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What was the deal with that witch group that gave power to Mauls brother were they related to Ventress.

Who is the main Clone of the show, Rex or Cody.

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The main clone of the series is Rex. He is even officially in....

Spoiler Spoiler:

They are Nightsisters who live on Dathmomir, it's where Maul comes from. Basically Dark Side Magic Witches and get their power from the planet. Ventress' mother was part of the clan of Nightsisters, but they gave her up to some criminal, forgot why. But yeah, she is a nightsister, not related to Maul. She was then rescued by a Jedi, who trained her, he died, then she turned to the dark side.

Maul is a Nightbrother and the son of Mother Talzin, the Nightsisters leader. She and Sidious worked together and she was originally going to be his apprentice, until he discovered Maul. So he took Maul and trained him.

The original story about Maul pre-Clone Wars was that Palpatine was on Dathomir and found a young mother who ran away from the clan and gave up her son (Maul) so he could have a life/not be killed in ritual combat (I think). Maul recognized the power of Maul, flew baby Maul to Mustafar, and had a droid raise him and train him.
Thank you for the explanations.

What ended up happening to Ventress was she killed off in the show.

Didn?t Ashoka actually battle Vader that was in Rebels right.

I don?t watch any of that crap lol

Not true I absolutely love the original CW cartoon LOVE IT!

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What ended up happening to Ventress was she killed off in the show.

Didn?t Ashoka actually battle Vader that was in Rebels right.

I don?t watch any of that crap lol

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Spoiler Spoiler:

Ahsoka and Vader do fight in Rebels. It's on youtube, she recognizes him too.
Happy Birthday to Hayden Christensen


Mark Hamill - "the one and only one I know they call the Chosen One"
How does Darth Maul even survive getting bisected?

It’s not like Obi-Wan cut his legs, he literally cut him in two above the hips. Maul would have not only lost his legs, but his intestines, his genitalia, his ******, parts of his spleen, stomach and pancreas.
Spoiler Spoiler:

Ahsoka and Vader do fight in Rebels. It's on youtube, she recognizes him too.

Oh wow thanks for explaining.

I loved Ventress in the original CW cartoon her look was cool I would buy an action figure of that version.

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How does Darth Maul even survive getting bisected?

It’s not like Obi-Wan cut his legs, he literally cut him in two above the hips. Maul would have not only lost his legs, but his intestines, his genitalia, his ******, parts of his spleen, stomach and pancreas.

It's not explained in depth, but basically his will to live, hatred of Kenobi, and power with the Dark Side led him to survive. He crawled to an air vent, fell into some garbage, and shipped off world. He ate like rats, insects, other stuff and built got his legs out of the junk. Someone on that junk world also helped him.

Plus, he isn't a human, so we don't even know if he has all that stuff. And, his wounds were cauterized.

I know it sounds silly, but the story of Maul was told really really well in my opinion, in both EU and NewEU.
It's not explained in depth, but basically his will to live, hatred of Kenobi, and power with the Dark Side led him to survive. He crawled to an air vent, fell into some garbage, and shipped off world. He ate like rats, insects, other stuff and built got his legs out of the junk. Someone on that junk world also helped him.

It was Maz wasn't it....
I love how General Grievous digs up those dead clone bodies to launch at Obi-Wan. :lol Then of course, the alternate take of Obi-Wan ripping out Grievous? guts before shooting them. Lots of ****ed up things in that sequence. I guarantee the original Order 66 sequence and the Anakin/Obi-Wan duel were probably even longer and more violent if that animatic is anything to go by.

Really hope the next Black Series vehicle after the Snowspeeder w/ Dak is a new Grievous with his wheel bike and a new Obi-Wan (with photoreal) with the Jedi Starfighter. Those seem small enough to get a release.

Or maybe do Cinema scene vehicle two packs. New Endor Poncho Luke on speeder bike vs. Scout Trooper. Grievous on wheelbike vs Obi-Wan. Anakin vs Sebulba (Podracers). I love those type of high speed ?death matches?.

I'd like a reissue of the more up-to-date speeder bike in the 3.75'' line - the one that came with the flightstand. Missed that release.

And I love the old 3.75'' Cinema Scene 3 packs they were doing in '98/'99. Those were cool sets.
In ROTS when Anakin goes to see Palpatine in his office I noticed Palpatine looking at the red map home sick or thinking of the future.

He really was the senate wasn?t he surrounded on Exogol just like he was in the republic senate.

I will now think that he was looking at Exogol with the red matter space surrounding it lol

With the new uprez 4K I noticed during the opera that the skin folds surrounding Palpatine eyes have a similar sunken circular pattern that of Maz but instead of orange it is white skin weird right wtf lol

Was order 66 a light switch that Palpatine turned on via a chip implant or were the clones always in on it.

I ask because Anakin march on the temple with the 501 was BEFORE order 66 was officially given by Palpatine or did the 501 just get their own localized switch flicked on.

It is weird how Palpatine needed new clones for his spirit to take over that is until the dyad allowed him to rebuild his own body.

Yoda did say on the gunship that maybe the prophecy was misread about Anakin.

