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How perfect it was then for palpatine to again be destroyed by one of his own creations but this time it took a creation of himself and not just Anakin to finally do it.

But his creation connection to Anakin certainly brought that power forward to screw him in the end it truly was a gift to Anakin that his creation and manipulation of Anakin eventually came back to bite him in the ass and be his final undoing.

To not have Palpatine back in TROS would?ve been a huge mistake and to think they almost did just that. :slap

I love it that ROTS = TROS

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Tros is nothing like ROTS . Not even in the slightest. That silly ocean battle was nothing like mustafar
So bizarre that of all things ST it was the praetorian guards that I have grown obsessed with.

Of course I still love the OT guards I mean who doesn?t right like duh but I find the praetorian to be one of the few upgrades that actually worked for me going from robe to armor.

Now i?m not saying that they improved upon the OT guards because they didn?t require any improvements they were perfect as they were hence the long lasting love of their designs.

I just find the new design elements to be more striking than their OT counterparts due to the shiny surface area while introducing some very cool samurai elements that SW was based on while also still maintaining the necessary mysterious elements they require to be considered bad ass.

I?m also not saying their action scene was mind blowing amazing or anything like that but at least they got a decent one unlike the OT guards who just get to stand and walk in ROTJ or get pushed down in ROTS lol

Admittedly just their static pose in the presence of the emperor in ROTJ was enough for me to find them bad ass so it?s not always about the action.

Now is there a good look at them in TROS they were so far away bathed in darkness when Rey was kicking their butts.

I?m super curious what they looked like it seemed really cool.

Anyways all this just to say I bought this, bad ass right lol

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Well I didn?t specifically call them praetorian but I could have worded it better I just said I thought they were emperor royal guards I just wanted to see their new designs.

Were they not emperor royal guards.

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So bizarre that of all things ST it was the praetorian guards that I have grown obsessed with.

Of course I still love the OT guards I mean who doesn?t right like duh but I find the praetorian to be one of the few upgrades that actually worked for me going from robe to armor.

Now i?m not saying that they improved upon the OT guards because they didn?t require any improvements they were perfect as they were hence the long lasting love of their designs.

I just find the new design elements to be more striking than their OT counterparts due to the shiny surface area while introducing some very cool samurai elements that SW was based on while also still maintaining the necessary mysterious elements they require to be considered bad ass.

I?m also not saying their action scene was mind blowing amazing or anything like that but at least they got a decent one unlike the OT guards who just get to stand and walk in ROTJ or get pushed down in ROTS lol

Admittedly just their static pose in the presence of the emperor in ROTJ was enough for me to find them bad ass so it?s not always about the action.

Now is there a good look at them in TROS they were so far away bathed in darkness when Rey was kicking their butts.

I?m super curious what they looked like it seemed really cool.

Anyways all this just to say I bought this, bad ass right lol

View attachment 483593

Great looking figure.

Here's all three. The guards on Exegol were called Sovereign Protectors.

Don't suppose it works the other way for you jye? I loved the Senate Guards in TPM as the progenitors of the Royal Guards...

(They were also similar to the Roman guards in Gladiator which came out a year later...)

Great looking figure.

Here's all three. The guards on Exegol were called Sovereign Protectors.


Oh ok yeah their mask are a departure from the royal guard aesthetic and more traditional trooper but they still look cool because capes and robes makes everything look cool but i?m glad Rey kicked their ass lol

Don't suppose it works the other way for you jye? I loved the Senate Guards in TPM as the progenitors of the Royal Guards...

(They were also similar to the Roman guards in Gladiator which came out a year later...)


They take up last place for me in cool factor lol

Those ST guards look like they are wearing blinds on their arms.



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I really.... Really disliked TLJ, so I certainly haven't rushed to see this one. Heard a few spoilers, it's unavoidable. And I've heard plenty of mixed opinions, mostly bad. But then most people don't like The Phantom Menace and I really do. So I've tried to keep an open mind and I've definitely not got my expectations up. My Blu ray has finally arrived today so I'm going in.....

Let us know your thoughts
Let us know your thoughts

I've been trying to compose them before posting. I'm not really sure what I thought, I think I need to watch it again. I didn't hate it like I did TLJ for sure. But I didn't love it either. It felt all over the place and rushed, it just bombards your senses relentlessly. It felt like 3 movies crammed into one. Even the opening scene felt chaotic and rushed. Remember in ANH where the Falcon was pulled into the death star and the tension built up over the next half hour as they carefully tried to evade capture. Then in this they use a magic coin to land a rust bucket in a first order star destroyer, run out and shoot two storm troopers in the face without any subtlety. There's some good stuff in here I think, but over all it just kind of sums up the entire Disney trilogy for me, totally unorganised. Kylo is the only interesting new character for me out of the three movies. Also, a Star destroyer sized vessel that can destroy a planet undermines every "super weapon" we've ever seen from this franchise and makes both Deathstars seem pointless beyond belief. And Rey reanimating dead people is a real kick in the teeth for a lot of fallen Jedi. I don't know, I'll watch it again soon and see if I can make heads or tail of it.... I'm really not sure if I'll enjoy it more or less now I know what to expect. But I do know that as a trilogy, I'd watch the prequels 9/10 times over this. I hope Disney learn from this and make their next trilogy something special again.

