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How is that a surprise?



Solo > PT

Mando >>>> TCW

Everything under her watch has been as good or better than at a minimum half of George's films and then you've got the theatrical OT that he went out of his way to screw up as well.

I don?t know who slipped the molly in your soda at the movie theaters for these films but you must be out of your damn mind. Completely out of it.

That or some Star Wars executive jacked your account . The mere fact you think GL did more damage then KK is idiotic. Extremely. Under her watch they

Divided the fan base

Made the worst Star Wars movie of all time

Made Star Wars fatigue. Nobody cares about the films anymore

Lowered toy sales .

Killed off and destroyed the most popular character to prop up rey

Star Wars is a joke now. Mando is carrying it

When GL was in charge.

Extended lore

Video games that everyone loved

Clone wars which still has a dedicated fan base to this day. More so than any other animated show under Disney

ROTS is now considered one of the best Star Wars films

Star Wars was still in a very healthy position. Despite clone wars being a mess they still managed to find success with the third movie which people absolutely love now.

So if you honestly believe that then you are so deep in denial it?s insane . That comment proves it lol.

Stop letting your personal love for this film cloud your judgement. The ST failed and pretty much sunk Star Wars . Under GL it was as healthy as ever.

You must of smoke some huge loud laced with several doses of pcp before making this completely asinine comment .

I?m not a HUGE HUGE Star Wars fan but if you seriously think GL was worse than KK your in denial.

Just cause if film has ot crap in it doesn?t make it better.

This man actually said solo was better then the PT. Now I know he?s high when he post this stuff.

Name me one memorable moment from solo? You can?t .

Name me a memorable moment from the phantom menace.

Darth maul igniting his double wielded lighsaber and fighting two jedi.

Hell even attack of the clones has more memorable **** then the ST. At least people know where the I hate sand line comes from .

And even that line alone is better than

They fly now? Durrrrrrrr
My jaw is on the floor reading the hypocrisy and blasphemy propagated in this thread.

Have you actually watched the ST? Every single thing said here is about the ST.

KK changed the OT for the worst. KK changed the characters. KK pussified Luke. KK created NUMEROUS plot holes that span back to TPM!

Oh no, George showed Vader as a kid! Oh no! It ruins everything! Come on. You think he was born 6 foot in his suit?

We KNEW who Luke was after ROTJ and KK ruined him. We didn?t know who Anakin was after ROTJ. George didn?t ruin anything but your entitled view of Vader. KK ruined the pre-established version of Luke.

And guess what. It?s the ravenous foaming at the mouth PT haters, PT haters that drove two actors into mental problems, the very same that have been defended in this very thread, who drove George away.


What ruined the franchise: ROTJ or ST?

It?s the ST. Which I?ve proven beyond any doubt by nearly every measure from google trends to halloween costume sales to toys to comics to books to delayed and cancelled movies.

You are the first person in existence to say Boba Fett was worse than Holdo.

You wait 7 years to watch Star Wars?

Anyways, I can?t stop gawking at the hilarity of these comments.

?If this was how the characters were portrayed in ANH we would have never wanted to follow them in a series of films in the first place.?

Yeah, except hat actually happened with the ST.


KKs agenda was Force is Female and shoving every far left talking point into the movies. George?s agenda was to make a good movie.

There is no discussion. KK made Star Wars worse.

Solo bombed. ST killed the franchise. She has nothing to do with Mando.

Meanwhile, PT didn?t kill the franchise and only led to an increase in interest with record sales of toys, comics, and books while leading to oje of the greatest animated shows of all time. That?s what George did.

Also, the EU story ?Death Star? is better than Rogue One. Could have adapted that and it would have been better.

I can?t fathom it either. Especially when they sit here saying how ROTJ ruined the OT characters and George made Star Wars worse while completely ignoring what the ST did.

She didn?t protect anything.

She spit on them and it?s amazing that an 80s kid would have the audacity to accept the desecration.

They were all failed losers in the end.

