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Did all Jedi have that object ( ex. Rey transferring the saber to Kylo) power

Do you think Luke or Obi Wan could’ve done that :dunno

If not , why Rey was the only one
Sigh you and the other stooges always crap on the PT to keep this thread alive. JAws says stuff al the time. People just respond. Stop acting like he doesn't lol

Meh. I'm sure my showing was packed aswell because everyone wanted to see Darth Vader onscreen for the first time since 1983 but I didn't care to go back and see it again to find out what other showings were like so I can't counter that.

All I can say is the PT hasn't had a great reputation amongst older age group Star Wars fans for all these years, has it.

And a further point I'd make is that even if those are a vocal minority, it's blindly arrogant to think the same situation couldn't possibly be repeating itself now and that as today's kids get older future polls might show ST movies rising up the rankings.

This coming from someone who likes neither the PT or the ST.

Which has been my point a few times.
Sigh you and the other stooges always crap on the PT to keep this thread alive. JAws says stuff al the time. People just respond. Stop acting like he doesn't lol

Sure I give them crap.. There is lots of crap to give. But have also spoken well of the films and don't question peoples loyalty or pretend to not understand why people like them.
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ROTS has the lamest representation of Vader in the entire saga with ROTJ being the 2nd lamest.

ROTS Vader fought children not even adolescents or teens BUT little children! :slap

He killed broom boy lol

Damn ROTS even beat TLJ with having a broom boy!

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ROTS has the lamest representation of Vader in the entire saga with ROTJ being the 2nd lamest.

ROTS Vader fought children not even adolescents or teens BUT little children! :slap

He killed broom boy lol

Damn ROTS even beat TLJ with having a broom boy!

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Broom Boy.. Man I just don't think I am going to enjoy my upcoming viewing of TLJ.
Apparently he has a name, it's Temiri Blagg. He grows up to add a roomba vacuuming feature to all imperial mouse droids.
Just to add to a comment that the Ducky and Jaws have made in relation to Rotten Tomatoes, there is without a doubt some form of 'meddling' to the scores that they allow for new movies.

The Ducky gave the example of the audience score for TROS and he is absolutely correct that after the first few days of it being live it did not budge despite thousands and thousands of further reviews being added to the site ... a very unlikely mathematical outcome. RT also does not count scores below 1 so if you rate it 1/2 that is not included in their metric (check the TLJ audience reviews to see how many people rated it 1/2 as the lowest score on offer).

Studios have seemingly realised that general audiences seem to put a lot of stock into the ratings of RT so it can massively damage a movie if immediately after opening weekend it is trashed by the audience and / or critics (I assume that audience score is probably more relevant to Star Wars fans than critic score at this point as many don't trust the critics after the super fresh rating TLJ received). With more recent movies the audience score now does not even go live until after that first weekend.

Critics are also incentivised to an extent into giving big studio films a more positive write-up because if they don't then they risk saying good bye to the relationship that they enjoy with that particular studio going forward (including any more preview screenings or other press privileges they may have had access to) which is not good for the reviewer or their employer. Studios are going to favour critics who do good by them and because of the modern age of online sources there is no shortage of critics to choose from. Paid critics seem reluctant to break rank and make an individual of themselves and their viewpoint.

I add also that studios don't really care about the rating that old movies receive like the PT - those movies have had their box office so a less favourable RT is not really going to impact upon their financial success going forward.
Now that NATO released a statement supporting AMC it looks like all the other theater chains might join in.

NATO has drawn a line in the sand.

Over Trolls 2 lol

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Kinda fitting though. Universal being trolling the websites and the movie sites with their sales figures.
I notice that a lot of ST bashers seemingly feel the constant need to follow up their comments with something to the effect of "and everyone agrees with me." It's very interesting. I wonder if it's an age thing, a lack of confidence thing, or combination of the two.

The ST has not been well received, especially by the vast majority of long time fans of the franchise. It's been well documented in the media. The films after TLJ have all underperformed at the box. A trilogy just wrapped and toy companies won't even touch the ST :lol. There is a brand new theme park that failed miserably. The Star Wars brand popularity has taken a huge hit because of Kennedy. Own it. These are documented FACTS even you can't deny. It's pathetic Khev, it really is.

