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Dude I think I am pretty sure I like TROS a lot more then ROTJ.

Time will tell but at least the acting will always hold up for the most part.

I don't know if I ever had a problem with you like TROS thrown room over ROTJ thrown room. I always loved all that in TROS... But Yes... Yes I can see why :lol

Maybe this is why the ST did not feel like it ruined the OT cast for me. ROTJ already did it. Say what you want about what they became story wise.. At least as actors they gave it their best and put in good performances.

That's exactly what I've been saying! :clap People carry on like the "OT" was this perfect untouchable thing when it was always just SW and ESB. ROTJ had some great moments and we accept it overall because it's what we grew up with but man it was such a turnaround for such prior badasses like Vader, Han, and Fett. And that lull in the middle between Dagobah and the Ewok Village is almost prequel bad. Then when I heard what Lucas and Kurtz had at least partially planned with the twins facing Palpatine in Episode IX before Lucas threw it out and it left even more of a bad taste in my mouth. So the ending of ROTJ was never this sacred thing that could never be undone for me and I finally got what I wanted with TROS.
I don't think I could ever get past Han and Leia's only child turning to the dark side and becoming possibly more of a mass-murderer than even Vader. That really puts the kibosh on whatever happiness the characters had post-ROTJ.

Nah. Don't like it.

Well...I don't think you've ever claimed that the quality of a movie is a *foregone conclusion* based on what came before, *especially* if there's a change of director from film to film. That's why hope springs eternal for every new horrible Terminator flick, lol. And I know that you had disallowed the ST to be in your personal canon prior to TROS but I'm guessing that you still went in hoping and open for it to still be good and/or entertaining in its own right and then *actually watched the movie itself* before coming to your final conclusions.

Yyyeah but on the basis of TFA and TLJ not being canon to me I was 99% sure that TROS also wasn't going to be canon because its foundations were wholly unacceptable to me. As far as hoping to have a good time at the cinema, sure, although even that didn't come to pass because turns out you really need to have at least some investment in what's going on and the characters you're watching. With TFA, well, it was a sequel to ROTJ after so long. Han, Chewie, Leia, the Millenium Falcon! With TLJ we finally got to Luke. But by TROS they're all dead or have become the property of newb Rey and I just didn't care about anything...or anybody. I was quite the mercenary. :wink1:
That's exactly what I've been saying! :clap People carry on like the "OT" was this perfect untouchable thing when it was always just SW and ESB. ROTJ had some great moments and we accept it overall because it's what we grew up with but man it was such a turnaround for such prior badasses like Vader, Han, and Fett. And that lull in the middle between Dagobah and the Ewok Village is almost prequel bad. Then when I heard what Lucas and Kurtz had at least partially planned with the twins facing Palpatine in Episode IX before Lucas threw it out and it left even more of a bad taste in my mouth. So the ending of ROTJ was never this sacred thing that could never be undone for me and I finally got what I wanted with TROS.

Luke gifting his Xwing for Rey to go to Exogol was a great connection to that original idea.

Luke Xwing was involved when ObiWan spoke to him during the heat of battle in ANH then ESB and now it was there on Exogol!

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Luke gifting his Xwing for Rey to go to Exogol was a great connection to that original idea.

Luke Xwing was involved when ObiWan spoke to him during the heat of battle in ANH then ESB and now it was there on Exogol!

Absolutely and I love how it also connects to TFA with her sitting in the sand wearing an OT X-Wing helmet thinking about her family and then later for her final journey to go face her one remaining family member she is wearing the exact same kind of helmet.
Absolutely and I love how it also connects to TFA with her sitting in the sand wearing an OT X-Wing helmet thinking about her family and then later for her final journey to go face her one remaining family member she is wearing the exact same kind of helmet.

While leaning up against an AtAt no less!

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I know right. Boy setting her up as someone who spent her life climbing around the inside of OT Empire wreckage sure paid off in TROS didn't it.

That TFA scene is her destiny right in front of her eyes looking thru an Xwing helmet that she wore on her way to Exogol and being blessed by Luke to deal with her heritage and that buried AtAt she is leaning on is literally a hidden Palpatine who buried his fleet!

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It's not about changing anyone's opinion about a movie from positive to negative or vice versa since that can't really be done just by discussing it. You either like something or you don't. But dissecting the specifics of what worked and what didn't can be fun, especially if someone's take helps you put a finger on what you didn't like better or helps you to appreciate something even more.

