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As far as I know this is the oldest she has ever looked but it's still shortly pre-OT:


Season 7 TCW is definitely my favorite look for her though.

That's definitely her claim to fame but she initially worked her way up the Disney ranks as regular actress appearing on sitcoms like "That's So Raven." However since she was so in love with animated Disney princesses she pushed her agent to get her voice acting auditions, got offered the chance to try out for TCW (initially for the role of Padme) and then of course the rest is history.

I think if I had my druthers they'd make her full photoreal CGI like Alita in Mando and then keep Eckstein's voice.

IDK if that would have worked. Alita was supposed to be an artificial being so not an issue in that movie, but I'm flashing back to Tarkin in Rogue One, who took me out of the movie every time he was on screen. While it wouldn't be the same as trying to look exactly like a known actor (Peter Cushing), Ashoka would still need to look as real as the other actors. I'm not sure the technology is quite there yet, and if it is Disney may not have been keen to spend the extra $ on Mando plus a potential spin-off - I'm guessing Rosario Dawson wouldn't be quite as happy about landing the role if it was a one-and-done appearance. :lol
Uh oh! Looks like HT is making clone wars figs after all.

Sadly it?s the troopers but it?s a start
IDK if that would have worked. Alita was supposed to be an artificial being so not an issue in that movie, but I'm flashing back to Tarkin in Rogue One, who took me out of the movie every time he was on screen. While it wouldn't be the same as trying to look exactly like a known actor (Peter Cushing), Ashoka would still need to look as real as the other actors. I'm not sure the technology is quite there yet, and if it is Disney may not have been keen to spend the extra $ on Mando plus a potential spin-off - I'm guessing Rosario Dawson wouldn't be quite as happy about landing the role if it was a one-and-done appearance. :lol

Yes with Rosario Dawson having already been cast it's definitely a done deal that she'll be straight live-action. But if they *could* have made her look as good as Alita with CGI (they could have even given her the big eyes to better match her appearance on the show, why not since she isn't human) then that absolutely would have been my preference. Especially since it would have made it that much easier to keep Eckstein for the voice.

I think that a character like Ahsoka would have worked a lot better as CGI than a well known human actor like Cushing or Fisher where our minds would instantly spot the inconsistencies.

Speaking of RD most of the doctored photos I've seen of her as Ahsoka look pretty bad but if they can get her close to this then it'll be pretty sweet:

So much TCW praise today. Final arc has nearly perfect ratings on IMDB. Calls for Filoni to head up Star Wars like Feige for Marvel or al least have creative freedom to do what he wants. Final arc being talked about as the best Star Wars ?movie? (since it is rumored to be edited into one) since ROTS.

Filoni should have been George's first pick.. I really don't know what he was thinking. I mean I know he had a long working relationship with KK but he had a talented mega Star Wars fan working right next to him. Bad move George, Bad move.

This is how you make Star Wars. Everyone loves this. It blows the ST out of the water. Ahsoka?s popularity is what KK could only dream of for Rey
Lets not be so shy about singing the shows praises. The best of TCW blows the PT out of the water also.
CGI Ashoka with her cloak over her head looks mesmerizing I like it.

But RD is going to make Ashoka look super freaking voluptuous now I will want to do Ashoka lol

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That?s pretty much the fanbase and demographics they were going for. Not my fault you guys are to old to not be in the know.

Twitter is pretty much the voice of the internet lol

Awesome.. I am nothing like the young dummies who tweet all day.. I am a dinosaur who post on toy threads :lol
Lol no it was this Star Wars crowd. Tumblr is a very progressive site and Star Wars tried to be that but not even tumbkr liked it

Wait I thought the polls was the voice of the real fans?

Look I get it... People don't like the ST.. A lot of people don't. But if people hating on TPM never bothered me why would people hating on TROS get under my skin.. Why would I care if the Rylo fans are not happy? Seems to me that's a good thing.

I happen to really like TROS and appreciate TFA now that the TROS came out. But this whole thing about the opinions on Twitter does nothing except convince me that I am probably right for liking TROS.. I have seen the sewer that is twitter.. Its always the vocal minority. Its why I stay away from it.

If Tumblr is really that progressive, it seems like further proof that TROS did something right :)
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There's no question that that last arc of TCW is the best thing to come out of the PT era and absolutely is a worthy addition to the Saga.

