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So I just watched TLJ again tonight..

Man its a tuff call which I like less.. AOTC or this film. Its so weird becasue there are things that i really like in TLJ. I love Hamill's preformance as Luke. I love the Death of Snoke and I like Rey, Kylo and Snoke.

There is not much I can say I like in AOTC

But boy I hate stuff in TLJ.. I hate the whole slow chase, I hate Canto Bight, the action in this film is the least interesting and most boring in the entire saga, but more then anything I hate all the cringe moments.. The cringe Humor, the cringe music cues that are supposed to get me pumped up (pretty much anytime they use the Rebel fanfare), the cringe speeches by Rose, the cringe lessons our characters are supposed to learn (other than Rey from Luke), and the cringe moments with Poe figuring out how to be a leader (Poe is always figuring out the obvious in this film).

None of the battle plans in this film make any sense. No wonder nobody answered Leia's call at the end of the film.

I said this above but I cant get over how boring the action is. I love when Kylo is in his Tie Fighter but that's about it. I should like the Kylo / Rey vs the guard scene and its ok but I fear that its the time that is most obvious that Daisy is not up to the task with regards to the choreography.

With TFA and TROS being JJ movies they feel very connected and this film just feels off.. It does so little to move the story forward. These are all the usual complaints and I have nothing new to add.

Its too bad because Hamill's performance in this film is one of my favs in the entire series.

So I hate things more in TLJ then I do in AOTC but there are things that I like a lot more in TLJ then I do in AOTC.. We might be looking at a tie for the bottom spot.
You absolutely cannot watch ROTS or any prequel movie hoping to see a well made film or a movie that will make any of the characters you love from the OT cooler. You can only hope to see just enough cool stuff that you like either with regard to world building, visual designs, decent additions to the mythos (among all the bad), memorable/quotable characters (which the PT isn't lacking for better or worse), and so on. Plus there are a smattering of genuinely poignant moments and cool action sequences sprinkled throughout.

I like the prequels and have regularly found myself defending them over the years, TPM especially. But this is a pretty perfect summary of the trilogy. They are very flawed movies in several regards, filled with some genuinely entertaining moments, some wonderful vehicle designs, world building, creature design, great sound effects at times and superb soundtrack.

You could say the same about the sequel trilogy but to a lesser degree. It has entertaining moments also for sure, enough to make most of it it more than watchable. But lacks many of the positives I just listed compared to the OT and PT for me, it may have them but not even close to the same standard. Plus it doesn't help that it features the worst movie in the franchise sat square in the middle that throws off the entire flow of that trilogy, the other two, even though they both feature at least one movie that is considered to be inferior within it's trilogy (TPM & ROTJ, Not by me mind) Flow much better as a whole. Like him or not, George had a genuine passion for this franchise which did show through regardless of his short comings. By comparison, the ST is missing this feeling. It feels like it was produced by a committee whom has no place influencing the production of a Star Wars movie, rather than by a flawed individual whom loves them. I'd take the latter every single time!
None of the battle plans in this film make any sense.

Like Leia waiting till she had visual contact with incoming ships before ordering the blast door to be lowered on Crait? The few remnants of the Resistance were almost wiped out as a result (tho it *did* make for an exciting moment!)
So I just watched TLJ again tonight..

Man its a tuff call which I like less.. AOTC or this film. Its so weird becasue there are things that i really like in TLJ. I love Hamill's preformance as Luke. I love the Death of Snoke and I like Rey, Kylo and Snoke.

There is not much I can say I like in AOTC

But boy I hate stuff in TLJ.. I hate the whole slow chase, I hate Canto Bight, the action in this film is the least interesting and most boring in the entire saga, but more then anything I hate all the cringe moments.. The cringe Humor, the cringe music cues that are supposed to get me pumped up (pretty much anytime they use the Rebel fanfare), the cringe speeches by Rose, the cringe lessons our characters are supposed to learn (other than Rey from Luke), and the cringe moments with Poe figuring out how to be a leader (Poe is always figuring out the obvious in this film).

None of the battle plans in this film make any sense. No wonder nobody answered Leia's call at the end of the film.

I said this above but I cant get over how boring the action is. I love when Kylo is in his Tie Fighter but that's about it. I should like the Kylo / Rey vs the guard scene and its ok but I fear that its the time that is most obvious that Daisy is not up to the task with regards to the choreography.

With TFA and TROS being JJ movies they feel very connected and this film just feels off.. It does so little to move the story forward. These are all the usual complaints and I have nothing new to add.

Its too bad because Hamill's performance in this film is one of my favs in the entire series.

So I hate things more in TLJ then I do in AOTC but there are things that I like a lot more in TLJ then I do in AOTC.. We might be looking at a tie for the bottom spot.

It?s really pretty quite simple for me.

TLJ having Hamill and Fisher instantly grants it being placed above all of the PT movies.

Hell I even put it above TFA because of Hamill and Fisher!

Plus the added benefit that TLJ looks like a real movie which matches the OT aesthetics and not artificial.