My jaw was on the floor when I read khev response to. How blind do you have to be to not know how wrong that statement is
Again he still lost. He lost the fight. He lost every battle . That?s how fights work. He had the upper hand but he let his guard down. It was pathetic

I'm not denying that he lost... But saying he lost because she was the better swordsmen is being intellectually dishonest.

If you and i fight and you are kicking the crap out of me and my dog barks at you from behind and you turn to investigate and I get in a lucky punch and knock you out I might have won the fight but I was lucky and not the better fighter. And nobody would think you were pathetic... They would say I got lucky.
It was. To see someone trained by Luke then Palpatine/Snoke, constantly lose to Mary Rey Sue was pathetic. Disrespectful to Luke and Palpatine since their Skywalker blood pupil is a complete joke.

Kind of like watching Luke beat Vader when Luke for everything we saw on screen never once trained with a saber. Hell he didn't even shadow saber duel with a rock :lol

Also he had very little training by yoda and in the span of 6 months after leaving Yoda he became a Jedi master.

Point is... You kinda have to go with the flow with Star Wars.
I don?t know who slipped the molly in your soda at the movie theaters for these films but you must be out of your damn mind. Completely out of it.

That or some Star Wars executive jacked your account . The mere fact you think GL did more damage then KK is idiotic. Extremely. Under her watch they

Divided the fan base

Made the worst Star Wars movie of all time

Made Star Wars fatigue. Nobody cares about the films anymore

Lowered toy sales .

Killed off and destroyed the most popular character to prop up rey

Star Wars is a joke now. Mando is carrying it

When GL was in charge.

Extended lore

Video games that everyone loved

Clone wars which still has a dedicated fan base to this day. More so than any other animated show under Disney

ROTS is now considered one of the best Star Wars films

Star Wars was still in a very healthy position. Despite clone wars being a mess they still managed to find success with the third movie which people absolutely love now.

So if you honestly believe that then you are so deep in denial it?s insane . That comment proves it lol.

Stop letting your personal love for this film cloud your judgement. The ST failed and pretty much sunk Star Wars . Under GL it was as healthy as ever.

You must of smoke some huge loud laced with several doses of pcp before making this completely asinine comment .

I?m not a HUGE HUGE Star Wars fan but if you seriously think GL was worse than KK your in denial.

Just cause if film has ot crap in it doesn?t make it better.

This man actually said solo was better then the PT. Now I know he?s high when he post this stuff.

Name me one memorable moment from solo? You can?t .

Name me a memorable moment from the phantom menace.

Darth maul igniting his double wielded lighsaber and fighting two jedi.

Hell even attack of the clones has more memorable **** then the ST. At least people know where the I hate sand line comes from .

And even that line alone is better than

They fly now? Durrrrrrrr

I would say this is all a good point... Except AOTC is the worst SW movie.

Solo for me was just a relief that it was not TLJ.

Having said that.. Lucas caused more damage.. He put KK in charge :lol
I would say this is all a good point... Except AOTC is the worst SW movie.

Solo for me was just a relief that it was not TLJ.

Having said that.. Lucas caused more damage.. He put KK in charge :lol

Yes aotc is bad but nowhere near TLJ levels. That?s just an awful movie.
My jaw is on the floor reading the hypocrisy and blasphemy propagated in this thread.

Have you actually watched the ST? Every single thing said here is about the ST.

Yes.. The whole thing.. How about you ;)

KK changed the OT for the worst. KK changed the characters. KK pussified Luke. KK created NUMEROUS plot holes that span back to TPM!

We just don't agree here. Sorry. I liked the characters.. I originally had an issue with Han skipping out on Leia after loosing Ben but I get it. Its like a death of a child.. Lots of marriages don't survive it.

I loved Luke.. Sorry I did. Especially since the Jedi were shown to be so inept in the PT.. It makes sense that Luke woke up a bit.. But he was able to look past theirs and his failure.

Oh no, George showed Vader as a kid! Oh no! It ruins everything! Come on. You think he was born 6 foot in his suit?

I was not referring to Little Anakin.. Nope not at all... Pussified Anakin was the Hayden.

