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You have to remember that for every hardcore SW geek that you find in movie and collectible forums there are a ton more non SW movie and collectible geeks out there a ton more!

If there were then geek movies would have 5 billion box office numbers for every big movie.

Marketing to non geeks is even more important for studios than marketing for hardcore geeks.

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Yeah.. All the hardcore geeks already own these films multiple times on physical media.
Poor ajp he must be experiencing dyad hallucinations everywhere he goes...


:lol :lol

I lol'd at one of the comments under the new trailer saying that they love how the last three movies make it so that the first six movies are now about a guy who almost did something, lol. Poor ajp...
New trailer announcing the full Skywalker Saga on Disney+:

That was fun!

I'm ready to watch them all on Disney + right after I finish them all on 4k Blu Ray :lol

It is too bad that there was not a better name for the 9 films then the Skywalker saga. Because of the Epilogue feel of the ST and its focus on new characters over the old ones it really does feel more like the name should have been just "The Star Wars Saga" Granted they could not name it that because of that would confuse the hell out of people when new SW movies keep coming out.

How about "The Chosen One, no its not Anakin, Saga" ?
That was fun!

I'm ready to watch them all on Disney + right after I finish them all on 4k Blu Ray :lol


It is too bad that there was not a better name for the 9 films then the Skywalker saga. Because of the Epilogue feel of the ST and its focus on new characters over the old ones it really does feel more like the name should have been just "The Star Wars Saga" Granted they could not name it that because of that would confuse the hell out of people when new SW movies keep coming out.

How about "The Chosen One, no its not Anakin, Saga" ?

:lol "The Misread, the Prophecy Might Have Been Saga," lol.

I would have been fine with the 9 episodic films simply being known as "The Star Wars Saga" and then other stuff just getting their own names "The Old Republic Trilogy," "High Republic Dumpster Fire," etc.
Poor ajp he must be experiencing dyad hallucinations everywhere he goes...


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:lol :lol

I lol'd at one of the comments under the new trailer saying that they love how the last three movies make it so that the first six movies are now about a guy who almost did something, lol. Poor ajp...

You jerks. :lol I was gonna say it's actually "poor George" too, but if someone paid me $4 billion to take a dump on my story, I think I'd be doing just fine.

Seriously, though, does anyone in TROS actually bother to explain the purpose/significance of a Dyad? Two Force users being bonded for what reason that a single person (like Force baby Anakin) couldn't serve?

All the combined Dyad did was get siphoned by Palpatine to turn him super-charged. Was that what the Force intended? FFS, what a convoluted way to fulfill destiny through the will of the Force. :lol

It's more like JJ said, "Boy, I don't think I went far enough in copying OT beats; I should've made Ben and Rey separated twins. I'll just sorta do a make-good on that in TROS."

I hope this stuff comes across better to me on May 4th. But I'll need to clear the room of sharp objects and strong household chemicals before watching it.

It is too bad that there was not a better name for the 9 films then the Skywalker saga.

It was a perfectly suitable name for a while. Parts 1-3: the tortured family drama begins. Parts 4-6: the father and his offspring. Parts 7-8: the offspring and the grandchild. Part 9: Dyad.

Poor me. :(

How about "The Chosen One, no its not Anakin, Saga" ?

"The Misread, the Prophecy Might Have Been Saga," lol.

Part of me knows that those are actually pretty damn funny. :lol
I think of ANH vs. ESB in a somewhat similar way that I think some people view Terminator vs. T2.

If someone said that T2 is a superior film to T1, I wouldn't argue that (much ;)). But for me, T1 is more genuine and inspired. The fact that it's less polished and more raw works in its favor for me. If I could only keep one copy of one movie from each franchise, I think I'd go with ANH and the first Terminator. Even though I clearly recognize areas where the sequels outdo the original.

Somewhere in Ireland....


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:lol :lol :lol

Your insight serves you well.

I actually have no objections. T2 needs T1, T1 doesn't need T2. I love both so I don't care which way others would vote. As long as no one puts any other Terminator film above either of those I'm good.
You have to remember that for every hardcore SW geek that you find in movie and collectible forums there are a ton more non SW movie and collectible geeks out there a ton more!

If there were then geek movies would have 5 billion box office numbers for every big movie.

Marketing to non geeks is even more important for studios than marketing for hardcore geeks.

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I think what would be better if they put a new set of the saga including all the bonus content from all nine films or the Lucas unedited directors cuts for the OT on D+

That?s something they can promote ..not this , especially in this crappy time in society..Disney should reward us this way :lecture
:lol "The Misread, the Prophecy Might Have Been Saga," lol.

:lol :lol

I would have been fine with the 9 episodic films simply being known as "The Star Wars Saga" and then other stuff just getting their own names "The Old Republic Trilogy," "High Republic Dumpster Fire," etc.

I know nothing of this High Republic other then what has been briefly mentioned here... Sounds great :lol
:lol :lol :lol

Your insight serves you well.

I actually have no objections. T2 needs T1, T1 doesn't need T2. I love both so I don't care which way others would vote. As long as no one puts any other Terminator film above either of those I'm good.

I think T2 might actually need T1 more than ESB needs ANH. When the T-800 first shows up in T2, and with Sarah's extreme reaction, the emotional impact of that is diminished by not having seen T1. The entire background with Kyle Reese would be largely lost too. T2 can still stand on its own quite well with the prologue portion and in-film backstory exposition, but lots of emotion gets muted a bit.

But with ESB, the key emotional beats are covered in the movie itself since Luke never really squared off against Vader in ANH. The part about Kenobi telling Luke that Vader killed his dad? Covered by Luke's "He told me you killed him." Han leaving his friends and coming back for them? Kinda happens again on Hoth.

The weird things would be seeing the Force used without ANH context, along with the sacrifice of Obi-Wan (and his connection with Luke). I'd have to think about it more, but ESB might actually play out better than T2 as a stand-alone.

Now I want to watch all four movies again. :lol
Don’t know why everyone is talking about T1 and T2 in this thread.

Everyone knows Terminator Salvation is the best.
That was fun!

I'm ready to watch them all on Disney + right after I finish them all on 4k Blu Ray :lol

It is too bad that there was not a better name for the 9 films then the Skywalker saga. Because of the Epilogue feel of the ST and its focus on new characters over the old ones it really does feel more like the name should have been just "The Star Wars Saga" Granted they could not name it that because of that would confuse the hell out of people when new SW movies keep coming out.

How about "The Chosen One, no its not Anakin, Saga" ?

You know how they could have made that name work?

By focusing on the Skywalkers.
Lol comment sections are ripping that Skywalker box set apart for adding the ST. Damn you?d never think a few yrs ago the force awakens was so hype and fans couldn?t wait for more......... damn
Poor ajp he must be experiencing dyad hallucinations everywhere he goes...


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Ugh.... I miss Starbucks.... :rotfl It's been a month and a half since all establishments closed down here. I've been living on canned coffee ever since. :D
Speaking of theater reactions in the Endgame thread, how was TROS theater reactions for those who seen it?

This would have been worth a $7 ticket
