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TROS: "The ajp and Ducky Cut", lol


:lol :lol :lol :yess:

Holy ****, there's so much I love about that! :clap Easily one of my favorite memes ever posted here. And Leia's family council outfit is the slave bikini. :rotfl

I do feel bad for Rey there, though. She knows even Jar Jar was allowed into the family. That's rough! :lol

But I seriously think Luke looks kinda rad with Mace's Jedi robes.
The meme Luke does look awesome. I could see him wearing that kind of jedi outfit. Leia in the bikini would be very distracting though. With the George Lucas family lust history in Star Wars I bet Vader does a lot of meditating to Leia.
When Rey comes over next time, the Skywalkers will have her greeted by one of these:


"I'm Rey. Rey Sky . . . walk . . ."

[leaves sad]
Watching TCW Episode 10 right now. Just paused it after Obi-Wan reported to Ahsoka that Anakin killed Count Dooku and that he's about to head off to Utapau. Okay I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of getting chills that this is taking place *during* ROTS...

Woah what? no one said that. I'm ****ing watching this right now! OMG I dind't know that. That means they will show more insight into what happened
Woah what? no one said that. I'm ****ing watching this right now! OMG I dind't know that. That means they will show more insight into what happened

Yeah, the entire 4 episode arc takes place right before, during, and right after ROTS.

First two are out now, 3rd releases Friday, and the last episode of TCW releases May the 4th.
Damn that was some exciting ****. :rock

And was that

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that Maul was talking to? :yess:

Yup. Nice little tie in. In my head canon the person on the left is

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Don't know if know you this, but they had Ray Park do the mo-cap work for Maul too. That whole fight was mo-cap, which I thought was pretty well done.

After everything that went down in that episode, Maul almost comes off as an anti-hero for trying to do what he wanted to do... even if it was for selfish purpsoes.

And the ESB-esque moment was cool too.
Yeah I noticed the
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looking dude.

Okay that definitely explains why the saber duel was more cinematic and less cartoon choppy than we're used to seeing. Too bad they already filled in so much of the future timeline with Rebels. Imagine how much more exciting that would have been not knowing if Ahsoka or Maul would survive the fight.

What are you gonna do if they work in a vision of Rey or reference dyads or something, lol.

Yeah I noticed the
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looking dude.

Okay that definitely explains why the saber duel was more cinematic and less cartoon choppy than we're used to seeing. Too bad they already filled in so much of the future timeline with Rebels. Imagine how much more exciting that would have been not knowing if Ahsoka or Maul would survive the fight.

What are you gonna do if they work in a vision of Rey or reference dyads or something, lol.


Edit it out of my brain :lol. I wouldn't care though, it's been fantastic, so not gonna complain if they did.

But yeah, I agree, the fight would be way more suspenseful if we didn't know what went down in Rebels. But they did get me there for a moment when

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