We KNEW who Luke was after ROTJ and KK ruined him. We didn?t know who Anakin was after ROTJ. George didn?t ruin anything but your entitled view of Vader. KK ruined the pre-established version of Luke.

Accept as Vader he did nothing accept back fight, kill kids, kill unarmed aliens and got beat by the first real jedi he came across. All while being an awkward actor.
If it wasn't for TCW I would have no love for the Anakin character at all.

My entitled view... That's funny... Ever think you are doing the same with luke? Always in motion is the future.

And guess what. It?s the ravenous foaming at the mouth PT haters, PT haters that drove two actors into mental problems, the very same that have been defended in this very thread, who drove George away.

Oh FFS.. ST actors had to leave social media.. The kid who played Anakin lost a sister and depression issues.. Not the same.. Left the school he went to because kids made saber sounds..

I don't know about the Jar Jar actor...

What ruined the franchise: ROTJ or ST?

It?s the ST. Which I?ve proven beyond any doubt by nearly every measure from google trends to halloween costume sales to toys to comics to books to delayed and cancelled movies.

This and maybe competition..
OT had none.
PT only had LOTR
ST has MARVEL which is bigger then anything right now.

But I don't own any PT merchandise of ST merchandise.. But a big part of that is.. I was not a kid when the ST came out or the PT. That's where most of the sales come from.

I cant argue that people are not as interested in SW since TLJ.

You are the first person in existence to say Boba Fett was worse than Holdo.

he meant the handling of Boba Fett in ROTJ.. I don't think I agree with that :lol

I really hate Holdo :)

You wait 7 years to watch Star Wars?

Yep... That's what the PT and first two films of the ST did to me.. I had lost all interest in SW. I had gotten the point where I could forget the PT and not accept it as Canon and I got excited for the ST and TFA and TLJ just put the stake in my SW beating heart. Thank God for TROS. It got me back into SW and helped me even accept the PT and TFA as SW movies.

?If this was how the characters were portrayed in ANH we would have never wanted to follow them in a series of films in the first place.?

Yeah, except hat actually happened with the ST.

They were ruined in ROTJ... They really were. Luke came out the most unscathed.

KKs agenda was Force is Female and shoving every far left talking point into the movies. George?s agenda was to make a good movie.

And yet TROS pushed back on that Agenda and brought all the characters back to their original charm. Even if Han was just a memory :lol

There is no discussion. KK made Star Wars worse.

I cant argue with this because I think TLJ was the peak of what she wanted and that was the film that really tore the base in two.

And then the ones that liked TLJ hated TROS because it abandoned and ignored TLJ.

One could say that people liked TFA as much as they did because it was the anti PT film... Unfortunately TLJ brought some PT type plot lines and characters into its film. :(

Meanwhile, PT didn?t kill the franchise and only led to an increase in interest with record sales of toys, comics, and books while leading to oje of the greatest animated shows of all time. That?s what George did.

How much credit should go to George for TCW and ho much should go to Dave Filoni ??

Also, the EU story ?Death Star? is better than Rogue One. Could have adapted that and it would have been better.

Don't know I know that I have read synopsis for different EU books and have never been impressed with any of the ideas.. But maybe they would make a good film... But they didn't make Death Star into a film and we can only go by what is out there... And RO is better the PT for many of us.

I can?t fathom it either. Especially when they sit here saying how ROTJ ruined the OT characters and George made Star Wars worse while completely ignoring what the ST did

I didn't ignore what the ST did.. I think I have been open about all of this and why my feeling about Jedi are how they are and why because of that film I did not mind the direction the ST took the original cast because for me it made them interesting again.

I am not talking facts here.. I am talking opinion... I think you are getting the two confused when you read my posts.
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Yes aotc is bad but nowhere near TLJ levels. That?s just an awful movie.

I agree with that. Luke was the only thing I liked even seeing in the movie and they turned him into a hermit sea cow ***** milker. Luke always had a chip on his shoulder but to me should have been treated better.
I agree with that. Luke was the only thing I liked even seeing in the movie and they turned him into a hermit sea cow ***** milker. Luke always had a chip on his shoulder but to me should have been treated better.

