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Opening day was nowhere near EG of course but the crowd I was with reacted positively and applauded at the end.

My top 3 loudest concerts were:

1. EG
2. Avengers 1
3. Judas Priest

The internet. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

:lol :lol

Dude... Why am I discussing any of this with you :lol

:lol :lol

I can see Ducky having a movie marathon with no movies lol

Found the theater TheDucky, aussiebottt and ironwez20 were at. :rotfl


Like my kids.... They hate broccoli, despite never having tasted broccoli ever.... :rotfl

Oh man truer words have never been spoken lol

Well that and Anakin is no longer the chosen one.


:lol :lol

Remember half these guys still haven't seen Raiders of the Lost Ark all the way through either, lol.

Raiders of the lost ducky viewings

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You think I sound like a girl? Lol

Anybody who dislikes the ST is a girl. Clearly everyone who likes it are big manly buff very secure men.

I can?t believe nobody pointed out the main thing about this vid. The reactions are from women. This new ST wanted to cater to them so bad and they hate it. I find that hilarious

Yup. I laughed at that too. Before the block bar, there was one guy walking out before it ended in disgust, rest were girls. But this was the market that Disney tried to get a larger share of and it backfired all while driving a chunk of their core base away. Truly a spectacular failure to piss off everyone on both sides.

Good. With your thorough knowledge of the movie, no doubt you've already b*tched about everything you possibly could regarding it. So we won't have to hear any more about it from you come May 5. :D

You ever see that early 00s PT hate site where it was like “100 reasons to hate The Phantom Menace” or “75 reasons to hate Revenge of the Sith”?

Just imagine my reply on May 5th like that.
Speaking of theater reactions in the Endgame thread, how was TROS theater reactions for those who seen it?

This would have been worth a $7 ticket

That comes across as faked to me. As in just some teens knowingly taking the piss out of Star Wars fans. Who actually cares that much to have embarrassing outbursts like that - in public.

The other reported reactions - silence - seem more plausible as public manifestations of disliking something.
My top 3 loudest concerts were:

1. EG
2. Avengers 1
3. Judas Priest

:lol :lol

:lol :lol

I can see Ducky having a movie marathon with no movies lol


Oh man truer words have never been spoken lol

Well that and Anakin is no longer the chosen one.


Raiders of the lost ducky viewings

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I laughed at the movie marathon but no movie line :lol

I’ve seen all of the Indiana Jones, Terminator, Aliens films though.... I’m caught up on the 80s :lol
I think T2 might actually need T1 more than ESB needs ANH. When the T-800 first shows up in T2, and with Sarah's extreme reaction, the emotional impact of that is diminished by not having seen T1. The entire background with Kyle Reese would be largely lost too. T2 can still stand on its own quite well with the prologue portion and in-film backstory exposition, but lots of emotion gets muted a bit.

But with ESB, the key emotional beats are covered in the movie itself since Luke never really squared off against Vader in ANH. The part about Kenobi telling Luke that Vader killed his dad? Covered by Luke's "He told me you killed him." Han leaving his friends and coming back for them? Kinda happens again on Hoth.

The weird things would be seeing the Force used without ANH context, along with the sacrifice of Obi-Wan (and his connection with Luke). I'd have to think about it more, but ESB might actually play out better than T2 as a stand-alone.

Now I want to watch all four movies again. :lol

I've said here before that I actually don't know which I saw first, T1 or T2.

T2 made me a major fan, I think that much I can be sure about. I was 9 at the time, maybe an ideal age for the scenario in that movie to appeal to. But in a way I think surely I must have seen T1 already because from so early on I did feel how it was a big deal when Sarah first sees the T-800 coming out of the elevator - or earlier when it is first confirmed that the T-800 is 'the good guy' and we're seeing a Terminator VS a Terminator for the first time.

Or I just retroactively applied these reactions after finally seeing T1. I honestly can't remember though.

As far as ANH VS ESB - I understand people's points about how ANH can stand on its own - but still I prefer watching ESB myself. I just like the - I'll say that word I hate - the content of ESB more.
I?m thoroughly content with your breakdown.


ANH and T1 are very much the same thing, both very raw

ESB and T2 are very much the same thing, both very refined

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You ever see that early 00s PT hate site where it was like ?100 reasons to hate The Phantom Menace? or ?75 reasons to hate Revenge of the Sith??

Just imagine my reply on May 5th like that.


How considerate of you to consolidate them for us. But then I'm sure we'd all be happy to page back & re-read all of your erudite TROS observations. Oh wait, that's the wrong word, isn't it? You would have actually had to SEE the movie to make OBSERVATIONS. :lol
You think I sound like a girl? Lol

Only in this thread :lol

Good. With your thorough knowledge of the movie, no doubt you've already b*tched about everything you possibly could regarding it. So we won't have to hear any more about it from you come May 5. :D


I?m thoroughly content with your breakdown.


ANH and T1 are very much the same thing, both very raw

ESB and T2 are very much the same thing, both
very refined

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Accept Empire isn't a
very refined
remake of Star Wars :chase

That's for a-dev ;)
Only in this thread :lol


Accept Empire isn't a
very refined
remake of Star Wars :chase

That's for a-dev ;)

Lol I picture you , khev and jye sounding like betty white when you defend the ST.

Like defending a bad grandchild who does everything wrong but you guys had good times in the past so your defend him still.
I've said many times I wouldn't be seeing TROS in theaters. Watching it in clips is fine. I still saw everything.

