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Everyone is praising the last 2 TCW episodes but for me they have really forced dialogue trying to tie it to ROTS.

ObiWan is having discussions with Ashoka yet not once mentions her, her mission or Maul to anyone in ROTS not even Anakin asks for an update on her lol

This tie in is really really bad.

YET the reviewers are now claiming that these 2 episodes have instantly made ROTS as good as ESB and that they are even better than any Mando episode.


No ROTS is now not as good as ESB due to these 2 cartoon episodes

Mando had 4 episodes that were much better than these 2 CW episodes

I will watch the final 2 just out of curiosity

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Mary Rey Sue Palpatine Skywalker. This trilogy couldn't have been f*#$ed up any worse. Can't believe KK still has a job.
Mary Rey Sue Palpatine Skywalker. This trilogy couldn't have been f*#$ed up any worse. Can't believe KK still has a job.

Don’t worry. Her reward for ****ing up the franchise is to be in charge of an all new Star Wars female centric TV show.

Disney will never learn.

I give Mando 2 seasons until they screw that up too.
Everyone is praising the last 2 TCW episodes but for me they have really forced dialogue trying to tie it to ROTS.

ObiWan is having discussions with Ashoka yet not once mentions her, her mission or Maul to anyone in ROTS not even Anakin asks for an update on her lol

This tie in is really really bad.

YET the reviewers are now claiming that these 2 episodes have instantly made ROTS as good as ESB and that they are even better than any Mando episode.


No ROTS is now not as good as ESB due to these 2 cartoon episodes

Mando had 4 episodes that were much better than these 2 CW episodes

I will watch the final 2 just out of curiosity

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Stop crying about how it ties into rots but being ok with ST throwing crap against the wall.
You sound like some obsessed tumblr fan playing mental gymnastics but falling on every jump. This is utterly ridiculous. You have to be trolling us.

You claim Rey is literally a Skywalker. From out of thin air. All because she delusionally changes her last name due to the 15 minutes of screen time across 3 movies spent with Skywalkers who would actually want to make her change her name to theirs.

Then think you can say Ben isn't and think you can say it easily? When the dude's Mom is a Skywalker? :slap:slap:cuckoo:

Rey didn't do either of those.

And referring to the Skywalker family is clearly meant via blood relatives, that is why "the force is strong with my family" comes about. The force is genetic for the Skywalkers starting with Anakin. Rey is an abandoned sand clone baby originally meant to be an actualy nobody before the nostalgic wave to save this trilogy hit.

So, ultimately, you choose to ignore the OT that establishes this to prop up the ST.

The ST is about characters that are in the family? :slap:lol:lol:lol The 3 main heroes aren't in the family. Everyone actually in the Skywalkers family are killed off. Luke. Gone. Leia. Gone. Ben. Gone.

They killed off that bloodline. There will never ever be another Skywalker in the world ever again. Disney even ruined their own EU past TROS with that.

Or maybe it's because they suck. Like millions of others think.

But no, it's George being bitter.

:slap:lol:lol You are on tumblr! :lol:lol

Using this logic Anakin is actually Palpatine being that the life that comes from his bones was from Palaptine. So, Luke and Leia were Palpatines as well. And thus Kylo is a Palpatine. So Rey is a Palpatine after all.

See? I can play this game too. Much better than you.

No matter how many times you destroy this man with facts he?ll find a way to say this movie makes sense lol.
I've been trying to compose them before posting. I'm not really sure what I thought, I think I need to watch it again. I didn't hate it like I did TLJ for sure. But I didn't love it either. It felt all over the place and rushed, it just bombards your senses relentlessly. It felt like 3 movies crammed into one. Even the opening scene felt chaotic and rushed. Remember in ANH where the Falcon was pulled into the death star and the tension built up over the next half hour as they carefully tried to evade capture. Then in this they use a magic coin to land a rust bucket in a first order star destroyer, run out and shoot two storm troopers in the face without any subtlety. There's some good stuff in here I think, but over all it just kind of sums up the entire Disney trilogy for me, totally unorganised. Kylo is the only interesting new character for me out of the three movies. Also, a Star destroyer sized vessel that can destroy a planet undermines every "super weapon" we've ever seen from this franchise and makes both Deathstars seem pointless beyond belief. And Rey reanimating dead people is a real kick in the teeth for a lot of fallen Jedi. I don't know, I'll watch it again soon and see if I can make heads or tail of it.... I'm really not sure if I'll enjoy it more or less now I know what to expect. But I do know that as a trilogy, I'd watch the prequels 9/10 times over this. I hope Disney learn from this and make their next trilogy something special again.

