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Yeah and when he saw little Gareth running to that giant lever it reminded him of when he and Kitster were running to the lemonade stand which is why he paused and let him live, lol.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

ESB new dialogue:

No...I am your conflicted father.

Followed by...

All your base are belong to us.

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Check out this freaking awesome artwork. :thud:




He ever remembered to have the Stormies marching side by side on Tatooine.
I don?t understand the Hoth one lol

It's based on the deleted ESB scenes about the subplot of Wampas breaking through the walls into Echo Base. That's why soldiers were inspecting the dead tauntaun when Han mounted his to go look for Luke and Leia said "then it couldn't be one of those creatures" when they learned that the probe droids was metal. Wampas were on everyone's mind because of the trouble they were causing in the base, not just the one attack on Luke.

The wampa suits just weren't convincing so they deleted them all but originally the whole base was going to be overrun with them:

It's based on the deleted ESB scenes about the subplot of Wampas breaking through the walls into Echo Base. That's why soldiers were inspecting the dead tauntaun when Han mounted his to go look for Luke and Leia said "then it couldn't be one of those creatures" when they learned that the probe droids was metal. Wampas were on everyone's mind because of the trouble they were causing in the base, not just the one attack on Luke.

The wampa suits just weren't convincing so they deleted them all but originally the whole base was going to be overrun with them:

I figured it was that but I was confused why the wampas were floating as if Pennywise was attacking echo base lol

They float now!

They float now!!

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Not uncontrolled rage, more like a zen state of transcendent fury, lol. I agree that he'd just been through the emotional wringer, where I disagree is on whether it softened him as a result. I don't think it did. I think any conflict he had about killing/not killing extended to Luke alone and no one else.

To me his quiet exit from the bridge just showed him in a state where he was so beyond being angry at the situation after all he had done to capture and convince Luke that he basically just checked out mentally in that moment. Kind of like Leia's reaction that final time the hyperdrive failed before R2 turned it on. She had been freaking out and lashing out at Han the whole movie and then when it wouldn't work that one last time she was just over it to the point where she too couldn't bother to yell at or scold Lando, she was just done and slumped silently into the chair.

Anyway at the end of the day we're talking about what a guy was feeling who was completely enclosed in a mask and said no words so your interpretation is certainly as good as mine. :duff

Mine may well be an interpretation applied after already being so familiar with the Vader of ROTJ. Regardless, I love that last Vader moment in ESB as the music climbs down from the action, he double takes a contemplative look out the window before silently leaving the bridge. Then begins my favourite piece of Star Wars music - Rebel Fleet/End Title.
I don?t understand the Hoth one lol

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In a deleted scene that made it in a trailer there is a warning sign on a door that C-3PO rips off a door that has Wampas trapped in it. Snowtroopers go into the room and are torn apart. Suits were too hard to move in so they never put them in the film.
In a deleted scene that made it in a trailer there is a warning sign on a door that C-3PO rips off a door that has Wampas trapped in it. Snowtroopers go into the room and are torn apart. Suits were too hard to move in so they never put them in the film.

Oh I am totally aware of that now infamous deleted scene what confused me in that photo was that the Wampas looked like they were all floating.


Just say no lol

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Once when I was super baked in college, around the time the special editions came out, I was explaining to my friends how Vader is in the exact same position when we first see him in ESB and when we last see him....both times on the bridge, looking out, searching for Luke.

I was convinced I was the only person to notice that it was poetry and it rhymed.....cause I was high. Like I discovered some secret of the movie.

Don't do drugs, kids.
Once when I was super baked in college, around the time the special editions came out, I was explaining to my friends how Vader is in the exact same position when we first see him in ESB and when we last see him....both times on the bridge, looking out, searching for Luke.

I was convinced I was the only person to notice that it was poetry and it rhymed.....cause I was high. Like I discovered some secret of the movie.

Don't do drugs, kids.

Once when I was super baked in college, around the time the special editions came out, I was explaining to my friends how Vader is in the exact same position when we first see him in ESB and when we last see him....both times on the bridge, looking out, searching for Luke.

I was convinced I was the only person to notice that it was poetry and it rhymed.....cause I was high. Like I discovered some secret of the movie.

Don't do drugs, kids.

