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Like me, the audience at my one and only viewing just sat there in stunned “WTAF just happened” silence :lol

(This is the one live-action SW movie I’ve only seen once in theatres but it’s not totally TROS’ fault - I was already looking to jump off after the Skywalker Saga)
Lol comment sections are ripping that Skywalker box set apart for adding the ST. Damn you?d never think a few yrs ago the force awakens was so hype and fans couldn?t wait for more......... damn

The internet. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Speaking of theater reactions in the Endgame thread, how was TROS theater reactions for those who seen it?

This would have been worth a $7 ticket

Wow.. Listen to all the angry teen girls having a fit.. JJ must have done something right :lol

Does this mean the ones that don't like it on this board are teenage girls or do they just have the mentality of teenage girls ;)

You all know I kid :)

Opening day was nowhere near EG of course but the crowd I was with reacted positively and applauded at the end.

I was there on Saturday, opening weekend. Sold out crowed and people applauded.

Like I have said, I have only met one person that I know in real life that did not like this film.. She was really upset that the force was more of a bloodline thing and not a "Broom boy" thing. Which is weird because she hated TLJ also.

But every long time Star Wars fan I know really enjoyed the film... Most of them, like me, were not huge fans of the first and hated the 2nd.

IDK.. There isa great disturbance in the force for sure.
It is decided. May 5th is the day I finally see TROS in full. Don't know if I want to watch TFA and TLJ over again though. Is TLJ on Disney+? I think I have an unopened blu-ray of it thrown in the basement somewhere...

May the force be with me.
You know how they could have made that name work?

By focusing on the Skywalkers.

Yeah get yeah.. But it did focus on a bunch of Skywalker's. Ben, Luke, and Leia.

IDK.. I just don't care that it didn't focus on the OT characters. I was glad they were there and I wish they let them have one last adventure in TFA.. But for me Star Wars has always been... Well Star Wars.. No Skywalkers in RO and that feels more like SW then TPM, AOTC, ROTS, TFA, and TLJ.

While I enjoyed the PT much more with my last viewing I felt no connection to Anakin at all. I blame much of this on the fact that George started Anakin so young and had to change actors and that he made him so unlikable in AOTC. I think Ben Solo was a far more interesting character and embodied more of what George was hoping for in his Anakin.

Because of my lack of connection and pretty much shared screen time with Ewan the PT always felt more like Obi Wan's story.

Hell even TCW feels more like
and Obi Wan's story rather then Anakin's. But that might be because I have season 5 more fresh in my head then the previous 4 seasons.

So I really have no issue any SW film breaking away from the Skywalker family.

However I really do only want any future SW movies to take place during the same time frame of the 9 films. I don't know if I can be made to care about events 500 years before TPM or after TROS
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Yeah get yeah.. But it did focus on a bunch of Skywalker's. Ben, Luke, and Leia.

IDK.. I just don't care that it didn't focus on the OT characters. I was glad they were there and I wish they let them have one last adventure in TFA.. But for me Star Wars has always been... Well Star Wars.. No Skywalkers in RO and that feels more like SW then TPM, AOTC, ROTS, TFA, and TLJ.

While I enjoyed the PT much more with my last viewing I felt no connection to Anakin at all. I blame much of this on the fact that George started Anakin so young and had to change actors and that he made him so unlikable in AOTC. I think Ben Solo was a far more interesting character and embodied more of what George was hoping for in his Anakin.

Because of my lack of connection and pretty much shared screen time with Ewan the PT always felt more like Obi Wan's story.

Hell even TCW feels more like Asoka and Obi Wan's story rather then Anakin's. But that might be because I have season 5 more fresh in my head then the previous 4 seasons.

So I really have no issue any SW film breaking away from the Skywalker family.

However I really do only want any future SW movies to take place during the same time frame of the 9 films. I don't know if I can be made to care about events 500 years before TPM or after TROS

Yep, like I said as well I'm fine with SW simply being a serialized anthology of three separate trilogies each with their own main protagonist (Anakin/Luke/Rey) loosely connected by family and wars that span three generations.

I agree about the connection to Anakin in the PT. The best parts of ROTS IMO are after Anakin turns and the focus shifts to Obi-Wan for the final third of the film. So Rey isn't even the first character to steal Anakin's thunder since George himself had Obi-Wan taking the reigns of the entire trilogy by the time it was done.

And yeah ask anyone who the main character of TCW is and they'll say Asohka (which again I have no problem with.) It's a big galaxy. Room for lots of characters to have their time in the limelight.
Yup. Only watched clips. Read a detailed summary. Never saw the full thing in full in one sitting. May 5th will be the first and last time.