Oh I did kind of like when Luke caught the light saber and said that a Jedi's weapon deserves more respect. I saw that one coming but it was a real two fingers up (or one middle finger up for my American cousins) Moment to Rian Johnson, and that makes me happy.

I watched this again last night. I stand by everything I said, the movie just goes by at light speed in a jumbled mess. But you know what, knowing what to expect, and turning my brain off a little I actually enjoyed large parts of it. It's almost similar to the prequels in a way, plenty of flaws, but ultimately enjoyable. And it does have flaws, lots of them, I'd have like to have seen a few things done differently, but it isn't bad. I have no desire to ever watch TLJ again, twice was two times too many. But this one I will likely revisit on occasion as I do every Star Wars movie.
I don't know why it's so inconceivable for you that people can interpret these scenarios in different ways. What I base my interpretation on (as to what Rey would've done without Ben's redemption) is common sense *and* a prior precedent in a SW film. As far as I'm concerned, without Ben's presumed help, Rey would've eventually been left with just one option. The very same option that Luke was left with 30 years earlier in a very similarly desperate situation with Palpatine.

In ROTJ, Luke threw down his lightsaber rather than give Palpatine what he wanted. He essentially left himself defenseless (and thereby willing to die) rather than let Palpatine use him as a tool. And Luke had no reason to doubt that his friends were trapped on Endor, and that the Rebel fleet was doomed. But the choice was still to resist being an instrument of evil.

With that Luke context (and since you're a big fan of believing that Rey is an extension of the Skywalkers), why am I so crazy to believe that Rey might very well have taken the same approach as Luke - with friends in equal peril - to sacrifice herself rather than be an instrument of evil Palpatine? Because you somehow divined that she was thinking about how she might be able to "fight for control" after being possessed? And you don't see that as an interpretation that I can rightly question and disagree with?

You're free to question and disagree with me but with regard to Rey's choice you're literally disagreeing with the film. Palpatine tells her point blank that if she becomes Empress she'll be able to order the Sith Fleet to stand down and that they'll obey. So I'm not manufacturing some unsupported scenario where she's hoping to maintain control of her own wits after being possessed, that was literally the scenario that Palps presented to her.

By massive contrast Luke in ROTJ had no such offer. All Palps repeated over and over was that "your fleet has lost, your friends have failed." Basically telling him that serving good is a lost cause regardless of which path Luke chooses so why don't you just let go and join the Dark Side. Giving in to Palps in no way, shape or form would have benefited his friends so of course Luke was faced with one and only one choice. That wasn't the case with Rey.

One thing that is cool about this back and forth we're having is that it has made me realize that Palpatine seemingly did change his "pitch" so that the temptation to join the Dark Side *did* offer a direct and immediate benefit to her friends compared to how he tried to seduce Luke. That indicates that Palps was at the height of his cockiness in ROTJ but after his defeat he decided that it would be better to sweeten the deal to turn to the Dark Side a little more when the opportunity presented itself again with Rey.

Kylo paused, and Rey stabbed him. That's what was on screen, and it's simple. He didn't have any other option to collect himself and return to his efforts to defeat Rey. Why? Because he was ****ing stabbed by a lightsaber. That's why!

Yes I'm aware that he was stabbed with a lightsaber. My question was so what if she didn't stab him? He would have just "stayed evil" because Han hadn't shown up yet? Your take is that if Rey didn't attack that Kylo would have heard his mother, dropped his lightsaber, and then what? Picked it up again and resumed the duel? I think that is more than a little silly. Do I know for a fact that he wouldn't have done that? No. But that's certainly the most silly interpretation and since Kylo/Ben isn't a silly character I just don't see it.

