TLJ said (trust me :lol); but TROS said that Luke went looking for something with Lando. That something was familiar to Rey from seeing it in the ancient texts. So are we not to assume from TROS that it's also where Luke saw it?

Reading some is not reading all.

It's fine if you want to see it that way. I don't blame you. The truth is that I feel TROS wasn't well thought out, and the whole ST continuity suffered for it. I know you see it very differently, so you're just going to keep believing that I'm suffering from blind hatred. Like I said: that's fine. It isn't true, but if that's want you want to believe, so be it

Hmmm I see that TROS did what it could after TLJ took everything off the rails. IMO it was TLJ that was not very well thought out. RJ himself said he only cared about telling a singular story and not a story that fit into a franchise.
I'm very familiar with what TLJ said (trust me :lol); but TROS said that Luke went looking for something with Lando. That something was familiar to Rey from seeing it in the ancient texts. So are we not to assume from TROS that it's also where Luke saw it?

Correct, Lando said that he and Luke went looking for the Wayfinder together which was obviously before Luke's exile to Ahch-To. Kylo knew of the Wayfinders without the texts which we can assume he learned from Luke while he was still his pupil. Then came Ben turning, then came Luke's exile and him finding the texts. So however Luke learned of the existence of Wayfinders (meditating in the Force, communing with past Jedi Spirits, whatever) would have been something other than learning it from the books.

It's fine if you want to see it that way. I don't blame you. The truth is that I feel TROS wasn't well thought out, and the whole ST continuity suffered for it. I know you see it very differently, so you're just going to keep believing that I'm suffering from blind hatred. Like I said: that's fine. It isn't true, but if that's want you want to believe, so be it.

So you're telling me, in all seriousness, that with TROS being the one movie that actually *shows* that Rey has been training all aspects of the Force (meditation, levitation, combat, AND book studies) for *years* under Leia that it's *TROS* that has suddenly made you realize that "Rey just apparently seems to be able to do everything without needing to be taught any of it?"

Come on ajp, you're smarter than that. :nono
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Reading some is not reading all.

That's a fair point. You're absolutely right.

But it's weird to me that Luke would only read parts of the texts, and not all of them. These are the foundational materials of the whole Jedi Order that he was trying to restart. I would think he'd want as much knowledge as possible before embarking on something with that heavy of a responsibility. If you have these sacred texts, why only read portions? Makes Luke seem irresponsible to me.

Hmmm I see that TROS did what it could after TLJ took everything off the rails. IMO it was TLJ that was not very well thought out. RJ himself said he only cared about telling a singular story and not a story that fit into a franchise.

I see it *completely* differently. But the TLJ debate isn't worth it to me like it used to be since that movie isn't even in my canon anymore.
So you're telling me, in all seriousness, that with TROS being the one movie that actually *shows* that Rey has been training all aspects of the Force (meditation, levitation, combat, AND book studies) for *years* that it's *TROS* that has suddenly made you realize that "Rey just apparently seems to be able to do everything without needing to be taught any of it?"

Come on ajp, you're smarter than that. :lecture

What I'm telling you is that Rey training in TROS doesn't explain Rey abilities in TFA and TLJ. What I'm telling you is that Rey doing Jedi training in TROS doesn't explain her instinctive ability to use Force lightning. And what I'm telling you is that I saw a lot of SW inconsistency and general logic problems in TFA that I think Rian saw the same way and tried to alter course on. That may be an unpopular (maybe even singular) view, but it's genuinely and authentically *my* take on it.

Again, though, you're free to dismiss my criticisms as blind hate or derangement. I'm surprised that you're willing to perceive my motives that way, but whatever.
Why would Luke read every page after he gave up on the Jedi Order hell he wouldn?t read any page forget the entire boring book!

He was so tired of the Jedi order he threw his saber over his shoulders!

fake ajp who clearly didn?t watch TLJ what have you done with the real ajp who did lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What I'm telling you is that Rey training in TROS doesn't explain Rey abilities in TFA and TLJ. What I'm telling you is that Rey doing Jedi training in TROS doesn't explain her instinctive ability to use Force lightning.