Yes I'm well aware of what you are claiming. I just happen to think it's nonsense. A good episode is a good episode, regardless of what came before. X-Men 3 and X-Men Origins were garbage then DOFP was great. Age of Apocalypse was absolutely hot garbage and then Logan was awesome. "Nope Logan followed AoA so I know it's crap." Ridiculous. We went from Vader the idiot in ROTS to Vader the badass in RO. TCW was lame for six and a half seasons and now all of a sudden with two episodes it's sweet. That's how it can always go, you never know.

I think what is nonsense is pretending that you need to see any other movie to understand Logan or other episodes for TCW. I barely remember those other X-Men movies, so I have nothing to say about those.

TCW jumps around the timeline in it's own show. Show is done by arcs as well, which very few are actually connecting. The only thing you need to know is that Ahsoka is Anakin's padawan and Maul is alive. That's it. There is no where near the same self reliance on past episodes as it is for the ST. And TCW was pretty good. There were episodes just as good, or at least near, these last two imo. You just need to know what to watch and what to skip as there are episodes that are clearly just child oriented.

As far as Logan, you don't need anything to watch it. You can jump right in and understand with very limited knowledge. You can't do that with the ST. Logan isn't tainted by any past movie, TROS is.

I would honestly have to go back and rewatch to recommend anything as i can't really recall specific episodes. I think I have seen all of them at one time or another, I used to watch them with my nephew. Most of the time I enjoyed the dynamic between Ahsoka and Anakin, again taking into consideration the context of it being a kid's show. But I agree there were some annoying parts too like kid Fett. I also remember liking some of the stuff they did with Maul and Kenobi too, both together and independently. And I really liked Captain Rex. It's not ever dethroning the OT or coming close to The Mandalorian level of entertainment but I usually found it to be fun way to kill 25 minutes with my nephew.

I might try to watch it start to finish on Disney + now that new content is out there. I haven't seen the new stuff people are raving about yet.

If you rewatch it, I'd suggest watching it in chronological order and not just by seasonal order. It doesn't really matter if you don't, as things will still be easily understandable, I just think it is a better experience.

Watching ROTJ this last time I was kind of LOLing at the celebration of all the planets at the end thinking.. Well Palps is still around and a new Empire is about to come about... I find myself thinking about everyone who hate that the ST ruin this ending... And I get it.. but two things.

1. All the crap in the ST does not start to happen for probably about IDK like 20 years.. So that's 20 years of a happiness.

2. Since George changed everything around and said he wanted the series to be about the redemption of Anakin Skywalker. Well the film Succeeded in doing that so the ST does not make the events of ROTJ irrelevant.

In the special editions, I like to think you can hear Jar Jar cheering at the end of ROTJ celebration... "Wesa Free!!!"

Han became a space NASCAR driver and lost the falcon while Leia was a struggling politician as Luke was a failed Jedi. Still lame.

I don't think I could ever get past Han and Leia's only child turning to the dark side and becoming possibly more of a mass-murderer than even Vader. That really puts the kibosh on whatever happiness the characters had post-ROTJ.

Nah. Don't like it.

I'd say he was a more of a mass murderer. Vader only helped blow up one one planet, Kylo blew up like 7 and helped kill trillions.
Well I don't know what to tell you I posted it all before in what worked for me and fixed the issues that i had with the first two.. Mostly Rey being a Mary Sue for no damn reason.. But with Palps as her grandfather it helped me swallow it all. I know you don't like the Dyad download thing but I was fine with that also. Han's goodbye to the Universe was done better, Poe was more like his TFA self and not TLJ. I actually like Luke in TLJ but it was good to hear him admit he was wrong.

My biggest issue with TFA was the all too powerful Rey. But there was an awakening and by the end of the series it made more sense. Also Kylo pretty much handles her in until the end and he was wounded. Kylo really handles her in TROS so as powerful as she is her saber skills are still no match for Kylo.. Which I should say that was another thing that saved it for me.. Kylo broke her down in a saber duel.

The film was fun and adventurous much like ANH with a darker ending like ESB.

So yeah.. The film saved the series as a whole for me. Now does that mean I suddenly like TFA and TLJ that much more.. IDK yet. I have yet to watch them since I watched this film. I know I have watched parts of them and there are still things I don't like. The look and Feel of TFA drives me crazy. It has a Star Trek the Next Generation feel to it and I hate it. I have always like the first 1/2 hour or so and Han is good in it until he uneventful feeling death. As for TLJ... I don't know if I can ever come to really like it. I like Luke in it and some of the Kylo and Rey stuff but that is about it.. I don't like about 65 - 70% of the film.