He didn't even get mad when she made the cheap move. He was done. Compare him to Anakin who had just gotten taken out of the fight by losing all his limbs. He was trying to crawl back up to Obi-Wan to pummel him with his stumps! So Ben could have expressed a similar level of hatred and/or anger or hell even Force choked her while she stood over him. I'll allow that maybe he wasn't fully "good" per se as he sat quietly resigned to his fate but if he had any darkness in his heart in that moment he sure wasn't showing it.

That's why I saw him as basically a clean slate or an empty shell. Then the one two punch of Rey healing him and reconciling with his dad brought him fully back into the Light. But the turning from evil, I see that as only coming from Leia. I think it's a vast misinterpretation to say that her final act of heroism did nothing more than startle him so that he could be stabbed or that that would ever have even been his mother's goal.

It isn't inconceivable to me that someone interpreted the characters' motivations and actions completely differently than me. Trust me, there's no shortage of completely stupid commentary on TROS, the ST, and pretty much all of SW when it comes to the internet. Recent posts in this very thread prove that. I'm not saying that your comments are stupid, if I did then I wouldn't respond to you at all. But I do think that a lot of them are wrong. But only because I think we're talking about questions that you can simply look to the film for answers to.

Obviously you can't say that *every* interpretation falls under the same umbrella of "hmm I disagree but your interpretation is just as valid as mine." I mean if someone said that Princess Leia was a robot is that how you'd respond to them? So there are scenarios where one can say "hey I respect your opinion and I respect you as a person but I think you're wrong here." And I think that that's where we're at.

If you wanna say that his pause was evidence of turning to the light, go right ahead. But I don't think that interpretation has any merit. He paused because his mother was calling to him; just like he paused with his finger over the trigger in TLJ. Pausing doesn't equal being turned to the light. Pausing just means being distracted.

See you're claiming that my take doesn't have merit and that's what I'm talking about above. No big. But did I say that he "turned to the Light" the moment that Leia reached out to him? I can't remember and don't want to scroll back, lol. So if I did say that let me revise it to say "turned from the Dark." Because that's what I meant. I think there were those three important moments of Leia, Rey, and Han, with Leia being the catalyst to disconnect him from the Dark. And if that didn't happen, if he had just stayed the rage filled screaming and murderous Anakin right down to his last breath I think it's safe to say that Rey would have either been dead at his hand or at the very least wouldn't have had that moment of reflection and remorse that prevented *her* from fully embracing the Dark.

Go ahead and dismiss what I'm saying because of whatever motive you attribute to my views, but you're only lying to yourself about it rather than having a constructive discussion about silly movies between two people who have an equally valid basis for their differing views.

Why does if have to be either/or? Can't I lie to myself *and* have a constructive discussion about silly movies on the internet? ;)

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I watched this again last night. I stand by everything I said, the movie just goes by at light speed in a jumbled mess. But you know what, knowing what to expect, and turning my brain off a little I actually enjoyed large parts of it. It's almost similar to the prequels in a way, plenty of flaws, but ultimately enjoyable. And it does have flaws, lots of them, I'd have like to have seen a few things done differently, but it isn't bad.

Great analysis. In fact I'd agree with it 100% if you only switched the word "prequels" with "ROTJ."

Don?t worry. Her reward for ****ing up the franchise is to be in charge of an all new Star Wars female centric TV show.

Disney will never learn.

I give Mando 2 seasons until they screw that up too.

There is a rumor that Kennedy hired that woman without consulting Disney higher ups and that they are very unhappy. My guess is the show never happens, but have to wait and see.
Khev, we really need to publish our ground breaking claims about the heritage of the ?Skywalkers? aka Palaptine. It will shake the fanbase to its core.

Rey is still a Palpatine at the end. Not even just in name since the very "Force energy" that gives life to her bones is the same that came from a biological descendant of Anakin himself! :thud::panic:

Palpatine used his Force Energy to create life, aka Anakin. Anakin Palpatine married Padme, Anakin used that ?Force energy? to create life as well and Padme gave birth to Luke Palpatine and Leia Palpatine. Leia Palpatine married Han, extendeds that ?Force energy? and gives birth to Ben Palpatine. Rey is a biological descendent of Palpatine, being his granddaughter. So when Ben uses ?Force energy? that gives life to her bones, it is the same that came from Anakin and thus Palpatine himself! :thud::panic: Rey is like a double Palpatine now!

