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I can understand that.

yes to Jar jar at the end. No to Han, Leia and Luke. At least not for 19 years after ROTJ. When Kylo turned 15 is when it all went to ****

Yeah we will never agree. That's cool. I get your issues.

She beats a wounded Kylo in TFA after calling on the force.. But before that she is outmatched and he is not even trying to kill her. I know you dont like that "calling on the force thing" and I didnt either until the Palps reveal which for me made it forgivable.

I don't consider TROS a victory. Kylo had her beat and was about to kill her.

Which leads to

Lets not pretend that Leia is just a distraction.... And the point is who was better with the Saber... She was no match for him in TROS.

No . Again . He still lost that fight. No matter how you swing it or make excuses for it. He lost. If your fighting and your mom distracts you that?s pathetic.
She sucks for lying for sure.., At the same time screw GL who was busy changing the OT for the worst (including characters) in the SE... and creating plot holes and pussifying an OT character in the PT

He should have got off his damn ass and made them himself... Then we could all ***** in unity lol

I agree he should of done it himself but Atleast he has direction. It?s not his fault he didn?t want to please raging OT fans who didn?t want change and wanted the same old resistance v empire bs. Yea it was executed poorly but atleast it wasn?t a half baked version of what came before. Also I like how you say he made the OT characters bad but can excuse whale tit squeezing Luke and his defeatist attitude. The ST was worse than what Lucas could of done
She sucks for lying for sure.., At the same time screw GL who was busy changing the OT for the worst (including characters) in the SE... and creating plot holes and pussifying an OT character in the PT

Exactly. If you want to play the "it should piss off everyone here" card then you need to start with ROTJ. You don't get to be an "OT purist" without overlooking flaws just like those of us who like the PT and/or ST. If SW needed to be perfect then I'd forsake everything after ESB. But the ST doesn't commit any greater sins than ROTJ already did way back when. "Flawed but fun" is an acceptable alternative to "perfection" when it comes to SW.
She sucks for lying for sure.., At the same time screw GL who was busy changing the OT for the worst (including characters) in the SE... and creating plot holes and pussifying an OT character in the PT

He should have got off his damn ass and made them himself... Then we could all ***** in unity lol

I can agree with most, if not all of this. At least to an extent.
No . Again . He still lost that fight. No matter how you swing it or make excuses for it. He lost. If your fighting and your mom distracts you that?s pathetic.

Well he didn't loose the fight because he got outdueled.. We can agree on that right?

If you think its just "Your mom distracting you" and that there was not something more at play then I think you are being intellectually dishonest.

Whatever happened when Leia reached out shook him to his core to the point that he dropped his saber. You don't do that just because you got a tap on the shoulder
The Kheveration has gone too far this time :thud:


This is from my post last night. Its my ROTJ thoughts that I wrote down after watching it for the first time in seven years. Its a problematic film for sure and a HUGE drop off in quality from ANH and ESB.

I just watche ROTJ in 4K - Picture detail and sound was nice. As for the film.

Hmmmmmm... I really have a love hate relationship with this film. When I was younger I always liked it but thought it was the weakest of the OT by far.

Then I went through a period of hating it.

Then I kind of liked it again.

But this last viewing I had tonight

Most of it has to do with the pace. I think that other then AOTC this might be the most boring SW film and I think its as boring as it is because other then Ian as Palps and Billy D as Lando? Everyone under acts in this film or does not even really try.

Mark Hamill is a bore as Serious Luke

Carrie Fisher is just awful as Coked up Leia. Man she can not deliver a line in this film, The scene with her and Luke talking about her being his sister and all rivals anything between Anakin and Padme in the PT.. Its so awful and most of it is because of Fisher. The writing does not help as this is a big moment for Leia.. Luke's her brother, Vader is her father and all she can muster is "Hold Me"

Harrison Ford seems to think all of his acting should come from overexaggerating his mouth movements when he is talking.. He is also reduced to a clown.