That all makes s big difference for me.

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That duel is one of the best all time in Star Wars. It was more than a duel, but an expression of their characters and the conclusion of the long story between them. Maul tried to do the same hilt bashed move he pulled against Qui-Gon in TPM, but Kenobi knew it was coming and ended it quick. Full circle. Even with his last breaths Maul wanted revenge, all while Kenobi cradled him, with a mix of pity and sadness for Maul, who was never able to move on.

Yeah I agree with this. I haven't watched the series, I only watched this duel in YouTube when it came out. Lightsaber duels do not need to be fancy and drawn out.
It?s pretty simple for me.

TLJ having Hamill and Fisher instantly grants it being placed above all of the PT movies.

Why though out of interest? It used them so badly, Hamill especially. I'd actually rather watch a movie without them over what we got in TLJ. I think the biggest grudge I'll hold against the ST is that it was the last opportunity we had to see the old cast back together in a decent role and it never gave us that. With Carrie gone now, it'll never happen. I wouldn't mind if it had wanted to be its own thing, but it didn't, it kept on harping back to the OT cast, it just never utilised them fully.
Why though out of interest? It used them so badly, Hamill especially.

Doesn’t matter to Jye. All you have to do is have an OT actor in the movie and he’ll love it, regardless if it’s crap or not.
It?s really pretty quite simple for me.

TLJ having Hamill and Fisher instantly grants it being placed above all of the PT movies.

I have not been a Fisher as Leia fan since Empire. Her best moment in the ST is when she has a stand in during the Ben Solo redemption.

Hamill is great in it and I like the direction they took him. I did not spend years reading EU books or dreaming about what Luke would become so I had no expectations. I knew he was old for these movies so I did not expect any amazing Jedi heroics.

Hell I even put it above TFA because of Hamill and Fisher!

I cant because 45 to 50 % of the film is trash to me.

Plus the added benefit that TLJ looks like a real movie which matches the OT aesthetics and not artificial.

Yeah but this is the SW movie that feels the least like a SW movie. All the Lessons that the Rose teaches Finn is just so Un-Star Wars like. The Canto bite stuff.. It does not feel like its in the SW universe.. It feels like a slightly futuristic Earth.. With the Casino and "Parking" and Once you pop a champagne bottle you might as well get out a can opener also for the Caviar can :lol All the stuff with Haldo and Poe just did not feel like SW. None of the action felt like SW.. Hux is not a SW character in this film... The Humor is not SW humor.

I know that is what RJ was going for but a better written script and some imagination would have helped out a lot.

Why though out of interest? It used them so badly, Hamill especially. I'd actually rather watch a movie without them over what we got in TLJ. I think the biggest grudge I'll hold against the ST is that it was the last opportunity we had to see the old cast back together in a decent role and it never gave us that. With Carry gone now, it'll never happen. I wouldn't mind if it had wanted to be its own thing, but it didn't, it kept on harping back to the OT cast, it just never utilised them fully.

I can answer some of this...

We liked how it handled Luke. Now that the story is over I can say I like how it handled Han also.

I like the fact that TFA was Hans movie, TLJ was Luke's film, and I believe that TROS would have been Leia's if not for her death... It did well enough with what it could do.

I agree that it would have been nice to see the cast all together but the film was also doing its own thing at the same time. I am not sure how the film would have played watching all the old people from the OT running around fighting.. I am pretty sure Carrie probably couldn't keep up and she would look awful firing a blaster :lol
Doesn?t matter to Jye. All you have to do is have an OT actor in the movie and he?ll love it, regardless if it?s crap or not.

Yeah pretty much this lol

Crappy SW with Han Luke Leia (ST) > Crappy SW without Han Luke Leia (PT)

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I like the prequels and have regularly found myself defending them over the years, TPM especially. But this is a pretty perfect summary of the trilogy. They are very flawed movies in several regards, filled with some genuinely entertaining moments, some wonderful vehicle designs, world building, creature design, great sound effects at times and superb soundtrack.

You could say the same about the sequel trilogy but to a lesser degree. It has entertaining moments also for sure, enough to make most of it it more than watchable. But lacks many of the positives I just listed compared to the OT and PT for me, it may have them but not even close to the same standard. Plus it doesn't help that it features the worst movie in the franchise sat square in the middle that throws off the entire flow of that trilogy, the other two, even though they both feature at least one movie that is considered to be inferior within it's trilogy (TPM & ROTJ, Not by me mind) Flow much better as a whole. Like him or not, George had a genuine passion for this franchise which did show through regardless of his short comings. By comparison, the ST is missing this feeling. It feels like it was produced by a committee whom has no place influencing the production of a Star Wars movie, rather than by a flawed individual whom loves them. I'd take the latter every single time!