I can?t believe it! Get in here Jye! We are redefining the entire Saga! :lecture
There is a rumor that Kennedy hired that woman without consulting Disney higher ups and that they are very unhappy. My guess is the show never happens, but have to wait and see.

Dang... that would be a pretty big no no if true. Crossing a line. I believe the show is part of their “The High Republic” multi-media project, some new age Knights of the Round Table-esque level Star Wars stuff, but with all females. Because of that, my guess is it happens still, but they fire KKs hire.

Imagine if it was overstepping her own show as the thing that gets her fired? Ironic.

I’m still hoping Favreau takes over, especially if Mando S2 is just as strong. Better than what we have now running Star Wars.
You're free to question and disagree with me but with regard to Rey's choice you're literally disagreeing with the film. Palpatine tells her point blank that if she becomes Empress she'll be able to order the Sith Fleet to stand down and that they'll obey. So I'm not manufacturing some unsupported scenario where she's hoping to maintain control of her own wits after being possessed, that was literally the scenario that Palps presented to her.

By massive contrast Luke in ROTJ had no such offer. All Palps repeated over and over was that "your fleet has lost, your friends have failed." Basically telling him that serving good is a lost cause regardless of which path Luke chooses so why don't you just let go and join the Dark Side. Giving in to Palps in no way, shape or form would have benefited his friends so of course Luke was faced with one and only one choice. That wasn't the case with Rey.

One thing that is cool about this back and forth we're having is that it has made me realize that Palpatine seemingly did change his "pitch" so that the temptation to join the Dark Side *did* offer a direct and immediate benefit to her friends compared to how he tried to seduce Luke. That indicates that Palps was at the height of his cockiness in ROTJ but after his defeat he decided that it would be better to sweeten the deal to turn to the Dark Side a little more when the opportunity presented itself again with Rey.

Yes I'm aware that he was stabbed with a lightsaber. My question was so what if she didn't stab him? He would have just "stayed evil" because Han hadn't shown up yet? Your take is that if Rey didn't attack that Kylo would have heard his mother, dropped his lightsaber, and then what? Picked it up again and resumed the duel? I think that is more than a little silly. Do I know for a fact that he wouldn't have done that? No. But that's certainly the most silly interpretation and since Kylo/Ben isn't a silly character I just don't see it.

He didn't even get mad when she made the cheap move. He was done. Compare him to Anakin who had just gotten taken out of the fight by losing all his limbs. He was trying to crawl back up to Obi-Wan to pummel him with his stumps! So Ben could have expressed a similar level of hatred and/or anger or hell even Force choked her while she stood over him. I'll allow that maybe he wasn't fully "good" per se as he sat quietly resigned to his fate but if he had any darkness in his heart in that moment he sure wasn't showing it.

That's why I saw him as basically a clean slate or an empty shell. Then the one two punch of Rey healing him and reconciling with his dad brought him fully back into the Light. But the turning from evil, I see that as only coming from Leia. I think it's a vast misinterpretation to say that her final act of heroism did nothing more than startle him so that he could be stabbed or that that would ever have even been his mother's goal.

It isn't inconceivable to me that someone interpreted the characters' motivations and actions completely differently than me. Trust me, there's no shortage of completely stupid commentary on TROS, the ST, and pretty much all of SW when it comes to the internet. Recent posts in this very thread prove that. I'm not saying that your comments are stupid, if I did then I wouldn't respond to you at all. But I do think that a lot of them are wrong. But only because I think we're talking about questions that you can simply look to the film for answers to.

Obviously you can't say that *every* interpretation falls under the same umbrella of "hmm I disagree but your interpretation is just as valid as mine." I mean if someone said that Princess Leia was a robot is that how you'd respond to them? So there are scenarios where one can say "hey I respect your opinion and I respect you as a person but I think you're wrong here." And I think that that's where we're at.