TCW is the one thing that saved the PT for me.. A couple of years after ROTS I had pretty much told myself that I just would not watch them again as they ruined my enjoyment of the OT.. Even though I liked TPM the next to films just ruined it for me. Then I decided to watch TCW.. I am glad I did.. It helped flesh out everything about the PT and allowed me to be more forgiving of the PT.

Then the first two ST movies came out and I gave up again.. I was just tired of bad to meh SW films and decided to just accept the OT again along with RO.

So for me TROS was TCW of the PT. I am not saying that TROS is written as well as some of the best TCW stories but I will always prefer live action and It really helped me like the characters more and appreciate what happened in those first two films. It even renewed my interest in TCW and the PT again. Though I still don't like TLJ just like I still don't like AOTC. I guess some films just cant be saved.
Filoni should have been George's first pick.. I really don't know what he was thinking. I mean I know he had a long working relationship with KK but he had a talented mega Star Wars fan working right next to him. Bad move George, Bad move.

Lets not be so shy about singing the shows praises. The best of TCW blows the PT out of the water also.

Agreed. It really was a bad move. I always say pick the person who is more of a fan/real passion who respects the property than the more "professional" business oriented person. Be that announcers in sports, running a business, or running a franchise, give me the person who loves it and connects to that fan base/customer base more than to the corporate overlords.

If Filoni was in charge of the ST with Lucas guidance, I think it would be better for everyone. Would be a drastically different story too.

I think ROTS is still the best PT content, but best of TCW is right there with it though. Like a 1a 1b type thing for me. After seeing the completed arc from TCW into Rebels (just the Ahsoka/Maul stuff), TCW moves up into second place for me personally for Star Wars content, but that is probably because my favorite era is Clone Wars from novels to comics to figures.

So, for some controversial debates and laughs at my expense, my personal ranked Star Wars Movie/TV content as of now.


2. TCW

3. ESB

4. ANH

5. The Mandalorian

6. TPM



9. Rebels

10. Rogue One

11. TFA

12. Solo


Might change in the next few days. And if I were allowed to place books and comics here, the Dark Horse Republic series and the "Darth Plagueis Saga" would be right there with ROTS/TCW. The Thrawn Trilogy, Kenobi, Dark Lord Trilogy, Republic Commando, TOR, Bane Trilogy, X-Wing Series, NJO would all be around ESB level.

Critical Rankings

1. ESB

2. ANH

3. The Mandalorian


5. Rogue One


7. TPM


9. Solo

10. TFA

11. TROS

12. TLJ

If the ST weren't Star Wars movies and Solo wasn't about Han Solo, I'd view them in a better light. But since the Solo performance was dreadful and the ST never was Star Wars to me, it's hard to rank them above movies that at least embodied the spirit of Star Wars.
So just finsished TCW. Good stuff. I liked the call out to

Solo - Dryden Vos was one of the Holograms Maul was talking to I believe.
RO - I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.
PT - Maul using the Mind rape movie on a clone.

Great drama.. I wish i didn't already know who survived to make appearances in Rebels.

I will be starting that soon.. But I think I am going to give SW a break for a while... I am a bit overloaded with watching all the films and posting here.

What's the official word on SW Rebels? I know its not as well like as TCW. I watched the first two or three episodes way back when and found it enjoyable enough. Either way I have them all on Blu Ray.. Just never got around to watching them.
Honestly her
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It was definitely over the top but aren't you a fan of the Tartofsky series though? I don't think that the action in the current series ever matched Tartofsky. Man my son and I have had one hell of a SW day. We watched TPM and AOTC (lol of all the theatrical films to watch) and then Season 1 of the Tarkofsky series just to get the proper introduction of Grievous and now we're heading into Season 1 of TCW. He actually watched about 7 episodes of TCW on Disney+ already but since he only had a faint recollection of the PT I knew he'd appreciate the CW more if he had a refresher of TPM and AOTC. Man going from AOTC to Tartofsky, it truly was the TROS of its day, lol. I forgot how freaking awesome those animated shorts were.

After kicking off the day watching the final episode of TCW at midnight this morning I'm on almost 6 hours of PT/CW content in a single day and ready for more, lol.

It'd be great if they could go back and redo the animation of the early seasons of TCW to match this latest season.

