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JAWS, I'm glad to see you've been checking out the official Star Wars timeline. Some of the time estimates you made for the ST earlier were off, but I'm guessing you've seen that now too?
How is that a surprise?




Solo > PT

Its more like a tie for me

Mando >>>> TCW

Don't agree

Everything under her watch has been as good or better than at a minimum half of George's films and then you've got the theatrical OT that he went out of his way to screw up as well

I don't know what George was doing with some of the changes in the OT.. Ruining Han's iconic moment, adding the Jabba scene at the cost of the characters known personality, changing Fett's voice, awful dance sequence in ROTJ, adding Noooo to the most iconic moment in ROTJ and erasing an actor to put an actor form the PT in the flm regardless of the can of worms that it opens up :(
JAWS, I'm glad to see you've been checking out the official Star Wars timeline. Some of the time estimates you made for the ST earlier were off, but I'm guessing you've seen that now too?

Was I off?? I originally said that they were happy for 20 years but it seems like it was 19 years instead..

If TFA was 34 years after ROTJ and Kylo was 15 when he went bad (I don't know his age then) and he is 30 in TFA that means 19 years of happiness for our hero's.

I could be wrong about Ben's age.. IDK.
JAWS, I'm glad to see you've been checking out the official Star Wars timeline. Some of the time estimates you made for the ST earlier were off, but I'm guessing you've seen that now too?

Was I off?? I originally said that they were happy for 20 years but it seems like it was 19 years instead..

If TFA was 34 years after ROTJ and Kylo was 15 when he went bad (I don't know his age then) and he is 30 in TFA that means 19 years of happiness for our hero's.

I could be wrong about Ben's age.. IDK.

Well I just looked it up... apparently Kylo was 24 - 27 years of age before he went dark.
Mando >>>> TCW

Don't agree


How is that a surprise?



Solo > PT

Mando >>>> TCW

Everything under her watch has been as good or better than at a minimum half of George's films and then you've got the theatrical OT that he went out of his way to screw up as well.

First of all she deserves zero credit for The Mandalorian. Zero. Let's get that out of the way.

I have issues with the PT as well but it doesn't f%#@ with the OT heroes, the force, and the universe the way the ST has(I am well aware you don't agree). I enjoyed parts of the PT, but I enjoyed almost nothing in the ST, and absolutely loathed everything after TFA. Again Kathleen Kennedy's agenda/intent really sets her apart(as confirmed once again with the revelation about Galaxy's Edge this week).

Rogue One is probably a better film than ROTJ, but not as good a Star Wars movie.

I just can't fathom any OT fan who grew up in the 70's/80's thinking Kathleen Kennedy's treatment of the Star Wars universe as anything but disgusting appropriation.

I will once again leave this here...
First of all she deserves zero credit for The Mandalorian. Zero. Let's get that out of the way.

I have issues with the PT as well but it doesn't f%#@ with the OT heroes, the force, and the universe the way the ST has(I am well aware you don't agree). I enjoyed parts of the PT, but I enjoyed almost nothing in the ST, and absolutely loathed everything after TFA. Again Kathleen Kennedy's agenda/intent really sets her apart(as confirmed once again with the revelation about Galaxy's Edge this week).

Rogue One is probably a better film than ROTJ, but not as good a Star Wars movie.

I just can't fathom any OT fan who grew up in the 70's/80's thinking Kathleen Kennedy's treatment of the Star Wars universe as anything but disgusting appropriation.

I will once again leave this here...

That's why I like TROS so much... Not only did I enjoy the film as a whole but it seemed to move away from KK's agenda and RJ's bad ideas.
That's why I like TROS so much... Not only did I enjoy the film as a whole but it seemed to move away from KK's agenda and RJ's bad ideas.

TLJ was no doubt the worst...But personally I thought back to life Palps was desperate, flimsy, and insulting to the OT. My feelings about Rey are well known here by now I'm sure. Then you also have outrageous force usage, the Goonies, My 'Lil Ponies galloping across the top hull of Star Destroyers in space, etc.

I'm afraid we are at an impasse.
She sucks for lying for sure.., At the same time screw GL who was busy changing the OT for the worst (including characters) in the SE... and creating plot holes and pussifying an OT character in the PT

He should have got off his damn ass and made them himself... Then we could all ***** in unity lol

My jaw is on the floor reading the hypocrisy and blasphemy propagated in this thread.

Have you actually watched the ST? Every single thing said here is about the ST.

KK changed the OT for the worst. KK changed the characters. KK pussified Luke. KK created NUMEROUS plot holes that span back to TPM!

Oh no, George showed Vader as a kid! Oh no! It ruins everything! Come on. You think he was born 6 foot in his suit?

We KNEW who Luke was after ROTJ and KK ruined him. We didn?t know who Anakin was after ROTJ. George didn?t ruin anything but your entitled view of Vader. KK ruined the pre-established version of Luke.