See you're claiming that my take doesn't have merit and that's what I'm talking about above. No big. But did I say that he "turned to the Light" the moment that Leia reached out to him? I can't remember and don't want to scroll back, lol. So if I did say that let me revise it to say "turned from the Dark." Because that's what I meant. I think there were those three important moments of Leia, Rey, and Han, with Leia being the catalyst to disconnect him from the Dark. And if that didn't happen, if he had just stayed the rage filled screaming and murderous Anakin right down to his last breath I think it's safe to say that Rey would have either been dead at his hand or at the very least wouldn't have had that moment of reflection and remorse that prevented *her* from fully embracing the Dark.

Why does if have to be either/or? Can't I lie to myself *and* have a constructive discussion about silly movies on the internet? ;)


Kylo literally physically turned around to see where his mothers voice was coming from he literally turned from dark towards the light which was also the direction Han emerged from.

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You're free to question and disagree with me but with regard to Rey's choice you're literally disagreeing with the film. Palpatine tells her point blank that if she becomes Empress she'll be able to order the Sith Fleet to stand down and that they'll obey. So I'm not manufacturing some unsupported scenario where she's hoping to maintain control of her own wits after being possessed, that was literally the scenario that Palps presented to her.

By massive contrast Luke in ROTJ had no such offer. All Palps repeated over and over was that "your fleet has lost, your friends have failed." Basically telling him that serving good is a lost cause regardless of which path Luke chooses so why don't you just let go and join the Dark Side. Giving in to Palps in no way, shape or form would have benefited his friends so of course Luke was faced with one and only one choice. That wasn't the case with Rey.

One thing that is cool about this back and forth we're having is that it has made me realize that Palpatine seemingly did change his "pitch" so that the temptation to join the Dark Side *did* offer a direct and immediate benefit to her friends compared to how he tried to seduce Luke. That indicates that Palps was at the height of his cockiness in ROTJ but after his defeat he decided that it would be better to sweeten the deal to turn to the Dark Side a little more when the opportunity presented itself again with Rey.

Okay, that extra wrinkle about ordering the fleet to stand down does give your interpretation more credibility than mine. I obviously didn't remember that element. That context makes a substantive difference, and I was wrong.

And yeah, you're also right about it being a cool little touch that Palps would learn to entice by sweetening the deal (probably falsely - cuz he's Palps).

Yes I'm aware that he was stabbed with a lightsaber. My question was so what if she didn't stab him? He would have just "stayed evil" because Han hadn't shown up yet? Your take is that if Rey didn't attack that Kylo would have heard his mother, dropped his lightsaber, and then what? Picked it up again and resumed the duel? I think that is more than a little silly. Do I know for a fact that he wouldn't have done that? No. But that's certainly the most silly interpretation and since Kylo/Ben isn't a silly character I just don't see it.

If Rey hadn't attacked him? I have no idea what Kylo would do. My best guess is that he'd eventually tune Leia out and get back to business. We're talking about a guy who murdered his father and savagely tried to do the same to his uncle.

One thing I know is that when Kylo first saw Rey in their initial TLJ Force bond, Rey was the one to attack, and Kylo was more mesmerized by the peculiarity of the situation. Leia similarly caught him by surprise in TROS, so I see his reaction being consistent with his character.

However long his stupor would last has less to do (in my mind) with him turning good than it does with how he reacts to these moments of having startling Force experiences. We've seen him stunned to the point of being caught off guard in two straight movies. It didn't indicate a turn to the good in TLJ, and I don't think his initial stupor indicates a turning point in TROS either.

He didn't even get mad when she made the cheap move. He was done. Compare him to Anakin who had just gotten taken out of the fight by losing all his limbs. He was trying to crawl back up to Obi-Wan to pummel him with his stumps! So Ben could have expressed a similar level of hatred and/or anger or hell even Force choked her while she stood over him. I'll allow that maybe he wasn't fully "good" per se as he sat quietly resigned to his fate but if he had any darkness in his heart in that moment he sure wasn't showing it.

I chalk up Kylo's more muted reaction to the suddenness and severity of his injury. He basically got the same stab wound that killed Qui-Gon. He was not going to react like Anakin because he wasn't enraged to begin with. Kylo wasn't a Sith, and his rage level was altogether different than someone like Anakin, IMO. No one reacts like Anakin did in ROTS. :lol

That's why I saw him as basically a clean slate or an empty shell. Then the one two punch of Rey healing him and reconciling with his dad brought him fully back into the Light. But the turning from evil, I see that as only coming from Leia. I think it's a vast misinterpretation to say that her final act of heroism did nothing more than startle him so that he could be stabbed or that that would ever have even been his mother's goal.

