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Watching the TROS again, I can see why it has so much blacklash. It felt like the flow was so rushed .

Even though Rey was the main focus of the trilogy , even her parts and scenes seemed like everything was moving too fast with no substance .

I wonder why Abrams felt he had rush the plot :slap
Watching the TROS again, I can see why it has so much blacklash. It felt like the flow was so rushed .

Even though Rey was the main focus of the trilogy , even her parts and scenes seemed like everything was moving too fast with no substance .

I wonder why Abrams felt he had rush the plot :slap

I feel like its a rush job until they get to the Star Destroyer. Then it takes its time a bit more. But its going at a break neck speed for sure.

This was the film that should have been an hour and a half not TLJ.
Watching the TROS again, I can see why it has so much blacklash. It felt like the flow was so rushed .

Even though Rey was the main focus of the trilogy , even her parts and scenes seemed like everything was moving too fast with no substance .

I wonder why Abrams felt he had rush the plot :slap

So people wouldn't see how thin the plot really was. Nothing had a chance to breathe in this movie. I never expected a modern day remake of the Goonies. Too bad Rey didn't do the truffle shuffle.
But I think he was confronting feelings he wouldn't have been conflicted by for two decades.

If you believe the new canon as shown in the comics (many don't) the conflict begins immediately after ANH when Boba Fett tracks down Luke's identity. Vader then returns to Tatooine, locates Ben's hut, kills some more Sandpeople...








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And "up to the viewer" is perfect. Everybody gets whatever version of Vader they think works best at the end of ESB. :hi5:

For me, it's not even so much a "softening" of Vader at that point as it is simply the *beginning* of an inner conflict. In my mind, Vader didn't do anything nearly as dramatic as flipping a switch and start abandoning his connection with the dark side. But I think he was confronting feelings he wouldn't have been conflicted by for two decades.

I know that this is going to seem like I'm making way too much out of it, but I'll say it anyway. When Luke chose to fall (perhaps to his death) rather than join the dark side, Vader/Anakin was literally watching his son going to a complete extreme to make the opposite choice from what Anakin did 20 years earlier. I imagine somewhere in Vader's head he was thinking, "my kid is stronger/better than I was."

Whatever Vader thought of Luke before their Bespin duel *had* to change by the end of the film, IMO. And I think it made him reflect introspectively when comparing himself to his son. Seeing his own flesh and blood choose another path wouldn't "soften" Vader, but I think it would cause him to recognize what might've been had his own choices gone a different way. He could've raised that son who had just earned his respect (presumably).

Vader was sincere in ROTJ when he told Luke, "it's too late for me, son" but he knew that it wasn't too late for Luke. So for me, that last scene in ESB is Vader questioning how hard he should try to bring Luke into the dark side. That bit of conflict is a new wrinkle in the Vader persona. Just my take, of course.

I love it. I totally go with this take - it allows for a plausible shift from ANH Vader through ESB and into ROTJ. A nice self-contained unit unreliant on PT, EU, ST etc. If you're someone who likes the PT and wants to cast your mind back to Haydakin you can do so. I myself prefer my vague non-specific imagination of that era.
If you believe the new canon as shown in the comics (many don't) the conflict begins immediately after ANH when Boba Fett tracks down Luke's identity. Vader then returns to Tatooine, locates Ben's hut, kills some more Sandpeople...

Lucas intentionally changed the dialogue in ESB SE so that Anakin wouldn't have known about having a son. Now we're supposed to believe that Vader was only pretending not to know? And Palpatine couldn't sense the truth? Why make things more convoluted than they need to be? Sigh.

Honestly, the "canon" value of these non-movie Disney stories have even been contradicted by TROS in multiple ways. So, if the filmmakers don't regard this crap as canon, why should I? :lol

I love it. I totally go with this take - it allows for a plausible shift from ANH Vader through ESB and into ROTJ. A nice self-contained unit unreliant on PT, EU, ST etc. If you're someone who likes the PT and wants to cast your mind back to Haydakin you can do so. I myself prefer my vague non-specific imagination of that era.

Your consistent and steadfast rejection of the non-OT movies is unshakable. :lol And totally understandable. Apart from film quality, even just the increasing level of mental gymnastics it takes to make everything cohesive is aggravating.
Your consistent and steadfast rejection of the non-OT movies is unshakable. :lol And totally understandable. Apart from film quality, even just the increasing level of mental gymnastics it takes to make everything cohesive is aggravating.

That's just it, it's easier to ditch everything pre and post OT. I'm too lazy minded to work with anything else :lol

Well, I lie - I like Rogue One, Solo and Mandalorian Season One. Those didn't annoy me.
Lucas intentionally changed the dialogue in ESB SE so that Anakin wouldn't have known about having a son. Now we're supposed to believe that Vader was only pretending not to know? And Palpatine couldn't sense the truth? Why make things more convoluted than they need to be? Sigh.

Yes. Another contradiction in the comics: Vader's armor was designed by a cybernetics expert who attained immortality through a series of clone bodies. If he had that technology, why didn't Palpatine? (Well, you could argue he did in TROS, though wasn't it more the work of the Sith Eternal?)