Yep he could have just left the bridge at the beginning of the movie and saved himself a lot of time and energy, lol.
Mine may well be an interpretation applied after already being so familiar with the Vader of ROTJ. Regardless, I love that last Vader moment in ESB as the music climbs down from the action, he double takes a contemplative look out the window before silently leaving the bridge. Then begins my favourite piece of Star Wars music - Rebel Fleet/End Title.

Because my interpretation of Vader's state of mind in that scene is the same as yours, that imagery has also always been one of my favorites on every re-watch.

And it's not just the double-take, it's also the slow methodical walk and hands clenched behind his back. Everything about that body language conveys (to me) a pensive and reflective posture. Like JAWS said yesterday, the first time we see Vader in that state. It's such a great scene (in combo with Luke/Leia on the medical frigate) to transition to what took place in ROTJ.

Until I read Khev's interpretation, I was completely oblivious to there being any other read on that scene. :lol So I just went back to check how the novelization describes it, but it pretty much offers no additional insight.

Yeah the script also just says that Piett looks at Vader in terror but that he then turns and leaves with his hands behind his back in a contemplative gesture so it really is up to the viewer to decide what exactly he was thinking/feeling.

I will add though that when he passes the one guy who's trying to look busy on his iPad that as soon as Vader clears the bridge his hands are no longer behind him and I believe that you can even see that his left hand is in a clenched fist.

To me it's always been a "holy **** that dude is so pissed right now nobody better even *blink* at him" but eh, to each his own. "Softened" Vader certainly syncs well enough with post-ROTJ/PT Vader well enough if you want to say that that's where he was at.
Yeah the script also just says that Piett looks at Vader in terror but that he then turns and leaves with his hands behind his back in a contemplative gesture so it really is up to the viewer to decide what exactly he was thinking/feeling.

I will add though that when he passes the one guy who's trying to look busy on his iPad that as soon as Vader clears the bridge his hands are no longer behind him and I believe that you can even see that his left hand is in a clenched fist.

To me it's always been a "holy **** that dude is so pissed right now nobody better even *blink* at him" but eh, to each his own. "Softened" Vader certainly syncs well enough with post-ROTJ/PT Vader well enough if you want to say that that's where he was at.

Post-ROTJ/PT/Ashoka Vader lol

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Yeah the script also just says that Piett looks at Vader in terror but that he then turns and leaves with his hands behind his back in a contemplative gesture so it really is up to the viewer to decide what exactly he was thinking/feeling.

I will add though that when he passes the one guy who's trying to look busy on his iPad that as soon as Vader clears the bridge his hands are no longer behind him and I believe that you can even see that his left hand is in a clenched fist.

To me it's always been a "holy **** that dude is so pissed right now nobody better even *blink* at him" but eh, to each his own. "Softened" Vader certainly syncs well enough with post-ROTJ/PT Vader well enough if you want to say that that's where he was at.

And "up to the viewer" is perfect. Everybody gets whatever version of Vader they think works best at the end of ESB. :hi5:

For me, it's not even so much a "softening" of Vader at that point as it is simply the *beginning* of an inner conflict. In my mind, Vader didn't do anything nearly as dramatic as flipping a switch and start abandoning his connection with the dark side. But I think he was confronting feelings he wouldn't have been conflicted by for two decades.

I know that this is going to seem like I'm making way too much out of it, but I'll say it anyway. When Luke chose to fall (perhaps to his death) rather than join the dark side, Vader/Anakin was literally watching his son going to a complete extreme to make the opposite choice from what Anakin did 20 years earlier. I imagine somewhere in Vader's head he was thinking, "my kid is stronger/better than I was."

Whatever Vader thought of Luke before their Bespin duel *had* to change by the end of the film, IMO. And I think it made him reflect introspectively when comparing himself to his son. Seeing his own flesh and blood choose another path wouldn't "soften" Vader, but I think it would cause him to recognize what might've been had his own choices gone a different way. He could've raised that son who had just earned his respect (presumably).

Vader was sincere in ROTJ when he told Luke, "it's too late for me, son" but he knew that it wasn't too late for Luke. So for me, that last scene in ESB is Vader questioning how hard he should try to bring Luke into the dark side. That bit of conflict is a new wrinkle in the Vader persona. Just my take, of course.