Correct, and according to her visions she would have failed not to mention the fact that she would have literally succumbed to the same temptation as Anakin and that is choosing to comply with the Emperor in order to save someone else, or in Rey's case save many others. Still the same playbook and we can easily deduce that Palpatine was lying about her being able to save her friends just like he was lying about Anakin being able to save Padme.
Nobody in the galaxy cares what George's revised "focus of the narrative is." So once again to repeat my initial comment that you've been arguing against: "If Ben didn't turn and go to Exegol Empress Palpatine would have taken the throne and all would have been lost. His turn was *literally more crucial to the fate of the galaxy than Vader's.*"
Once again, "fate of the galaxy." The galaxy doesn't care whether one random guy reconciles with his family or not. I'm talking about the size of the impact with regard to
the fate of the galaxy of Anakin's redemption vs. Ben Solo's. And Ben Solo turning from the Dark Side screwed over Palpatine's plans in a way that tangibly affected every living being in the galaxy much moreso than Anakin's did. Not because Ben's turn was individually more heroic, but rather the subpar writing of ROTJ made Anakin's heroism moot to all but him and Luke due to the fact that George had Han take the down the shields and Lando blow up the Death Star. So the damage was going to be done to the Empire whether Anakin turned or not.
Ben by contrast *minimally* prevented Palpatine from getting a new body (since Rey had agreed to the ritual) which would definitely have made things worse for the Resistance and that's allowing for him to have not simply killed Rey outright before she even got to Exegol.
Or just take him as a straight villain compared to Vader. Let's say for the sake of discussion that redemption wasn't even on the table. Stopping Kylo in some way shape or form was the only way to defeat Palpatine because Kylo offered the only path to Exegol. Stopping OT Vader? Not really as critical to winning the war because Palps could still be stopped militarily without defeating or redeeming Vader. It doesn't mean anyone has to like Kylo or claim that he's as memorable as Vader or anything but my point stands that as both a villain and a redeemed hero he played a more integral role in the fate of the galaxy than OT Vader.
Well not really. Since the "Skywalker Saga" is a Disney moniker and obviously Anakin isn't the main focus anymore. Which is a commendable correction IMO. But that's neither here nor there since the name of the Saga and who the IP holder claims is the main character has nothing to do with my prior comments about Kylo's role in turning the tide.
Yes I'm aware.
Rey's journey and Kylo's redemption. Just like the OT was about Luke's journey and Anakin's redemption.
No that was not the topic that started the back and forth. The topic was how Ben's redemption influenced the galactic conflict. I never said that the galactic conflict overshadowed every other narrative element, that's something that you assumed I said.
You're free to make that the central issue but it was not at all what I was even addressing. However it is an interesting (albeit totally separate) topic to discuss so I'm game.
Here's a big reason why I like Rey being the last person standing against Palpatine instead of Ben: It adds something fresh to the Saga. I never expected or even wanted the PT to just be this big "rhyme" with the OT where George just basically repeats all the same beats as the OT. I don't even like that he made so much of ROTJ a carbon copy of ANH. Then of course we have the ST continuing the "rhymes" even further and here we are.
So I never needed LFL to go "okay a Skywalker defeated the bad guy in the OT so that's what we have to do again!" I love that we have these similarities but then the narrative goes sideways (some would say off the rails) or in a completely different direction than you'd expect. I thought that was something that you liked about TLJ but maybe not anymore. I can definitely relate to going back and forth on that one. But to this day I freaking *love* how the Snoke throne room seemed like it was gonna be similar to the ROTJ throne room and then you've got what you think is the main bad guy dying halfway through the trilogy and the hero and villain teaming up and not in a "redeemed villain goes out in a blaze of glory with one act of heroism" kind of way either.
And I love how the twist of the TROS is that Rey *isn't* yet another Skywalker facing Palpatine so again we get something new (Palpatine facing his own insolent heir, awesome!) but then they still looped it back to her becoming an honorary Skywalker and giving the satisfaction of ending with that expectation fulfilled. Well for some of us obviously. That's basically what I want out of Star Wars. Keep me on my toes, even surprise me, but don't go so far off the rails that it doesn't end as a satisfying "Star Wars" story.
But I can't stress enough how I really don't care about George's "revised Saga of the Chosen One." I just don't. I would have even been okay with Rey saying "Rey Solo" or "Rey Palpatine" at the end. Both would have worked given her arc and she easily could have taken on the name of the guy who saved her or shown that she "isn't afraid of who she is" by just sticking with Palpatine. Though it'd be like someone today proudly saying "I'm so and so Hitler" so I get why she didn't, lol. Also "Solo" would have felt a little out of the blue to audiences even you could make a case for why she would have said that over Skywalker. My point is none of the names had to be Skywalker and none of them would have been a dealbreaker. Or even just not having that lady oddly show up at all and simply show Rey burying the sabers, nodding at Luke and Leia and looking to the suns with no dialogue at all. Honestly, whatever would have been fine though I'm definitely partial to the way it played out when all is said and done.
Because to me Star Wars is still just a serialized adventure tale about family conflict set against the backdrop of galactic war which is all George *originally* set out to do way back when. And the ST gave us that in spades.
I didn't mind him being conflicted but I did *not* want that conflict to him being redeemed so yes you are correct. I had my little fixation about wanting Rey to put on the Vader mask and stab him like Jason Voorhees and there was just no allowance for that scenario to play out where Voorhees is redeemed, lol. But TROS proved me wrong, so very wrong.
If you can find those posts sure, go ahead (though good luck with this site's crappy Search function.) They'd probably be a fun read. I may very well have changed my perspective on that scene as I did on several aspects of TLJ a number of times.