Ewok forest battle has always been boring to me and I don't even hate Ewoks.. Too much time spent with them and Han tryin to hot wire a door.. Blah.

James Earl Jones I know I know he is supposed to be all confused because he loves his son and all.. but man after What He did in ESB with his voice of quivering anger and his killing of any commander who screws up is really missed in this film. He is Ok in the opening scene but this film really needed a bad ass moment or two for Vader.

I know its three years after Empire but his turn to a marshmallow seems too quick.

I have never been really sold in the Luke / Vader relationship. I mean here is the guy who is killing his way through the galaxy that you don't even know and you suddenly you want to go to the park and play catch with him... I can see Vader's side a bit better but he went far too mushy.

While Ian is good as Palps.. I never cared for all his trash talk to Luke.. Mostly because its just Luke staring out a window.. It just seems to take forever for the final conflict between Vader and Luke.

The Saber Duel is saved by John Williams score when Luke goes Dark Side but the duel as a whole is one of the series worst.

A better Director could have really helped this film for sure.

I do like Jabba.. I mean I love Jabba.. What a great character and he is perfectly done as a Giant Puppet.

I love all the space battle stuff and find it to still be the best of all the SW films.. Yep even better then RO.

I do like Vader's redemption also.

Overall I like it OK because its SW but man the OT deserved a much better ending
Story wise ROTJ may not have created any great sin.. But execution wise it sure does.

There are flaws in it for sure. Even some bad stuff(Boba Fett) and some marketing(Ewoks). Some phoned in acting and some less than stellar production quality in places. But it was still true to the Star Wars universe and also contained some of the very best content of the trilogy. Deserving of some criticism yes, but lumped in with the rest of what came after...absolutely not!
The Kheveration has gone too far this time :thud:

:lol :lol

False! Laughably False!!!

Meh. Different sins maybe but not greater. Anyone who says otherwise is deliberately turning a blind eye to ROTJ's faults and the magnitude of those faults IMO. Sure Holdo is lame but lamer than turning *Boba Fett* into a doofus? No way.
There are flaws in it for sure. Even some bad stuff(Boba Fett) and some marketing(Ewoks). Some phoned in acting and some less than stellar production quality in places. But it was still true to the Star Wars universe and also contained some of the very best content of the trilogy. Deserving of some criticism yes, but lumped in with the rest of what came after...absolutely not!

I use to think that also... But man watching it last night was like a nightmarish revelation.

Carrie Fisher was awful
Harrison Ford's acting and his character of Han Solo... Awful
Mark Hamill was a bore
Vader was castrated.

If this was how the characters were portrayed in ANH we would have never wanted to follow them in a series of films in the first place.

Ewoks take up so much screen time.
Its a rather boring film

After last nights viewing I think I like TROS and TPM more :eek

But like I said I have a love hate relationship with ROTJ so maybe I will like it more the next time I watch it in 7 years.
Meh. Different sins maybe but not greater. Anyone who says otherwise is deliberately turning a blind eye to ROTJ's faults and the magnitude of those faults IMO. Sure Holdo is lame but lamer than turning *Boba Fett* into a doofus? No way.

I think Han is more of a Doofus then Fett in that film.

Does he ever do anything right?
I think Han is more of a Doofus then Fett in that film.

Does he ever do anything right?

"Relax, Chewie and I got into a lot of places more heavily guarded than this."

"Um you literally just stepped on the *biggest stick in the forest* when trying to sneak up on a single unsuspecting Biker Scout dude," lol.
Sure Holdo is lame but lamer than turning *Boba Fett* into a doofus? No way.

Intent must mean absolutely nothing to you. George was just a dope asleep at the wheel, while Kennedy was busy scheming, appropriating, and retconning.
So did George. And retcons go as far back as ESB.

Are you actually comparing George to Kathleen Kennedy? Actually? Khev that woman is awful. If you think what George did with Star Wars and what she has done with Star Wars even close to similar you are 1000% delusional.