Maybe how Anakin was created was what gave Kylo his dyad powers with Rey

Think about it Kylo connected with Rey is the same as Vader connected with Palpatine!

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I really.... Really disliked TLJ, so I certainly haven't rushed to see this one. Heard a few spoilers, it's unavoidable. And I've heard plenty of mixed opinions, mostly bad. But then most people don't like The Phantom Menace and I really do. So I've tried to keep an open mind and I've definitely not got my expectations up. My Blu ray has finally arrived today so I'm going in.....
Yep and Ben arriving alone on Exegol to help Rey when she was surrounded by Palps and the Royal Guards mirrors Anakin rushing to help Palps in his office when he was surrounded by the Jedi.

How perfect it was then for palpatine to again be destroyed by one of his own creations but this time it took a creation of himself and not just Anakin to finally do it.

But his creation connection to Anakin certainly brought that power forward to screw him in the end it truly was a gift to Anakin that his creation and manipulation of Anakin eventually came back to bite him in the ass and be his final undoing.

To not have Palpatine back in TROS would?ve been a huge mistake and to think they almost did just that. :slap

I love it that ROTS = TROS

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Totally and I love how in TPM Palpatine has a fake appearance, fake allegiances, fake goals, etc. until ROTS when his true nature shows itself in his physical appearance but he still cons the Senate into believing that the Empire needs to exist to ensure "safety and security." Even in the OT the Empire operates under the guise of "what's good for the galaxy." But in TROS we see finally Palpatine hiding behind no facades or pretenses.

His followers no longer are duped politicians but are full on Sith Cult Worshippers and instead of pretending that the Empire will provide order to the galaxy nope it's just "the Sith flame will burn..."
Totally and I love how in TPM Palpatine has a fake appearance, fake allegiances, fake goals, etc. until ROTS when his true nature shows itself in his physical appearance but he still cons the Senate into believing that the Empire needs to exist to ensure "safety and security." Even in the OT the Empire operates under the guise of "what's good for the galaxy." But in TROS we see finally Palpatine hiding behind no facades or pretenses.

His followers no longer are duped politicians but are full on Sith Cult Worshippers and instead of pretending that the Empire will provide order to the galaxy nope it's just "the Sith flame will burn..."

Yup perfect he even has to sit in a fake senate and luxurious throne office.

He was really a great manipulator in ROTS, stupid Grievous and Gunray lol

Even Dooku the great CW separatist leader was fooled!

Emperor had no ****s left to give lol

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Emperor had no ****s left to give lol

Nope which even plays into how he could have bungled that last bit by blabbing too much about possessing Rey's body if she kills him when he probably should have just taunted her and let the possession be a surprise. But he was all nope I ain't pretending jack **** anymore ain't nothing gonna stop me with my fleet and my followers and death itself failing to get me, lol.
Nope which even plays into how he could have bungled that last bit by blabbing too much about possessing Rey's body if she kills him when he probably should have just taunted her and let the possession be a surprise. But he was all nope I ain't pretending jack **** anymore ain't nothing gonna stop me with my fleet and my followers and death itself failing to get me, lol.

All I know is that had the emperor not returned into the core narrative to end the saga in a cohesive manner I would have been left in a difficult position of hating the new trilogy that had Han, Luke and Leia in them.

You have no idea what kind of bullet we dodged lol

Kylo as the sole villain and dying a villain would have made him just a lame Vader wanna be.

The way they handled Kylo in TROS meant Vader got to keep his earned status while giving Kylo a similar arc but with a very unique twist to the final success.

Palpatine ending Palpatine really does make sense within his Plaqueis midichlorian narrative and it brings a unique finality to it.

He was so busy cheating and manipulating the natural flow of life and death that it was only fitting that he did himself in.

I do wonder if the counter effect of his demise would be no more force ghosts on the light side and that Rey burying their lightsabers was to signify that this was the last time we would see force ghosts.

The force ghosts and the dyad were a direct response to his malignant manipulations of creating, cheating and extending life.

I just read that Kylo Rey battle over splashing water was a direct correlation to the splashing lava on mustafar in ROTS. :rock

Vader burned by fire.

Kylo healed by water.

Man can this movie get any better lol

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So true and yep if Palps created Anakin then he directly had a hand in creating both members of the Dyad that destroyed him. Him frying Vader as he got thrown over the railing was too little too late since Anakin had already conceived both Luke and Leia with Leia then having Ben. Anakin's descendants > Palpatine's contingency. People can say "well Rey was the last one standing to defeat Palps" but there was literally no version of that scenario where she would have been victorious without Ben's help.

But imagine if after Palps rose to power in the PT and then was the main villain of the OT if all the ST contributed was a new guy named Snoke showing up out of the blue and corrupting Han and Leia's son who then just died an evil loser. The end, saga over, lol.

*That's* why I was getting ready to turn my back on the whole thing until I heard Palpatine's laugh at the end of the first TROS teaser.
I doubt this is true, but the people who made the Clone Wars may be doing another series. Potentially after ROTJ or before TPM.

Personally I’d prefer before TPM focusing on Qui-Gon and Kenobi. Could have Jedi Dooku, show Palpatines rise as both a politician and Sith, Darth Plagueis, young Maul.... so much potential.