Oh I did kind of like when Luke caught the light saber and said that a Jedi's weapon deserves more respect. I saw that one coming but it was a real two fingers up (or one middle finger up for my American cousins) Moment to Rian Johnson, and that makes me happy.
I've been trying to compose them before posting. I'm not really sure what I thought, I think I need to watch it again. I didn't hate it like I did TLJ for sure. But I didn't love it either. It felt all over the place and rushed, it just bombards your senses relentlessly. It felt like 3 movies crammed into one. Even the opening scene felt chaotic and rushed. Remember in ANH where the Falcon was pulled into the death star and the tension built up over the next half hour as they carefully tried to evade capture. Then in this they use a magic coin to land a rust bucket in a first order star destroyer, run out and shoot two storm troopers in the face without any subtlety. There's some good stuff in here I think, but over all it just kind of sums up the entire Disney trilogy for me, totally unorganised. Kylo is the only interesting new character for me out of the three movies. Also, a Star destroyer sized vessel that can destroy a planet undermines every "super weapon" we've ever seen from this franchise and makes both Deathstars seem pointless beyond belief. And Rey reanimating dead people is a real kick in the teeth for a lot of fallen Jedi. I don't know, I'll watch it again soon and see if I can make heads or tail of it.... I'm really not sure if I'll enjoy it more or less now I know what to expect. But I do know that as a trilogy, I'd watch the prequels 9/10 times over this. I hope Disney learn from this and make their next trilogy something special again.

Oh I did kind of like when Luke caught the light saber and said that a Jedi's weapon deserves more respect. I saw that one coming but it was a real two fingers up (or one middle finger up for my American cousins) Moment to Rian Johnson, and that makes me happy.

Yep I feel pretty much the same way on the this movie and the sequel trilogy as a whole. They are pretty and there is some cool moments for sure. Luke at least was redeemed in this one for me. I feel like they had to rush the story along because of how then it was and that they didn't want people to really stop and think. I hope Disney lets the Skywalker line or Palpatine Line rest and that they move onto some other part of the galaxy and time.
Watched ANH on 4K blu ray finally... Boy it looks great. I hate most of the SE stuff (I do like updated Death Star battle stuff though) but man the picture and sound almost make up for Han shooting first..

But what a perfect film. This has always been my fav SW film. Empire is the better movie but I just enjoy everything about this film and its just an easier watch then Empire.

For the record... Somehow Mclunky makes Han shooting first a little more bearable also.. I think its cause I am laughing so hard at the stupidity of it that I miss who shoots first
I totally agree. :lol George has made the whole thing so genuinely comical that I also was too busy laughing to care, lol.

When I watch the new SE's I feel like I'm being torn apart. Because I now fully recognize that if I *don't* watch the SE's then I'm watching an inferior version for 90% of the films' run time just to avoid the annoying 10% (or less) that got updated. When I do the math that way it seems silly to forsake the SE's but man the 10% that is lame is just so jarring.

Before these new 4K discs it was easy to rationalize that the *entire* SE's were tainted because of the bad blue tint throughout but now even that is gone with the most recent color corrections.
I totally agree. :lol George has made the whole thing so genuinely comical that I also was too busy laughing to care, lol.

When I watch the new SE's I feel like I'm being torn apart. Because I now fully recognize that if I *don't* watch the SE's then I'm watching an inferior version for 90% of the films' run time just to avoid the annoying 10% (or less) that got updated. When I do the math that way it seems silly to forsake the SE's but man the 10% that is lame is just so jarring.

Before these new 4K discs it was easy to rationalize that the *entire* SE's were tainted because of the bad blue tint throughout but now even that is gone with the most recent color corrections.

I am actually fine with almost everything in the SE of ANH accept for Han shooting first and the extra Mos Eisley CGI effects.

In Empire I could do without the Wampa… I wouldn't mind it but the sliced off is much shorter then when they cut to the wampa and his whole arm is missing.. Just silly... Not in love with the Vader conversation with the emperor being redone but I have no issues with it being Ian.

Jedi.... I hate the new song at Jabba's and the worst of all the additions.. Worse then Han shooting first IMO... Vader saying No when he picks up the Emperor to save Luke.

Everything else is fine. I think.

Here is Khev, JAWS and I having to give up the clean matte lines in ESB and ROTJ...




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