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Yes.. The whole thing.. How about you ;)

We just don't agree here. Sorry. I liked the characters.. I originally had an issue with Han skipping out on Leia after loosing Ben but I get it. Its like a death of a child.. Lots of marriages don't survive it.

I loved Luke.. Sorry I did. Especially since the Jedi were shown to be so inept in the PT.. It makes sense that Luke woke up a bit.. But he was able to look past theirs and his failure.

If Jedi were inept in the PT, what is Luke in the ST then?

He fails his nephew. Fails to restart the Jedi Order. Fails his sister. Fails his friend. Fails the galaxy.

Accept as Vader he did nothing accept back fight, kill kids, kill unarmed aliens and got beat by the first real jedi he came across. All while being an awkward actor.
If it wasn't for TCW I would have no love for the Anakin character at all.

He slaughtered the entire Jedi Order. Just because ROTS didn't show it doesn't mean it didn't happen. And he lost to Kenobi, who defeated Maul and GG while holding his own against Dooku. Kenobi was one of the best saber masters ever.

My entitled view... That's funny... Ever think you are doing the same with luke? Always in motion is the future.

My entitled view is based on the pre-established version of Luke we got in the OT. Your view of Anakin is all in your head. One is a lot more legitimate than the other.

Oh FFS.. ST actors had to leave social media.. The kid who played Anakin lost a sister and depression issues.. Not the same.. Left the school he went to because kids made saber sounds..

I don't know about the Jar Jar actor...

Because leaving social media is totally the same as having your life ruined by PT haters. They were sending a kid legit hate mail, same with Ahmed Best, sending him racist things. Social Media hate is nothing compared to what those two went through by truly garbage fans.

This and maybe competition..
OT had none.
PT only had LOTR
ST has MARVEL which is bigger then anything right now.

Mandalorian also is dealing with Marvel and took over the pop culture world. Competition is an excuse because good Star Wars trumps everything.

Yep... That's what the PT and first two films of the ST did to me.. I had lost all interest in SW. I had gotten the point where I could forget the PT and not accept it as Canon and I got excited for the ST and TFA and TLJ just put the stake in my SW beating heart. Thank God for TROS. It got me back into SW and helped me even accept the PT and TFA as SW movies.

That sucks. I don't take my disdain for the ST that far. I still watch PT/OT. Always will.

And yet TROS pushed back on that Agenda and brought all the characters back to their original charm. Even if Han was just a memory :lol

They were all dead in TROS. Their original charm would be alive and well.

I cant argue with this because I think TLJ was the peak of what she wanted and that was the film that really tore the base in two.

And then the ones that liked TLJ hated TROS because it abandoned and ignored TLJ.

How much credit should go to George for TCW and ho much should go to Dave Filoni ??

Filoni consults with George a lot and George himself worked on the show right alongside Filoni.

ROTS is now considered one of the best Star Wars films

:clap It is the 3rd best Star Wars movie ever made and my personal favorite.

:lol :lol :lol

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:lol :lol :lol

I want to play too: "Rey is now considered one of the most underpowered characters."


:lol :lol

Wait.. What did I miss here.

To everyone laughing as if ROTS isn't considered to be one of the best Star Wars films right now...

2017 poll, ranked 2nd:

IMDB poll, ranked 3rd: Poll, ranked 2nd:

IGN 2020 Poll, ranked 2nd:

One needs to be quick if they expect to keep up with me and Khev our humor dyad moves at supersonic speed lol

I?m still lol at his Universal studio T2 joke from last night.....don?t ask.

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I guess you haven't heard, he has been dubbed Kheev Kennedy by the current evil emperor of Lucasfilm:devil

Or maybe he just told a stranger that was his name, I'm not really sure which.
If Jedi were inept in the PT, what is Luke in the ST then?

He fails his nephew. Fails to restart the Jedi Order. Fails his sister. Fails his friend. Fails the galaxy.

I believe that this is the 2nd time you pushed back against my The Jedi Order is inept.. You know that's is a large point of the PT right.. Even a big point of TCW.

As for Luke.. Yep he failed. If you were to ask me what I think about that before the film came out I don't know how I would feel. But I ended up liking it.

He slaughtered the entire Jedi Order. Just because ROTS didn't show it doesn't mean it didn't happen. And he lost to Kenobi, who defeated Maul and GG while holding his own against Dooku. Kenobi was one of the best saber masters ever.

I am going by what the films showed... And that the film did not deliver. I don't care about what happens off screen.. I wanted to see it on screen.