Ok I have to come back to this... I cant believe that you have been expressing an opinion on a film you never saw.

Reading a detailed summary is nothing like watching the movie in the theaters.. Watching clips does nothing to help with the first time enjoyment of a film.

You got yourself so worked up to hate it and so much investment in your hate of the film you could end up enjoying it but never admit it here or even to yourself.

I say all of this because I was with you. I did not like TFA. I hated, HATED TLJ. I was not excited for the sequel and thought the trailers looked meh... But i ended up loving it.

Anything that may have been an interesting emotional moment for you is ruined by reading a detail summary and then watching clips.. OMG and then come here and ***** about a movie you have never seen?

This is a first. I have never heard of someone spending this much time on a movie thread about something they never seen.

I'm not mad at you Ducky.. Just frustrated. Because you have completely set yourself up to enjoy this film as little as possible.

:( :( :(
This is a first. I have never heard of someone spending this much time on a movie thread about something they never seen.

I'm not mad at you Ducky.. Just frustrated. Because you have completely set yourself up to enjoy this film as little as possible.

:( :( :(

Like my kids.... They hate broccoli, despite never having tasted broccoli ever.... :rotfl
Dude... Why am I discussing any of thi with you :lol

I've said many times I wouldn't be seeing TROS in theaters. Watching it in clips is fine. I still saw everything.

Ok I have to come back to this... I cant believe that you have been expressing an opinion on a film you never saw.

Reading a detailed summary is nothing like watching the movie in the theaters.. Watching clips does nothing to help with the first time enjoyment of a film.

You got yourself so worked up to hate it and so much investment in your hate of the film you could end up enjoying it but never admit it here or even to yourself.

I say all of this because I was with you. I did not like TFA. I hated, HATED TLJ. I was not excited for the sequel and thought the trailers looked meh... But i ended up loving it.

Anything that may have been an interesting emotional moment for you is ruined by reading a detail summary and then watching clips.. OMG and then come here and ***** about a movie you have never seen?

This is a first. I have never heard of someone spending this much time on a movie thread about something they never seen.

I'm not mad at you Ducky.. Just frustrated. Because you have completely set yourself up to enjoy this film as little as possible.

:( :( :(

TLJ has set me up to enjoy this film as little as possible. It has nothing to do with me.

I saw every scene. Read the detailed summary. Looked on wookiepedia about stuff. Makes no difference if I haven't watched it in one sitting. No difference what so ever. The ST is irredeemable garbage to me. If I'm being honest, there is not one redeeming quality of these movies past the first few minutes in TFA and seeing Yoda again in TLJ... which was ruined a few seconds later. Everything that showed promised or peaked my interest was ****ing smashed by a boot by JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson, and Kathleen Kennedy. It was ruined with TLJ. Completely utterly blew up. Destroyed like Alderaan. It was ruined with TFA but I was initially too blind to see it. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, that could have been done to redeem TROS. Not seeing it in theaters. Not writing it myself. I will never enjoy it because of what was done in the past that could never ever be fixed. They ruined Luke to me. Ruined Leia. Ruined Han. Ruined the Jedi. Ruined the PT. Ruined the OT. Garbage by association.

What emotional moment was there? :lol This trilogy was dead to me walking out of TLJ. Reylo :lol That demented thing? Come on. Seeing Lando again? Who cares. His friends are all dead! Not one scene together! Not one!

Finn becoming a Jedi? OH WAIT, HE DIDN'T.

A damn space horsie?

Seeing Palpatine who should be dead?

You underestimate my hate of this trilogy. I could go off with some expletive filled rant destroying these movies. Venting would probably be good.

They took something I loved. Something I invested 1000 of hours and dollars into. Something I enjoyed. Something I immensely looked forward too. And they ****ing murdered it right in front of me LIVE ON THE BIG SCREEN.

I relate so much to Kylo Ren.


Han is the ST. The only way to be free of this anger and pain is to kill the ST. Which I can't. I can only not accept it.

Found the theater TheDucky, aussiebottt and ironwez20 were at. :rotfl

I would have gone to see it in theaters if I got that reaction. I'd be right there with them.

Don't do it. It's 2 hours of your life you will never get back.

It's something that must be done, just once.

Besides, I literally have nothing else to do :lol

Let's just say it took a pandemic to get me to see TROS.
Speaking of theater reactions in the Endgame thread, how was TROS theater reactions for those who seen it?

This would have been worth a $7 ticket

I can?t believe nobody pointed out the main thing about this vid. The reactions are from women. This new ST wanted to cater to them so bad and they hate it. I find that hilarious