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ROTJ 4/10???? Absolutely ridiculous

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I don?t know what came over me, but I clicked on TROS to watch it instead of TPM. I made it 30 seconds in... :lol

The very first shot is beautiful, but I forgot just how awful the first 30 seconds of TROS is. Does not feel like Star Wars whatsoever. Terrible camera angles. Odd cuts that took me back to the 2000s. Slow motion action. Then the pan out to the obvious set :lol Background CGI in TPM didn?t look that obvious! :lol:lol

And that?s just the first 30 seconds!

You guys are lying to yourselves when you say it ?feels like Star Wars.?

That is not Star Wars at all.

I was going to watch this on my Ipad, but man I need the 70? to see this in it?s wonderful awful glory!

JAWS, you were right! I?m having a lot of fun... hating on it! :lol Going in with the bar buried six feet under is actually a good thing. Surely I can?t hate it more. Man am I looking forward to eviscerating this movie.

Back to the original plan though. Binge 1-6 today as not to ruin May the 4th. Watch 7-9 on the 5th. Mando again on the 6th.
Man watching the last episode of TCW and then that episode of rebels with Ashoka and Vader hits different.

I don?t care if you think they are just cartoons they nailed the dynamic between those two. I don?t even watch rebels but love that single episode .
Hopefully the Asoka series is good
Man watching the last episode of TCW and then that episode of rebels with Ashoka and Vader hits different.

I don?t care if you think they are just cartoons they nailed the dynamic between those two. I don?t even watch rebels but love that single episode .
Hopefully the Asoka series is good

When Disney+ comes to my country I'm definitely checking those series out.
Man watching the last episode of TCW and then that episode of rebels with Ashoka and Vader hits different.

I don?t care if you think they are just cartoons they nailed the dynamic between those two. I don?t even watch rebels but love that single episode .
Hopefully the Asoka series is good

I was fast forwarding through the The Clone Wars, past the first four dull-looking episodes of Roger Rogers and the cliched 'Bad Batch' Clones.

But when Ahsoka appeared in the fifth I stopped fast forwarding, and started to actually watch.

Then I noticed the Easter egg appearance of Kenner's Greedo, Snaggletooth, Hammerhead and Walrus Man. Who'd have thought those guys were still hanging out? And travelling in convoy as well! :lol
Star Wars Do Better hashtag is trending on twitter. Even the pro Force is Female girls are turning on it :lol:lol

Oh man, it is getting destroyed. What a Star Wars day! Final episode of Clone Wars, HOT TOYS CLONE WARS! TROS getting pooped on by it’s intended target base!

“Star Wars lost its mystique and The Rise of Skywalker is to blame:
Commentary: It's May the 4th and The Rise of Skywalker is heading to Disney Plus, but Star Wars has never been less interesting.”
Star Wars Do Better hashtag is trending on twitter. Even the pro Force is Female girls are turning on it :lol:lol

Oh man, it is getting destroyed. What a Star Wars day! Final episode of Clone Wars, HOT TOYS CLONE WARS! TROS getting pooped on by it?s intended target base!

?Star Wars lost its mystique and The Rise of Skywalker is to blame:
Commentary: It's May the 4th and The Rise of Skywalker is heading to Disney Plus, but Star Wars has never been less interesting.?

Seeing this to. On tumblr people are destroying it. Looks like jaws, khev and jye might be the only ST fans in the world cause not even tumblr likes it. That?s a huge yikes cause that?s what these new movies were aiming for.

But Lucas destroyed Star Wars right? Lol the PT is a godsend compared to what the ST has done.

Aotc was a horrible mess but not even that destroyed it?s reputation because it still had things you could pick out that you enjoy.

20 yrs from now. This will be reconed . Mark my words
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O yea...... those reylo fans are pissed to. Shouldn?t of killed off your one and only pairing. Damm Mickey must be fuming in his magic gloves right now. I hope jye can calm him down

Lol jk jye
Man watching the last episode of TCW...

After skipping through the first four episodes, which didn't interest me, I just finished watching 5-12.

The middle arc (5-8) was fun, and the kind of Star Wars that interests me.