Oh and I absolutely loved watching

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I also really like how definitive yet "messy" the finale was what with
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And then that epilogue was just the icing on the cake. Reminded me of when
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Agreed. It really was a bad move. I always say pick the person who is more of a fan/real passion who respects the property than the more "professional" business oriented person. Be that announcers in sports, running a business, or running a franchise, give me the person who loves it and connects to that fan base/customer base more than to the corporate overlords.

If Filoni was in charge of the ST with Lucas guidance, I think it would be better for everyone. Would be a drastically different story too.

I worry a bit when having Lucas too involved when I hear about some of his ideas for the ST.. I think Filoni probably could have handled it himself.. But I have always said some input from Lucas is a good thing. I do wish Disney let him have some say for sure in the ST.

I think the ST would have been much better served and more accepted if JJ just did the whole thing. Even with this last viewing of TLJ it really made me worried that I would not be able to enjoy TROS as much as I usually do.

I get why people don't like it. It is jumping all over the place and really just stuck the Emperor in there. If you cant accept the Emperor then the franchise is screwed for you.. I like the inclusion... I wish there was a hint of him being there from the beginning.

Watching all three in a row does get me a tad frustrated that the story does not flow better.

But I like it :)

Also and I don't expect you to agree with me.. But I wish Anakin was handled more like Kylo. Just in an opposite way.. Where we can see he is always drawn to the dark side but he is always resisting. I love that Kylo is the always resisting the light. And I again know you wont like this but I think Kylo comes across as a more heroic bad ass when he takes on the knights of Ren then Anakin ever got too in ROTS. The Count Dooku scene was OK but he never felt like a true bad ass Jedi. Like I said TCW helped win me over to the Anakin character then the films ever did.

I think ROTS is still the best PT content, but best of TCW is right there with it though. Like a 1a 1b type thing for me. After seeing the completed arc from TCW into Rebels (just the Ahsoka/Maul stuff), TCW moves up into second place for me personally for Star Wars content, but that is probably because my favorite era is Clone Wars from novels to comics to figures.

As I stated TCW best episodes easily takes the cake for me for PT stuff but if you love Clone War era stuff then your rankings makes sense to me.


2. TCW

3. ESB

4. ANH

5. The Mandalorian

6. TPM



9. Rebels

10. Rogue One

11. TFA

12. Solo


Question about The
Mandalorian... Doesn't that screw with the TCW a little bit.. There are always taking off their helmets in the series.. Or was that a new found religion after the clone wars. I don't recall if anything was stated about that other then they are not allowed to remove their helmets.
If the ST weren't Star Wars movies and Solo wasn't about Han Solo, I'd view them in a better light. But since the Solo performance was dreadful and the ST never was Star Wars to me, it's hard to rank them above movies that at least embodied the spirit of Star Wars.

Interesting.. I am very much have a different view in terms of the PT.. If they were not SW movies I don't think I would have ever watched them again.. Same goes for Solo and hell even ROTJ :lol

I'll say that if TROS was not a SW film It would be like Harry Potter to me. Something I like and watch if the mood strikes me.

The PT, Solo, TFA, and maybe even ROTJ are more like The Hunger Games.. Good enough for one viewing but nothing I would ever think about watching again.

I have no idea how I would feel about TLJ if it was not a SW film.. I did like Looper and Knives out so who knows. :lol
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Golly people are consuming so much Star Wars content lately.

Frankly Im a little burt out now :lol

But man oh man.. Kids got it so good today..

Can you imagine haveing a freaking Star Wars channel when you were a kid and you could watch any movie or animated series you wanted... Probably better that they didnt I would never have gotten a girlfriend..

Man they even have a Marvel Channel to boot.

They dont even appreciate it like they should :lol

Sounds like Khev's kid does though.
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So just finsished TCW. Good stuff. I liked the call out to

Solo - Dryden Vos was one of the Holograms Maul was talking to I believe.
RO - I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.
PT - Maul using the Mind rape movie on a clone.

Great drama.. I wish i didn't already know who survived to make appearances in Rebels.

I will be starting that soon.. But I think I am going to give SW a break for a while... I am a bit overloaded with watching all the films and posting here.

What's the official word on SW Rebels? I know its not as well like as TCW. I watched the first two or three episodes way back when and found it enjoyable enough. Either way I have them all on Blu Ray.. Just never got around to watching them.

I really liked rebels. The McQuarrie designs they used in the show was a nice touch and I liked the characters. Cool to see some of the original paintings brought to life with the characters and some of the trooper designs. I have all the seasons of the shows so I hope that season 7 and mando both make a physical release.