My only issue is that I wish Luke showed up at the end and fought Kylo… Of course that may have crushed a lot of fans if Kylo killed him in a duel.. But having Luke survive would have been my first choice for sure. So maybe the Duel could have ended with Luke running away because back up troops came to back up Kylo. Hamill had a great performance and it would have been fun to see him more in TROS.
TLJ is interesting because on paper I dislike Holdo's character, Rose, Canto Bight like so many others but when I watch it those scenes just move at a nice clip and always seem to be over before the irritation taints the movie. I like all the Luke stuff other than the odd and confusing way he died. Otherwise I like his look, his arc, and Hamill's acting was off the charts. His scenes with R2 and Yoda were absolutely perfect. And I laugh at the milk scene. Every time, lol.

I enjoy the opening space battle (the only one in the entire ST!) as well as Crait and there's just no denying how gorgeous the film is to look at. I'd probably rank it 6th overall in the Saga (including RO and Solo) and would even put it above TFA. I was surprised that TFA has been dragging in parts during recent viewings but not TLJ despite being nearly 30 minutes longer.
Yes.. The whole thing.. How about you ;)

We just don't agree here. Sorry. I liked the characters.. I originally had an issue with Han skipping out on Leia after loosing Ben but I get it. Its like a death of a child.. Lots of marriages don't survive it.

I loved Luke.. Sorry I did. Especially since the Jedi were shown to be so inept in the PT.. It makes sense that Luke woke up a bit.. But he was able to look past theirs and his failure.

I was not referring to Little Anakin.. Nope not at all... Pussified Anakin was the Hayden.

Accept as Vader he did nothing accept back fight, kill kids, kill unarmed aliens and got beat by the first real jedi he came across. All while being an awkward actor.
If it wasn't for TCW I would have no love for the Anakin character at all.

My entitled view... That's funny... Ever think you are doing the same with luke? Always in motion is the future.

Oh FFS.. ST actors had to leave social media.. The kid who played Anakin lost a sister and depression issues.. Not the same.. Left the school he went to because kids made saber sounds..

I don't know about the Jar Jar actor...

This and maybe competition..
OT had none.
PT only had LOTR
ST has MARVEL which is bigger then anything right now.

But I don't own any PT merchandise of ST merchandise.. But a big part of that is.. I was not a kid when the ST came out or the PT. That's where most of the sales come from.

I cant argue that people are not as interested in SW since TLJ.

he meant the handling of Boba Fett in ROTJ.. I don't think I agree with that :lol

I really hate Holdo :)

Yep... That's what the PT and first two films of the ST did to me.. I had lost all interest in SW. I had gotten the point where I could forget the PT and not accept it as Canon and I got excited for the ST and TFA and TLJ just put the stake in my SW beating heart. Thank God for TROS. It got me back into SW and helped me even accept the PT and TFA as SW movies.

They were ruined in ROTJ... They really were. Luke came out the most unscathed.

And yet TROS pushed back on that Agenda and brought all the characters back to their original charm. Even if Han was just a memory :lol

I cant argue with this because I think TLJ was the peak of what she wanted and that was the film that really tore the base in two.

And then the ones that liked TLJ hated TROS because it abandoned and ignored TLJ.

One could say that people liked TFA as much as they did because it was the anti PT film... Unfortunately TLJ brought some PT type plot lines and characters into its film. :(

Meanwhile, PT didn?t kill the franchise and only led to an increase in interest with record sales of toys, comics, and books while leading to oje of the greatest animated shows of all time. That?s what George did.

How much credit should go to George for TCW and ho much should go to Dave Filoni ??

Don't know I know that I have read synopsis for different EU books and have never been impressed with any of the ideas.. But maybe they would make a good film... But they didn't make Death Star into a film and we can only go by what is out there... And RO is better the PT for many of us.

I didn't ignore what the ST did.. I think I have been open about all of this and why my feeling about Jedi are how they are and why because of that film I did not mind the direction the ST took the original cast because for me it made them interesting again.