Bruh look around the internet. Not just polls but take a good look around. Get out the bubble and see. Everywhere I go. ST is hated . ROTS is loved. Even with the facts he?s given you , you don?t seem to grasp that it?s a failure. I don?t care that you like it but it?s funny that you say ROTS is worse and GL caused more harm when that?s far from the case .

Cases in point. ;)
But still.. I know you want to keep this about ROTS... If you are going to accept the poll as ROTS being one of the best.. You are going to admit now that AOTC and TPM are two of the worst if not the worst SW films.. Correct. I mean they are truly awful and any defense of them must be unimaginable. They are worse then TLJ in a lot of polls. Bad bad movies.

Ha ha, great point. He really screwed himself with that one didn't he, lol. Live by polls, die by polls. He now is forced to admit that 2/3 of the PT are dead last and horrible and that it is a "proven fact" that it is so. :lol
Now that NATO released a statement supporting AMC it looks like all the other theater chains might join in.

NATO has drawn a line in the sand.

Over Trolls 2 lol

Trolls 2 is like the pop tart that goes off in a Quentin Tarantino movie during a Mexican Stand-off that causes everyone to just start shooting and killing each other, lol.
Hey speaking of my snobby expensive statues.. Check out my new 50" JAWS item!

View attachment 484161

OMG, that is insane! I would have paid good money to see/hear your neighbors' reactions as that was carried into your house. :lol

Wow.. That long since watching the PT? I think you should give them another go.. Maybe you will find some fun out of them now.

I tried recently when all 3 were on TNT. I started watching AOTC and had to turn it off - it was still as cringeworthy as I remembered from back in the day. I'm considering giving ROTS another try - I know that when it was released I liked it more than AOTC, but that's not exactly high praise...

I'm still of the opinion that we'd have been better served if the ST was filmed/released 20 years ago rather than a set of prequels. You could have told the same basic story only Ford, Hamill and Fisher would have been middle aged rather than approaching their dotage. Not to mention the odds would be in favor of all of them living through the entire production schedule.
Here are the ratings for each film, per IMDB:

TESB - 8.7
ANH - 8.6
ROTJ - 8.3
TFA - 7.9
RO - 7.8
ROTS - 7.5
TLJ - 7.0
Solo - 6.9
TROS - 6.7
AOTC - 6.5
TPM - 6.5

Something else to think about ...
I tried recently when all 3 were on TNT. I started watching AOTC and had to turn it off - it was still as cringeworthy as I remembered from back in the day. I'm considering giving ROTS another try - I know that when it was released I liked it more than AOTC, but that's not exactly high praise...

If Arnold's acting ruined Conan when everything else in that movie was perfect I can't even imagine your reaction to the PT, lol. ;)

I'm still of the opinion that we'd have been better served if the ST was filmed/released 20 years ago rather than a set of prequels. You could have told the same basic story only Ford, Hamill and Fisher would have been middle aged rather than approaching their dotage. Not to mention the odds would be in favor of all of them living through the entire production schedule.

Yeah in a perfect world we would have had a younger Luke and Leia facing Palpatine on Exegol but unfortunately even if George did film the ST with the original actors 20 years ago he would have done just as crappy a job as he did with the PT and everything would have been low-res CGI and green screen with Ben Solo being played by Jake Lloyd, etc.
Yeah in a perfect world we would have had a younger Luke and Leia facing Palpatine on Exegol but unfortunately even if George did film the ST with the original actors 20 years ago he would have done just as crappy a job as he did with the PT and everything would have been low-res CGI and green screen with Ben Solo being played by Jake Lloyd, etc.

I was thinking it would have been Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman as Ben & Rey. IMO HD wouldn't have pulled off Ben's redemption arc as well as Adam Driver did (simply not as good an actor), but I could have gotten behind a bare midriff Portman wielding a lightsaber. :)
Yikes, lol. If we did get the exact ST but simply 20 years earlier with Han, Luke, and Leia playing their same roles then an early 2000's Joaquin Phoenix and Keira Knightley would have been nice fill ins for Ben and Rey.

Well yes, they would be good, but I thought we were assuming GL was making them and he'd make more of the same casting mistakes. :lol