ROTJ established that "the Force is strong" in some families so her being a Palpatine easily explains her power with that in mind. As far as actually using her power without training well the movies already established that that's a thing too going all the way back to young Anakin being able to see things before they happen "a Jedi trait" without anyone showing him how. RJ obviously ran with that idea too unless you want to assume that Luke stopped off at Canto Bight on his way to Ahch-To to take a few minutes to show Broom Boy how to make brooms leap into his hand, lol. :)

And what I'm telling you is that I saw a lot of SW inconsistency and general logic problems in TFA that I think Rian saw the same way and tried to alter course on. That may be an unpopular (maybe even singular) view, but it's genuinely and authentically *my* take on it.

I assume that you wanted it to remain that the Force itself just infuses people on either side with power and knowledge to keep everything in perpetual "balance?" If so then Luke was definitely right to give up because what's the point in ever achieving victory if the Force itself is just gonna cheat to help the other side rise again. ;)

Again, though, you're free to dismiss my criticisms as blind hate or derangement. I'm surprised that you're willing to perceive my motives that way, but whatever.

Well yes but I think JAWS and I are using the "derangement" term a little more playfully than you're taking it. Your hatred for TROS' direction after TLJ does indeed seem to blind you to you pretty obvious things in the movie but hey you aren't alone and that's just my take on your take. ;)
Umm, this "certainty" about Luke not reading the ancient texts . . .

The TROS visual dictionary says that Luke even added notes to them in 21ABY.

Someone better let LFL know that Luke absolutely did *not* read those texts. Y'know . . . the ones he was adding personal notes to. :lol

Here's the Wookieepedia entry referencing that bit which comes from the visual dictionary.


  • JediTexts01.jpg
    133.8 KB · Views: 19
Someone better let LFL know

What was actually said in TLJ and TROS? I agree. The people who write those Wookieepedia and Visual Dictionary entries are more often than not clueless about what happened in the movies and just put whatever crap they feel like at any given moment. Passing debris, nothing more.
ROTJ established that "the Force is strong" in some families so her being a Palpatine easily explains her power with that in mind. As far as actually using her power without training well the movies already established that that's a thing too going all the way back to young Anakin being able to see things before they happen "a Jedi trait" without anyone showing him how. RJ obviously ran with that idea too unless you want to assume that Luke stopped off at Canto Bight on his way to Ahch-To to take a few minutes to show Broom Boy how to make brooms leap into his hand, lol. :)

Having Jedi traits, and "the Force is strong with this one," are all fine. It's a well-established aspect of SW since the very beginning. But the Jedi mind trick? Force lightning? I just don't think the display of those abilities can be equated with quick reflexes, or even simple telekinesis like pulling a broom.

BTW, I hated the broom boy pulling that broom. I even told someone once that I'm just gonna assume the broom was made of metal and the kid had a magnetic bracelet pulling the broom to him. :lol

I assume that you wanted it to remain that the Force itself just infuses people on either side with power and knowledge to keep everything in perpetual "balance?" If so then Luke was definitely right to give up because what's the point in ever achieving victory if the Force itself is just gonna cheat to help the other side rise again. ;)

The "balance" of the Force, in my understanding, isn't literally balancing the light and dark to equal measures. It's about preventing the dark from suffocating the light. So yes, the Force will imbue certain individuals with strong potential, but the actualization of that potential must be *earned* through training, struggle, sacrifice, and learning. I don't think you just magically know how to use Force lightning and the Jedi mind trick. That's too easy, and takes away from the path that Jedi are supposed to go through.

Well yes but I think JAWS and I are using the "derangement" term a little more playfully than you're taking it. Your hatred for TROS' direction after TLJ does indeed seem to blind you to you pretty obvious things in the movie but hey you aren't alone and that's just my take on your take. ;)

Was one of those "pretty obvious things" that Luke didn't read the texts? Yep, I'm clearly just blindly drawing conclusions and ignoring obvious things in the movie. ;) Just like all those blindly-hating LFL writers interpreting the movie for the visual dictionary. :lol
What was actually said in TLJ and TROS? I agree. The people who write those Wookieepedia and Visual Dictionary entries are more often than not clueless about what happened in the movies and just put whatever crap they feel like at any given moment. Passing debris, nothing more.

Khev, why can't you just admit that TROS suggests that Luke read the texts?

That was the takeaway I got from it before I even knew about the visual dictionary. I only looked it up on Wookieepedia *after* you kept insisting that TROS didn't suggest what I thought it clearly did.

Luke would go looking for what was exactly referenced in the texts - that he had in his possession! - because that's where he saw it. That was the inference drawn.
Having Jedi traits, and "the Force is strong with this one," are all fine.