This I just flat-out see differently than you. I think his being injured is what played the biggest role in his willingness to entertain a return to the light side, and then his ultimate transformation. It was a literal near-death experience; and those tend to be profound and transformative. I honestly don't see him turning if Rey hadn't stabbed him and forced him into that experience.

See you're claiming that my take doesn't have merit and that's what I'm talking about above. No big. But did I say that he "turned to the Light" the moment that Leia reached out to him? I can't remember and don't want to scroll back, lol. So if I did say that let me revise it to say "turned from the Dark." Because that's what I meant. I think there were those three important moments of Leia, Rey, and Han, with Leia being the catalyst to disconnect him from the Dark. And if that didn't happen, if he had just stayed the rage filled screaming and murderous Anakin right down to his last breath I think it's safe to say that Rey would have either been dead at his hand or at the very least wouldn't have had that moment of reflection and remorse that prevented *her* from fully embracing the Dark.

I think you're assigning more to his pausing than there's any evidence for. Like I said, I think that was Kylo being stunned by an out-of-the-blue Force connection like he was when Rey saw him in her hut and shot at him with her blaster. He didn't even reflexively defend himself like he did when a blaster was fired at him in the beginning of TFA (when he froze the bolt in midair). He just goes into a confused, and curious, mode of self-suspension.

There's enough similar precedence, even in just three movies, for me to chalk up Kylo's reaction to his mom reaching out to him as just Kylo being Kylo. If you think that was enough to turn him, even just away from the dark, that's up to you. I just don't see any compelling reason to believe that, so I classify your interpretation more along the lines of unsubstantiated conjecture. Not "wrong" per se, since it's an opinion, but just something without enough basis to be more than pure guessing.

Why does if have to be either/or? Can't I lie to myself *and* have a constructive discussion about silly movies on the internet? ;)


Well, I can't stop you anyway. Believe whatever you want to believe.
Because he's Palpatine that's why. :) It's no different than when he *interrupted* Luke finishing off Vader in ROTJ to start laughing and bragging about how Luke was about to become the very thing he hated most. Idiot! Just let Luke finish the job and *then* brag you moron, lol. But that's Palps for you.

I concede that asking why Palps doesn't possess Rey when he dies is a valid question, however I don't think it's a huge leap to think that it either didn't work because:

1. She wasn't resisting him out of anger or hatred which he indicated was a prerequisite for the ritual to work.
2. The arrival of the Jedi Spirits were a substantial enough barrier preventing his spirit from entering her body.
3. Super Dyad-powered Lightning Man was blasting Rey with such power that when it was reflected back at him it destroyed not only his physical form but his spirit as well which means there was nothing left to even try and possess Rey with.

I think that option #1 is the simplest and easiest assumption to make but it's kind of fun to allow for either of the other two.

Yeah it would have been crazy if they just kept going full "horror movie" right to the end and the big twist is that he *did* live on in Rey.

"Rey who?"

*She smiles*

"Rey Palpatine." (eyes turn yellow)


I thin the reason Rey didn't turn was simply because her force chastity belt was in place or Kylo had already impregnated her with a teleportation of super Dyad sperm. Or maybe Rey had already used Leia's lightsaber dildo and was satisfied beyond temptation.
However long his stupor would last has less to do (in my mind) with him turning good than it does with how he reacts to these moments of having startling Force experiences. We've seen him stunned to the point of being caught off guard in two straight movies. It didn't indicate a turn to the good in TLJ, and I don't think his initial stupor indicates a turning point in TROS either.

I chalk up Kylo's more muted reaction to the suddenness and severity of his injury. He basically got the same stab wound that killed Qui-Gon. He was not going to react like Anakin because he wasn't enraged to begin with. Kylo wasn't a Sith, and his rage level was altogether different than someone like Anakin, IMO. No one reacts like Anakin did in ROTS. :lol

This I just flat-out see differently than you. I think his being injured is what played the biggest role in his willingness to entertain a return to the light side, and then his ultimate transformation. It was a literal near-death experience; and those tend to be profound and transformative. I honestly don't see him turning if Rey hadn't stabbed him and forced him into that experience.