I am not talking facts here.. I am talking opinion... I think you are getting the two confused when you read my posts.

This is why your hate for the PT isn?t valid. Anakin killed the entire jedi and not just kids and unarmed aliens . His hubris lead him to lose.

Your hate boner is way to strong it blinds you to the problems of the st.

You complain about anakin not doing much but in the same time is ok with overpowered Rey cause she?s a palpatine? What? So your good with that stupid explanation. But they explicitly show you anakin killing and fighting off jedi and it?s stupid .

I don?t understand ST lovers logic. They dismiss the glaring issues of ST but the same time hate on ROTS cause it?s not what they ?pictured? anakin to be like.

Well millions of people didn?t picture Luke to be some defeated loser who hides on an island with derpy penguins

"Harrison Ford scolded for crossing runway after being told to wait"

Audio posted on the website shows the tower operator telling Ford: “Can you hold short on runway. Traffic on the runway.”

Ford appears to mishear this and instead accelerates onto the runway and begins crossing.

That is some Han Solo level **** right there. Truly is still Han! I can just picture him angrily shouting "Come on Chewie! We're leaving!"
This is why your hate for the PT isn?t valid. Anakin killed the entire jedi and not just kids and unarmed aliens . His hubris lead him to lose.

Your hate boner is way to strong it blinds you to the problems of the st.

I have never ever said I hate the PT... I had a strong dislike for it but have always stated that i like TPM.. I really don't like AOTC and just don't think that ROTS delivered on what was promised... Simple as that.

Also My issues go far beyond Anakin.. I just thought of all the characters in the PT his was the worst.. And if I dare go on a rant about what dislike about the PT I am told that I am not allowed to :lol so I will keep from doing that here also.

My problems for the PT have nothing to do at all with my enjoyment of the ST just like my issues with the first two ST films did not effect my enjoyment of TROS.

You complain about anakin not doing much but in the same time is ok with overpowered Rey cause she?s a palpatine? What? So your good with that stupid explanation. But they explicitly show you anakin killing and fighting off jedi and it?s stupid .
Yep.. I am good with her being overpowered because she comes from a Palpatine and her performance was better then Hayden's. Again I don't know what to tell you.. And watching Anakin fight on a Hologram I would not say if Showing off him killing jedi… In fact he doesn't kill anyone in that Hologram..

My issue with him killing the kids is that it made his character irredeemable.. I know I know.. Kylo destroyed the planets.. But its not face to face murder and in movie terms more acceptable..

I think I would be better with it if Anakin did not become one with the force.. He didn't deserve it. My Christian beliefs tell me I should not feel that way but my Star Wars beliefs tell me I should :lol

I don?t understand ST lovers logic. They dismiss the glaring issues of ST but the same time hate on ROTS cause it?s not what they ?pictured? anakin to be like.

I don't understand ROTS lovers logic. They dismiss the glaring issues of ROTS but at the same time hate on the ST cause its not what they pictured the films to be like.

I love that you and Ducky keep putting up "I just cant understand how" and the "how can any child of the 80's like these films"

IDK.. How did anyone think Endgame was a great ending to the marvel Series.. Because it wasn't :lol People like different things

I get why people don't like it. You know I had my issues. I don't know what to tell you the Palpatine heritage worked for me and I had fun with the rest of that film. I am in no way a ST lover and you are aware of that.

I am not a fan of the PT because they are poorly acted and at times really poorly told stories. I guess like Ducky and his EU I had always envisioned something more with the PT.

Well millions of people didn?t picture Luke to be some defeated loser who hides on an island with derpy penguins

Exactly.. But I never say... I cant understand how anyone could like Anakin or how anyone can like any of the PT movies or just enjoy ROTS. I get why they do. I disagree with them but I get it. I also get why people didn't like Luke.

I would say the one with the hate boner between us to is you. Your hate is so strong you refuse to accept that anyone could possibly have liked all or one of the ST films. We are not talking Trolls 2 here. :)