TLJ has set me up to enjoy this film as little as possible. It has nothing to do with me.

I saw every scene. Read the detailed summary. Looked on wookiepedia about stuff. Makes no difference if I haven't watched it in one sitting. No difference what so ever. The ST is irredeemable garbage to me. If I'm being honest, there is not one redeeming quality of these movies past the first few minutes in TFA and seeing Yoda again in TLJ... which was ruined a few seconds later. Everything that showed promised or peaked my interest was ****ing smashed by a boot by JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson, and Kathleen Kennedy. It was ruined with TLJ. Completely utterly blew up. Destroyed like Alderaan. It was ruined with TFA but I was initially too blind to see it. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that could have been done to redeem TROS. Not seeing it in theaters. Not writing it myself. I will never enjoy it because of what was done in the past that could never ever be fixed. They ruined Luke to me. Ruined Leia. Ruined Han. Ruined the Jedi. Ruined the PT. Ruined the OT. Garbage by association.

What emotional moment was there? :lol This trilogy was dead to me walking out of TLJ. Reylo :lol That demented thing? Come on. Seeing Lando again? Who cares. His friends are all dead! Not one scene together! Not one!

Finn becoming a Jedi? OH WAIT, HE DIDN'T.

A damn space horsie?

Seeing Palpatine who should be dead?

You underestimate my hate of this trilogy. I could go off with some expletive filled rant destroying these movies. Venting would probably be good.

They took something I loved. Something I invested 1000 of hours and dollars into. Something I enjoyed. Something I immensely looked forward too. And they ****ing murdered it right in front of me LIVE ON THE BIG SCREEN.


Nope sorry.. Reading about it and watching clips out of order after your mind is already made up is not the same as watching a film from beginning to end.

Hell freaking trailers keep movies from being fully enjoyable.

Like I said. I was right there with you. I had given up.

When I heard the Emperor was in it I thought it was a last ditch effort and sounded dumb. I hated Rey, Poe, Fin, and Rose after TLJ.. My interest in SW as a whole was gone. After 5 very sub par films I had just about thrown in the towel.

But I went in blind and gave it a chance and found it to be very enjoyable.

To come to a thread of a film you never saw and complain endlessly about it is truly one of the stranger things I have come by on this board.

You wonder why I say you have STDS. :lol

You can say there is no possible way you would have ever enjoyed the film without knowing anything about it and sitting down to watch it one time as it was meant to be seen.

The only thing that is for certain is that now we will never know.
I can?t believe nobody pointed out the main thing about this vid. The reactions are from women. This new ST wanted to cater to them so bad and they hate it. I find that hilarious

:lol :lol

That is funny. As much as I enjoyed TLJ. I really don't care for what KK has attempted to do to SW. So yep that clip is perfect.
Ducky, you shot yourself in your webbed foot.

You have to actually watch a film from start to finish to form an accurate judgment (even if your judgment actually happened to be correct without having watched it in full).

With a film as unwatchable as TROS it's obviously going to be a chore. That's why I gave up on my well intentioned re-watch and hit the fast forward button after about twenty minutes.
You ever see that early 00s PT hate site where it was like ?100 reasons to hate The Phantom Menace? or ?75 reasons to hate Revenge of the Sith??

Just imagine my reply on May 5th like that.


How considerate of you to consolidate them for us. But then I'm sure we'd all be happy to page back & re-read all of your erudite TROS observations. Oh wait, that's the wrong word, isn't it? You would have actually had to SEE the movie to make OBSERVATIONS. :lol

Man I can just imagine the Long rant Ducky is going to have about this film now that he has made sure there is no possible way to enjoy it.

I mean he has written really long post about a film he has never seen. Imagine how long it will be after he has seen it.

I cant wait to not read it.

Nope sorry.. Reading about it and watching clips out of order after your mind is already made up is not the same as watching a film from beginning to end.

Hell freaking trailers keep movies from being fully enjoyable.

Like I said. I was right there with you. I had given up.

When I heard the Emperor was in it I thought it was a last ditch effort and sounded dumb. I hated Rey, Poe, Fin, and Rose after TLJ.. My interest in SW as a whole was gone. After 5 very sub par films I had just about thrown in the towel.

But I went in blind and gave it a chance and found it to be very enjoyable.

To come to a thread of a film you never saw and complain endlessly about it is truly one of the stranger things I have come by on this board.

You wonder why I say you have STDS. :lol

You can say there is no possible way you would have ever enjoyed the film without knowing anything about it and sitting down to watch it one time as it was meant to be seen.

The only thing that is for certain is that now we will never know.

Can one truly get an STD without at least going through the sex act? I mean reading everything about it doesn't give you herpes. :panic: I'm just messing with you about STDS since it sounds so funny. Ducky watch the damn movie and make up your own opinions. I watched it and there are some things I like even though for me the sequel trilogy is not cannon and not something I will watch a lot I made up my mind on it on my own. I like the discussions with everyone here to see what they like and don't like but they still don't make up my mind for me.
Lol . Ducky watches the movie and then pulls a khev and starts to say it flows nicely and switches sides and starts to bash the PT. I?d laugh my ass off
Lol . Ducky watches the movie and then pulls a khev and starts to say it flows nicely and switches sides and starts to bash the PT. I?d laugh my ass off

Honestly that's the only hope he has of gaining the slightest shred of credibility at this point, lol.

That would be amazing for the entertainment value alone. I can see his new avatar already:
