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I really liked rebels. The McQuarrie designs they used in the show was a nice touch and I liked the characters. Cool to see some of the original paintings brought to life with the characters and some of the trooper designs. I have all the seasons of the shows so I hope that season 7 and mando both make a physical release.

Cool.. Yes I like the McQuarrie designs also.. Though it takes a bit of getting use to after the style used for TCW.

Thanks for the info... Maybe I will start it sooner then later.
Frankly Im a little burt out now :lol

But man oh man.. Kids got it so good today..

Can you imagine haveing a freaking Star Wars channel when you were a kid and you could watch any movie or animated series you wanted... Probably better that they didnt I would never have gotten a girlfriend..

Man they even have a Marvel Channel to boot.

They dont even appreciate it like they should :lol

Sounds like Khev's kid does though.

He does. There were a couple things that were really fun about watching the PT and CW with him today.

For one he's now 10 so the same age as Anakin in TPM and I was very curious to see how the film played for him with that in mind. He did say that he thought that Anakin acted more like an 8 or 9 year old as opposed to someone his own age but was still on the edge of his seat during the pod race (he didn't like that Sebulba was constantly cheating and kept asking if things like killing the other racers or the Tusken Raiders shooting at the pods were "allowed" lol.) He really didn't have any problem with anything though and even asked if TPM was the shortest SW movie when it was done because he said that he felt like it went by the fastest. I said no it was about the same length as the others and if it went by fast it was probably just because you liked it. Since he knew exactly who Palpatine was and what he'd become (all the way through TROS) he actually found the politics pretty fascinating as Palps kept tricking people into giving him more power. Who'd a guessed that one.

He didn't laugh at any Jar Jar or poodoo stuff but he didn't have a problem with Jar Jar either. The only thing he laughed at in both movies was 3PO switching heads with the Battle Droid, lol. He thought Jango was cool because he looked like the Mandalorian in "his full metal armor" and used lots of the same suit gadgets. After TPM seemingly zipped by I could tell that he was struggling through large parts of AOTC. A good 70% of that movie really is just a bore, especially for a kid. But by the time the arena stuff and clone/droid battle was done he couldn't decide which film he liked better.

I think for him now that he knows the entire story of two full trilogies that going through the PT has just been fun "extra" stuff for him, not much different than TCW cartoons really. His favorite stuff was definitely all the different droids and clonetroopers and their accompanying vehicles and ordnance. Since he isn't so caught up in how perfectly the main characters sync up with their OT counterparts (like us geezers) he just pretty much sits back and enjoys the ride with all the cool and imaginative characters and battles.

I could tell with both TPM and AOTC that as much as he seemed to be into them he was definitely more looking forward to finally continuing Season 1 of TCW though, lol. It should be fun to go through the rest of the entire series all the way up to the end all over again.
It was definitely over the top but aren't you a fan of the Tartofsky series though? I don't think that the action in the current series ever matched Tartofsky. Man my son and I have had one hell of a SW day. We watched TPM and AOTC (lol of all the theatrical films to watch) and then Season 1 of the Tarkofsky series just to get the proper introduction of Grievous and now we're heading into Season 1 of TCW. He actually watched about 7 episodes of TCW on Disney+ already but since he only had a faint recollection of the PT I knew he'd appreciate the CW more if he had a refresher of TPM and AOTC. Man going from AOTC to Tartofsky, it truly was the TROS of its day, lol. I forgot how freaking awesome those animated shorts were.

After kicking off the day watching the final episode of TCW at midnight this morning I'm on almost 6 hours of PT/CW content in a single day and ready for more, lol.

It'd be great if they could go back and redo the animation of the early seasons of TCW to match this latest season.

Oh and I absolutely loved watching

Spoiler Spoiler:

I also really like how definitive yet "messy" the finale was what with
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And then that epilogue was just the icing on the cake. Reminded me of when
Spoiler Spoiler:

My thing with Ashoka is this.

First this whole notion that ROTS is now somehow better than ESB because of the last four seasons of this cartoon is absolutely ridiculous lol

Second her abilities are now so over the top that she makes Anakin the chosen one almost seem irrelevant YET all the Rey/Kylo haters who said they ruined Vader chosen one arc are now claiming she is the perfectly written SW character, wut are they serious holy double standards!

Is she a FUN character sure she is and like baby yoda she has now become the face of SW for marketing and merchandising purposes.

But those same Rey haters are now celebrating Ashoka pulling and stopping the flying ship not even Anakin did that EVER lol

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My thing with Ashoka is this.

First this whole notion that now ROTS is better than ESB because of the last four seasons of this cartoon is absolutely ridiculous lol

Second her abilities are now so over the top that she makes Anakin the chosen one almost seem irrelevant YET all the Rey/Kylo haters who said they ruined Vader chosen one arc are now claiming she is the perfectly written SW character, wut are they serious holy double standards!

Is she a FUN character sure she is and like baby yoda she has now become the face of SW for marketing and merchandising purposes.

But the same Rey haters are now celebrating Ashoka pulling and stopping the flying ship not even Anakin did that EVER lol

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No way ROTS + TCW is better then ESB.

Ahsoka was pretty overpowered. Especially in the final few shows. She seemed to be a Rey move keeping Mauls ship from taking off.

But shes a better character then Rey.. She also had 7 seasons to be better. :)
My thing with Ashoka is this.

First this whole notion that ROTS is now somehow better than ESB because of the last four seasons of this cartoon is absolutely ridiculous lol

ROTS is still ROTS but man the prequels now have their "TROS" with these final episodes of TCW because man what a high note to end that entire era on. We went from the prequels originally ending with "NOOOOO" to...well that last BR 2049-esque epilogue with you know who instead.

And I said last night that my son and I are going full PT/CW binge with all the movies and both Tartofksy/Filoni and holy crap what a gut punch it was to watch the original 2008 TCW movie and see Anakin and Ahsoka's first mission together and then him cheering her up afterward when they're sitting together after she thought she did a bad job on her first outing. So touching too to see Rex's first skeptical reaction to this inexperienced little girl with the realization of how the series ends for them. MAN that is some great stuff. ROTS is still not even close to ESB of course but it's definitely elevated by TCW.

Also it's funny that so many TCW/PT fans feel like they are required to bash ST in order to be proper members of the herd but IMO TROS saves the entire Saga from just being ridiculously depressing. Because before ST *nobody* was happy with watching all the Jedi die (including younglings) and then have it all be swept away with five seconds of a smiling Anakin ghost. It always had this feeling of "um great Anakin, you're redeemed, what about everyone ELSE you betrayed and/or slaughtered??"

But now thanks to Rise of Skywalker we get to hear Anakin's voice AND Mace Windu AND Ahsoka (and of course Qui Gon, Yoda, Luke, Leia and everyone else) all working together so that we can now easily assume that they are all living in harmony in the netherworld of the Force. ROTJ gave us Anakin's redemption but no *reconciliation* between him and his fellow knights, masters, padawan, or even the daughter didn't know he had. TROS finally gave us all of that! :rock

Anakin's last act was to work WITH Mace Windu in helping the Sith destroyed! WITH both his kids that he lost for so long. WITH Ahsoka! WITH Qui Gon from a place where their spirits can theoretically "visit all the planets" as they once discussed. So much freaking closure!! :yess: Crazy that so many PT/TCW lovers want to endlessly and blindly bash the one film that finally brought a satisfying close to everything in such a manner.

Second her abilities are now so over the top that she makes Anakin the chosen one almost seem irrelevant YET all the Rey/Kylo haters who said they ruined Vader chosen one arc are now claiming she is the perfectly written SW character, wut are they serious holy double standards!

Yep, lol.

Is she a FUN character sure she is and like baby yoda she has now become the face of SW for marketing and merchandising purposes.

Yep and it's just too bad that they had to spoil her fate by having her show up in Rebels so it'll be interesting to see her in Mando and not know whether she'll survive or not.

But those same Rey haters are now celebrating Ashoka pulling and stopping the flying ship not even Anakin did that EVER lol

Yep but I'm not about to join those ridiculous folks who hate Rey for being strong in the Force by doing the same to Ahsoka since I love both characters. :)
ROTS is still ROTS but man the prequels now have their "TROS" with these final episodes of TCW because man what a high note to end that entire era on. We went from the prequels originally ending with "NOOOOO" to...well that last BR 2049-esque epilogue with you know who instead.

And I said last night that my son and I are going full PT/CW binge with all the movies and both Tartofksy/Filoni and holy crap what a gut punch it was to watch the original 2008 TCW movie and see Anakin and Ahsoka's first mission together and then him cheering her up afterward when they're sitting together after she thought she did a bad job on her first outing. So touching too to see Rex's first skeptical reaction to this inexperienced little girl with the realization of how the series ends for them. MAN that is some great stuff. ROTS is still not even close to ESB of course but it's definitely elevated by TCW.

Also it's funny that so many TCW/PT fans feel like they are required to bash ST in order to be proper members of the herd but IMO TROS saves the entire Saga from just being ridiculously depressing. Because before ST *nobody* was happy with watching all the Jedi die (including younglings) and then have it all be swept away with five seconds of a smiling Anakin ghost. It always had this feeling of "um great Anakin, you're redeemed, what about everyone ELSE you betrayed and/or slaughtered??"

But now thanks to Rise of Skywalker we get to hear Anakin's voice AND Mace Windu AND Ahsoka (and of course Qui Gon, Yoda, Luke, Leia and everyone else) all working together so that we can now easily assume that they are all living in harmony in the netherworld of the Force. ROTJ gave us Anakin's redemption but no *reconciliation* between him and his fellow knights, masters, padawan, or even the daughter didn't know he had. TROS finally gave us all of that! :rock

Anakin's last act was to work WITH Mace Windu in helping the Sith destroyed! WITH both his kids that he lost for so long. WITH Ahsoka! WITH Qui Gon from a place where their spirits can theoretically "visit all the planets" as they once discussed. So much freaking closure!! :yess: Crazy that so many PT/TCW lovers want to endlessly and blindly bash the one film that finally brought a satisfying close to everything in such a manner.

Yep, lol.

Yep and it's just too bad that they had to spoil her fate by having her show up in Rebels so it'll be interesting to see her in Mando and not know whether she'll survive or not.

Yep but I'm not about to join those ridiculous folks who hate Rey for being strong in the Force by doing the same to Ahsoka since I love both characters. :)

I agree with everything you just said but only one HUGE problem, TCW is a cartoon!

Wait so are the actual PT movies so YES what you are saying still works!! :yess:

Weesa goin home!!!

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Also they gave TCW a nice little bit of internal symmetry by having the final season close with dialogue actually voiced by real PT actors (SLJ, HC, IM) just like the beginning of the series (when SLJ and Christopher Lee did the dialogue for their characters in the 2008 film.)
Also they gave TCW a nice little bit of internal symmetry by having the final season close with dialogue actually voiced by real PT actors (SLJ, HC, IM) just like the beginning of the series (when SLJ and Christopher Lee did the dialogue for their characters in the 2008 film.)

That?s freaking awesome I was not aware of that for this final season.

Spoiler Spoiler:

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Oh I just meant for that one bit where Ahsoka's hears you know what taking place in her mind.

And if Buffinator reads your little mini-spoiler he'll be very grumpy. ;)
Oh I just meant for that one bit where Ahsoka's hears you know what taking place in her mind.

And if Buffinator reads your little mini-spoiler he'll be very grumpy. ;)

Disney just announced the new Star Wars animated series it?s going to be an homage to Handy Manny style of animation.

Please look up Handy Manny lol

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I agree with everything you just said but only one HUGE problem, TCW is a cartoon!

Wait so are the actual PT movies so YES what you are saying still works!! :yess:

Weesa goin home!!!

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I was going to say something about why TCW works so well with the PT and that reason being that so much of the PT looks and feels very cartoonish.. But I didn't feel like fighting that battle :lol

But seriously.. Since all the environments and ships in the PT are older CGI and so much of the "jedi" physical powers are rendered in the older CGI or just a bit over the top like Mace free falling and landing on his feet without issues. Also the clones being fully animated. It fits in with the TCW cartoon... Which ended up being a good thing because I was able to accept TCW more easily that way.
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I was going to say something about why TCW works so well with the PT and that reason being that so much of the PT looks and feels very cartoonish.. But I didn't feel like fighting that battle :lol

But seriously.. Since all the environments and ships in the PT are older CGI and so much of the "jedi" physical powers are rendered in the older CGI or just a bit over the top like Mace free falling and landing on his feet without issues. Also the clones being fully animated. It fits in with the TCW cartoon... Which ended up being a good thing because I was able to accept TCW more easily that way.

Yep. You know how Kill Bill shows Lucy Liu's backstory and it's all anime or Krampus with the grandma telling the story and it's a cartoon? That's what I've come to accept the PT as. Backstory that is simultaneously canon while also being a stylized approximation. It really helps me to accept Daniel Logan if I just see him as a CGI approximation of young Fett that just happens to look photoreal, lol.
Yep. You know how Kill Bill shows Lucy Liu's backstory and it's all anime or Krampus with the grandma telling the story and it's a cartoon? That's what I've come to accept the PT as. Backstory that is simultaneously canon while also being a stylized approximation. It really helps me to accept Daniel Logan if I just see him as a CGI approximation of young Fett that just happens to look photoreal, lol.


Hey Khev I made this comment after watching TCW final 4. I pointed out some of the call outs to other films.

Solo - Dryden Vos was one of the Holograms Maul was talking to I believe.
RO - I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.
PT - Maul using the Mind rape movie on a clone.

Do you think that was Dryden Vos in the Hologram ?

My thing with Ashoka is this.

First this whole notion that ROTS is now somehow better than ESB because of the last four seasons of this cartoon is absolutely ridiculous lol

No one has said that. Where are you getting this from? Your subconscious? "Failure to compute, failure to compute, PT content rivaling OT content and popularity" :lol

Second her abilities are now so over the top that she makes Anakin the chosen one almost seem irrelevant YET all the Rey/Kylo haters who said they ruined Vader chosen one arc are now claiming she is the perfectly written SW character, wut are they serious holy double standards!

But those same Rey haters are now celebrating Ashoka pulling and stopping the flying ship not even Anakin did that EVER lol

You do realize Anakin trained her for years.... right? She was trained since birth and was already an advanced youngling to begin with. You really think she just learned everything by herself? Everything Ahsoka does Anakin does better. She even tells Maul that he is lucky that Anakin didn't show up because he'd be dead already :lol

ROTS is still ROTS but man the prequels now have their "TROS" with these final episodes of TCW because man what a high note to end that entire era on. We went from the prequels originally ending with "NOOOOO" to...well that last BR 2049-esque epilogue with you know who instead.

ROTS was always the best of the PT. From critics to fans.

Also it's funny that so many TCW/PT fans feel like they are required to bash ST in order to be proper members of the herd but IMO TROS saves the entire Saga from just being ridiculously depressing. Because before ST *nobody* was happy with watching all the Jedi die (including younglings) and then have it all be swept away with five seconds of a smiling Anakin ghost. It always had this feeling of "um great Anakin, you're redeemed, what about everyone ELSE you betrayed and/or slaughtered??"

But now thanks to Rise of Skywalker we get to hear Anakin's voice AND Mace Windu AND Ahsoka (and of course Qui Gon, Yoda, Luke, Leia and everyone else) all working together so that we can now easily assume that they are all living in harmony in the netherworld of the Force. ROTJ gave us Anakin's redemption but no *reconciliation* between him and his fellow knights, masters, padawan, or even the daughter didn't know he had. TROS finally gave us all of that! :rock

Anakin's last act was to work WITH Mace Windu in helping the Sith destroyed! WITH both his kids that he lost for so long. WITH Ahsoka! WITH Qui Gon from a place where their spirits can theoretically "visit all the planets" as they once discussed. So much freaking closure!! :yess: Crazy that so many PT/TCW lovers want to endlessly and blindly bash the one film that finally brought a satisfying close to everything in such a manner.

It wasn't satisfying. It was bull **** they help Rey but not Luke. It goes against the OT when they say they can't interfere, but for someone odd reason sure can for Rey!
Lol the fact that the two of them won?t stop crying about the PT is telling. It?s funny how they say TROS is so good but keep bashing the PT. It?s all they talk about.

Again they seem hell bent on trying to convince themselves it was good when it wasn?t and now they are looking for holes in TCW. Hilarious. Just admit you secretly hate the ST and move on.
You do realize Anakin trained her for years.... right? She was trained since birth and was already an advanced youngling to begin with. You really think she just learned everything by herself? Everything Ahsoka does Anakin does better. She even tells Maul that he is lucky that Anakin didn't show up because he'd be dead already :lol

I do wish we got to see that Anakin in the movies... Other than the Count Dooku scene, which was ok, we never got to see the Anakin being all that powerful. Even the OT didn't because The force did not mean "super Human" yet.

RO is Anakin / Vader at his best.. I wish ROTS had a scene like that with Anakin in the Jedi temple.