Well good, then you shouldn't have a problem with Rey using the lightning. The Jedi Mind Trick is probably the iffiest of them all which definitely wasn't explained adequately in the film so I use "it was downloaded via the Dyad" head canon on that one but the Sith lightning is super easy to accept. It's not even like she was trying to do that so you can't even say it was a "skill." She screwed up the telekinesis and unleashed a completely different power by mistake.

So if using Dark Side powers without training is suddenly "off limits" in Star Wars then how do you explain Luke choking the guards in ROTJ? You think there was an off screen training session on Dagobah where Yoda said "okay since you're clearly struggling with basic things like lifting rocks how about I show you one of Darth Vader's favorite death tricks instead? Just promise that you'll never use this because that leads to the Dark Side." Come on now, Luke obviously figured that one out on his own. He also seemed to figure out how to grab the lightsaber in the Wampa cave since Ben never taught him that either.

"Let go and let the Force flow through you" seems to cover a *lot* of abilities in SW and Rey herself learned that trick from Maz in TFA.

It's a well-established aspect of SW since the very beginning. But the Jedi mind trick? Force lightning? I just don't think the display of those abilities can be equated with quick reflexes, or even simple telekinesis like pulling a broom.

BTW, I hated the broom boy pulling that broom. I even told someone once that I'm just gonna assume the broom was made of metal and the kid had a magnetic bracelet pulling the broom to him. :lol

The Wampa cave showed that there is nothing simple about telekinesis, even for someone who's been practicing the Force relatively untrained for years. And yet we allow that Luke figured it out, and then Broom Boy under your boy RJ. :) Like it or not the precedent is there, you can hate it or hand wave it away but it isn't TROS's fault for building on what has already been established.

The "balance" of the Force, in my understanding, isn't literally balancing the light and dark to equal measures. It's about preventing the dark from suffocating the light. So yes, the Force will imbue certain individuals with strong potential, but the actualization of that potential must be *earned* through training, struggle, sacrifice, and learning.

It's an interesting idea, but one that I'm not particularly fond of. To me it gets into "Dark Fate" territory where massive victories can just be undone only to repeat the struggle all over again "just because." (I'm not saying that you said "just because" but narratively it feels that way to me when they go that route.)

Was one of those "pretty obvious things" that Luke didn't read the texts?

Yep. :)

Yep, I'm clearly just blindly drawing conclusions and ignoring obvious things in the movie. ;) Just like all those blindly-hating LFL writers interpreting the movie for the visual dictionary. :lol

No, *you're* blindly hating, *they* are just idiots. ;) I don't lump you in with them. :duff

Khev, why can't you just admit that TROS suggests that Luke read the texts?

Because it literally doesn't. Not only would that contradict TLJ but in TROS itself Rey learned that "only two were made" from Lando, not the texts. Lando obviously learned that from Luke, who was searching for them based on knowledge he had acquired outside of the books. If Luke knew that "two were made" from the same books the Rey was reading then she would have already known that too.

I actually don't fault you for being hazy on TROS since I know you only watched it twice and that both times were through the filter of all the burning hatred you had been feeling for months prior to the film's release but misunderstanding the Yoda/Luke exchange in TLJ? A wizard should know better. :lecture

Khev, why can't you just admit that TROS suggests that Luke read the texts?

That was the takeaway I got from it before I even knew about the visual dictionary. I only looked it up on Wookieepedia *after* you kept insisting that TROS didn't suggest what I thought it clearly did.

Luke would go looking for what was exactly referenced in the texts - that he had in his possession! - because that's where he saw it. That was the inference drawn.

TLJ tells us that Luke did not read them or at least not all of them.

I think TROS suggests that Luke probably looked through the Jedi text.. Perhaps the Wayfinder was in chapter 1. :)
Well good, then you shouldn't have a problem with Rey using the lightning. The Jedi Mind Trick is probably the iffiest of them all which definitely wasn't explained adequately in the film so I use "it was downloaded via the Dyad" head canon on that one but the Sith lightning is super easy to accept. It's not even like she was trying to do that so you can't even say it was a "skill." She screwed up the telekinesis and unleashed a completely different power by mistake.

I'm not telling you that you can't interpret "Force Dyad" being the reason why Rey was able to learn the skills that Ben/Kylo had learned. When I'm giving my opinion that disagrees with yours, all I'm aiming to do is state why I see things the way I do. To *me* the Force Dyad is lame. That's not to say that I think everyone else should think it's lame. Just giving my personal point of view.