And yes Obi Wan is great but Anakin was supposed to be the strongest Jedi ever.. I would have liked to see some bad assness before he gets beat by Obi Wan.. That's all.

My entitled view is based on the pre-established version of Luke we got in the OT. Your view of Anakin is all in your head. One is a lot more legitimate than the other.

I would think the Vader himself is a pretty good preestablished version of what Anakin should be somewhat like.. They made him an emotional wreck for two films.. I just didn't see that in Vader.. I saw a bad ass.. Anakin never came across that way.. Maybe with the sand people but that was it.

Add that to all the other issues I have with the PT and it just made it that much more apparent to me.

Because leaving social media is totally the same as having your life ruined by PT haters. They were sending a kid legit hate mail, same with Ahmed Best, sending him racist things. Social Media hate is nothing compared to what those two went through by truly garbage fans.

I don't see where Jake's like was ruined by Haters.. I see where he had to switch schools because kids picked on him (I doubt they were haters) and suffered from depression after his sister died. Plus most child actors come out a little weird and apparently you did not see the stuff written on social media... Whats the difference if its a piece of mail or something written on the internet.. I am sure the two actors would have gotten it on social media also if it was around then... Are you saying that because you can stop following it its not the same as hate mail?

Mandalorian also is dealing with Marvel and took over the pop culture world. Competition is an excuse because good Star Wars trumps everything.

Yes Baby yoda is taking the world by storm.. He is cute.

That sucks. I don't take my disdain for the ST that far. I still watch PT/OT. Always will.

Yep.. When you have 5 out of 8 films that are a total disappointment and one of the remaining three is only OK.. It really got me down in the dumps about SW. I just lost interest.. Stopped watching TCW also.. Just recently started watching again.. Its why I have not started TCW season 7 yet.

They were all dead in TROS. Their original charm would be alive and well.

But I am fine with their death.. it had to happen sometime somehow. Because I liked TROS and what they did with the OT characters especially Han and Luke I am OK with it.

SW has always been a little bit depressing accept maybe ANH but even that had the death of Obi Wan. All the films have a sadness to them. I like that part of it. Well I don't think AOTC had anything sad about it.. But that's just another reason I don't like that one... There is no real drama to it.

Filoni consults with George a lot and George himself worked on the show right alongside Filoni.

Well too bad he didn't consult with George with the PT. George really could have used it.

:clap It is the 3rd best Star Wars movie ever made and my personal favorite

I don't get how anyone... Oh wait.. I'm not gonna do that.

Good for you. It looks awesome on 4K and I do enjoy the first half of it. :)
To everyone laughing as if ROTS isn't considered to be one of the best Star Wars films right now...

2017 poll, ranked 2nd:

IMDB poll, ranked 3rd: Poll, ranked 2nd:

IGN 2020 Poll, ranked 2nd:


Wow people are ****ing idiots.. Now I am sure more then ever that TROS is a good film ;)
To everyone laughing as if ROTS isn't considered to be one of the best Star Wars films right now...

2017 poll, ranked 2nd:

IMDB poll, ranked 3rd: Poll, ranked 2nd:

IGN 2020 Poll, ranked 2nd:


Thnak you ducky. Notice how it's OT fans laughing and the ones who like the ST and felt it was a grand story. Lol You keep hitting them hard with facts and like a zombie that won;t die they come back for more.
Wow people are ****ing idiots.. Now I am sure more then ever that TROS is a good film ;)

Lol are you serious? You serious? O man. All three of you ST fans have been destroyed by someone who hasn't even watched the film with nothing but facts and logic on why these movies suck.

It's should show you that someone who has never seen the film who knows it's glaring problems and is still able to hold his own in an argument shows how bad these films are.

I don't understand how people who like the better films are idiots. Rots just ****s on ST films. Come on Jaws.
Yep, I've lost count of the number of times TheDucky has destroyed Khev, Jye and Jaws completely. It seems he knows TROS better than they do.
One needs to be quick if they expect to keep up with me and Khev our humor dyad moves at supersonic speed lol

I?m still lol at his Universal studio T2 joke from last night.....don?t ask.

:lol :lol

Wow people are ****ing idiots.. Now I am sure more then ever that TROS is a good film ;)

Well that's a fact but people aren't quite as insane as Ducky would have you believe. He literally went back years trying to cherry pick a few polls that would agree with him, that first one he posted from 2017 was even before the release of TLJ, Solo, and TROS, lol.