But hey I can enjoy the PT overall even though AOTC is an abomination and I can enjoy the OT even though ROTJ...??

Which leads me too

No it doesn?t make sense why she?s so powerful and it still doesn?t . Skywalker line is stronger than palpatine and they still needed training. Rey could beat a seasoned Sith with ease , and do jedi kind tricks. Nah. Guess we are going to never agree on that. It?s poor writing to me. What you mean her saver skills are no match? She beat him in every encounter they had.

I don?t care if he got distracted. If your fighting and someone distracts you and you get knocked out you lose. She caused a large scar on his face. Come on
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You really think TCW is bad? It's a cartoon intended for children with some pretty decent SW content. Of course some episodes are much stronger than others. Anyway it's just a fun kids show, and a much better representation of the Star Wars universe than the ST.

It doesn?t have OT call backs or the ot cast so it?s not as good. Been watching season 7 and it?s miles better than anything the ST put out. Plot, characters and action. I think Star Wars should be relegated to just tv now. That way they can do better stories.

Mandolorian?s back must hurt so hard for carrying Star Wars this long
I don't think I could ever get past Han and Leia's only child turning to the dark side and becoming possibly more of a mass-murderer than even Vader. That really puts the kibosh on whatever happiness the characters had post-ROTJ.

Nah. Don't like it.

I can understand that.

In the special editions, I like to think you can hear Jar Jar cheering at the end of ROTJ celebration... "Wesa Free!!!"

Han became a space NASCAR driver and lost the falcon while Leia was a struggling politician as Luke was a failed Jedi. Still lame.

yes to Jar jar at the end. No to Han, Leia and Luke. At least not for 19 years after ROTJ. When Kylo turned 15 is when it all went to ****

No it doesn?t make sense why she?s so powerful and it still doesn?t . Skywalker line is stronger than palpatine and they still needed training. Rey could beat a seasoned Sith with ease , and do jedi kind tricks. Nah. Guess we are going to never agree on that. It?s poor writing to me. What you mean her saver skills are no match? She beat him in every encounter they had.

Yeah we will never agree. That's cool. I get your issues.

She beats a wounded Kylo in TFA after calling on the force.. But before that she is outmatched and he is not even trying to kill her. I know you dont like that "calling on the force thing" and I didnt either until the Palps reveal which for me made it forgivable.

I don't consider TROS a victory. Kylo had her beat and was about to kill her.

Which leads to

I don?t care if he got distracted. If your fighting and someone distracts you and you get knocked out you lose. She caused a large scar on his face. Come on

Lets not pretend that Leia is just a distraction.... And the point is who was better with the Saber... She was no match for him in TROS.
It doesn?t have OT call backs or the ot cast so it?s not as good. Been watching season 7 and it?s miles better than anything the ST put out. Plot, characters and action. I think Star Wars should be relegated to just tv now. That way they can do better stories.

Mandolorian?s back must hurt so hard for carrying Star Wars this long

I have not watched season 7 yet.. looking forward to watching it. As for quality I think its highs are very high and its lows are very low. I think its best shows are much better then the PT and much of the ST also.

I don't get the love thrown on the Mandolorian. Many of the issues people have with Rey could be thrown at baby Yoda but he is really cute and looks like Yoda so I guess he gets a pass.

Its a decent show.. Don't get me wrong but some of the episodes are pretty average at best.

Hoping the 2nd season with an established villain grabs me a little more. I really think that's my biggest issue with the show was the lack of an interesting villain.
This is pretty funny.

We give Luke and his Jedi training a pretty big pass also.

You have to assume he got plenty of training with Yoda but the official Lucasfilm claim of 18 months is a bit much to accept.

Plus Luke going from getting owned by Vader to just toying with him after about 6 months to a year is a pretty big leap also.

Of course this is nothing like Rey just feeling the force and beating Kylo... But it does show that becoming a jedi is pretty easy and not as hard as the PT tried to make it out to be :lol
It should piss off everyone here, if you are a fan of OT Star Wars anyway.

She sucks for lying for sure.., At the same time screw GL who was busy changing the OT for the worst (including characters) in the SE... and creating plot holes and pussifying an OT character in the PT

He should have got off his damn ass and made them himself... Then we could all ***** in unity lol