To me, shooting Force lightning out of nowhere is ridiculous. For one thing, it leads too easily to an interpretation that Rey inherited dark side powers by virtue of being a Palpatine. For another thing, it suggests that Force-sensitive beings can unwittingly unleash all kinds of crazy powers whenever they can't control their emotions. If that was the case, baby Yoda wouldn't have just *tried* to choke Cara Dune; he would've obliterated her like Rey did with the ship. :lol And there are plenty of other Anakin-related emotion controlling scenarios where Force lightning would've been flying out of his ass.

So if using Dark Side powers without training is suddenly "off limits" in Star Wars then how do you explain Luke choking the guards in ROTJ? You think there was an off screen training session on Dagobah where Yoda said "okay since you're clearly struggling with basic things like lifting rocks how about I show you one of Darth Vader's favorite death tricks instead? Just promise that you'll never use this because that leads to the Dark Side." Come on now, Luke obviously figured that one out on his own. He also seemed to figure out how to grab the lightsaber in the Wampa cave since Ben never taught him that either.

The Force choking that Luke did is something that I perceive as an extension of telekinesis. If you can "touch" an object without making contact, and move it, then you can squeeze an object in the same way. I don't consider "Force choke" as some kind of separate dark-side power. It's just telekinesis, but not something that a Jedi should be using for obvious reasons.

The Wampa cave showed that there is nothing simple about telekinesis, even for someone who's been practicing the Force relatively untrained for years. And yet we allow that Luke figured it out, and then Broom Boy under your boy RJ. :) Like it or not the precedent is there, you can hate it or hand wave it away but it isn't TROS's fault for building on what has already been established.

Yes, you're right, telekinesis as a more "natural/easy" Force ability is something that I can intellectualize that way. But healing, when no other Jedi had healed anyone or anything before? Or extending that to resurrection powers? Or shooting Force lightning? These are all much more "active" powers that go beyond simply "reaching out" and pulling objects with your mind while concentrating. Hell, I tried to do it as kid. :lol

It's an interesting idea, but one that I'm not particularly fond of. To me it gets into "Dark Fate" territory where massive victories can just be undone only to repeat the struggle all over again "just because." (I'm not saying that you said "just because" but narratively it feels that way to me when they go that route.)

Fair enough. We simply see the "balance" issue differently. I won't bore you with how I think it's not actually as fatalistic as you suggest. :)

No, *you're* blindly hating, *they* are just idiots. ;) I don't lump you in with them. :duff

Thanks. :lol

Because it literally doesn't. Not only would that contradict TLJ but in TROS itself Rey learned that "only two were made" from Lando, not the texts. Lando obviously learned that from Luke, who was searching for them based on knowledge he had acquired outside of the books. If Luke knew that "two were made" from the same books the Rey was reading then she would have already known that too.

I honestly believe that the TROS filmmakers intended to suggest that Luke read the texts (at least in part). We'll just agree to disagree. :duff

...but misunderstanding the Yoda/Luke exchange in TLJ? A wizard should know better. :lecture


To quote my man Reagan: "There you go again." :lol

I'm not misinterpreting the TLJ scene between Luke and Yoda. :gah: If anything, it's *Abrams and Terrio* who you should be accusing of misinterpreting TLJ.

TLJ tells us that Luke did not read them or at least not all of them.

I think TROS suggests that Luke probably looked through the Jedi text.. Perhaps the Wayfinder was in chapter 1. :)

That's fine. :lol

Look JAWS, the whole point I was making was about Rey learning Force healing from those texts. I think it causes too many problems (those texts having been the basis for Jedi teachings). So, I agree with your take on it that a better explanation is that Rey knew how to heal by way of Palpatine lineage and being "chosen" by the Force to be particularly powerful.

My main thing is that I don't like where they've been taking Force powers relative to how they were presented in the OT and PT. Rey shouldn't have been doing Jedi mind tricks and instinctively using Force lightning. Broom Boy shouldn't have been pulling that broom. Baby Yoda shouldn't be lifting a mudhorn with telekenesis. Ben Solo shouldn't just (somehow) know how to raise someone from the dead.

Do these things make me hate TFA, TLJ, and Mandalorian? No. But I'd prefer if these things hadn't been put on screen. One of the easiest ways for me to lose interest in SW is by turning Force users into super-powered Neo-like gods. Not interested; too far from the OT.