I think you're assigning more to his pausing than there's any evidence for. Like I said, I think that was Kylo being stunned by an out-of-the-blue Force connection like he was when Rey saw him in her hut and shot at him with her blaster. He didn't even reflexively defend himself like he did when a blaster was fired at him in the beginning of TFA (when he froze the bolt in midair). He just goes into a confused, and curious, mode of self-suspension.

There's enough similar precedence, even in just three movies, for me to chalk up Kylo's reaction to his mom reaching out to him as just Kylo being Kylo. If you think that was enough to turn him, even just away from the dark, that's up to you. I just don't see any compelling reason to believe that, so I classify your interpretation more along the lines of unsubstantiated conjecture. Not "wrong" per se, since it's an opinion, but just something without enough basis to be more than pure guessing.

IMO it's not just Leia's reaching out to him, but his sensing her death as a result of it that truly stunned him, and it was the catalyst for his return to the light. Rey didn't realize his change until after she impaled him with the lightsaber, which is why she then healed him. That act of kindness/forgiveness was IMO the extra nudge he needed to reject the dark side for good, which was symbolized by his do-over "conversation" with Han.
Everyone is praising the last 2 TCW episodes but for me they have really forced dialogue trying to tie it to ROTS.

It's 30 seconds of Kenobi telling Ahsoka about Dooku, Anakin's assignment to spy on Palpatine, and then saying he has a mission to Utapau. How is any of that forced? You say the tie in is bad, but when they make specific storylines to tie Maul/Ahsoka story into the period of ROTS, you claim that is then forced?


ObiWan is having discussions with Ashoka yet not once mentions her, her mission or Maul to anyone in ROTS not even Anakin asks for an update on her lol

When was he supposed to mention this? And why can't it be offscreen? This was made years after ROTS too, so why would that even be important?

You complain about this, but then have no complaints about how Palpatine is back, with no mention of his return? Come on. Get some better hater material.

YET the reviewers are now claiming that these 2 episodes have instantly made ROTS as good as ESB and that they are even better than any Mando episode.


No ROTS is now not as good as ESB due to these 2 cartoon episodes

Do you have a source for these claims?

Everything I've read never said anything of the sort, just that TCW had it's own ESB moment.

There is one article. Nothing saying TCW is better.
I watched this again last night. I stand by everything I said, the movie just goes by at light speed in a jumbled mess. But you know what, knowing what to expect, and turning my brain off a little I actually enjoyed large parts of it. It's almost similar to the prequels in a way, plenty of flaws, but ultimately enjoyable. And it does have flaws, lots of them, I'd have like to have seen a few things done differently, but it isn't bad. I have no desire to ever watch TLJ again, twice was two times too many. But this one I will likely revisit on occasion as I do every Star Wars movie.

TROS goes by even faster at 6x speed. But still not fast enough.

I told myself to watch it again with fresh eyes a week ago. I started with good intentions, but after around twenty minutes I hit the fast forward button.

These two were a serious waste of episodes that’s just completely inexplicable given that Filoni is in charge.
The time would’ve been better spent showing Anakins gradual erosion of confidence in the Jedi way and being undermined by the council.
As it stands his conversion to so much hate and darkness is too jarring in the RotS.

Id like to think Filoni lost a bet to Kennedy and had to give her control of 4 episodes, so f’n awful.
Great analysis. In fact I'd agree with it 100% if you only switched the word "prequels" with "ROTJ."


Oh sure I'm fine with that also, although I've always liked ROTJ quite a lot anyway, I never really got the dissatisfaction many fans had with that movie, although I was introduced to the OT as a whole when I was really young so the ramped up action in ROTJ made it a favorite of mine at the time, that switched to ESB as I matured but I never stopped liking ROTJ . I'm not ashamed to admit that I enjoy the prequels, but ROTJ is an much better movie than any of them which is why I used them as a comparison to this rather than any of the OT.