Just agreeing with this, overall. And with some comments off Reddit. One of which basically points out however u may feel about TLJ, there was a focus/narrative of sorts; and more importantly, characters are given time to actually TALK to each other in a thoughtful way. Rey and Luke, for example. I don't think TLJ is the worst of the ST; rewatched TROS finally last night and while there are some good moments; for me it gallops across the screen (no pun intended) with run-on scenes, Mcguffins, fake deaths, fake sentiment, and generally wastes the actors who are working hard, but can't save a bad script/narrative/re-hash. Plus a lot of the film is just plain murky; unlike some visually amazing scenes in TFA and TLJ. Dunno how someone like Driver pushed through stuff like "Your parents were trash who sold u etc." "No, scratch that, my bad, ur actually Force royalty" or Hamill put up with all the whiplash of his character. :gah:

So yeah, I'd agree the PT is better than the ST; whatever flaws there might be; it's a cohesive, consistent arc with spectacular imagination. Unlike films done by committee. Also, by ROTS, work had been done to improve narrative etc. Which is what I thought would happen with TROS - yeah, there were some efforts here and there like Rey training; but too little too late and then JJ stuffing as much as he possibly could into the film and all the re-hash. IMO there IS so much good with the ST. But so much got thrown away - the ST are some of the most frustrating films I will ever see, because of what might have been.:(
Just agreeing with this, overall. And with some comments off Reddit. One of which basically points out however u may feel about TLJ, there was a focus/narrative of sorts; and more importantly, characters are given time to actually TALK to each other in a thoughtful way. Rey and Luke, for example. I don't think TLJ is the worst of the ST; rewatched TROS finally last night and while there are some good moments; for me it gallops across the screen (no pun intended) with run-on scenes, Mcguffins, fake deaths, fake sentiment, and generally wastes the actors who are working hard, but can't save a bad script/narrative/re-hash. Plus a lot of the film is just plain murky; unlike some visually amazing scenes in TFA and TLJ. Dunno how someone like Driver pushed through stuff like "Your parents were trash who sold u etc." "No, scratch that, my bad, ur actually Force royalty" or Hamill put up with all the whiplash of his character. :gah:

So yeah, I'd agree the PT is better than the ST; whatever flaws there might be; it's a cohesive, consistent arc with spectacular imagination. Unlike films done by committee. Also, by ROTS, work had been done to improve narrative etc. Which is what I thought would happen with TROS - yeah, there were some efforts here and there like Rey training; but too little too late and then JJ stuffing as much as he possibly could into the film and all the re-hash. IMO there IS so much good with the ST. But so much got thrown away - the ST are some of the most frustrating films I will ever see, because of what might have been.:(

:goodpost: Wish I could rep you for this.
So I just watched TLJ again tonight..

Man its a tuff call which I like less.. AOTC or this film. Its so weird becasue there are things that i really like in TLJ. I love Hamill's preformance as Luke. I love the Death of Snoke and I like Rey, Kylo and Snoke.

Easy choice for me between this and AOTC. Nothing in AOTC even comes close to any of those things you just mentioned IMO. Fortunately the stuff that isn't so great in TLJ didn't bug me at all the last couple times I watched it.

None of the battle plans in this film make any sense. No wonder nobody answered Leia's call at the end of the film.

:lol :lol
The best part of AOTC is Dooku spilling the beans about Sidious' plot to Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan not believing him! :lol

Was it ever possible Dooku was a double agent?

If Dooku was a double agent he’d spill the beans instantly. He knew who Palpatine was for a long time.

I more so think of Dooku as someone willing to do whatever it takes to gain power and shape the galaxy as he saw fit, be it as a Jedi or a Sith. If he could have killed Palpatine, I’d like to think he would have. But he needed someone else to join him to do it. Dooku/Kenobi would have taken Palpatine down imo.
Actually as far as posts from Sass goes that one doesn?t come remotely close to some of his true masterpieces on here lol

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Thank you. Tho it sounds like I'll never be forgiven:monkey3 for dissing the all-American mall family hitting gratefully hitting a theater around Xmas to watch TROS; where it's debatable at that point whether it's interest in the movie ("well, it's Star Wars!") or just safe space to relax after a wholesome meal of a double bacon cheeseburgers and endless fries, topped off with cups of Dippin' Dots, Cinnabons, and Auntie Anne's cheese pretzels.

(Not that I won't be sprawled on a couch tonight with a large bowl of buttered white cheddar popcorn, binge-watching Mandalorian to get an early start on Star Wars Day. :cool:)
Thank you. Tho it sounds like I'll never be forgiven:monkey3 for dissing the all-American mall family hitting gratefully hitting a theater around Xmas to watch TROS; where it's debatable at that point whether it's interest in the movie ("well, it's Star Wars!") or just safe space to relax after a wholesome meal of a double bacon cheeseburgers and endless fries, topped off with cups of Dippin' Dots, Cinnabons, and Auntie Anne's cheese pretzels.

(Not that I won't be sprawled on a couch tonight with a large bowl of buttered white cheddar popcorn, binge-watching Mandalorian to get an early start on Star Wars Day. :cool:)

Dude i?m all set to spend spend spend tonight at midnight!

My wife knows to just stay away far away lol

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