And guess what. It?s the ravenous foaming at the mouth PT haters, PT haters that drove two actors into mental problems, the very same that have been defended in this very thread, who drove George away.

Exactly. If you want to play the "it should piss off everyone here" card then you need to start with ROTJ. You don't get to be an "OT purist" without overlooking flaws just like those of us who like the PT and/or ST. If SW needed to be perfect then I'd forsake everything after ESB. But the ST doesn't commit any greater sins than ROTJ already did way back when. "Flawed but fun" is an acceptable alternative to "perfection" when it comes to SW.


What ruined the franchise: ROTJ or ST?

It?s the ST. Which I?ve proven beyond any doubt by nearly every measure from google trends to halloween costume sales to toys to comics to books to delayed and cancelled movies.

:lol :lol

Meh. Different sins maybe but not greater. Anyone who says otherwise is deliberately turning a blind eye to ROTJ's faults and the magnitude of those faults IMO. Sure Holdo is lame but lamer than turning *Boba Fett* into a doofus? No way.

You are the first person in existence to say Boba Fett was worse than Holdo.

I use to think that also... But man watching it last night was like a nightmarish revelation.

Carrie Fisher was awful
Harrison Ford's acting and his character of Han Solo... Awful
Mark Hamill was a bore
Vader was castrated.

If this was how the characters were portrayed in ANH we would have never wanted to follow them in a series of films in the first place.

Ewoks take up so much screen time.
Its a rather boring film

After last nights viewing I think I like TROS and TPM more :eek

But like I said I have a love hate relationship with ROTJ so maybe I will like it more the next time I watch it in 7 years.

You wait 7 years to watch Star Wars?

Anyways, I can?t stop gawking at the hilarity of these comments.

?If this was how the characters were portrayed in ANH we would have never wanted to follow them in a series of films in the first place.?

Yeah, except hat actually happened with the ST.

Intent must mean absolutely nothing to you. George was just a dope asleep at the wheel, while Kennedy was busy scheming, appropriating, and retconning.

Are you actually comparing George to Kathleen Kennedy? Actually? Khev that woman is awful. If you think what George did with Star Wars and what she has done with Star Wars even close to similar you are 1000% delusional.


A very different kind of retconning and very different agendas.

KKs agenda was Force is Female and shoving every far left talking point into the movies. George?s agenda was to make a good movie.

With regard to "who made Star Wars worse?" Easily. Now if you want to compare who gets more credit for making it awesome in the first place then duh KK doesn't even deserve a mention.

There is no discussion. KK made Star Wars worse.

How is that a surprise?



Solo > PT

Mando >>>> TCW

Everything under her watch has been as good or better than at a minimum half of George's films and then you've got the theatrical OT that he went out of his way to screw up as well.

Solo bombed. ST killed the franchise. She has nothing to do with Mando.

Meanwhile, PT didn?t kill the franchise and only led to an increase in interest with record sales of toys, comics, and books while leading to oje of the greatest animated shows of all time. That?s what George did.

Also, the EU story ?Death Star? is better than Rogue One. Could have adapted that and it would have been better.

First of all she deserves zero credit for The Mandalorian. Zero. Let's get that out of the way.

I have issues with the PT as well but it doesn't f%#@ with the OT heroes, the force, and the universe the way the ST has(I am well aware you don't agree). I enjoyed parts of the PT, but I enjoyed almost nothing in the ST, and absolutely loathed everything after TFA. Again Kathleen Kennedy's agenda/intent really sets her apart(as confirmed once again with the revelation about Galaxy's Edge this week).

Rogue One is probably a better film than ROTJ, but not as good a Star Wars movie.

I just can't fathom any OT fan who grew up in the 70's/80's thinking Kathleen Kennedy's treatment of the Star Wars universe as anything but disgusting appropriation.

I will once again leave this here...

I can?t fathom it either. Especially when they sit here saying how ROTJ ruined the OT characters and George made Star Wars worse while completely ignoring what the ST did.

Yep she protected George's characters from being "like cars" that the microbiotic Whills drive around while they run the universe. Thanks Kathleen! :rock


She didn?t protect anything.

She spit on them and it?s amazing that an 80s kid would have the audacity to accept the desecration.

They were all failed losers in the end.
Well he didn't loose the fight because he got outdueled.. We can agree on that right?

If you think its just "Your mom distracting you" and that there was not something more at play then I think you are being intellectually dishonest.

Whatever happened when Leia reached out shook him to his core to the point that he dropped his saber. You don't do that just because you got a tap on the shoulder

Again he still lost. He lost the fight. He lost every battle . That?s how fights work. He had the upper hand but he let his guard down. It was pathetic
Again he still lost. He lost the fight. He lost every battle . That?s how fights work. He had the upper hand but he let his guard down. It was pathetic

It was. To see someone trained by Luke then Palpatine/Snoke, constantly lose to Mary Rey Sue was pathetic. Disrespectful to Luke and Palpatine since their Skywalker blood pupil is a complete joke.