Palpatine also had a "skunkworks" where he experimented with cybernetic beings to find a worthy replacement for Vader - including this Mon Cal/Grievous hybrid:


And when Vader hired Fett, the comics had their own "rhyming moment":


The comics, books, movies and such have always been full of contradictions. To me take what you like for personal canon and leave out the rest. There are many characters that have been discarded by Disney that were very interesting. Mara Jade is a big one since Disney even brought back Thrawn. To me I never really had a problem taking some as canon and some as stories presented as legend to inspire others in the galaxy.
Watching the TROS again, I can see why it has so much blacklash. It felt like the flow was so rushed .

Even though Rey was the main focus of the trilogy , even her parts and scenes seemed like everything was moving too fast with no substance .

I wonder why Abrams felt he had rush the plot :slap

Excellent question. I also wonder why. But, not so much that I am willing to suffer through a 2nd viewing. The direction of this movie and its story is head-scratchingly bad. Why bring back the Emperor and his magical fleet of 500 starships? Abrams established Snoke is a clone in the beginning, so I wish they had brought him back, and just stated that his soul or life essence went into the new clone. Would have made for a more compelling baddie, IMO. Clearly he was intended to be the main villain of this trilogy.

I do not believe for one second what Abrams said in interviews: that the Emperor was always going to be in it. Yeah, BS dude. And this movie did suffer from way too much fan service. And JJ is clearly not a diehard fan. His nods to prior movies are as subtle as blunt force trauma to the head. Pretty much how I felt when I limped out of TROS.
I got into an argument with some zoomer kid about how crappy the art is in the new SW comics. Every panel is literally a frame of the movie that the "artist" traces over with his computer. Then he was like "Oh yeah boomer look at this crap!" and posted a pic of SW#1 by Howard Chaykin.

If you believe the new canon as shown in the comics (many don't) the conflict begins immediately after ANH when Boba Fett tracks down Luke's identity. Vader then returns to Tatooine, locates Ben's hut, kills some more Sandpeople...









Yes. Another contradiction in the comics: Vader's armor was designed by a cybernetics expert who attained immortality through a series of clone bodies. If he had that technology, why didn't Palpatine? (Well, you could argue he did in TROS, though wasn't it more the work of the Sith Eternal?)

Palpatine also had a "skunkworks" where he experimented with cybernetic beings to find a worthy replacement for Vader - including this Mon Cal/Grievous hybrid:


And when Vader hired Fett, the comics had their own "rhyming moment":



I think that way of all the Star Wars comics.. IDK I just don't think SW translates well to comics..

It all comes across as major fan fiction... Its cringe.
Even when more serious, like the first comic posted above, I roll my

It might work in a novel but not so much in comic form..

IDK maybe I need to read a good one or something.. I just know whenever I see examples I vomit a little in my mouth.
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I think that way of all the Star Wars comics.. IDK I just don't think SW translates well to comics..

It all comes across as major fan fiction... Its cringe. Even when more series like the first comic posted above I roll my eyes.

It might work in a novel but not so much in comic form..

IDK maybe I need to read a good one or something.. I just know whenever I see examples I vomit a little in my mouth.

Wait so the Robocop, Die Hard, Exorcist, Aliens, JAWS comic books are not better than watching the actual movie lol

So I shouldn?t replace the ESB movie with the ESB comic book.

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Wait so the Robocop, Die Hard, Exorcist, Aliens, JAWS comic books are not better than watching the actual movie lol

So I shouldn?t replace the ESB movie with the ESB comic book.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The JAWS 2 comic was actually a good read. It was based on the much more violent screenplay.. Of course I was like 8 years old when that came out :lol
Jeez Freaks stop replying with posts that have the comic book reference panels in it. Just start a new post commenting on the comic takes up too much space on the thread :slap

At least don’t include the panels that are more than four or five panels long :slap
Lucas' own "rhyme" with Luke's entrance was much better.


Yeah, there's a good bit of difference between even a Lucas "rhyme" and just a blatant copy-and-paste without any subtlety whatsoever.

When Lucas said the infamous "it's like poetry, they rhyme," he was using the comparison between Anakin blowing up the control station and Luke blowing up the Death Star. But if you took the approach of that comic, it'd be little Anakin going through a trench run and having Qui-Gon's voice tell him to use the Force before firing a shot into a small exhaust port. :slap

I bet Vader followed up his beat-for-beat return to Tatooine and visit to Jabba's palace by then landing on Endor for the first time and having to jump onto the back of a speeder bike for a tandem chase through the woods. :lol
Yeah, there's a good bit of difference between even a Lucas "rhyme" and just a blatant copy-and-paste without any subtlety whatsoever.

When Lucas said the infamous "it's like poetry, they rhyme," he was using the comparison between Anakin blowing up the control station and Luke blowing up the Death Star. But if you took the approach of that comic, it'd be little Anakin going through a trench run and having Qui-Gon's voice tell him to use the Force before firing a shot into a small exhaust port. :slap

I bet Vader followed up his beat-for-beat return to Tatooine and visit to Jabba's palace by then landing on Endor for the first time and having to jump onto the back of a speeder bike for a tandem chase through the woods. :lol

Yeah I think that the ST was more stuck in "ROTJ" style rhyming as opposed to PT style rhyming. Because if you take Endor out of ROTJ then it's almost an exact copy of ANH. Opens with a Star Destroyer, then the droids on Tatooine, scum and villainy, leaving Tatooine, mentor turns into a ghost, then a military briefing and attack on a literal Death Star.

Now not even the ST were as blatant as ROTJ (okay TFA kind of was, lol) but they were admittedly still much less subtle than the rhyming of the PT. That comic clearly took it to an even more ridiculous extreme.