The final arc (9-12) was something else. It began innocently enough, but then that haunting Blade Runner-esque music kicked in and the story took on the deeply ominous tone that I felt when reading the novelization of Revenge of the Sith (which I felt was a more powerful expression of the story than the film itself).

Nothing in the Sequel Trilogy held that much power for me. The epilogue to Episode 12 was the icing on the cake.
Seeing this to. On tumblr people are destroying it. Looks like jaws, khev and jye might be the only ST fans in the world cause not even tumblr likes it. That?s a huge yikes cause that?s what these new movies were aiming for.

But Lucas destroyed Star Wars right? Lol the PT is a godsend compared to what the ST has done.

Aotc was a horrible mess but not even that destroyed it?s reputation because it still had things you could pick out that you enjoy.

20 yrs from now. This will be reconed . Mark my words

First it was the polls... Now its tumbler, twitter, and Rylo fans that I am supposed to give a **** about..

You guys are weird :lol :lol :lol
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If HT makes an animated style Season 7 Ahsoka I am 1000% in. If they go realistic then eh...I'll just have to wait and see.

I must admit that after these last few TCW episodes I'm less enthusiastic about a live-action RD version. Ashley Eckstein really *is* the character and a recast will be a bit of a tough sell IMO. But if a recast Han Solo of all things won me over then I suppose that anything is possible.
If HT makes an animated style Season 7 Ahsoka I am 1000% in. If they go realistic then eh...I'll just have to wait and see.

I must admit that after these last few TCW episodes I'm less enthusiastic about a live-action RD version. Ashley Eckstein really *is* the character and a recast will be a bit of a tough sell IMO. But if a recast Han Solo of all things won me over then I suppose that anything is possible.

I've got a long way to go before I reach the end of TCW so no spoilers please, but was Ahsoka ever portrayed anywhere close to age she'll be in the post-Empire, Mando time frame? I understand she meets up with DV at some point, but I'm assuming that's early in his tenure. Also, isn't Ashley Eckstein primarily a voice actress?
I've got a long way to go before I reach the end of TCW so no spoilers please, but was Ahsoka ever portrayed anywhere close to age she'll be in the post-Empire, Mando time frame?

As far as I know this is the oldest she has ever looked but it's still shortly pre-OT:


Season 7 TCW is definitely my favorite look for her though.

Also, isn't Ashley Eckstein primarily a voice actress?

That's definitely her claim to fame but she initially worked her way up the Disney ranks as regular actress appearing on sitcoms like "That's So Raven." However since she was so in love with animated Disney princesses she pushed her agent to get her voice acting auditions, got offered the chance to try out for TCW (initially for the role of Padme) and then of course the rest is history.

I think if I had my druthers they'd make her full photoreal CGI like Alita in Mando and then keep Eckstein's voice.
Man watching the last episode of TCW and then that episode of rebels with Ashoka and Vader hits different.

I don?t care if you think they are just cartoons they nailed the dynamic between those two. I don?t even watch rebels but love that single episode .
Hopefully the Asoka series is good

I just started rebels again after finishing the Clone wars. If anything, it's better than I remember. Well worth a watch...
So much TCW praise today. Final arc has nearly perfect ratings on IMDB. Calls for Filoni to head up Star Wars like Feige for Marvel or al least have creative freedom to do what he wants. Final arc being talked about as the best Star Wars “movie” (since it is rumored to be edited into one) since ROTS.

This is how you make Star Wars. Everyone loves this. It blows the ST out of the water. Ahsoka’s popularity is what KK could only dream of for Rey.
First it was the polls... Now its tumbler, twitter, and Rylo fans that I am supposed to give a **** about..

You guys are weird :lol :lol :lol

That?s pretty much the fanbase and demographics they were going for. Not my fault you guys are to old to not be in the know.

Twitter is pretty much the voice of the internet lol
Man watching the first meeting of Ashoka and anakin in that clone wars movie and seeing that growth saddens me.

Fun fact. Ashoka was once hated and called worse than jar jar and people wanted her dead now she is the one of the best characters in Star Wars .
Asoka has a great arc in clone wars and a lot of growth. Makes what happens to Anakin in the end more tragic. I liked when Asoka showed up in Rebels also. Overall very solid and great character.