Here let's make it real easy. Just go Google "Star Wars ranked" right now and see what comes up. :) Two of the top three links (by Digital Trends and USA Today) have all three prequels dead last. Almost all the others have TPM and AOTC last with ROTS in the bottom half. People haven't gone completely nuts just yet.

What's interesting as I comb through all the latest rankings is how many of them have Rogue One in the *Top Three.* Damn people came around on that film *quick.* Also TLJ has weathered the backlash to still remain high across almost all the lists as well. Not that I care of course because my rankings are the correct ones and I don't need any outside validation to prove it. ;)
Lol are you serious? You serious? O man. All three of you ST fans have been destroyed by someone who hasn't even watched the film with nothing but facts and logic on why these movies suck.

It's should show you that someone who has never seen the film who knows it's glaring problems and is still able to hold his own in an argument shows how bad these films are.

I don't understand how people who like the better films are idiots. Rots just ****s on ST films. Come on Jaws.

I thought the wink would show I was joking..

I don't care if people love ROTS. Good for them. There is something for everyone in Star Wars to love and hate :)

I don't think they are idiots and I don't think its a better film. I find it to be OK and not even the best in the PT.

Lots of kids who grew up with the PT I am sure not only love the PT but also voted it as a fav. I am fine with that.

You ST haters are really the only ones that cant accept others difference of opinion.
Well that's a fact but people aren't quite as insane as Ducky would have you believe. He literally went back years trying to cherry pick a few polls that would agree with him, that first one he posted from 2017 was even before the release of TLJ, Solo, and TROS, lol.

Here let's make it real easy. Just go Google "Star Wars ranked" right now and see what comes up. :) FIRST link is a list by USA Today with all three prequels dead last. Next two have TPM and AOTC last with ROTS in the bottom half. People haven't gone completely nuts just yet.

What's interesting as I comb through all the latest rankings is how many of them have Rogue One in the *Top Three.* Damn people came around on that film *quick.* Also TLJ has weathered the backlash to still remain high across almost all the lists as well. Not that I care of course because my rankings are the correct ones and I don't need any outside validation to prove it. ;)

Well look at that.

Are they polls though Khev or just opinion pieces.. I think Duckys mad search were all opinion pieces.
:lol :lol

Well that's a fact but people aren't quite as insane as Ducky would have you believe. He literally went back years trying to cherry pick a few polls that would agree with him, that first one he posted from 2017 was even before the release of TLJ, Solo, and TROS, lol.

Here let's make it real easy. Just go Google "Star Wars ranked" right now and see what comes up. :) Two of the top three links (by Digital Trends and USA Today) have all three prequels dead last. Almost all the others have TPM and AOTC last with ROTS in the bottom half. People haven't gone completely nuts just yet.

What's interesting as I comb through all the latest rankings is how many of them have Rogue One in the *Top Three.* Damn people came around on that film *quick.* Also TLJ has weathered the backlash to still remain high across almost all the lists as well. Not that I care of course because my rankings are the correct ones and I don't need any outside validation to prove it. ;)

Everyone liked Roughe one. That film was never hated. And If you don't care about others validation then why are you questioning ROTS and saying dumb BS like GL ruined star wars. These are facts and polls from fans that shows what they like and dislike
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I thought the wink would show I was joking..

I don't care if people love ROTS. Good for them. There is something for everyone in Star Wars to love and hate :)

I don't think they are idiots and I don't think its a better film. I find it to be OK and not even the best in the PT.

Lots of kids who grew up with the PT I am sure not only love the PT but also voted it as a fav. I am fine with that.

You ST haters are really the only ones that cant accept others difference of opinion.

Yep all the movies have some good some bad. I do prefer the original trilogy then prequels and then spinoff movies. The sequel trilogy is so so for me and not canon to me but there are some good bits in there. Original trilogy is Slave Leia, Prequel trilogy is White outfit Padme showing midtriff and sequel trilogy is Maz Butthole eyes. Which would you take on a date and bang?
I thought the wink would show I was joking..

I don't care if people love ROTS. Good for them. There is something for everyone in Star Wars to love and hate :)

I don't think they are idiots and I don't think its a better film. I find it to be OK and not even the best in the PT.

Lots of kids who grew up with the PT I am sure not only love the PT but also voted it as a fav. I am fine with that.

You ST haters are really the only ones that cant accept others difference of opinion.

I can accept different opnions but you guys keep disrepecting Rots so I gotta come for you. Saying the ST is better and talking down on it will not fly lol. And It seems you do care people like ROTS lol. You guys talk about it all the time.